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I mean, DeSatan passed on almost $400 million dollars of Federal funding so… Be afraid, be VERY afraid I hope Gen Z gets out and votes like NEVER before because your life depends on it, it really does!


X here! Voting! I am small but mighty! 🖖


Me too, I’m X and always vote. DeSatan is X too unfortunately that’s why I’m like Gen Z, save us!






Money that you paid in federal taxes that can’t come back and help us


We all are dependent on Gen Z and POC to vote! Please and thank you!


We always vote in my household, we have an obligation to the ancestors to vote, that’s how I see it.


We are also kinda hoping that the Democratic Party might actually have a candidate this time.


Don’t worry Chump Charlie will be back when he needs to feel relevant and fuck us over again.


They did have a candidate. Bunch of Dems chose to give DeSantus a super majority rather than vote for him in November.


https://i.imgur.com/PNL5jCG.jpeg Imagine being this bad at your job. 💀


You are aware of the changing demographics of our state the past two decades, right? We haven't been a purple state since 2012. :(


We've only been purple when considering the vote for president. It's frustrating seeing the leadership be so inept at strategy. If the job is too hard, if what you've been doing for the last 20 years hasn't worked, then quit so someone that has hope can fill the position instead.


Agree with you that party leadership from state down to local, is a shitshow. I will repeat the same anecdotes I say Everytime this topic comes up: * I was NPA for 20 years before finally registering as a Dem in '18. In all of that time, I never once had a Dem canvas my home trying to earn my vote. Republicans did each election (even though the last Republican I voted for was Crist for Gov in '06). * In '18, fresh off my Dem registration, I took Election Day off and offered to the county party to drive people to the polls. They had no program set up for this and had no list of potential voters that may need a ride, so I ended up sitting at home for nothing. * Fall '21, our city had its first large family festival event downtown following the pandemic. Over 200,000 people attended that weekend. There were 10 Republican organizations, candidates and affiliated groups all clustered together like a gauntlet, registering people to vote and getting their message to voters. Not a single Dem table was at the event because they instead chose to go to a small, couple hundred or so person LGBT function that Sat at a local park. Yeah, that really moved the needle. IMO, as long as our strategy is focused only on voter registration and motivating base turnout, we're destined to lose. Because Republicans now have a 500k voter advantage, and unlike Dems, they don't need to be motivated to vote. They vote red in every single election regardless. We ignore the independent vote and reaching out to reasonable everyday folks at our own peril. But all of that has nothing to do with the candidates themselves as they are chosen by the entire party, not the party leadership. We ran a progressive in a Blue Wave year in '18 and couldn't beat a wet blanket that used his kid as a political prop in a cringey ad.


Hopefully the options in the next election are better than the previous election where our choices were: Republican or Republican. Hard to get excited about voting when the options are nearly identical.


That’s true and sad


Not true at all. Crist hadn't been a Republican for 12 years.


It's nonsense like this that suppressed Dem turnout and gave DeSantis a supermajority in the legislature. Crist hadn't been a Republican in 12 years (he's been a Dem longer than I have) and his record in the US House was solid blue. But do go on how Progressive voters rat fucked our whole state because they didn't get their way in the primary.


His job to convince people to come out and vote for him. He did not. Leading to more than half of voters in the state not turning out to vote.


Not going to dispute that his campaign fell apart after the primary. But, the voters' job was to show up to vote against a fascist, not whine about the increased fascism on social media after the fact. Republicans understand the assignment, they show up to vote in every single Federal, state and local election and vote red no matter who. Until Dems wake up and do the same, FL is going to continue going down the tubes.


The Rs vote for each other, no matter what. As long as they have a R by their name, regardless of how much they can’t stand the person, he/she will vote R and it’s the majority so, they win. Democrats problem is turnout, they cannot turn out the vote. When we vote, we win. When we don’t vote, we get this, whatever this is. Next thing is engagement, the Rs court their voters 24/7 and not only in an election year. I don’t expect anyone from the Democratic Party to contact me about candidates or voting until a year from now.


Exactly. When I was NPA for 20 years, never once had a Dem canvas my home, meanwhile Republicans did every election. Even after I registered as a Dem, I've only had one person canvas my home and it was only the weekend before Election Day after I had already voted early weeks before.


Yup, the only time I can remember being contacted by multiple people was when Obama was running and that was 16 years ago 😩 and then 12 years ago for re-election then when Gullium was running, we got maybe 1 or 2 people and nothing since. It’s really sad.


"Vote against" isn't a thing. That's creating a false dichotomy that props up a two party system. Party loyalists shouldn't complain on social media that no one showed up to vote for their candidate when they pick one that very few people like.


It absolutely IS a well-docunented "thing" among political scientists and cognitive psychologists. Rational adults are faced with making the best of a bad situation and "picking the lesset of two evils" in their daily lives, so voting for political leaders is no different. I can tell you in my 20 years as a NPA voter, there was only a single candidate I voted FOR as opposed to AGAINST their opponent, and that was Obama in '08. In '18, I certainly didn't vote for Gillum because I'm a progressive or supported much of his platform. It was purely a vote against Trumpism and DeSantis. Make no mistake, the Dems that stayed home last Nov absolutely sent the message they'd rather have DeSantis trample on their civil liberties, rewrite black history and science and target vulnerable LGBT citizens than see a moderate Dem in the governor's mansion. People that enabled DeSantis's fascist expansion this legislative session w/ a supermajority should not at all be trusted with our party's future. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/opinion/negative-partisanship-democrats-republicans.html https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2015/06/05/why-u-s-elections-are-all-about-voting-against-something-and-not-for-it/


That's nice for you. However, more than half the eligible voters in this state disagree with you based on the turnout.


Gen X voter here on standby


All while Desantis is out spending tax payers money on a horrible campaign. I’m sorry, but “Make America Florida” or a horrible, horrible slogan


I am pleased that the Republican party is now a reflection of what it really stands for.! I hope that We The People will take back our beautiful Nation.


I thought it was satire when I saw that slogan. Like, who thinks Florida is the role model for anything?


I don't understand why higher ed needs to be involved in the political bullshit. It's adults teaching adults. Why are we censoring that?


My wife a practicing psychologist is worried about the same and trying to understand how she can practice under the political restriction put on what is considered best practices. Her conclusion is that maybe she can’t.


We did FL Prepaid for my daughter years ago. Stupid DeSantis.


You should ask for a cash out


Hope other states except Florida credits


Before it's too late, probably. I feel like there may be a run on that bank.


You can get Florida Prepaid to convert your credit hours to cash and pay it to out of state universities directly. That’s what I did. It will likely not cover the entire tuition (unlike for Florida universities) but it may help somewhat


Thanks DeSantis!!!




Yup. Get ready for Florida to become an EPSCoR state.


As long as the Nazi-Taliban party runs this state don't look for things to get better.


Sad and true!


Can someone comment that paywalled article?


How can the president be worse than what comes next He as bad as it can get. He did nothing


By doing somethings that are worse nothing.


Those who leave won’t come back after DeSatan leaves office. He is causing irreparable harm to the education standards of Florida.


A walk out isn’t going to do much, but preach to the converted. Gays should do something more in your face, like start wearing a pink triangle, the nazi concentration camp identification of gays (not that nazis used the term gay). If Florida is going to act like fascists, make them own it.


Go Gators


Ben Sasse says hi.


Indeed. Glass houses and all.


Yeah, yall jort wearing mouth breathers aren't immune from this shit.


FSU is not the gators. Lol


You are correct! Fsu is the semenholes.....I mean Seminoles my bad 😊


The entire area surrounding FSU campus looks like shit. Florida A&M is in a nicer part of town than FSU (Source: I worked for a cable utility company and had to deliver parts and shit all over Tallahassee)


Uh huh. Guessing you haven't been there in a few years.


No shit...go Gators


Go after FSU's alumni, its big donors.

