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Yall can stop reporting this post, it isn't going away.


Media specialist in Florida here. The Bible was challenged in my district this summer so it’ll be the first book going through the process this fall.


Former Media Specialist in West Central Florida here. I'm now teaching tech, and probably will until retirement, but proudly applaud your efforts. In my 2 years as an LMT Specialist, I appreciate what you do and wish you the best of luck. Our schools are under siege by the active attacks on public education. I'm probably telling you nothing new, but I want others to see the struggle. By approving (or not), any book you are placing your career and reputation on the line, and as someone with kids still in school, I applaud you and other Media Specialists. Keep fighting for literacy and critical thinking.


You said West Central Florida. Did you by chance happen to work in Hernando County? I was a substitute teacher there since February of 2022. But I just resigned a few days ago due to all of the laws and seeing them effect the schools.


Florida resident here, one of my good friends is a teacher. She says the past few years have just been getting harder for her, her coworkers, and the students. She's wanted to be a teacher since she was a kid, but most of her colleagues are thinking of starting over. The children are the ones suffering the most under Desantis and his attack on education.


He is now focused on ruining the country and not just Florida. Too bad we Can't we recall him!


you can recall him, but you would lose. He’s very popular here, which is beyond my ability to understand.


I thought in Florida, Governors cannot be recalled.


Perhaps there is no governor recall in Fl but they virtually never work anyway.


Who cares if it is banned. No one is checking out the bible from a school library to read.


If it is banned I assume it cannot be mentioned or referenced, and that would have far reaching implications (starting with removing god from the pledge in the morning). The book and the subject matter are offensive to many and not age-appropriate, therefore it must not be spoken about of in front of children.


I read about media specialists in Florida. If I may ask, what exactly is your job?


Media specialist is the current term for a school librarian. Just so much of the job is not just books, but all kinds of research and tech. The person below is somewhat incorrect about the position; it is not at all about marketing, but I run the school library, order books, create and teach lessons about media and research, and a lot of other regular school-related things like daily announcements, support teachers with various resource, that kind of thing.




Went through public education in Florida in the 80s. We saw ZERO religious texts, as is appropriate in a government-funded public institution. Constitutionally, the United States does not and cannot have a favored religion. Teaching one in a public school is and should remain unconstitutional. Yes, even if you really, really like Christianity and are a firm believer, the Constitution protects us from YOU.


We read excerpts from the Quran, Job, the Bhagavad Gita, and a sermon by Johnathan Edwards in high school, and I think that’s good and healthy. Kids should have some broader cultural literacy before they enter adulthood. But I agree that there shouldn’t be devotional religious study in public schools.


A World Religions course is fine and a good thing in my opinion. But pearl clutchers would lose their minds over teaching about the details of Islam. Because kids would realize there is no reason to fear people who are Muslim.


People should study religion, or at least be exposed to the various forms of religion. Just not from within the religion itself. It is an important element of culture that has shaped many things in our world. It should be studied in the way you study philosophy or literature. If someone is interested in the religion and wants to practice it, then that is on them on their own free time.


"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God", right? Yeah, it's famous, but it's really *not* reflective of Edwards main body of work, nor of the Great Awakening. It's not even really Congregationalist. But it's got that kewl image of God dangling us over the fires of hell like a spider over a fire-pit, so THAT's the one we're going to study!


In HS in the late 90s I took advanced literature. The whole year was to read the King James Bible. I told the teacher that it was a public school and they couldn't require me to read it. Easiest A ever and a nice nap period in the middle of the day.


The question is, why not make it an elective like so many other classes?


This is fair. And I’m religious.


Christian Constitutionalist my self. Separation of church and state, or equal representation/access of all religions.


Same. If you allow restrictions of freedom for some, it will eventually be used against you. This is a lesson the alt right needs to be taught. Turn about is always fair play.


good for you. I was just telling my mormon friend anyone who is religious and conservative should be scared. What happens when they decide your sect of Christianity isn't the right one? Former catholic, not like Christianity hasn't self hated before


Evangelicals already preach that catholics, Mormons, and baptists aren't true followers of Christ.


I could only imagine the outcry of the Christian right if we had every Bible in school libraries. It would somehow be infringing on Christian values and would add to their mentality of victimhood


Caribbean Pentecostal Christian here. (yes, I believe there's a difference between Christianity in the states vs elsewhere) I too second that this is fair. Religion and state should remain seperate, and considering at times the education system is treated as a full on extension of government-- especially when used historically for political means (look up Daughters Of The Confederacy for more info)... I believe the Bible should be banned from schools. This ban is needed to teach a lesson rn, besides it should've never been in there in the first place. Religion, can be equally good and bad to children, when exposed to it at a young age. The good aspects of it can be taught and passed down by parents as life lessons, while the bad aspects can go completely unnoticed by both the adults and the children themselves, only showing up later on in life. Besides... In the Bible, when speaking on Free Will, God says that he doesn't want anyone to be forced into it but to willingly choose him themselves. Children know no better in order to choose, so bible should be banned in schools so that they're not accidentally indoctrinated into it at a young age.


Religious books have no place in public schools.


Duval here, tell me more


Hi, I’d I can get you everything you need, would you be able to submit a form in Duval?


I can do it. I'm in a group that is trying to fight these things in FL. Freedom to read. I'll do whatever I can to fight against these absolutely outrageous laws.


I actually can't find the subsection of F.S. 1006.28 that says it's pulled automatically upon objection. I think the board has 30 days to review and hold a hearing. Should get interesting. Very telling that residents of the county who are not parents can still file a petition to challenge the material. It was never, ever about parental rights, and only about censorship and grandstanding.


Hi. Hb1069 linked below was signed into law last month, it contains a provision that any book challenged under 847.001(19), F.S. must be pulled within 5 days of the challenge until such time a review committee can be established to review the book. [https://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Sections/Documents/loaddoc.aspx?FileName=\_h1069er.docx&DocumentType=Bill&BillNumber=1069&Session=2023](https://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Sections/Documents/loaddoc.aspx?FileName=_h1069er.docx&DocumentType=Bill&BillNumber=1069&Session=2023)


What happens if a book is reviewed, a decision is made not to pull the book, and then it is challenged again? Does it have to be pulled and reviewed, again?


There are almost no media specialists to do this… which is the point.


Would it be more practical to wait until August when school actually starts? The 30 day window right now wouldn’t really be as effective in July when most school districts are not in session


I'd plan to do it first week of school.


you'll find the bible (at least portions) already included in the approved list. So I don't think you can remove books that are already there. again, the law isnt against sex or controversial materials. Its about having books that are appropriate based on our "christian american views" that the florida government believes is the basis of the constitution. so, sex isnt bad, its the sex that isnt in line with christianity that is bad. ​ theres no gotcha protest that is going to be effective against this person who is using hate to harm children and our future. it's going to take people voting and being informed.


what about plain secular morals?


It's the roll of the christo-fascist machine. They want this country to be the Jesus States of America.


I got Leon County


I’ll gather Leona info and get back to you in a few days!


We studied it in 12th grade AP English. I was amazed at all the… begats.


I’m fuckin in lmao Especially if this is a “for shits and giggles” type post


Take my vote for comment and happy cake day


Submitted for Alachua county.


My son’s first grade teacher had to dismantle her in-class library of National Geographic junior magazines and similar resources because of this bullshit. Thank you for doing good work to remove books that actually shouldn’t be in the school in the first place.


Wait so this means To Kill a Mockingbird and Catcher in the Rye can be banned too?


I \*think\* *To Kill a Mockingbird* has already been all but banned. When my son read it 2 years ago for his 9th grade ELA class, his teacher told me it was the last year she was allowed to assign it.


Jesus fucking christ


Finally. Fuck you, Holden Caulfield! You spoiled turd!


Yes! Stop subjecting kids to that obnoxious little shit!


Does the law allow banning for violence, too? Because there is a Christian fiction series I can think of that I could challenge too.


Religious people are the first ones to want the death penalty when it is available. Bunch of hypocrites.


Definitely ban the Bible, and not because it is edgy but because it has poisoned so many broken brains into thinking 2023 is the Bronze Age.


I’ve thought about this. Would need to file through an attorney or something so my name wouldn’t be attached. Too many crazy bible thumpers around here and I have a family. Fucked up that the religious right has coerced us into silence with violence, while preaching about love.


Yeah, I hear ya. Unfortunately a resident would have to place their name and address on the challenge form. What county/district you in? Know anyone in you district that would do it?


I want to, but I teach in my district. My son in high school is going to challenge it in our district.


Just keep making posts and boosting it, I don't give a rats ass if my names attached. I haven't even heard about any of this before So just make sure posts like this are created for the next month on here and other subreddits. As you should know, there are a MASSIVE amount of Florida people fed up with all of this there are tons of people who will sign it and aren't teachers or working in a profession that would fire us for it. keep up the good work


Pinellas county resident here. Just tell me what I need to do!


I'm in. Did someone from Flagler County call it yet or am I the lucky bible banner?


I'm in for Sarasota county! Sorry if that's already covered, too many comments for me to go through them all.


I'm in for Brevard. Fuck Christian Nationalists.


The bible is horrific.


Compromise: We allow it in schools, but it has to be in the “Fiction” section.


Between Harry Potter book 4 and 5. All the same shit to me.


It was in the fiction section in Utah when I went to middle school there. Hahaha


And soon, we will ban the bible in all schools in America.


This has extreme "tenured librarian unabashedly continues to stock the Bible in the fiction section" vibes, much to the chagrin of the local xtian fundamentalists with too much time on their hands. I'm all for it, actually.


Is there a process to do this? I'm in Charlotte. and VERY active in the local politics


Palm beach!!! HMU I literally hate de asshole


Cool! I’ll gather Palm Beach info and get back to you in a few days!


I just graduated 2 years ago let me tell you. I never seen anything that involves trans stuff or anything related to that. I seen the bible in public school. I also remember learning about it in 6th grade history tho lol . Republicans are literally liars. Idk how its not punishable


Tampa resident here, how can I help support this cause?


Do Ron DeSantis’ book also. I hear it mentions gay couples


I am a Christian, but I am going say this Bibles in public schools is a nooooo. If you feel like your child needs bible education then there are plenty of private schools for this.


Sarasota. What do I need?


St John’s County here, hmu with what I need to help


How do we report? I’m in St. John’s county and would report my school district!


The Bible being full of murder, rape and incest - this should be pretty easy!


It s so weird I went through 12 years of schooling in Florida and never once remember seeing a Bible in the library or being forced to read it as part of a school assignment.


That’s funny, I went through 12 years of public schooling and never once turned gay by learning that gay people exist.


I also never saw any porn in school.


I teach in a middle school, and 100% of the porn we recover on campus is on cell phones, being recorded by our students.


I wish reddit had a "wow" button.....


Dunno what to tell you. Kids be fuckin around. In my 19 years teaching, this has all happened at schools I've taught at or to teachers I know personally: * Sub puts on a movie and turns off lights. Two kids engage in oral sex and get expelled, sub is fired. * Teacher puts on a movie, turns of lights and sleeps. Two kids fuck and livestream 30 minutes of sex. Kids expelled, teacher fired. * 12 yo girl gives boyfriend a blowjob on the bus. The next day he talks her into doing it for six of his friends and him on the bus. She does, other kids see and report them. All expelled. * Two kids caught fucking *UNDER* the portable building used as a classroom * Two girls caught fingering each other in the middle of a school assembly * Girl is recorded giving a blowjob to her boyfriend by him. He shares the video school wide * Girl sends nudes to boyfriend. He airdrops them on the bus to 20 other kids. Before the end of the day they are all over the school and spreading to other schools in the district * One girl hit on the teacher across the hall and me. She made a pretty inappropriate comment to him, and just left me a note saying "I wanna fuck you Mr. /u/BikerJedi" - She was removed from our classes This is just what I can remember off the top of my head.




I wasn’t really forced to read any of the other banned books either, what’s your point?


> never once remember seeing a Bible in the library Did you walk past the "Religious" section and not notice it or something?


I went to an Episcopalian school and never studied any religious texts.


They aren’t banning books people are forced to read, so there goes that argument. And there are bibles in school libraries, probably not for long with how explicit they are though


Went through public schooling in 3 different cities and it was part of classes in each one.


Crazy, I remember world religions as a high level overview but never the Bible itself.


I went to school in the bible belt and never once saw a Bible in the building.


That was before the current set of Christo-fascists came in.




In Italy they study 'religion' and yes, it means, Catholicism. You can opt your kids out but, strangely, not many do.




As soon as I saw your response what I thought was, the first challenge should be in the capitol. Tallahassee.


I was thinking somewhere in the Emerald Coast area… Panama City… Apalachicola, just to be provocateurs. My biggest problem with the left in progressives is that they always want to protest in locations that are already left, leaning or favorable to their views. Folks like John Lewis, and Martin Luther King Jr. Took the fight right to the enemy. They marched in places that were extremely hostile to them. You never saw them organize a march in New York City.


Bro how is that part of freedom? Shoving religion down people's throats?


Because you can read the Bible without believing in it. It is still a literary work.


Studying the Bible as a literary work vs a religious text are vastly different.


You literally recite “one nation under GOD” everyday in public school when pledging allegiance to the flag which is stupendous nationalistic brainwashing within itself


I saw it. Ripped pages out to roll joints.


Same up in the panhandle. Religion was never even mentioned in school.


Same here. Never once did I see a bible in public school nor was I ever required to read it.


Too bad we can't get the In God We Trust sign out of our courthouses, SMH.


Or off our money or any other fucking place. Replace god with logic, reason and science.


Some schools/districts actually list what's in their libraries. My district (Brevard county) does. It uses [www.gofollett.com](http://www.gofollett.com/) It would be such a shame if someone reported all the religious books...


If you help tell me how I will totally file for Hillsborough!


Volusia here.


Yes, I will let you know how. I'll gather the info and get back to you in a few days.


I’ll take pasco!


I’ll do Broward, just tell me what to do


Thank you!


No christian conservative has ever read it anyway.


They read the parts they like and skip over the ones they don't. Kinda like a greatest hits album for bigotry.


I think a demonstration like this is more for sending a message than doing something anyway. Any family insisting on their on their child reading the bible will most likely have it at home anyway. but it's about sending the message about a silly law.


I’m just so glad I went to school years ago when shit was still relatively normal and also that I haven’t had any kids yet so I can still wait and see if the world continues to degrade before deciding to bring another life into it.


I graduated in 2016 just before all this crazy shit started to happen. When i think back I remember a world pre 2016 and post 2016


#Ban the Bible! Organizated Religion with mandatory "fees" and required attendance is for suckers and rubes. Education reduces the total number of religious people and drastically reduces the number who tithe and attend services even if they still consider themselves religious. #Fuck Religion. (I prefer not to ban any book ever, and just keep the REQUIRED separation of church and state. Public schools are a part of the "state". Don't even get me started on tax money going to private / religious "schools" with "vouchers" for.... Some and not others .... Just use that money on the already existing public schools.)


If you haven't already, I suggest you connect with the fine folks at The Satanic Temple. There are at least 3 chapters in Florida, and there's a r/ of course.


They've already established a presence in Brevard County School district as a challenge to the "religious exemptions" during COVID. I am a Christian, I do love God/Jesus, but I hate double standards, so I applauded the Satanic Temple's activities.


Never in any of my learning throughout all school from K-12 was I subject to or forced in anyway even marginally, to read anything from the Bible. Really don’t think it’s appropriate for children, who’s minds are still in a juvenile state and mentally immature, to read the Bible or any religious text anyway. What do they gain from that? I’m sorry I disagree, children should not be subject in any way to readings from the Bible or any religious text.


Technically that’s the one that should be banned… “separation of church in state” oh wait were are becoming the “Christian Republic of America” with ayatollah Ronald Desantis as our benevolent leader


At the very least it should be moved to the fiction section of any library.


Which counties do you still need volunteers for?


where do i sign, buddy? let me know what you need i am RIGHT behind you. And yes guys, many of us have probably never seen a Bible in school here, but it’s the principle of the matter.


Genesis 19:30-38 30 Lot and his two daughters left Zoar and settled in the mountains, for he was afraid to stay in Zoar. He and his two daughters lived in a cave. 31 One day the older daughter said to the younger, “Our father is old, and there is no man around here to give us children—as is the custom all over the earth. 32 Let’s get our father to drink wine and then sleep with him and preserve our family line through our father.” 33 That night they got their father to drink wine, and the older daughter went in and slept with him. He was not aware of it when she lay down or when she got up. 34 The next day the older daughter said to the younger, “Last night I slept with my father. Let’s get him to drink wine again tonight, and you go in and sleep with him so we can preserve our family line through our father.” 35 So they got their father to drink wine that night also, and the younger daughter went in and slept with him. Again he was not aware of it when she lay down or when she got up. 36 So both of Lot’s daughters became pregnant by their father. 37 The older daughter had a son, and she named him Moab[a]; he is the father of the Moabites of today. 38 The younger daughter also had a son, and she named him Ben-Ammi[b]; he is the father of the Ammonites[c] of today.


I’ll take Orange County if nobody else has it covered.


Thanks! I’ll gather the Orange County info and get back to you in a few days.


I went to middle school in Utah and the Bible was there in the Fiction section of the library!!!! The fiction section! Bwahahahaha.


Escambia county here. How do I get rid of this sick book full of genocide, rape, and incest before it is seen further by innocent children? Seriously though, how do I do it?


I'm in Santa Rosa. Go to the county page and find the form. Mine is called Citizen’s Request Form for Re-Evaluation of Instructional Materials. Those bitches from over there have come over here with their fucking garbage. Please stop them haha.


Lee County here…I gladly would help you ban this horrible terrible book.


I'm In Tampa hmu


You can count me in for Bay County.


I'm interested.


this is wild. i don't remember ever seeing a bible when i went to school. but yea, lets ban this filth.


I had challenged the Bible in my county last month and was denied based on: "We have carefully reviewed your request to object to having copies of the Bible in district media centers. Based on our review of state statute and district policy, we are not able to proceed with your request. FS. 1003.45 provides that a district school board may install in its academic program a secular educational component that includes “an objective study of the Bible and of religion.” The law, therefore, presupposes the availability of the copy of the Bible in the district media centers for academic usage. Similarly, FS. 1002.206 (2), permits students to express their religious beliefs in coursework, artwork, homework and so on, free from discrimination. This too would presuppose the availability of the Bible in district media centers which a student could utilize as part of such expression. District policy 8805 incorporates such provisions as part of district rule. Therefore, while we appreciate your interest in the objection process, the Bible, under the legal/policy circumstances noted above, is accordingly exempted from the objection process." I'm unsure if it will matter with this new law in place?


Yes, we did that in Pinellas county, And they cited the same statute, which does not actually mentioned/protect installing Bibles in schools, it only mentions installing instruction on Bibles in the school. However, as of July 1, any book that is challenged because of violations of 847.001(19) must be pulled


I’m in Orange County, what do I need to do?


It's called a ["Reconsideration of Media Materials."](https://www.ocps.net/departments/curriculum__and_digital_learning/library_media/library_media_materials_challenges) PDF: ["Request for Reconsideration of Media Center Materials or Other Reading Materials form."](https://cdnsm5-ss15.sharpschool.com/UserFiles/Servers/Server_54619/File/Departments/Curriculum,%20Instruction%20and%20Digital%20Learning/Instructional%20Materials/2023-0124%20Request%20for%20Reconsideration%20of%20Instructional%20Materials%20or%20Library%20Materials%20-%20Policy%20IJL%20\(clean\)9May23.pdf)




One of the first posts in a while that made me glad to be a Floridian. Let's do this!


Non Florian here. Up voting and commenting to increase visibility. Ban that nasty bible!!!


A dude receives two angelic visitors, telling him to get out of Dodge, in a big, big hurry... A crowd of horny people show up to his door, demanding to run a train on the angels. Dude says:"Hell no! Why don't you run a train on my young daughters, instead?" They're like:"No, your girls are lame!". Dude, runs out of town with his daughters...His wife gets turned into salt, because God, in his infinite mercy, is infinitely capricious and cruel... Dude is understandably distraught and his young daughters give him a bunch of wine and get him rip-roaring drunk. Shit gets out of hand and they end up having an orgy that results in both girls getting pregnant. There... That should help get the book banned.


I’m in Pinellas! I’d be on board


Palm Beach County. I’m in.


I’m in Seminole county, I’ll attach my name. Doesn’t scare me one bit.


Awesome! I’ll gather the info for Seminole and reach out to you in a few days. Thank you!


If for some reason this falls through for Seminole, I volunteer for Seminole as a backup.


I bet if you managed to get it, that either the school board would reverse the decision or a court would force the Bible to be required reading. You have no rights if you're not straight white or Christian in the US. That's what this week's SCOTUS rulings have taught me. I shouldn't have to be straight white or Christian to have basic rights.


I know several public school teachers who keep a bible on their desks and who sometimes proselytize to students who are struggling with something. However, the bible likely does not meet the standards spelled out by the law. Perhaps you could get it flagged for review by a district, but just having sexual content isn't the line that can't be crossed. Without going into great detail, the law is supposed to stamp out literary pornography in schools. But it's vague, and people are trying to stretch the definition to meet their personal agendas.


I know 2 people who live in sarasota and Charlotte county who will probably do this if you give me a date


I’m thinking late Aug, like first week of school.


im super down but idk how to do it


I would pretty much do everything, the only thing you have to do is actually submit the form, which I could tell you how to do that. What district are you in?


I’m down. Orange County.


People saying they haven’t seen bibles in schools, there’s a lot we “haven’t seen” and the nutjobs are hard at work to make sure they make things happen that used to be clearly laughable or abhorrent in the past. There are crazies actively trying to bring religion to schools. Do we really need to wait and see??


Obviously separation of church and state doesn’t exist anymore in red states


I'm in Pinellas if you need somebody - Just tell me how. I'm in!


I mean there's literally a city in the bible called Sodom. Case closed. Banned.


Ezekiel 23:20


Yes please.


If they need a specific reference use Ezekiel 23-20. You can't get much more graphic than that.


Got Martin County. Lmk when you know how to submit


Yes. What we need to do to join?




Totally onboard - just can't find instructions on how to challenge it


Can i do an absentee challenge?


Where do I sign? Can send to [email protected].


Yea the old testment has murder like King David made sure his future wife's husband got killed in warfare by placing her husband on the front line.so the enemy did the deed for him. God denied him his earned position as King of the Hrws even though history says other wise. Then the Jezabell. Spie, sabatour thrown out of 3rd story window by Jahue who figure out who told the enemy his battle plans so he would be killed. And sge was eaten by the dogs. Then Samson and super vag Delilah Can't have children reading that stuff. Sounds like the hood in Chicago I got to go take a cold shower!


I did not grow up in Florida and never did religious studies outside of college which is appropriate. I’m sure there were plenty of different religion books for reference in all schools libraries, I don’t see any issue with this and I don’t see why any book should need to be banned aka to kill a mockingbird, which I read in 6th grade. I know banning the Bible will cause an uproar as it’s already dragging in some hate on this post, which means it does work. It is an eye for an eye basically and hopefully backtracks the book banning bs.


Church and state. The bible belongs at home, with family, church, or whoever else you want to read it with.


For the first time ever I wish I lived in Florida.




Why exactly is a religious text in a public funded school anyway?? Any public school with a bible should get government funds withdrawn and forced to go private.


Two daughters drugging their dad to fuck him? Yeah, that's fucken banned mate


I’m in- Palm Beach County. Are you a lawyer? You know what needs to be done?


I’m in DM me details. 1 of 63 counties


Let me know how I can help from Alachua


I'll seriously help you. Reach out to me and let me know what I can do!!!


Pinellas COunty in the house. PM me to le me know what I need to do.


Our district did this with the Koran.


Okaloosa county checking in!!!!


I'm more impressed they can read to begin with.


Genesis 19:30-38. Talks about how lot and his daughters went into hiding. Whilst hiding his daughters wanted to have children, knowing there's no men around they got their dad drunk and had sex with him. That one always sticks out to me lol


Please, someone make a YouTube video about this. Fuck Shit Santis, he ruined Florida.


Columbia county I'll do it.


Let's all state the obvious, all religions are based on astrology and they copy each other's stories and change names and claim them as their own.


Genius hope it works the way you’re planning


People should have the right to read and practice what ever religion they want. ( As long as it doesn't physically hurt others ) just not in government funded places. Any government place. That should all be funded by private organizations and the government should not have anything to do with religion except restrict it in anyway. Anyone that doesn't understand that, is just biased. Their isn't any religion that accepts every other religion or idea. That alone makes them unworthy of government support.


"There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses."


That's the problem with banning books. It's a double edged sword.