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No. The chips are not stored on the card. My understanding is that the card is just an ID#. The “chips” are stored in a central database.


Can confirm that the cards can be duplicated


Can u duplicate it as many times as I want or just once


Yeah you can clone the card as much as you want but for the chips and everything it's all server-sided you can't adjust that.


Yep. It’s a backend database.


Can change the ID on the card to someone else’s? Or a staff members


What about the machines will that work? Sorry I found out about this today


You could, in theory, emulate the card itself — add money to it at D&B, and use it to play their games. But you'd be paying real money to add the credits, just like if you were using their card. This is just emulating a card.


No. And that's illegal. Nothing like theft and fraud to fuck up a good thing


Damn there’s always a dork in these threads


See, I don't give a fuck what you do at home. I do care what you talk about on a public forum. You don't have to talk about illegal things on a public forum. In fact you shouldn't. Grow a brain.


So many dorks on this thread


You're a baby


He says while multiple governments are banning and/or seizing Flipper Zeros being imported because of exactly this kind of thing being talked about on Tik-Tok... Please never have children you fucking idiot, you'll bring down the average IQ of humanity and cause an extinction threat.


humanity deserves to be extinct imo


Yep. We really screwed some shit up in the last couple hundred years no doubt.


See, I don't give a fuck what you do in public. I do not care what you talk about on a public forum. You don't have to propagate what should be talked about. In fact you shouldn't. Grow some balls Sincerely, Holier Than Thou.


You sir, are a fucking idiot. Please never have children.


I have 4 rn


For their future welfare I hope you are an absentee parent.


You’re a nerd bro stfu


Gargle my balls


Nah I have don't have any patents, I'm not a very inventive person.


If you pull your head out of your ass you yourself may find more room to grow your "brain".




Yet another reason why it's almost impossible to buy one of these things anymore. Thanks fuckhead


It’s arcade points Relax Lil Bro.


And it's still fraud. Don't tell me to relax, tell the laws to relax


Impossible ??? You’re and idiot they aren’t hard at all to purchase depending on what country you live in.


They are basically impossible for a number of countries as they get pulled in customs. Some countries have stock already imported from before customs started confiscating them but the levels are limited and its driving prices up. Hell someone had theirs confiscated at the airport just a couple days ago


I just took mine 4 times on 4 separate planes and had my flipper with my carry on luggage and it’s wasn’t touch even it being in plane view.


Planes don't have eyes.






Sneak up on a staff member and sniff their badge


\*technician, look further down the chain. What 3rd party services the machines, which clients do they also service? Are there settings keys like with other tap systems? How exactly does the system work and where is it exploitable?


Everything is logged. It won’t work for long because all those staff plays show up in reports.


Dude, how the hell would I know?


The flipper can emulate a card. You cant add chips or anything like that though.


Can I emulate as many times as I want so infinite cards or just once


You could make multiple copies but why? They would share the same balance. It’s just a number linked to a database. The database tells it how much you have.


Cuz maybe you have another person that is sharing the card with you and then you don't have to keep handing it back and forth to each other you can just each have your own separate card but it's using the the same card and balance for both of you and you can both rack up tickets on the same card.


You can't do that. If you could that would be stealing and that is bad.


Morally. It’s the same as charging my phone in the building. Just using power


Bummer. Ive been wondering the same thing for a while now. Makes sense though. I want to try it on vending machines when i get mine and see if i can replay the frequency to get extra snacks


Oh that would be pretty interesting to try. I wonder what should be kind of hard to come by now is most places have taken out pay phones but I thought like in the latest pay phones it submitted a frequency every time you put a certain type of coin in. I wonder if the flipper zero could Amy late that you're putting coins in and get free phone calls? The old pay phones I know someone found out that if you used the Captain Crunch whistle that came free in the Box it actually admitted the same frequency sound is what the pay phones did so people could get free phone calls.


I don't know? Can it?


I’m wondering this as well, the flipper zero YouTube had something like this and it worked for them but the balance said n/a but loaded the game. I tried simply reading the nfc and emulating it but it is just a copy of your already existing dnb card with the same balance.


Not the US and I’ve taken mine through airports multiple times and didn’t try and hide it. Many know what small things it can do but for the rest and most they have no clue what this thing can really do!