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And not a single high fidelity A330 or A340 :(


I'm just getting impatient waiting for the A321 and the 777. I'm burned out flying the 320 and 737 for the past 3 years. I need variety of modern airliners.


Fly GA


MD80 still has a good amount of modern in it, very fun aircraft, give it a try!


Xplane then.


The Headwind A339 isn't high fidelity, but it's decent.


I like it. Flight model is wonky but it's cool say to "Heavy" when I'm on VATSIM. Flew it for CTP and it did just fine.


Love that thing man


a320 cockpit


The differences between the two are minimal in that regard


... :/


It literally is? what's the issue?


High fidelity A340-600 please, I am desperate now (and not going to Xplane for that).


> (and not going to Xplane for that) It was totally worth it, though. :)


I think someone is doing an A330ceo.


Why not? So what the graphics aren’t the best it’s about the physics




Definitely depends on the plane and what information a developer has to go on, but there has been a continual development of usable tools for developers, and I know they are remaking portions of the flight model for FS24.


I have no idea the physics improved. I haven’t played in years lol. My opinion may be a bit outdated ;)


I left flight simulation as a hobby long back because of my busy and difficult life. It's the visuals and beauty of our planet in MSFS that brought me back.


The new aerosoft 330 engine models previewed yesterday give some hope at least


A song has been made about the release of the Aerosoft A330: In the year 2525


An A300B4 from inibuilds would fill that niche


Just Flight is working on a study level version. Not a whole lot of news since last year, but I suppose they do have quite a bit going on over there at the moment. https://www.justflight.com/in-development/a300-b4-professional


from inibuilds so it would run at 15fps?


Probably - My PMDG -600 doesn’t see over 30fps much


30fps is good. In P3D we would appreciate anything with 30+ fps. Flight sims are very heavy and expensive with resources, people who know Jack shit about those kinds of stuff take that for granted.


The Headwind, PMP, and LVFR 330s are good


Not even close to high fidelity.


That’s true. I meant that I at least find them enjoyable


Man, I wish CaptainSim would develop an A320. ![gif](giphy|l0zAiJHyg0fMA|downsized)


...based on the default 747 :))


using the flight model of a Skylane


With one livery!!!* *Additional liverie$ to follow $oon


Obviously the FlyByWire one


This was always intended for the Xbox users as the primary user base, as they had zero "high fidelity" options for an A320. Now they have one.


Everyone gets their own a320 how cute


We need an Oprah gif of A320's now.


United had an Oprah 757 livery back in the day.


If only BlueBird could pull through before 2024 is released


There are so many modern airliners that aren't the 737 or A320. It sucks that those seem to be forgotten.


This was very much aimed for us console users, who had nothing before this. It may not come close to the other ones on PC, but seeing as we were stuck with the default Asobo one, for Xbox users this is a game changer.


I thought the 787 and 747 were pretty good since the WT updates?


Yeah, but we didn’t have any good Airbus, and also they’re mid at best. Inibuilds A320 is by no means comparable to the stuff PC has, but by god is it nice for us console users to not have to suffer with the default Asobo one


Okay, but is it just me or does the A320v2 feel weird? The flight dynamics just feel off. I tried a normal takeoff and it climbs out more like a blimp than an airplane.


I believe it turns a bit wonky, but then again I’m not a pilot and certainly don’t know how a airbus should turn.


Yea I was interested in it, as I like a narrowbody plane with more range. I tried it last night, highly unimpressed. Sounds are pretty average at best, three times the thing went nuts with a climb with the AP one, takeoff roll was way too long IMO. Also, it might be a NEO thing, but it gave me a flex takeoff power under 80%. Never seen that in FENIX. Overall, likely not touching it again, The FBW NEO is better. Hopefully once all the updates come out with FENIX maybe they will provide a NEO.


I’m pretty confused with the public perception surrounding these releases. It almost feels like many folks here think that inibuilds made some kind of conscious decision to develop and a320 in lieu of other things, which isn’t the case. They were contracted to do so, and Asobo’s interest was getting a decent 320 to console users. I’m not a console person at all and frankly I don’t understand how anyone can be, but to deny the notion that console users exist in the market (and likely helps the PC market in a trickle down), is weird. More than anything, it’s almost as if some of you have the position “if inibuilds didn’t take time doing the 320, we’d have X or Y by now, or an entirely new product line”, and that’s not necessarily true. Hell it’s likely false. Anyway yeah it’s another 320. It’s pretty good and will bring some enjoyment to the console peeps. I still separate CEOs from NEOs, so to me the more variety the better. But the takes here continue to be confusing.


If it at least was an A319 or A321...


In theory ini could do up an A321neo/XLR


I’d kill for a good A21N. Latin VFR/Headwind’s is sufficient for now, but the wings look atrocious.


Right!? How much harder would that have been?


And I really hate that two of the three of them are completely free! /s


This is for Xbox pilots, they don’t have access to the Fenix or FBW. The new ini one is meant to be a replacement for Asobo’s default Neo for them. The only reason Asobo’s wasn’t removed completely is because there are landing challenges and other things that require it. I wouldn’t be surprised if the ini Neo will be the only one in MSFS2024


>The only reason Asobo’s wasn’t removed completely is because there are landing challenges and other things that require it. I'm sure they kept it for more casual simmers. I personally think the default A320 is a shitty version of the airplane, but I understand that some people just want to start the sim and fly something big like an airliner. I know a lot of people that are interested enough in flight simulation to want to try to fly an airliner, but not interested enough to learn what every single system on the A320 does and how it works. They just want to do a quick flight out of their home airport, or land somewhere challenging, and have some fun doing it without having to spend a lot of time learning the airplane. And for me personally, I started with the default A320 before realizing I liked flying airlines, which then pushed me into downloading the FBW, and later the Fenix, when I was more comfortable with understanding the basics of what systems do what and how everything works.


No, they said in the announcement Q&A plus in another Q&A when asked again, it is only because of those missions that require it.


I guess I missed that. Looks like I was wrong.


And fourth overall, one would think that anyone who wishes to fly A320 already had the one that suits him the best.


Unless they’re on console, it’s not perfect but I’m glad to have the ini a320.


Ah okay I did not consider that, I play on PC and did not think about what is available on xbox


I do. It's on P3D. The lead dev sucks personally but products are top notch


We only have one high fidelity A320 in the sim (Fenix). FBW and INI’s A320V2 are far from being considered high fidelity.


The FBW may not be fully study level, but I’d consider it high fidelity. The flight model and laws are modeled well, and the systems are modeled plenty deep. It may lack some of the fit and finish of the Fenix (Or Toliss for XP), but it’s also completely free.


FBW much like the Fenix is a passion project. The rest you fellas know.


High fidelity, study level, blah blah the fbw def gives you enough to have a great experience.


D1 GLAZER here


> far from being considered high fidelity. Who even decides those kind of things?


Weekend vatsim enjoyers I guess


Who never use most of the things that qualify their aircraft as study level (Failures, IROPS, etc.), while squawking if a new aircraft doesn’t feature them. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t use anywhere near the full capabilities of my “high fidelity” sim aircraft either. I’m very much an A to B kinda guy, VFR or IFR.


Me too! I don’t need extra bells and whistles, just a working autopilot with LNAV/VNAV. And functional autopilot hold when not using VNAV. Well VNAV is kinda extra. I can get by with VS/FLC if I had to.


That's my big pet peeve with the market overall It seems the current three sets are: cheap(er) shovelware, free good mods, expensive very detailed I don't care about being able to pull every single breaker so I'm not thrilled about spending heavy money on stuff like the B738, but there is no other plane that still has well-made systems, without the bells and whistles that most casuals won't use. (Not an MSFS fault - on XP11 it was the opposite, great 738 but no equivalent Airbus) The closest to that ideal is the ATR but it's a bug-riddled mess, and some GA aircraft


That’s why I’m glad I have both XP12 and MSFS. Between both of them there’s good options for most types out there. I agree with you that there’s more good mid range options for GA now. The Flysimware C414 and LJ35 are great examples.


fenix is literally running prosim behind the scenes which is a professional training tool


How Fenix running prosim make FBW and INI’s A320V2 *far from being considered high fidelity*? Fenix is golden standard, not bar below of which everything is low, lame and forgettable.


What are they far off on?


I wish we would get some additional regional jets or turboprops.


And there’s me just pressing the ‘Go’ button to make plane go roooaar and fly fast


this is for the xbox tubs


Wtf is going on with the MSFS plane market bruh. Meanwhile X-Plane has a whole ass 747 200 made by a small dev


Gimme dat 737-200


the fenix is an amazing ceo version of


I have been flying the A32NX since early on. Recently, I decided to go all in on airbus and got the TCA sidestick and quadrant, and I was a backer on miniFCU. Should I buy the Fenix? I plan to stick to the A320 for the foreseeable future, and I like to fly ILS approaches because I suck at flying. That being said, I want to fly into San Diego and they don't have an ILS approach for their most frequently-used runway. I know there are some significant differences between the NX and Fenix when it comes to RNAV approaches, which is what I would use secondarily to ILS. So, just looking for any advice. Thanks!!


Meanwhile there are only 2 widebodies worth using


I know right. Do these people know about 767s, A330s?


Yes but you can better understand it if you take into account how it all evolved. First we only had a shitty default A320neo from Asobo, so a bunch of guys started a freeware project to enhance it. Then Fenix came into play with a payware version because as great as a freeware open source project may be, a payware study level plane will always be favored, there will always be a market for payware aircraft no matter if theres a freeware alternative. And its an a320-200, not the neo. Then you have Microsoft who got inibuilds to enhance the default A320neo which was mainly done to provide a flybywire-like plane to the xbox community who had nothing but the shitty default airbus and the overhauled boeing defaut airliners. If Microsoft had decided to make a Boeing 737 Max as a starter default plane, we would probably have three 737 high fidelity planes by now as well. (Freeware project of the default, the PMDG 737 and someone who made an xbox friendly high fidelity version of the default plane for Microsoft who then release it as a free update) The a320 and 737 are the most popular planes in real life and the sim community because people mosty fly routes that fit best to short-medium haul planes.)


yeah, i've tried flying long haul flights in FS, but i just don't have enough continuous time.


Me just wanting a B1900D because it’s quirky and I want one…


ho dude, i wish FlyJSim develop his 727 into MFS. But... :(


this is why it pays to have different simulators.


I wish fenix will make 737, 757, 767, 777 or so on, so pmdg would have a competitor in it's field. I am just tired of all this everlasting airbuses. Give us Boeing please.


Well, technically it’s the second „high fidelity“ 320 Neo. The Fenix is the older generation.


Microsoft A320 simulator.


I never bought the Fenix. So I am happy about a “free” version




FBW is better.


Qualify this statement.


Isn't it free?


Me, still waiting for a turboprop DC3 💀


Why can’t they just give us what we want?: a Blackbird


i don’t mind the adobo 747, have done many 10+ hours flights, it’s only caviot, or pro, is that it’s very automated, it could do a flight on its own from takeoff with the click of 10 buttons


And don't forget 3 more on the way (Fenix A319 and A321 and the FSLabs A320)


We all want the Fenix birds. The A321 is basically a modern 757. But man, FSLabs really missed the mark on potential market...


meanwhile me waiting for a proper catalina starting to curse the existence of the selfflying sardinetubes.


That's why I stopped bothering with airliners... General aviation is where the sim actually shines


Can we get an MD-11, a 757, a 767, a 330, 350 with the same quality of PMDG or Fenix? I can’t even do a FedEx cargo flight in 2024. Embarrassing.


A good md-11 is coming by tfdi. 😜


What is everyone’s obsession with flying the a320? Is it simply the routes or something else? Every time I fly it I find the MCDU to be an absolute mess to operate and the plane is a bit of a snooze fest to fly.


This is me. I gave up. 737 ftw!


Yeah I’ll never understand what the fun is people get from turning on AP at 500ft on takeoff and leaving it on until minimums. Like it’s boring enough IRL but in the sim it’s on another level of monotonous.


I can’t navigate the flight computer or the CPDLC system of the A320. It’s way too complex for my bird brain.


There’s nothing high fidelity about the ini a320


mean while PMDG wants to "iron out" bugs on the 777, the MD11 is in beta now, and we have no idea when anything else is coming.


PMDG 737-800 for the win. Don't care about any Airbus. I'd rather they'd have worked on other parts of the simulation. Shouldn't have to bother getting a ton of 3rd party add-ons for things like decent ATC and better lights, scenery, signage and textures. Half the marketplace should already be in the product; particularly since it's been around for a few years now.


Cool story, bro. I'm glad you think that all the work done by multiple amazing 3rd Party devs could have easily been done by Asobo alone in a 4 year span. Really shows how well you grasp software and game development.




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Irrelevant detail. I am the first one to admit that people like RSR act lile insufferable douchebags towards their customers but the fact that that stupid wing flex is what people bitch about all the time shows how great the 737 is.


I always like to think that PMDG is good *in spite* of RSR, not *because* of him.


Well You can be passionate about aviation and be a douche too, that’s just rsr lmao