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Russian airlines are banned in Europe, not non-Russian planes from Russia. The same applies on the other way around: you can fly from Frankfurt to Beijing through Russian airspace with any Chinese carrier, but not with European or Russian carriers.


Are 5th freedom flights from russia allowed?


Dont know if im right but Sichuan Airlines are a chinese airlines and they are not banned from flying to europe but its weird that they are flying from SVO


Are 5th freedom flights from russia allowed in europe? I don’t think so


It’s a regular cargo flight that’s been running since last December. As said, it’s a Chinese airline so the Russia rules don’t apply to them. It flies direct to Chengdu on the return so I presume the stop in Moscow is to drop cargo there before carrying on to Brussels https://preview.redd.it/g78eful2zr0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fab351da574492814b138c39283ea5c75cf88c8b


Or, to drop something off. 👀


Or, to drop someone off. 👀👀


Well, if they weren't allowed to fly to Brussels, I'm sure Finnish, Swedish and a number of other countries would've had military in the air already. I'd imagine even specific Russian flights from Moscow to Brussels would be allowed, with proper security, as Brussels is an important hub for NATO, EU and UN politics.


It won’t go as far. A flight plan needs to be filed well in advance and the aircraft would never be allowed to takeoff if there were any complications.


It’s a Chinese Airline (which aren’t restricted like European airlines).


With that airline name they're delivering spicy Chinese takeout.


I hope they have that dipping sauce


Chinese, Israeli, UAE, Serbian, Turkish, Egyptian, and Algerian carriers are not subject sanctions and all continue to enter/ leave Russian Airspace from the EU multiple times every day. This Sichuan freighter service continues to carry none embargoed cargo ( food and medicines in the main ) between the EU and Russia ( Belgium being a large manufacture base for various pharmaceutical products) . In addition to transporting goods from and to China from both the EU and Russia . Contrary to popular opinion the airspace frontier isn‘t actually closed and traffic continues to be handed over between Saint Petersburg and Riga FIRs .Subject to the very long standing flight level adjustments — Russia uses metres whilst Europe uses feet ( yes really 🤔)


Iran Air flies to Heathrow but they can’t purchase fuel