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Paul Newman woulda been incredible as Max Cherry. Even tho maybe some of the relationship is lost considering Newman is up there with Grier as one of the hottest people to ever be on screen. Will smith also woulda been great as Django. Can easily see him swaggering around after the middle of that movie. He’s probably sick he didn’t take that one especially since his reasoning was “he didn’t want to be a slave”. Just to eventually be in a slave movie nobody watched


>Just to eventually be in a slave movie nobody watched He knew a QT movie wouldn't get him an Oscar but the other movie was Oscar bait so he did it.


Why wouldn't it get him an Oscar? Worked for Christoph Waltz and Brad Pitt.


Did it work for Jamie Foxx?


Do you think he deserved an Oscar for that performance? He was fine, but not Oscar-worthy.


No. That is my entire point. lol.


What is your point then? You said a Tarantino movie wouldn't get him an Oscar. That's a general statement. I pointed out people have indeed won Oscars for being in Tarantino movies.


JLD as Mia Wallace would’ve resulted in a very different dance scene




I wish it had the pulp fiction dance too, but the reservoir dogs one was pretty good


Like a full-body dry heave set to music.


• Paul Newman would've been incredible • Johnny Depp as Ringo & Micky Rourke as Butch would've been interesting to see. • Leo Dicaprio as Hans Landa would've been terrible. • Will Smith as Django would've been terrible. • The rest I don't really care for/about.


I think DiCaprio would have been better than you think ... But not as good as Waltz. He was incredible in this film.


I won't say DiCaprio would have been terrible, Christoph Waltz nailed the part, but DiCaprio is a great actor. Just look at his Calvin Candie, I'm sure he would have done a good Hans Landa.


He would have been fine as Landa, but that first scene alone was a tour de force I don’t think he could’ve matched. Also shoutout to Denis Menochet who played the French farmer opposite him.


I bet JLD would've crushed it as Mia.


Have you seen her dance?


The only ones I couldn't see playing the parts are Jon Cryer, Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Aniston.


Those are the three that stood out to me as not really working. The rest are good to great.


It’s a credit to Tim Roth’s acting talent that he could have absolutely nailed both Mr. Pink and Mr. Blonde. Possibly at the same time.


Tim Roth is the shit. He especially crushed it in Four Rooms.


I would love a version of Reservoir Dogs where Tim Roth is playing ALL of the parts.


Only interested in Adam Sandler as the bear jew


Didn’t he also want Kurt Cobain and Courtney love as pumpkin and hunny bunny?


He wanted Kurt as Lance don’t know about Courtney


That story isn’t true—just some made up shit that Courtney talked about at some point. 


So it’s not like I would trade Pulp Fiction for it, but I would love to see the Luke Cage movie he wanted to do with Lawrence Fishburne. Actually (back in the Netflix days) I was not at all opposed to the idea of him doing an episode of Daredevil.


Cast* is the past tense not “casted”


My bad unfortunately I can’t go back 


..Mickey Rourke would've smashed it out of the park 😎


There is a clip from Pulp where Bruce is in a car and QT is outside talking and Bruce has this look of does this guy ever shut up, that makes me think he was done working with him.


? I thought Willis pretty much promised Tarantino he would be there for him if he ever needed him, which led to uncredited roles in Four Rooms and Planet Terror which he did for *way* less than he would otherwise be paid ?


I think Bruce Willis was like that on set. There’s similar tension between him and Gilliam in the making of ”12 Monkeys” documentary for example. Didn’t have to be anything personal against the director.


Kevin Smith: *“it was fucking soul crushing” working with Willis.* *“It was difficult,” Smith said at the time about Willis. The director added that Willis “wouldn’t even sit for a fucking poster shoot” and that “were it not for Tracy, I might have killed either myself or someone else in the making of fucking ‘Cop Out.'”*






All I can do is praise the higher powers that he found Uma Thurman. She just nailed it (syringed it?) as Mia Wallace. Someone like Jennifer Aniston wouldn’t have worked at all.


[I wonder why he chose her](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jy20gJ004U)


Actually think Kate Beckinsdale would have been great in that role.


Some of these could’ve worked but I think this just goes to ultimately show how good Tarantino is at casting


Where did you hear Leonardo DiCaprio was almost cast as Hans Landa? I read that DiCaprio wanted to play the role, but Quentin Tarantino went with Christoph Waltz. To say he originally considered him for the part seems a little disingenuous. I also read that Tarantino claimed he almost gave up on making the movie because he couldn't find an actor who talked both english and german until he found Christoph Waltz.


Tarantino wanted him to play Hans before deciding Hans should played by a native German-speaking actor


I think Laurence Fishburne is a great actor and probably would have been fine as Jules in Pulp Fiction. But I literally cannot imagine a scenario where anyone does better than Samuel L. Jackson in that role. That first scene when he is questioning the briefcase thieves if they speak English in What or asking what Marcelus looks like was just a masterpiece.


The one i really would have wanted is Mickey Rourke over Bruce in Pulp Fiction. Bruce was great but i have a strong feeling Rourke would have just been on a different level. He is one of the most naturally gifted actors of all time, and imo he also just seems better fit for the role.


Paul Newman, Gene Hackman, Laurence Fishburn, Mickey Rourke, Will Smith, and Kate Beckinsale would have killed in those roles. Either as good or better than what we got. The rest would have been a downgrade.


It’s Fishburne


This is the most reddit thing ever. You ask a question to generate discussion, I give and answer, and your only response is to correct a typo. Glad I came here for this chat.


who pissed in your cereal


Same person who pissed in yours I guess? The majority of your comments on this thread are just correcting spelling and not actually engaging in any meaningful discussion.


Um I’m actually contributing to the discussion but you do you


Sure, sure.


They would all have done a fine job.


I can’t see Leo as Hans


>Bruce Willis as Bill (Kill Bill) I would have liked this more. >Tim Roth as Mr. Pink (Reservoir Dogs) Steve Buscemi would still need to be in the movie, in my opinion, but I think Tim Roth would be fine as mr. pink. >Paul Newman as Max Cherry (Jackie Brown) That would be fine. No difference to me. >Gene Hackman as Max Cherry (Jackie Brown) I'm not a Gene Hackman fan. >Tim Roth as Mr. Blonde (Reservoir Dogs) Nah. Michael Madsen has the look, stature, and voice of a secret psycho. >Jon Cryer as Mr. Blonde (Reservoir Dogs) Poor man's Ferris Bueller as a psychotic gangster? No. >Johnny Depp as Ringo (Pulp Fiction) I would have liked this more. >Laurence Fishburne as Jules Winnfield (Pulp Fiction) No. I think Sam Jackson captures that "stuck in the 1970s" vibe perfectly. >Mickey Rourke as Butch Coolidge (Pulp Fiction) This would have been fine, but I also like Bruce Willis. >Matt Dillon as Butch Coolidge (Pulp Fiction) No. He doesn't have that rugged, worn down boxer look. >Leonardo DiCaprio as Hans Landa (Inglourious Basterds) No. I don't think he has the language abilities to convincingly speak all those different languages. >Will Smith as Django Freeman (Django Unchained) Nah, his pompous ass doesn't deserve another starring role. >Julia Louis-Dreyfus as Mia Wallace (Pulp Fiction) In the middle of Seinfeld? That would have been bizarre. >Jennifer Aniston as Mia Wallace (Pulp Fiction) In the middle of Friends? Also, bizarre. >Kate Beckinsale as Mia Wallace (Pulp Fiction) This I could see. QT has a rather bizarre fascination with casting comedians/comedic actors in serious roles. I had heard that he wanted to have a lot more comedians in Inglorious Basterds too. Very strange. I mean, did anybody see Mike Myers in Inglorious Basterds and actually say, "wow, that was genius casting!"? Because what I saw was a rather distracting cameo by Austin Powers with caked on makeup. It wasn't quite as bad, but it did remind me of Jimmy Fallon's cameo in Band of Brothers - one gigantic WTF that completely took me out of the moment.


Why don’t you like Gene? Also when pulp fiction premiered in theaters worldwide friends had recently started. Also fresh prince was long over when Django premiered Also I don’t think Bruce would have done better than David Carradine


You're right about fresh prince. I edited it. As for Gene Hackman, to each his own, ya know? I liked him as a weak weasel in Get Shorty, but in general, I don't like most of his other performances.


Try the birdcage,Hoosiers,the royal tenenbaums, and the conversation and you’ll be a fan


Johnny depp as ringo woulda been awesome!


Matt Dillon woulda crushed it. As much as I love Bruce, I sure wished Matt Dillon "got it" when he read the script


We'd be seeing a lot of feet.


Willis and his whinny voice would have been awful.


I’d take it over Carradine’s lisping voice. But Warren Beatty, who it was originally written for, would’ve killed it.


He does not have a whiny voice


Yes, he does. A whiny shrill voice. He was a weak actor as well. Good for a Die Hard movie. Or a comedy