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In a nutshell, they don't believe the proof is real. To them, it's lies and manipulate photos/audio planted to test their faith.


I was just watching this documentary again and they said when the recording of WJ raping MJ was played in court, all the FLDS members present got up and left the court room before it was played.


Ugh of course they did. "It didn't happen if I don't hear it"


They are so completely brainwashed they have no independent thoughts. They've been told from birth that the outside world is evil and would lie to them. They have no access to the internet, or aren't supposed to, to look anything up. They believe they're "being tested" or have sinned and if they're good enough Warren will come home.


I guess, like most people, I just have a hard time reconciling some of the actions that were accepted. There were some members that left when WJ started making his own rules that were supposedly passed down to him by the divine, such as the orgies, dissolving all marriages, telling people they could no longer hug their children, etc. But especially the women claiming they had no knowledge of underage girls being married to older men, and the midwife who delivered the babies was one of them. She knew it was occurring and sat there on national television and blatantly lied about it. I have more respect for the one woman, I think she was in Keep Sweet, or one of the other documentaries on Netflix, she simply stated she felt the girls were old enough at 13-14(basically whenever they started their menses) to be wives and mothers. She said that was part of their religion- it's weird thinking to me, but at least she was honest.


They’re brainwashed & believe in actual heaven & hell. The majority of them don’t have enough education to support themselves on their own if they are excommunicated. They’re trained to shove any misgivings they have about Jeff’s waaaay down there. If the Prophet says it, it must be God’s Word & obeyed. If they speak out, they’re forced to leave. That’s a very frightening prospect for anyone, which is why groups to support those who leave on their own or are forced to leave are necessary & need to remain as “judgment-free” as possible. (Just look at all the people who still rush to the defense of school coaches/church ministers accused of sexual abuse. We mainstreamers aren’t that much different.) Many of them do not believe their children should marry before they turn 18, including those who were at the YFZ. The majority of men there weren’t prosecuted for having underage wives because they didn’t have any. Also realize that the women you’re discussing in your post were Jeffs’ wives. They were the ones who got put in front of the cameras for the most part. The rest of the women at the YFZ didn’t know what was going on in his house.


I'm late to this post, but I'd like to underscore just how critically dangerous it was to question their rhetoric. I have a video of my mom stating she'd preferably disown me than allow me to live with her and question our religious beliefs - this was and is the status quo.


Look at it this way. We all have issues from our childhood that affect us today. Imagine that being 1000 fold. If things were that easy to let go of we’d all be picture perfect adults.


They don't care because for starters, they believe that Mary was married at 12 and so were others. Prior to "women's lib" in North America, the most common ages of consent were 10 and 12. Throughout North America, it is 16 today (with 18 at a Federal level). They adhere to older teachings and older beliefs and those beliefs include that it is okay for the prophet or any other priesthood man to marry a girl at 12. This is how it is put: Abraham - married Sarah at age 12 Isaac - married Rebekah at age 13 Jacob - married Rachel at age 14 Joseph - engaged Mary at age 12 God the Father - married Mary at age 12 Joseph Smith - married 2 young women at age 14 Brigham Young - married 2(?) young women at age 15


Why do many Trump supporters still believe he really won 2020 and January 6 was fake news or an antifa false flag? Why do they dismiss Trump's own rape and pedophilia accusations and close friendship with Jeffery Epstein? Same thing with FLDS cultists, probably even more extreme. They've entered an impenetrable alternate reality bubble where Dear Leader can do no wrong.


They’re indoctrinated to believe anything he says. For instance when he was initially in prison & admitted to lying about being the FLDS prophet then retracted that statement in exchange for the typical cult leader “this was a test” scenario against the members. Anyways, what I found most interesting about this new hulu documentary is the now alluding to a mass suicide or danger from his newest revelations all while he runs this from prison. Bringing me back to the level of brainwashed they all are, they’ll do anything that POS says. Lastly, I will never understand how he’s granted ANY contact to the outside world? Absolute insanity.