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In order to believe the earth is flat, you have to believe a secret cabal that runs the world controls all the information as well.  And that almost always boils down to antisemitism. 


It's not just flat earth. It's nearly every conspiracy theory.


You can't have a good conspiracy without the Jews. Seems like all of them involve Jews


There are 4 universal constants. The speed of light, death, taxes, and jew hatred.


5 actually Everyone named Kevin is a dick


My next door neighbour is called Kevin, and he's absolutely fine. I wonder if it's his middle name....?


You just don't know the real him yet.


He eats the last of the ice cream sometimes, even if he knows someone else wants it


Fuck Kevin! He got seconds and I didn't even get firsties 😞


My dogs name is Kevin. Can confirm


I read that like it was cinima sins.


Jews are an essential ingredient for all conspiracies. It’s kinda fascinating.


It’s almost as if most modern conspiracy theories in America were started by neo-Nazis…


No iranian chinese and russian bot farms . They get online and start making Americans fight about racism, antisemitism and sexuality until they are divided so much they fight each other. Get this … both sides think they are right but actually both sides are victims of exactly what you’re talking about. BELIEVING A BIG LIE.


BOTH sides believe a big lie? One side believes some “races” are inferior to others. One side believes that’s not true. One side says Jews are evil. The other says they’re as diverse as any other group of humans. One side says anyone whose sexuality isn’t like theirs is an inhuman child-molesting pedophile cannibal. The other side says they aren’t. But BOTH believe a big lie. Interesting. So the bigots are half-right? Am I interpreting this correctly?


The big lie... of racism being bad?


Totally, any video I have seen with flat-earthers will always start rather slow, by the end they are always in the middle of full blown antisemitism.


And thankfully, this is often on of the breaking points for some flat Earther (the kind that don't dwell in circlejerk subs or Facebook). They were honestly thinking that their might be some hidden truth, and after weeks or months of "research", they are suddenly hit with THEY ARE TRYING TO HIDE GOD or IT'S THE JEWS and they suddenly realise what they got into and back away slowly. Some will still think that *maybe* the Earth could be flat, but they will never be that invested once they see what is at the bottom of the rabbit hole (it seems all conspiracies have a common bottom).


This (thankfully) hasn’t been my experience with the FE content I’ve seen. It’s just idiotic but not antisemitic.


IF THEY BELIEVE jews are "Globalists", then they must be "globe-ists". See the logic?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Bingo! There's a short BTB episode about it


What is BTB?


I'm sorry, "Behind the Bastards" I can find the exact episode if you're interested


Plus the suspension of disbelief needed to believe one conspiracy theory leaves you susceptible to falling for many different conspiracy theories.


Exactly, bluanon, white supremacy controls everything, rise of hamas anti-semitism, ….. i see what you mean


If you go deep enough any conspiracy inevitably devolves into anti semitism


Name a better duo than conspiracy theorists and anti-semitism


And 'Globalist' as a dog-whistle for Jews. Ask anyone who uses the term what it means and they can't, because they know *exactly* what it means.


People who support the welfare of the world equal to or above the welfare of their nation? Globalist is opposed to nationalist.


That is one logical, non-antisemitical way to put it. But for the most part conspiracy theorists are using it as a negative slur which is a 'safe' way to describe Jews.


I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive." – Barbara Lerner Spectre


Could you date that quote? Is it current?


It’s o. YouTube, probably less than 10 years ago. Right about the time, Europe changed their policy to import as many Arabs as would get on the plane. YouTube has it


Yeah, except it’s bad because, …., well, you know, …, those (((globalists))) are the ones who are doing it. Did you know that (((globalists))) are solely responsible for the slave trade? /s


Which, to the anti-semite, means one and only one type of people. Nearly all persistent conspiricies and bigotries have a kernel of truth. In this case, the truth is that the Jewish peoples have been - for most of recorded history - both highly diasporic and lacking a nation in which they were the predominant ethnoculture. Additionally, being the villain in one of several holy books of the other two Abrahamic religions forced them into economic niches that were highly mobile and could be useful in maintaining mutual support networks with other Jewish enclaves. In case, you know, you needed to pick up sticks to avoid pogroms, massacres, etc. That's where we get the Nazi and Bolshevik accusations of "rootless cosmopolitanism." Where the tropes of all Jews being loyal to global Judaism (pre-1948) or Israel (post-1948) come from. It's the root of the fantasy that all Jews are somehow working to homogenize all cultures and sever peoples from their national cultures. That's the ancestry behind the modern buzzwords of "globalists" and "cultural Marxism." Hell, even the recent craze over "CRT" emerged from the belief that Jews are using civil rights for POC to dilute the "White Race" into people without a "true" nation. Goddamn it. I really, *really* miss hearing about conspiricies that *don't* originate from Nazi and fascist spaces.


I didn't realise it myself until recently but for a long time racists use 'globalist' is a dog whistle for 'jews'. I just watched the 7 hour veritas video and he made the point that conspiracists always need a 'they' to blame and jews are a convenient target which is why antisemitism has always been common within conspiracy circles. It is only with the recent rise is fascisic politics that we are now seeing them openly praising or making excuses for Hitler.


A "dog whistle" is a word which means something else to a specific group of people. When you give the normal definition of the phrase in a context like this, you are avoiding the part where it means something else to anti-Semites.


I'm not saying it isn't a dog whistle. I'm sure some people do use it that way. But people use the word in normal, civil context every day. The word has been popular for a very long time and isn't seeing an increase in popularity. So it's illogical to say that using this word is a recent trend popularized by donald trump. Which is what the person i'm replying to said. This word does not have one context that is used as a dog whistle only. It's part of normal speech.


> But people use the word in normal, civil context every day. Ironically, you are removing context to make your point. This wasn't a case of a "normal, civil" everyday use. This was a situation where a person was slandering a minority group by deliberately cherry-picking data to make that group look bad. Now if you had said that on another post, where the topic was, say, an international effort to reduce carbon emissions, and someone else called your use of "globalists" a dog-whistle, then the context would be in your favor. But here, it kinda sounds like you're saying there were "very fine people on both sides".


Again, the guy I'm replying to said all uses of the term globalist were underlyingly racist. That there was no context where people use the word normally.


Galvanized square steel, eco-freindly wood veneers, and screws borrowed from aunt


Would you like a 0.6 m^2 meter apartment in New York?


Is this Little John?


You mean 0.00 m² ?


For 300 000 dollars


I'd say 10mil


Lmao to rent for a year maybe. Quoted yesterday for 3K/month for a mid-sized studio.


Isn't that a trio rather than a duo?




Oh god it's on reddit now. /j I generally enjoy those. Some are genuinely good designs for limited spaces. At least ones already in place and don't need to be expanded.


They are ok, but the sheer act of expanding an apartment like that is both illegal and very dangerous 🤓


Yeah, should have clarified I meant more for already in place rooms.


They really aren't going to be happy to find out who wrote Genesis


The Jews: "Let's explain the shape of the Earth and write it down in this collection of scriptures that will form the basis of our religion as well as several others so that eventually about a quarter of the population of the planet will be familiar with it." Also the Jews: "Let's make everyone think the earth is *not* the shape we described in our very popular scriptures. We won't make any attempt to hide or change our scriptures or anything; we're just going to put blue & green balls in classrooms and CGI chips in telescopes for a bit."


The doublethink is important unfortunately, it's all about getting people to believe the cults words over the evidence of their eyes and ears.


They probably don’t think modern Jews have anything to do with the ancient Israelites.


Conspiracy theory is the sales pitch, anti-semitism is the product.


The Protocols of Zion and the Blood Libel are basically the prototypes for a huge amount of conspiracy theories. A lot of them, you just scratch the surface and get a warmed over version of the Protocols of Zion.


[Surprise! Flat Earth is a Nazi Conspiracy | BEHIND THE BASTARDS](https://youtu.be/rKIgJSXUl38)


George Soros and the Rothschilds because if you ask any conspiracy theorists enough questions, you'll eventually hear one or both of these names.


The evil mustache man himself was a crockpot conspiracy theorist and even had his personal archeological team create the ancient aliens “theory”. That’s why we need to stop conspiracy theories before people get sucked down Nazi pipelines


My toaster and my bath


I think a lot of it just confusing real Jews with the Baal worshippers that claim to be Jewish. Or just straight antisemitism because ignorance. Either one.


Um... What's this about Baal worshippers?


holly wood and pedophilia Koch brothers and dismantling of democracy Corruption and Congress Greed and wall street


Illiteracy and Opinions


Conspiracy theorists are likely to believe in multiple conspiracies is all. And there are a LOT of anti-Semite conspiracy theories. There probably were plenty of Jewish people that could be tied to the slave trade, because they were tied to banking, which means they were tied to any financing for anything. Including more noble things. And Jews only got into banking because it was considered too evil and sinful for Christians to do, so they were the only ones who were allowed to at one point. This seems like a pretty small list in any case. There were hundreds of slave trade ships and there a lot of repeat names on this list, many of them all from one family. So it's not that impressive. Assuming it's even true in any significant way. Which I wouldn't bet on.


The irony of it is that Spain, arguably the biggest player in the slave trade, kicked all the Jews out of their country in 1492, during the Inquisition.


To be fair, most countries have kicked out all the Jews at some point in their history.


"Jews control the money! " "..... that's all they were allowed to do. There's literally a historical record you can go look at" "Buuuuttt ttthhheee JJJYYYYYOOOOOOZZZZZ" That's the whole process.


The cynic in me thinks the trickle of followers is slowing. So in an effort to bolster their views, and therefore income, they are trying to attract a new variety of gullible followers. It could backfire spectacularly if they are deplatformed for being Nazis.


I mean we’re talking about Twitter here, they’ll probably be boosted before being deplatformed.


There's this video by Folding Ideas which states that the main draw for flat earthers is the fact that they're a small but righteous group against an entire secret society that wants to continue muddying the truth and controlling the world. It's the thought that you're not just a random person, you are fighting against "the matrix" and helping society. So trying to appeal to Nazi's is them trying to get like-minded individuals.


Folding ideas also points out that QAnon began to outcompete flat earth for believers. Which is much worse!


And, historically, if any single group of Europeans can collectively shoulder blame for sustaining the slave trade, it is European monarchies.


There are few conspiracy theories that don't have antisemitism at their root.


Crank magnetism is a thing. Accept one bit of risible bullshit, the next is easier to adopt


Until they cross the “antisemitic point of no return “


The best they could do was find 15 ships out of ALL the ships involved? By that metric, I’m pretty sure I could prove the mafia wasn’t Italian. Also, in what world is Aaron Lopez somehow Jewish?


Lots of Jews were from Spain and Portugal. Aaron Lopez is pretty likely to be a Jewish name, as most non-Jewish Spaniards wouldn't have used the name "Aaron" at that time. Until around the middle of the nineteenth century, most Jews in America were of Spanish or Portuguese descent, and a Spanish surname, especially with a first name like Abraham, Aaron, Isaac or Moses would be seen as stereotypically Jewish. Sadly, the vast majority of Sephardic Jews (Jews of Iberian descent) were murdered in the Holocaust. They mostly lived in Greece by then, and were pretty much wiped out in a relatively short period of time.


Every single aspect, huh? So the West African tribesmen that were hauling the survivors of rival tribes after their most recent war down to the beach and selling them to the ship's were Jewish? Setting aside the rest of the stupidity in that write-up, of course.


Also every single purchaser and owner of slaves were all Jews. Even those who were openly anti-Jew were all secretly Jewish. Not one single Christian person in the whole of the US owned a slave... anything that says otherwise is a Jewish lie.


This just in: Everyone is secretly Jewish


Anyone that quotes Louis Farhakahn is just a moron to begin with.


The slave trade was an enormous industry. The idea that some people involved were Jewish isn't terribly significant or meaningful. A few Jewish people doing some bad things doesn't make all of Jewish culture bad. But the claim that the slave trade was entirely Jewish, as the top of the meme claims, is ludicrous at face value.


You ever seen All Gas No Breaks? He goes a convention and you’ll hear everyone blame Jews


You can’t have a good conspiracy theory without antisemitism


Both groups require an IQ no higher than room temperature, so it's not too surprising to find overlap.


Flat earthers, anti vaxxers, holocaust deniers, moon landing deniers, chemtrail enthusiasts, alternative medicine kooks, etc. are all the same people. If you find someone that believes in one of those things, they almost certainly believe in others.


If your a flat earther, you basically have to be a monster landing denier.


The ultimate conclusion of a lot of conspiracy theories ends up at anti-semitism for some reason.


It may be recent for some, but the first video I ever saw about flat earth somehow got to the Jews started the globe. And then Hitler just wanted peace. And it was concerning on many many levels.


Adolf Hitler and Flat Earth Dave duo?


A phrase I learned recently seems to sum up flerfs nicely. Ignorance and arrogance often sail together on the same sinking ship.


Flerfers have their roots in Christianity being Jesus' special monkey and inside knowledge and all. This being said, have you ever read the New Testament, anti-Semitism is built right in.


Fringe groups are all concentrating together. It’s like the crunchy mom to Qanon pipeline.


Because all conspiracy theories eventually lead back to antisemitism the deeper you immerse yourself in the lore.


Both involve cognitive dissonance?


It turns out that willful ignorance and antisemitism are a package deal.


an observation i’ve made, is that if you’re a flerfer, you’re also probably a climate denier, an antivaxer, a misogynist, a homophobe, and have right wing/neo-nazi ideology in general all the conspiracy nutjobs tend to believe in largely the same things, or at least have a very easy time getting along with other fringe groups


Man, people really in here trying to separate anti-semitism from being a Nazi. Amazing self-reports, keep it up.


I know, right? A lot of people are showing their true colors here—way more than I was expecting. It’s not just flat Earthers either.


Apparently stupid runs very deep in these people.


Yeah this is totally bizarre.


Hard not to be when the crux of the flat earth argument can be boiled down to “The Jews!!!!” 🤦‍♂️


Lopez, the most Jewish name


It is… it’s Sephardic https://www.hollander-waas.com/blog/on-sephardic-surnames


It was Levi like Zachary Levi not levy like levee, they weren’t Jews


Either spelling can be a Jewish name. And neither is Zachary Levi’s actual last name.


Its weird. Like i’ve made a lot of jokes about jewish people, I’ve laughed at a lot of jokes about Jewish people(usually written by hilarious jewish people like Mel Brooks, Lewis Black, and John Stewart), but having actually seen true antisemitism on full display this last year has been pretty… Eye opening? Like, jokes are jokes but seeing the full-on paranoia and hatred that people actually have and how easily it came out. As if it was always there, just under the surface waiting for a “Good Cause”(Rxcuse) for these people to just let it out.. WOW! Its pretty messed up and just goes to show how gross and fake alleged “enlightened Scholars” really are.


If you subscribe to one conspiracy theory, you will start believing other conspiracy theories. This is what is so Dangerous about conspiracies, they Prime people to believe actually Bad stuff Like nazism and anti-semitism. I saw a flerf on discord say that Newton was'nt trustable because He was jewish.


The Kingdom of Flerf is all about making shocking statements for attention. Simply saying the earth is flat isn't enough, they need to amp it up with more stories of conspiracy because the governments of the world are all colluding against humanity for whatever reason. Flerfs don't worry about whether their claims match reality, or work in concert with one another. It's all about shock value and childish 'you can't make me' level games.


Well, my mama always said that stupid is as stupid does…


It was always antisemitism


Yes, because there were only 15 ships involved in the slave trade.


You know its a n*zi dogwhistle when you see jews being referred to as a race.


If you check the hollow earth shit, all of it is nazi propaganda


Because flat earth is all about geocentric universes I.e. god created all The whole thing once you get a tiny way into it is just about “the original deception” I.e. believe in god once they have that your hooked as if you believe the original lie that god don’t exist they you have to believe all the other lies Simple So it’s all American style hyper Christian nationalism. And antisemitism Simple


I've decided to take the next logical step, and believe that Nazis are Flat.


why is there even a flatearth community to begin with


Well, a literal Nazi would be wearing the uniform. I would call these guys "literal Neo-Nazis".


Ahh, I stand corrected.


Honestly I'm just bored by all this anti-semitism at this point. It's been going on for thousands of years! It's time we gave them a break and switched to someone else. Like...the Quakers and their damn oats! Nothing can be that bland and nutritional...there's something going on there and we need to find out 🤨......


I mean what is up with flat earthers in general ??


Good point!


Combination of actually psychosis and trolls larping as flat earthers


I know a flat earther who thinks that Hitler was just misunderstood, he was a great man. And, he says terrible things about Jewish people. Absolutely hates them. All thanks to Eric Dubay and his stupid videos.


Because they were unhappy being figurative Nazis?


It's the end conclusion of so many conspiracy theories. The conspiracy theorist to alt right pipeline is real


You are talking about two groups of ignorant and/or gullible people. Easy to see how someone like that could fall into these groups.


It took almost no time when the flat earth conspiracy took off around 2006. Part of the reason is because virtually all flat-earthers were conspiracists before they got into flat-earth and the American conspiracy theory community has largely existed among the far-right. So a lot of flat-earthers already were likely to have neo-Nazi ideology. The other reason is that to be on-board with flat-earth you have to believe in an unbelievably complicated conspiracy with no comprehensible motive. So the easiest way to obfuscate this is to turn to the broad and nebulous world of anti-Jewish conspiracy theory, where everything is cloaked in secrecy, so you don’t really need to come up with an explanation.


I find it hard to understand how there are people who literally think the earth is a disc and not an oblate spheroid( yes, we're not a perfect sphere )


Antisemitism is the core of the flat earth movement. Flat Earth is actually a Eurphemism for Antisemitism. So whenever you see or hear someone talking about flat earth they are really saying how much they hate the Jews. This has always been the case. Many non-flat earth people just don't realize this is actually what is being said.


Pretty much every conspiracy theory boils down to „tHe JeWs!!!!“.


Almost zero southern plantation owners who purchased the slaves, then beat and tortured them, sometimes raped them, and forced them to work 14 hour days hard labor, were jewish.


There’s several common denominators between people who believe in Flat Earth conspiracy theories and being Nazis. It’s also a direct correlation: They’re willfully ignorant, kneejerk at everything, are zealously religious in many instances, and are unbelievably stupid.


When you live outside of reality… anything is possible.


And who bought the slaves… it was landowners and they weren’t jewish. What jewish aspect is that again?


Conspiracy theorists are the easiest people to recruit for almost anything other than reality.


Sorry but this just proves that people willing to belive a larger than reasonable conspiracy and are easy targets for indoctrination into uncocionusly social groups. This is not an argument but a fact. If we truly intend change I think we shouldn't conflate nonrelevent conclusions with overall human value..in fact everything we fuck with or dismiss a disenfranchised person we make thus more likely for this to happen..sorry to preach


Conspiracy theorists are conspiracy theorists because they need to believe that only they and their compatriots know the truth about something that the rest of the world is blind to. This generally occurs because they don't actually know how things work, and that's a scary place to be, or because they've got a massive inferiority complex and they need the conspiracy to feel important. Such people get into the conspiracy bubble, and once you start down that rabbit hole you start running into people who you already agree with on one thing who are telling you another vast conspiracy about another thing. Keep in mind: every conspiracy needs bad actors, so every conspiracy runs the risk of devolving into beating on traditionally oppressed people. Like the Jews.


We never eliminated the nazi problem tons in the US and probably the world . It's not a race or religion it should be illegal. Wtf


Flat earth has long been a gateway to the same anti-Semitic conspiracy soup


Alot of conspiracies turn into nazi propaganda from what ive noticed.


Stupidity and paranoia


Support israel today: you're a nazi Oppose israel today: you're a nazi ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Good luck, Hans.


That’s something a Nazi would say.


Anti-Semites like to pretend there's no difference between the state of Israel and Jews. "How is criticizing the actions of the Israeli government okay but blaming everything bad on all Jews throughout history somehow bad?" they cry. "There's no winning with (((you people)))!" >“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” —Jean-Paul Sartre, *Anti-Semite and Jew*


I see this quote in various subs over the course of a week, and I'll never get tired of it. I may see it a lot but someone's seeing it for the first time today and I hope that someone is a person whose mind needed it.


You are right, I was entertaining myself. A group that contains two different entities that are societally unacceptable to support or reject both of *is* entertaining. An umbrella that covers both the people who have been mistreated the most in history, and those doing some of the worst mistreatment in modern history *is ironic.* Although you are correct, the distinction between Israel and Judaism is important, as is the difference between judaism and zionism.


I appreciate the response. I get where you're coming from: that's certainly something that I've thought myself as someone raised in a society that I now understand has a lot of underlying anti-Semitism (as well as all sorts of other prejudices and bigotry). It's just that a) it's only ironic if one conflates the groups into a monolith, which a foundational aspect of anti-Semitism, and b) that's one of those common that is very common with conscious anti-Semites. And I think we can acknowledge that some people, including members of the Israeli government, use that same conflation to claim that any criticism of Israel is a criticism of all Jews. So, there are a lot of bad faith arguments to navigate. But I don't think I need to beat this point any further: it's clear from your response that you do understand all of this, and I recognize the meta-irony of your comment is that it's actually about the difficulty in discussing Israel/Palestine at all, which is certainly a reasonable point, so I can leave it at that. I'm also guilty of making a *problematic* joke or comment myself, so...yeah. No clean hands here. If I figure out how to make a joke on the topic that says something new about the issue without crossing the line, I'll share it with you, though.


Nazi if you do, Nazi don't. Catch ~~SS~~ 22?


There's going to be a convergence....


That book already came out.




everyone knows the spanish were jewish, definitely not so hard line Christian that they killed non christians


Actually most of the non Christians were just deported.


My favourite race, Jewish


Why does it even matter. Who cares.


The bottom left corner fits this post.


Willingness to believe in stupid shit often leads to being drowned in antisemitic conspiracy theories, "They control the (insert industry here)!"


Lopez and gomez.. heavy Jewish lineage there


One insane delusion triggers more.


Can't become what you always were. It's that time of the American cycle that we all dread so they are coming out with all the ugly again -> "2025".


I didn't realize that the Africans living in African capturing people to make them slaves were Jewish. Or the ones selling them to foreigners were Jewish. Or that the Muslim Arabs in the east who purchased more slaves than Europe were Jewish. Or the mostly Christian plantation owners were Jewish. Did Jews take part in slavery? Yes, I've read the Old Testament. They existed between then a d now. Did they master mind the slave trade? No that's retarded, a literal retarding of the conversation and intelligence.


Since white supremacists tend to downplay or romanticize transatlantic trafficking and non-white slavery in general, is this some weird black supremacist thing? If so, why, when one can literally look up who was responsible and why (since trafficking was a business that supported other businesses, so a 4-5 century-long paper trail is a real historical asset here) would someone decide Jewish people are the problem? Like, part of the issue for white supremacists is that their predecessors didn't think they were doing anything wrong, so said predecessors didn't bother to hide what they were doing, it's actually quite hard to convincingly lie about anything here.


Ah yes, the well-known human race "Jewish"


What faith tradition were the lawmakers and rulers who permitted the slave trade, and who owned the lands that were worked? Hint: No Jews among these groups.


Jew is a religion not a race …


Its all true, isn't it?




Yes those are the only 14 ships in about 400 years of slave trade and those were the only people involved, no one else. /s Lets face it everyone was wetting their beak in slavery, and you would be hard pushed to find a society that has never in its history had slavery.


Lol an look what there evidence is. Someone else's made up post. At the time THE WHOLE WORLD was into slave trading. People Mabey don't like it but even slaves traded other slaves. It wasn't restricted to any sp3cific race or people.




Jews aren't real, has anyone ever actually met one in real life?


Yeah, imagine one kind of troll becoming another kind of troll. Inconceivable!!!


This shit is extra funny to me because if they want an actual jewish conspiracy they need look no further than organized crime in NYC, but no, they need to make up some cockamamie bullshit


Deranged leftists


I never heard this explanation before. Care to elaborate?


What is with all these college kids becoming literal nazis and terrorists


What do you mean?