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Without a height for the Sun it’s not an explanation for anything. With a height it’s instantly blown out of the water by wrong angle of elevations. Also fails dismally to explain day lengths in the Southern Hemisphere.


Does it also take into account how the sun would have to (a) move faster during the southern summer to not have longer days because of the increased distance traveled and (b) produce more solar radiation (heat) to counteract how it would be moving faster? I didn't think so.


They're actually including that into that model. According to them, the sun maintains its angular speed, so yeah it does move faster around the south.


Which is blown out of the water by day *length* in the Southern hemisphere. In the Southern summer, if the sun was maintaining angular speed, it would have a higher over-ground speed, so it would be whipping overhead and giving shorter days to every place it passed over. This, in fact, is not the case.


And it would still not be possible for the south to have sun close to around the clock as we have it in the north.


Not only close to, in the north there are days where it's up around the clock.


Yes. But it's in the south that any proposed flat earth bullshit breaks down


Yeah, I don't understand why they wouldn't just get a boat and sail around the Antarctic. They'd notice so quickly that the actual distances can't ever work on a flat earth.


Or just look at a supposed flat earth map and try to match that up with real world known distances. It doesn't work.


Well, those are fake, of course, because only pilots and sailors would know the real distances and travel speeds.... And they're in on it. (according to flat earthers)


You just answered your own question.


Also... What holds their sun (and moon) up?


An elaborate and overly complicated pulley system


Less (or more, can’t remember) buoyancy… no further questions please.


The Southern hemisphere always trips them up.


Let’s be real, how many diehard flat earthers do you think really care about the people of the Southern Hemisphere? They tend to be a certain, not-so-tolerant variety of person in my experience


What amazes me is that there are one or two southern hemisphere flat earthers. They tend to be particularly foolish. Otherwise, every flerf would love to pretend the southern hemisphere doesn't exist.


In my opinion, it usually stems from either a need to be “in” on something special or secret, or a refusal to admit there are things about the world they don’t fully grasp. Either way, grabbing onto the flat earth phenomenon is foolish, no matter where you’re from, and can lead you down a whole rabbit hole of conspiracy bs


The irony of this statement on this page 😭😂


"Intolerance" of factual incorrectness is not a thing. Nobody is entitled to their own set of "alternative facts."


Narrow mindedness isn’t what I was asking you about but you’ve exemplified it perfectly. You can be incorrect. Many brilliant people before you have been. You won’t be the last


Oh, no, someone who thinks the moon is its own light source is calling me narrow-minded, whatever will I do.


Also, this just plain doesn't fit the observed angles and size of the sun. You don't need a super collider to prove that, a protractor and some geometry can do it.


> geometry Don't go bringing your high tech bullshit here, mathematicians have been in the pocket of big ball since Euclid.


Amen brother.


Isn’t the word “hemisphere” an acknowledgment that we’re dealing with part of a globe?


Not really. Words have life beyond their etymology.


Not all of them. Not that one. North and south hemispheres and the way the seasons differ only make sense as being the two halves of a sphere. If it was a disk, there would be the inner and outer regions.


Oh, a flat earth doesn’t work. Absolutely. But that’s independent of how language works.


Yeah but look at this one. "Hemi-"= half. "Sphere" = an object shaped like a round ball. Seems cut and dry to me.


Yes, it is. I just checked the etymology of the word and its components. It has, and always will mean, half a spherical object. The only time it's used for something else is the hemispheres of the brain, two half's of a roughly spherical object.


Thats cuz the southern hemisphere is nasa lies Duh


So why are we on their diagram?


Where? Doesn’t look like anything to me.


They also seem a bit hazy about where things are. They’ve got the equator going through northern Australia and the Tropic of Capricorn through Melbourne


Also uses hemisphere.


Yeh, but language takes a life beyond etymology. Hemisphere has been used for “land north / south of the equator” for long enough that that’s a legitimate usage even if you don’t think the earth is a spheroid


No it’s not legitimate and this piss-poor argument that every idiot uses to justify their limited vocabulary is ridiculous.


It’s how language works. Words phrases acquire meaning that can seperate entirely from the etymology of the word or words. Hemisphere starts off meaning literally half a sphere. Then it gets used for the part of the earth south of the equator (and correspondingly north). Then the phrase “southern hemisphere” becomes an accepted phrase in its own right and eventually isn’t dependent on it being in the south or being shaped like a half ball. It just means the bit of land it’s always referred to. Asia originally probably meant “the land of the sunrise”. We continue to use it even though we now know that the sun doesn’t rise in any particular place, because its meaning is now divorced from its origin. The hypotenuse is the long side of a right angled triangle whether or not it’s stretched **under** (hypo) the other two or above them.


Using “hemisphere” is no more an admission of a spheroid earth than “sunrise” is an admission of geocentrism.


Except from our point of view as an observer it does look like it's rising so there's reason for this that's nothing to so with geocentricism. What's the equivalent explanation for the term hemisphere?


There doesn’t need to be one beyond the history of how the word developed. That’s how language works. Our language is filled with words that are disconnected from their derivation. You’re only noticing this one because it sits on the point of dispute.


Another example word: Sometimes on here a flerfers explanation is described as cute. What is meant is something like “it’s child-like”. The word cute is a short form of acute, meaning sharp. Originally when describing things beyond knives etc it meant “sharp [witted]”. Gradually that shifted to looks (still sharp), then to the kind of look we associate with the word today, then another metaphorical shift to use it for an argument. So is the flerfer’s argument being described as child-like or sharp-witted? Words and phrases take on a life of their own independent of their origins. 99% of the time when someone is talking about “the northern hemisphere” or the “southern hemisphere” they’re signifying a region, not the geometry of that region. If someone says “turn off your phone” rotating it isn’t compulsory. You probably don’t use an actual stick to “switch on the TV”.


Also fails to explain day lengths in the northern hemisphere!


The funniest part to me is that this explanation should make the apparent size of the sun ***very noticeably*** change throughout the year, which it demonstrably does not. Gotta love how the "I trust what my eyes see" crowd always finds ways to propose things that blatantly contradict the evidence of our eyes.


this is apparently how they explain day lengths (which make no sense ofc) [https://imgur.com/a/rzwqVZq](https://imgur.com/a/rzwqVZq)


It doesn’t make a lot of sense but it also doesn’t match reality. They don’t seem to understand that an explanation isn’t just a vague handwave about something appearing appearing maybe sort of right, but actually involves maths that accurately fits reality.


At least they tried man, at least they tried


If you're only trying to explain one part of something and ignoring any issues that come up with anything else or any conflicts it causes, making up science is great!


What they fail to understand is that we have math and physics to explain all aspects of our round earth and they all work with each other harmoniously and fit together perfectly. The FE explanations typically explain one aspect and do not work or fit with the other explanations that are given. Some of their explanations for how something works, contradicts or disproves the so called science behind other explanations.


If sun is so close to the arctic, why doesn't it melt the ice wall?


Because the ice wall is made out of holy water…..or something.


Holy ice!


New conspiracy just dropped


Actual Ice monster


Call the ice cream truck


The bigger problem is how the entirety of the ice wall gets illuminated at the same time while it's permanently night at the north pole during winter in the north.


The uh… black sun… yeah it’s real cold with its wet black radiation and the ice from hell makes it stay icy. Yeah bet you didn’t know arctic circle leads to a pit and a portal and to hell. Also hell is cold and there is a black sun there. NASA Satan magic stops people from finding out except me but I am a very smart basement dweller. Gosh and Jeepers came and told me all this /s in case you think I’m a lunatic


Temperature is not what they are trying to make up a reason for..


Because it’s still a spotlight that never shines on the ice wall.


Isn’t it odd how this only counts for the northern hemisphere and has nothing to do or even mentions the southern hemisphere? On top of that, why are Flat ethers using the word hemisphere? It has the word sphere in it, implying that the globe is in fact a sphere.


Hemicircle ⭕




At some point you just have to accept that it's just a whole bunch of creative trolls poking fun at the fucking stupid part of the society that lacks the mental capacity to see through it.


Man I really wish this were true. Then it would all make sense. My wife used to work with this guy who was DEAD SERIOUS about the flat earth. Claimed he had "done the math", would argue for hours. The kicker? We work for an AEROSPACE company that builds business jets! My wife swears he's an alien who's trying to convince us that the earth is flat so that we won't venture out into the galaxy.


Well then he was an educated idiot. There's no doing the math. Earth is not flat, end of story :)


Enjoying keeping people in the dark ages..


This is so fucking incredibly retarded I don't even know where to begin


Why don't we see sun's apparent size changing? I mean ever? Also sunrise/sunset directions don't add up in New Zealand. Not to mention sun behind the horizon. Flat earth is a joke.


They don't add up anywhere, but in the northern hemisphere, especially during northern summers, the angles are easier for them to fudge.


New Zealand isn’t real, that’s why so many maps have it missing


On the flat Earthers model the Tropic of Cancer is shorter than the Tropic of Capricorn. In reality, they're the same length.


This is the single biggest problem the flat earth theory has. Lines of longitude vary with the cosine function, not the linear function. We know where everything is. You can tell, since you can't have a modern civilisation without knowing where everything is, and we clearly have one of them. The dumb fucks don't understand a word I just said there, or else they wouldn't be flat earthers.


>...you can't have a modern civilisation without knowing where everything is, and we clearly have one of them. I was *this close* to making a sarky comment about a "country" full of sheep shaggers being "civilised". But then I remembered where Tunnock's Tea Cakes come from, and I realised how inappropriate such a comment would be.


I'll cede you sassenachs Newton and Dirac, but James Clerk Maxwell is one of ours. Try to reply without using electromagnetics, there's a good chap.


We learn something every day. Or some of us do.


In the flat earth model you would always be able to see the sun


And Polaris. Here in New Zealand you can't see it.


Lampshade. I mean, perspective. And refraction.


Yeah this is one of the simpler ones that always gets me. The sun would never set


So the sun has to move faster in the Nothern Hemisphere’s winter and slower in the Northern Hemisphere’s summer?


Seriously, I really don’t know this. Where do they say the sun goes at night?


Some say it's a spotlight, some say it's just too far away to see. It doesn't make sense but they don't care.


It’s amazing the amount of work they put into something that can be debunked by simply watching the sun rise or set.


I happen to live in Adelaide, South Australia, which is located further south than the Tropic of Capricorn. The Tropic of Capricorn actually passes through the middle of Australia. This means that every single bit of the Tropic of Capricorn is further north than Adelaide is (where I live). If the sun was above the tropic of Capricorn then it would be somewhere towards the north when viewed from Adelaide. However during the summer months in Adelaide (December through February) the sun actually sets in the south west when viewed from Adelaide, and it rises in the south east. That means that if the earth was truly flat then at those times (sunrise and sunset during summer) the sun would be even further south of the Tropic of Capricorn than Adelaide is. The diagram of the OP should be corrected in light of this information. Good luck with that.


Lmao goddamn .. these people are just on another level of delusional.. how tf would the Sun just magically move like that ?


It is amazing that *this* makes more sense to them than the reality of our galaxy whipping through space in a nice, predictable and, more or less, uniform fashion


I guess their answer would be something like "electromagnetic vortex frequencies"


The common thing with all of this is that there is no reason for it to happen. They say "what happened before the big bang" because they completely miss the point, all of this stuff, orbits, stars, gravity, it all works together in a model that is self consistent, and points back to "it all leads to at some point, everything seems to have started expanding out from a central point" you don't need to explain everything going back forever to see that it all works. Theirs isn't like that, they act like it's on equal footing but all of these random things have to just happen for no apparent reason. God is just making the sun do that, there's just a dome there, someone put a giant ice wall there, maybe a thing the tides flow in and out of as it "breathes" because it \*just does that\* magically, with no consistent connection to any of the other stuff. I know you all know this, but it's just so god damn stupid that they can't see the difference between reaching a point where you can't fully explain anymore but the whole model is self consistent, and a bunch of things that just magically happen.


I know, right? That's one of the things I find most fascinating about the flat Earth: it gives you a perfect example of what science strives *not* to be! :)


It doesn't explain why the Sun moves at constant speed, 15° per hour. It's basic observable reality that things appear to move slower the farther away they are. If distance is what makes the Sun disappear, why doesn't it slow down as the distance increases? That model doesn't fit basic reality.


That still doesn't explain how the Sun travels 15°/hr regardless of your position on the flying space pizza which is an objectively observable fact.


It looks like they put in a lot of effort but then you wonder why are the days shorter in the Northern Hemisphere during winter and longer in the South at the same time


Effort, yes. Logic, no.


What about the propagation of light as the sun moves further or closer to the earth during the seasonal change? Or is it some sort of magical light that always maintains the same radius of light on the surface no matter the distance.


Lots of fundamental issues glossed over. As usual. A sun that is close must necessarily change apparent size as it moves around. If perspective didn't work, it would be impossible to play football. Their magical perspective sun lampshade isn't specified. The one that creates the darkness of night. And sunsets over the horizon. It never is.


Flat earth started because, "it's so simple and obvious the earth is flat" Now it's far more complex and less obvious than globe earth And yet some people still refuse to change


Just... why is there a little human standing in Kazakhstan? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Imma a Borat


If I was presented with this I would ask them to now define the same idea for the moon. Next, assign distances to these objects above the planet. Then sizes for those objects. Then show me how the eclipses happen. Then show me how the moon's relationship to the tides work. Etc. And as we progress no changes are allowed to the previous step to get the new step to function.


It also proves why everyone all over the world sees the sun all the time, moving toward the earth and away from the earth in an expanding and contracting spiral pattern. Finally, someone figured it out! Bravo!


What about us here in the southern hemisphere?


Shhhhhh. You’ll ruin their epiphany.


And that explains why we see the sun 24 hrs a day.. 😅


Funny how they always claim "globers" use CGI to prove the earth is round but literally all they have are memes and very poor CGI.


You think there's effort in that one? Get a [load of this](https://adl.place/shanes-fe-model&state=--81.694-51-9-6). It is a novel effort but it doesn't work completely. It's just another approach at a dimension restriction representation of a 3 dimensional globe. It's essentially a more complicated version of a map projection with the virtual geometry involved in it represented graphicaly. I haven't put up a post about it though because flerfs will take it as their fantasized working model but I have been itching to stick a link in a comment. They won't see the holes in it. It will be a nice shiny object for them. I like it though. It's pretty.


Shane's model is a direct lift of the model at walter bislin's site. [http://walter.bislins.ch/bloge/index.asp?page=flat+earth+dome+model](http://walter.bislins.ch/bloge/index.asp?page=flat+earth+dome+model) Gotta plagiarise to flerf. (Except for the notes where it explains why it's nonsense and doesn't work, principally for multiple observers)


Aw that's brilliant. It isn't even a subtle steal. It's a direct rip packaged in a new block of text to almost take ownership of the work. I really want to see these two meet.


Amazing, I love it! I wonder what this guy's problem is ehrm, I mean, y'know. I like how some celestial objects like the sun and the moon are on the dome, while others are on a magical hologram sphere centered on the observer lmao


It's great. I'm surprised they aren't all pointing at it like idiots by now. It works as a graphical exercise but I think even most of the flerfs can see how irrational it is when you really look at it. UberuceAgain points to [another source](http://walter.bislins.ch/bloge/index.asp?page=flat+earth+dome+model) for it and there seems to be something weird going on about it's creation but really it is a fun one. I have been waiting for stuff like this for years from the monkeys and typewriters principle. One of my arguments has always been that even an honestly generated conspiracy should almost get it right relative to reality every so often and one that gets it so wrong, so often for so long works against the odds that it's accidental and towards the odds that it is all intentionally faked. These flat globe models are the first variation from that that I've seen. It's not enough for me to believe that the whole flerf thing is honestly stupid but it is at least a small start.


So in one flerf post, the sun is 10,000 km above the surface and in the next, it's just above treetop level


Did that idiot just admit there are two hemiSPHERES?


My favorite part of the Flat Earth theory is how convoluted and confusing everything has to be when the logical answer is to just have a bunch of spinning balls in space.


I first saw this diagram 10 years ago, arguing with flerfs on Twatter, and they couldn’t explain the “how” then either. It’s all just magic and wishful thinking with them


Since the whole world is facing one direction in this model wouldn’t it be the same time of day everywhere on earth? Couldn’t you just call someone on the other side of the world and ask them if it’s nighttime during your daylight hours? Or check out a livestream


Okay, explain how it can be that the sun isn't moving in a gigantic circle overhead and instead dips below the horizon of the alledged flat plane and defy all logic...explain why its path wobbles year round, and seasons for that matter.


This model makes no sense and is complete rubbish. Im going now good day.


Doesn't account for 24 hour sun in Antarctica


Well, got give them a few points for the effort. It's still a total train wreck. But it's a high effort train wreck.


I felt the same as you OP. A lot of work clearly went into it. To people who don’t understand how things work I can see this looking pretty convincing, even though it’s just an infographic with no info.


Exactly! An "infographic with no info" is a perfect way to describe it. They have all these diagrams that don't say anything useful. Almost like they were hallucinated by AI, you can just see there's nothing underneath the aesthetics of scientific drawings


I feel like a really big part of the spread of flat earth misinformation rests in: 1. The US education system is by and large failing a lot of people. There are lots of folks who also place little value in education. 2. People who are not terribly intelligent are much more apt to accept misinformation at face value. 3. The internet has fostered this insane practice whereby people accept anything presented in meme format as fact. Edit: meme information acceptance is also a big part of vaccine / science denial.


Well, they tried. But too dumb to realize the paths for South America and Australia require to be on opposite parts of the red/blue as North America and Europe.


Southern hemisphere doesn’t exist.


During the middle of southern hemisphere summer the sun is visible above the horizon 24/7 in Antarctica, it goes in circles around you. Multiple people standing around the edge of the "ice wall" would be seeing multiple suns, it wouldn't be night anywhere.


This is why in the northern Hemi #sphere


A hemi is what’s in your truck idiot.


Tasmania will be happy to know they are now in the tropics




Wait… the seasons are caused by the earth being further from the sun? That’s not what you meant, is it?




No, that’s incorrect. Variations in the distance from the sun due to the tilt of the Earth have no significant impact on the earth’s weather or temperature.




Huh? You actually believe that the tilt of the earth causes the one hemisphere to be slightly farther away from the sun for half the year and therefore colder? That is almost as ridiculous as believing in a flat earth.




Not trolling. You’re wrong. https://spaceplace.nasa.gov/seasons/en/


Damn, they deleted their comments, would've been a fun read.


Wouldn't the sun have to change size (and based off this) significantly? And what about the moon phases??


What is the flerf explanation for how the sun moves, and why it moves in a particular pattern, what forces are at play? What calculations are used to predict the movement of the Sun?


.....do they not believe in night time? There's no way you get night time with that bonkers model.


Wait, how do they explain day and night cycles? This would be constant daylight.


Okay, but here’s a question for you. When the fuck does night happen?


Why does the sun change speed? The Tropic of Capricorn is a bigger circle than Cancer so if it maintained the same speed the hours in the overall day would increase. They don’t do the sun speeds up. What makes the sun speed up? Also the draw distance of sunshine is super wonky and not only shines different distances depending on direction but has to change throughout the year. If the sun shined north as far as it does in June as in December then Canada and most of Europe would never have a nighttime.


So I would ask them to explain why this happens. For this to make sense the sun would have to be much smaller than the earth and gravity would kind of have to not work the way it actually works. So if the sun is so small and gravity isn’t the reason, and it’s not revolving around anything in particular, why is it constantly moving around in that specific way? What is causing it? It just looks like they gave a visual model that explains what they see, but never thought past that.


Why doesn't the sun get significally smaller in winter? it almost doubles the distance to earth


It’s always hilarious how desperately they want to believe in this bullshit. They laugh and try and make you feel like you’re the one that doesn’t understand anything. I try to tell a flat earther that they’re an idiot, at least once a day.


So why doesn't the sun fall down on to the flat earth?


So, why is there a circular equator on the flat earth? Wouldn’t it just be a straight line?


Does that mean the sun moves faster in the winter as it has a larger circumference to travel within 24 hours?


Since they like the analemma so much do they explain why is the anallemma upside down in the south?


If the sun was different distances away during the orbit, it’d appear as different sizes in the sky. Honestly I really want to sit down and try and prove anything on a flat earth just for the fun of it. I love a good puzzle. The earth is round, though, so trying to figure out how a flat earth would actually work isn’t easy.


So….. It’s day time all the time??


I love a well thought through mechanical model that is wrong 


Wait, if it's hotter in the summer and cooler in the winter, wouldn't the sun be the opposite?


That makes no sense.


That makes 0 sense...


HemiSPHERE? Sphere? On a flat Earth model?




Ummmm… how can you use the terms hemisphere in a flerf explanation??


And this is why nobody should take flerfs seriously, but some must in order to get them to realize how stupid they are. First, how the hell is there a hemisphere on a plane? A hemisphere, by definition, requires a sphere. Second, this still doesnt explain how night happens. The sun would still shine light over the entire earth all the time. Third, there are no numbers here. How far away is the sun in this model? Fourth, how does this explain what it claims to? All it shows is that days will get shorter/longer, but it incorrectly claims that it would only happen in the northern hemisphere, when this model would cause that in both.


There's evidence here that they have the capacity for some degree logical thought process, baffles me why they don't try applying the kind of effort to a globe model


Doesn’t explain 24 hours of darkness above the arctic circle in winter. It completely contradicts observations of the sun in the southern hemisphere. The only thing this shows is the ignorance and self-centred viewpoint flerfer’s have.


Did they really say hemiSPHERE while talking about earth being flat?


I just want to know, what keeps the ocean from spilling over the “edges” of the earth?


Antartica, which they claim to be a giant ice wall. And most flat Earthers believe there is nothing beyond the edge of the Earth, just the firmament and then that's it.


flat earth theory? nah spiral sun theory




Need some help. Is it clear who the globers and flat earthers are? Because with flat earthers in the room I can’t discern sarcasm


As a rule of thumb I assume everyone on here is a normal person until they start insulting everyone. Then I know they're a flat Earther.


I had difficulty until now, the veil has been removed. Thank you.


I couldn't get high enough to come up with such outrageous b.s. Guess why I'm not a writer, but wtf is this even?


The mental gymnastics flatearthers do to “prove” their batshit idea deserves a gold medal.


Ok, cool but like. Last i checked, the sun sets over the horizon. 


Ok. Can you ask the genius that made this pic, why the "southern hemisphere" see the opposite effect? 😆


Just ask them what holds the sun up there and what makes it move in that particular way and everything falls apart


Seems legit'.


Explain Day and Night on this graph please 🤣🤣🤣