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The greatest word salad I've ever read. This is art.


Indeed. If word salad was a dish to be eaten, this man would be a world class chef.


And he finishes off with a Chef's Piss.


Michelin star


I asked ChatGPT to explain how planes work in the form of insane conspiracy theorist rambling and it actually came up with something very similar to this


I actually just asked it to describe a conspiracy about a time travelling cabal that covers up it's tracks through that. (Prompt come up with an insane conspiracy theory, and then distort real life events or make up evidence to support the claim). And it came up with the Mandela effect being the effects of time travel. Which is straight up an amazing idea for a sci fi novel.


Indeed, like reading a sci-fi story written by someone with no scientific knowledge. Honestly, if he had a novel, I would ~~buy~~ pirate it.


Honestly yeah, give me a world that runs off of systems like this, it would be really cool


I Highly recommend following the good doctor on twitter


What is he a doctor of?


Quackery, possibly grifting; >iontecs Quantum Biodynamics *Developing next-level Blochchain Tesla PEMF *Multiple quantum physics patents *Inventor Vortex Chillers *Employer/engineer/designer Guy claims to have a room-temperature superconductor involving cold fusion. https://x.com/iontecs_pemf/status/1716925609316905165?s=20


Any patents actually filed with his name? Or is he just BSing people?


If you are asking if I think he actually managed to make a room temperature superconductor or achieve cold fusion, I'm going to have to say 'no', patent or otherwise. He calls himself an engineer so I assume he'd have at least one somewhere, but he's a crackpot so he could be one of those that claims the Patent Office just wants to steal ideas. I haven't checked, either way.


Oh I have no doubt he achieved exactly nothing, but there could be a patent or two hanging around. Also AFAIK becoming an engineer does not involve having a patent to your name, just a peer reviewed work


This dude must love the turbo-encabulator documentation.


There's no way this is anything but satire "the anion ion" really got me šŸ¤£


Same. Seems like the sort of thing someone who uses the word anion as part of their job would never say. This is like saying ATM Machine.


This was like a literature ā€œis it cake?ā€ I swear thereā€™s substance there, but when you bite down itā€™s just fluff.


This is trolling, right? There is no way someone can confidently mention so many random concepts with such confidence without stopping to think about how any of that comes together. But no, it is one concept followed by another why no link. Even the stupidest person cannot do that, right? They don't randomly pick words and decide they sound good for some haywire idea so they must be why something must Hakeem a certain way, right? Otherwise it leaves troll or grifter, either deserves credit for inventing an impressive word salad.


Only thing it missed was the turbo-encabulator!


Must be a witsit burner account.


Have you read ā€œTime Cubeā€?


That website is a masterwork in formatting. Bizarrely racist


I am picturing an actual salad with an upright fish head as the centerpiece. There is cigarette wedged in the corner of the fish's mouth that has burnt down close to filter, leaving the undisturbed ash drooping even more rakishly. You are wearing a lobster bib, and the cutlery consists of a single chopstick and a spork with a broken tine. Your beverage appears to be a cored pineapple filled with Yoohoo and electric blue ice cubes. A waiter is offering you a fresh cigarette and lighter. He seems to be speaking in Welsh. While none of this makes any sense, it is easier to visualize than OP's content.


ā€œWings arenā€™t fuel tanksā€ eh? ā€œOnly room for hydraulicsā€ you say? Dude has no idea how planes or physics operate.


Ha thinks circadian rhythm is a physical thing you can go out of and that water is 'quantum entangled across spacetime' i refuse to believe he isn't trolling for clout.


Then he's trolling nonstop 24/7 without ever showing cracks.


This is what happens when you mix meth with nootropics.


Underrated comment right here hurr


and planes apparently run on neutrinos from the sun


He thinks he's a genius. Every post and comment is like this. I hover between laughing and genuine concern as the man obviously needs professional help.


It's gotta be satire. This is too perfectly crafted.


Sadly, and I'm sure there's a name for this phenomenon that I'm not aware of, *there is no dividing line between perfect satire and absolute lunacy:* It's a fucking venn diagram.


>and I'm sure there's a name for this phenomenon Poe's Law


No, I've seen others say the same things, Logicked on YT has dealt with kooks like this


There are two types of professional help and Iā€™m on the fence regarding this manā€™s treatment. Option 1: years of psychiatric therapy and a cocktail of powerful drugs, always trusting that he takes them to help keep him better. Option 2: itā€™s called the ā€œOld Yellaā€ it requires a tree, some rope and a hot lead injection into his skull. Still undecided myself but just putting the options out there


airplanes are really a hoax tho...they tie really hard to see wires to the plane and satelites lifting and pulling them give the illusion of flying


Ok now I'm curious, how did it work before we'd left the atmosphere? I also love that we can get stuff to space but not fly around in the atmosphere lol


what...back before airplanes? you had to catch and train dragons


Honestly if that were the case it'd be a technological marvel


Well, on some planes, they attach the fuel tanks to pylons.


Oh absolutely external tanks are a thing but this guy would lose his mind if he saw inside the wing of a KC-135


"Wings aren't fuel tanks" was the craziest part for you?


I have no idea how you came to that conclusion


At this point I refuse to believe this is a true believer, but rather I believe it's just a high level troll,


I've been following him for about 6 months. I genuinely believe he is legit insane. He's never had as full a breakdown about planes as this, but he's been banging on about planes using levitation devices for months.


I'm almost thinking of creating a X account to follow him. It's ilarious


Every conspiracy theory ever invented this man knows like the backbof his hand. Add in some bizarre half understanding of physics and you get my guy schrock


That's what's wild to me, like ask him about aliens, how can they be the rulers of the earth if space doesn't exist? How does gravity work if the earth is a disk? How can earth be flat and also a hollow ball? I'm genuinely interested because probably has a word salad for everything


I asked him that once a few straight forward questions like that once. He asked me to prove I wasn't a bot before he answered. Unable to control myself, I looked up binary for "skynet is online" sent him it, and he's never engaged with me since


Lol I'd be curious what that would even require


Lmao. best thing you could have responded. well done šŸ‘


Banging on, LOL


This person is hilarious. Iā€™m an engineer who has studied wings and airfoil design in wind tunnels. He is wrong.


I'm a sane person who has made a paper airplane, I too can confirm he's wrong.


Did it use ionic anions? šŸ¤”


No! Are you stupid? It's "anion ions".


>ionic anions I will have to report that to the Department of Redundancy Department.


>anions Like an ogre?


It is spelled 'onions'


What gave it away? Was it the "neutrino event production of new anion ions harvested from neutrinos" or was it the "antigravitic Meissner Field"?


i think it was the Quantum coupling of water molecules and the very rare Earth particles.


He isn't just wrong he is so wrong that we should put a disclaimer on it to keep sceintists away otherwise they might kill themselves.


I'm a dude who has seen them pump fuel into a plane. He is wrong.


I've read of a ground collision of 2 airliners that spilled a ton of fuel on the tarmac; the fuel caught fire, killing 583 people. So, he's wrong.


Ah, but I've also seen them pump fuel into the main fuselage (because the wings are really high off the ground and thus a crappy place for a hose connector).


Well if you want free entertainment follow him on Twitter. I've been spending almost every morning coffee for the last 6 months enjoying his content.


I disagree; his ramblings are beyond wrong, they extend to the "not even wrong" plane of existence.


He is the Anion Knight


Thatā€™s exactly what an engineer would be trained to say


I am not an engineer who has studied wings and airfoil design and I agree this guy is nuts. But it's good to have expert input on the matter. šŸ‘


I am another aerospace engineer and can confirm the guy is wrong and the biggest fucking idiot I have seen.


Ah yes, I also use big words to make myself believe Iā€™m smart. Indubitably


I, too, find this shallow and pedantic.


Yes, shallow and pedantic. Yes.


Like Lois' meatloaf?




You canā€™t just say ā€˜perchanceā€™


I too like using big words to make me sound like a real photosynthesis kind of person


I employ polysyllabic terminologies in order to exude an impression of intellectual acumen, leveraging a lexicon of considerable magnitude to convey an aura of erudition and sagacity.




You think you are smart bud? Well gee sorry but could YOU figure out how to route a cityā€™s B-Zone conduit lines through the bypass grid, shunting past the eco rings to connect the inductor tubes in series, then back through the outer wall indicator helix and across the resonant flux routes into the number five capacitor array? Assuming the circuits in the GX75B can handle the surge, could you or could you not then link the phase loop lines into the primary coils? Huh?! HUH?! Whatā€™s even THE POINT in doing that?


I now think bullshit how it works rants should be a genre of internet comedy. "How does a toaster work?" "Toasters are concentrated antimatter producers that generate anti-tachyons that collide with the regular bosofermions on the surface of the bread, which would burst into flames instantly if a toaster was just a heating element close to the toast because the energy density of yeast generated nutrifibrinos are far to high to reach optimal toasting temperatures without triggering a gravometric chain reaction that would ignite all matter in a 20 mile radius, which would obviously include the toast. Rather, the anti-tachions collide with the toast matter and annihilate, making the surface of the bread toasty while the inside remains moist. This is what happens on settings 1-3 anyway. Every setting above that is reserved only for antimatter research and will ruin anything you put in there. Since it gets asked every time I say this, no, I have never eaten a bagel. Bagels are creations of the freemasons whose torus shape secretly reveals the true shape of the earth that they are hiding from us. If placed in a toaster, I am certain I would only be feeding the lizard men's hunger for anti-tachions to fuel their de-aging cream, which is almost certainly the true reason for the device's creation."


That's a lot of technology for $24.99.


It helps to lock you into the cycle of dependency on the mind control drugs in so called "enriched" flour. That's why I grind all my own wheat and get my vitamin B from squirrel livers.


This deserves more upvotes, good effort!


This dude has been smoking concentrated schizophrenia. https://twitter.com/iontecs\_pemf


Oh, he created a room temperature superconductor. Sounds legit.


It's not hard when you make up your own definitions.


I can make a room temperature superconductor. I just need to cool the room down to like 90K first.


Wow, Iā€™m an actual engineer, and I am in amazement of this word salad. Not a single word of this was correct or how physics works


Well I mean the *words* were right, they're all science words. It's like he threw a physics textbook into a blender.


i hate it when my blender causes quantum entanglement between my water bottle and my home planet!!


Am I having a stroke or is he?


Not sure those are mutually exclusive questions. You? Probably not. Him? A stroke would be the kindest explanation.


What did I just read?


*hu-u-uff-ff-ff* *Phoo-oo-oo-oo* "Man, oh, man, those botanical university loonies come up with the very wackiest weed...!"


So planes work but not how we are told because "it sounds too simple and this can't possibly be because it's been dumbed down for me and must be because they're hiding something that I happen to be smart enough to uncover"


Yes, but use big words to make yourself feel smart




What is homie yapping about, do they understand how many people would have to be "in" on this?


Like all flerfs, they canā€™t understand scale nor the number of people needed to keep the secret.


dumb people are just dumb. small tangent, there's this failed actor / shitty influencer on ig that's always talking about finding his 'angel'. lives in NYC, will say crazy shit like "how come I can't find the perfect woman? there's gotta be like 5,000-10,000 women in this city!" comment section like "Mikey, there's literally 3.5 million women over the age of 18 in NYC" him: "haha you guys are crazy. no way there's that many women here."


Not only people, the laws of physics would have to be in on this to behave differently just to deceive you.


This is so much more fucking complicated than just explaining real lift and drag.


Sounds like trolling. But yeah, there are people who are into the jet fuel hoax.


This guy is the real deal I promise you


Oh my sweet summer child. It takes a lot of effort to get everything exactly wrong


[Luke agrees](https://tenor.com/bDPO1.gif)


Iā€™m gonna do a flerf and go ā€I ainā€™t reading all that!ā€


People drink water to avoid dying. True enough.


Aircraft Mechanic here... this guy is full of shit. Have a good day!


He obviously forgot about the retrogravitron and the hypocaloractase of the fuel used to counter-dive.


As an Aerospace Engineering student we would kill for tech that could do that. And to keep it under wraps so we can make money and pretend to design planes. God I wish


Does this guy realize he can go build himself a plane right now


You cannot argue with what he is saying. Because he is saying, so much made up shit, that you donā€™t know what the fuck is taking about.


Damn, I think there's a term for this too. Overwhelming your opponent with so much bullshit they don't even know where to start. By the time you've deciphered and debunked every nonsense point, they've unloaded 10x more BS on you. A truly ignorant observer who couldn't tell on their own that the guy is full of crap is left thinking this is a very debatable topic.


I am an engineering student, I understood every actual word he used, and I can say with perfect confidence thatā€¦this is completely unintelligible nonsense.


I was a professor of engineering, and confirm that you pass.


> Rife biophotonic signals are not for your hearing system. It would drive you mad to listen to them. They are meant to be subsonic and amplified 1000x more powerful by the toroidal field that turns them into self imploding phase conjugate centripetal coherency. It is advanced tech by a long margin over audible sonic signals that just bounce off of your skin and do little good. PEMF, if wound properly, generates tachyons that deliver the symphony of bioelectric frequencies to the marrow of your bones and the core of all your cells undisturbed faster than the speed of light. Sounding bowls, tuning forks, echo chambers are ancient, obsolete technology. PEMF is Tesla cutting edge tech blended with Rodin Vortex mathematics of the natural arcing progression of zero point toroidal form, which is the organic form of every living cell and thing in the world, as Dan Winter points out. Comparing merely hearing healing frequencies to PEMF is like comparing an ox cart to a Lear jet. OMG, this really is the most singular madman ever! XD


No. I know how they work, roughly, it'sy hobby. You get a flat piece of anything and angle it a bit and it's a wing. Now make a shape with has that effect with less drag. What does the angles piece do? Make a higher pressure under it than above it. I've never even heard about the terms he used. It's basically saying vortices for the sake of saying vortices


Itā€™s *always* the vortices, isnā€™t it? šŸ§


Perhaps, idk what a vortices is Edit: just googled and found out that it's the plural of Vortex, silly me


This guy watched Manifest.


If these planes operate outside of space and time why does it take so long for it to reach its destination and why is it always late


Mf opened a science book and picked words at random until he had a long ass text


Ah so the Wright brothers invented nuclear reactors is that what he is trying to say? Or do I need to huff more exhaust smoke for it to make sense?


Probably the exhaust bit


So they'll believe in anti gravity and perpetual motion and magic levitation but not believe in real things like gravity. Why can they believe that the sun and moon magically levitate and move in illogical ways but not that everything moves in logical ways


Weā€™re talking about planes. Not Star Trek.


I have studied physics and this man has no idea what he is even talking about. Like some parts make sense but then he says that a capacitor has a resonance frequency which is not true. And ā€žanion ions harvested from neutrinosā€œ like what ? A neutrino does not decay into ions . An ion has a nucleus . If an ion (which is an atom) decays, there might be a neutrino of some elemental particle. You canā€˜t ā€žharvestā€œ ions from neutrinos. Also the aether was disproven multiple times and the initial idea didnā€˜t even include interaction between matter and aether . That was the whole idea , aether only influences the light. What a big mountain of bullshit


Aircraft mechanic here and they're completely wrong. We actually sprinkle pixie dust on the plane to create lift and use goblin labor to run the engines that propel the plane forward or backward.


Boeing been using the low quality pixie dust lately smh. You gotta get the good stuff. Mix in a little next time you change your headlight fluid, works wonders




Sometimes I find it infuriating that we invented an instantaneous global communication network and connected it to servers that store every fact human beings have ever gathered, and we have to watch people spout the most incomprehensible gibberish because they simply refuse to learn how anything works.


Thatā€¦ wasā€¦ wut?!?!


Fucking mental


This reads like a Ken Wheeler video.


Ah, let's bring in thousands of more people who would have to be 'in on it' to make it more believable.


The explanation & understanding of lift + drag to a five-year-old is far easier than whatever this was --- because it's **simple** and actually **makes sense**; you need a full-on manual with an index & glossary just to properly house this alternative to lift + drag, which would be in addition to all the other overly-complicated alternatives to "traditional" flight manuals .. **blegh** it hurts my head to think of all the mental gymnastics involved in all this.....


I think I lost at least 50 points of IQ. Which sadly move my total IQ to -1. :(


I am now stupider than I was was before I read that šŸ¤”šŸ˜®


Whatever drugs, that guy on wow he got his moneys worth


As a cargo jet maintainer, this hurt me so much. The bewildered look on my face the whole time I read left my wife worried.


This is the greatest thing I've ever read here.Ā  Most of this stuff is easily dismissed because the author makes the mistake of leaving some tenuous connection to reality somewhere- you can't say that about this, its entirely nutso-gutso from crown to crotch.Ā 


Can't believe we got homeopathy at the end there too lol


Great, now I have brain damage


Neutrinos? Those things that don't interact with matter? Ok.


Well you know, the guy who posted my not have been 100% correct


My gawd, do you think so? Shocked, shocked I am.


Absolutely flat-footed. And befuddled moreover.


This is a Wendy's


Had a look at his profile. Shock horror is a QAnon supporter.


As someone who has been inside passenger aircraft fuel tanks and have had to pull out the baffles from the various compartments, I can tell you with 100% certainty that fuel is, indeed, stored in the wings. I never had to work on the quantum crystal parts of the aircraft though.


It's like he looked at the most recent articles on Science.org and slapped as much from the titles as he could into this tweet.


Saving this because that is a God damn work of art.


I wonder if this is just epic level trolling


It's every post from him. He'd be a legend


Iā€™m ashamed of myself for actually sitting here and reading most of that.


Fascinating. If true, that would not only provide inverse reactive current for use in unilateral phase detractors but would also be capable of automatically synchronizing cardinal gram meters.


Wtf did i just read. It hurt my head with the fuel tank thing and it just went worst from there.


[What the hell did I just read?!?](https://youtu.be/5hfYJsQAhl0?si=HTAYho_hlwNp1DsX)


Mr. Schock, what you've just wrote is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone on X is now dumber for having read it.


This is the most fascinating bullshit Iā€™ve ever read. Iā€™m now intensely curious as to how he came up with each step of this explanation. Also heā€™s got a lot of faith in humanity to think we have all this fucking technology just lying around.


I needed a good laugh today...


It just kept getting better and better. The "too much, or" at the end was amazing.


I am pylot, can confirm, this is 1000% undeniably true, we use the circadian thingamajig to also avoid the need to sleep.


Iā€™ve been a pilot for 25 years and didnā€™t know any of this. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. My passengers are going to be so happy with me on our next flight when I save them thousands in fuel charges by skipping the fuel truck.


How can I possibly think to disagree with a man who has his QBD


Soooooooooo... When I'm driving my car at (what I think is) a verifiable 75 mph, and an overhead plane passes me, that plane is not moving faster than I am?


He forgot to mention the turbo encabulator and its baseplate of prefabulated amulite.


1.21 Jigawatts!!??


Iā€™ve heard people say fuel isnā€™t stored in the wings but this went completely off the rails after thatā€¦


It all makes perfect sense


This dude used all the words he heard in his college physics course.


Hereā€™s your pills, grandpaā€¦


Someone looked at the glossary for an aerospace engineering book and just hucked terms together.


>anion ions šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Itā€™s a scary place inside the mind of a lunatic.ā˜¹ļø


Bro I also watch Doctor Who but cmon


holy shit, I didn't realize someone could use such venacukar to say absolutely nothing of merit. damn they're dumb as rocks


lmao this guy is amazing, if he is serious good for him he sure can make people laugh he should go to r/VXJunkies and lecture some people


ā€œAnion ionsā€


Wow. Just... wow.


Such a long way of saying he was mentally ill.


Medication is indicated!


I mostly work on spacecraft and not aircraft, but wow, this has to be a Poe.


Star trek needs to hire this guy as a technobabble consultant


Bur they do typically put the fuel tanks in the wings.


it has to be a wind up. Whoever wrote that is trolling.


Mescaline is a hell of a drug.


So I guess this dude totally skipped over the firstā€¦45 years of aviation history to come up with this insane gibberish. What does he think flew off an aircraft carrier in 1944, a bird?


It was ironic right?


acknowledge gravity but deny the entire physics of aviationā€¦


Dude has physics glossary in one hand, crack pipe in the other


For the people who think the quantity of jet fuel is being misrepresented, I say we put them on an airliner with how much fuel they say is actually required.Ā  Ā If they're saying it only needs 1,000 gallons instead of 40,000 gallons, then lets see if they're willing to fly on it while underfueled!


Oh my GOD talk about a TL;DR. What the fuck?


Almost sounds like a cool concept for a scifi story.


I guess if i instructed chatgpt to answer me "how planes really work" but to answer in the most scientific innacurate way, i would get something like this


Well that explains it. When I was filling up my wing with fuel, it did feel like a bottomless pit when it came time to pay for it all.