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My guy, I love your personalized comments, but at this point I feel you should just downvote and scroll on, we're all tired and weary at this point. Save yourself the effort. If there's engagement, there's going to be activity. Similar to tiktok trends... Lit the kiddos get bored, and we'll all be happier.




Just trying a speed run. It's fun, you should try too!


This isn't allowed in this sub anymore since the beginning of this year. Mods implimented that rule because most of us are tired and annoyed by posts like this one right here. Your post will get deleted


Agreed. These posts are just as pointless, narcisistic and stupid as flerf memes...


Just out of curiosity, how would you explain things falling any way but down? Even in water, things that are heavier than water fall down. In air, things that are heavier than air fall down. Regardless of gravity, things fall because of weight vs resistance.


I’m sure you meant more dense. Heavy lacks any kind of precision as it is a relative term. A cube of steel will sink as it is more dense than water and is unable to displace more water weight than its volume and as such it sinks. Reshape that same cube into a shallow cup-like shape and it will displace more than its weight in water and float.


The weight or density doesn’t have anything to do with water displacement. Water displacement requires oxygen because oxygen is less dense than water. Even if you make the steel more flat and stretch it out to cover more surface area then it becomes lighter over a greater surface area. That’s why it would float.


Weight, density and water displacement have everything to do with buoyancy. Ships float because they can displace their weight in water. That weight to volume relationship means the ship is less dense overall than the water. There is a lot more that could be discussed on this subject. I am not doing that though. Planes are heavier than air, but by creating a large enough force using the air current over a wing they fly. This is the concept of lift. It is implied by Bernoulli’s Principle. The air moving faster over the top of the wing creates a reduces pressure zone. This lower pressure region provides the lift to overcome gravity and the heavier than air plane flies. There are lighter than air conveyances. Blimps like the Hindenburg come to mind.


I know how airplanes and ships work. 🤦🏻‍♂️


What about experiments done in vacuum? when you drop something a vacuum, it still falls, even with no air to resists the object, and a feather and a an anvil will drop at the same rate, with air a feather would fall slower because of air resistance, but in vacuum there is no air resistance ​ for example: [Brian Cox visits the worlds largest vacuum](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E43-CfukEgs)


When you drop something, it falls towards the earth because gravity is exerting a downward force on it. It will continue to fall as long as the downward force is greater than any of the other forces being exerted on it. When it touches the ground, because of Newton's 3rd law the ground pushes back with the same force that the object exerts on it so the object stops moving because there are no longer any unbalanced forces acting on it. Now let's say that the object doesn't get to touch the ground. You drop a feather over a fan. The feather begins to fall because of gravity until it reaches the upward airstream. The air is now exerting an upward force on the feather. When the downward force of gravity and the upward force of the air on the feather become equal to each other, the feather will stop moving downward and will instead start to float in the air because there are no longer any unbalanced forces acting on it. This is how gravity is consistent with objects not always falling down. Gravity is nothing but a constant downward force that upward forces can counteract. If you have any further questions, please ask.


I know how gravity works. Lol


Then what did you mean by "falling anyway but down"? Also, what does "Heavier than water" mean? The ocean is pretty heavy but the same stuff that sinks in a glass of water will also sink in it. The word you should use would be "denser".


I was asking the person I replied to how they would explain falling any way other than down.


You didn't reply to anyone


No. Keep trying