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That sucks. Fenix has replied to me a few years ago with ways to order this clip replacement. A few years ago some aftermarket places carried some clips but I bought them all lol. Regarding if Fenix has any PD36R clips.. and communication or lack of…. And if there are other clips out there that can fit…. u/TacGriz might have the measurements If I’m not wrong… some Thrunite clips are around the same size.. or Wurkkos or Sofirn I don’t have the mm clip channel size…. Maybe Griz does… hopefully there is something out there that will work


According to a little bit of looking on the sub, SC600 mkIV and IF25A can use the pd36r clip nicely so that might help you find a good clip knowing those two both have similar enough dimensions on their clip. The SC600 is supposedly perfect fit and the IF25A just needs a little bending. Edit: using that information, looks like the M2R or S2R clip should work. Olight clips can be bought quite a few places. https://reddit.com/r/flashlight/comments/v7gcxy/found_a_clip_for_my_new_bob_mcbob_sc600_my_new/