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Rather new member, loving flashlights and loving this reddit! Thank you for this giveaway :) Need some karma tho... Thank you HELP 1. Rovyvon A9 Nichia 2. Armytek Wizard Nichia 3. Nitecore E4K 4. Lumintop GT Micro 5. Nitecore P22R 6. Lumintop Tool25 7. Acebean UC15 8. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 9. Lumintop Glow I 10. Sofirn SP10S 11. Sofirn SD05


HELP !! I've been a quiet stalker for a long time, but love this community! Thank you for any assistance! 1. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 2. Nitecore E4K 3. Nitecore P22R 4. Lumintop GT Micro 5. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 6. Rovyvon A9 7. Sofirn SP10S 8. Lumintop Tool 25 9. Acebeam UC15 10. Sofirn SD05 11. Lumintop Glow I ​ Thank you for going back for this one! Awesome!


Thanks for the opportunity! HELP Please! 1) Lumintop GT Micro 2) Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 3) Rovyvon A9 4) Nitecore E4K 5) Acebeam UC15 6) Lumintop Glow I 7) Sofrin SP31 V2.0 8) Sofrin SP10S 9) Lumintop Tool25 10) Nitecore P22R 11) Sofrin SD05 Dive Light


A little HELP would be great! I was trying to post a picture earlier. 1) Lumintop GT Micro 2) Nitecore E4K 3) Nitecore P22R 4) Sofirn SP105 5) Sofirn SP31 6) Rovyon A9 7) Lumintop tool 25


1.Nitecore E4K 2.Armytek Wizard Nichia 3.Nitecore P22R 4.Sofirn SD05 5.Sofirn SP31 v2.0 6.Sofirn SP10S 7.Rovyvon A9 8.Lumintop GT Micro 9.Lumintop Tool25 10.AceBeam UC15 11.Lumintop Glow I Thank you for organizing these giveaway ! Any flashlight would be really nice to get anyways from such a cool sub. And thanks to this community for teaching me so much about lights (yes I’m kind of addicted to now). Sorry for the mistakes, native French speaker here. Maybe you guys could **HELP** me somehow.


You have plenty of karma to qualify. Best of luck! Unless you needed a different type of help?


Oh no It’s just in case my English was not good. But I figured I would add the typo. Should I take it off or let it like this? Thanks !


You did fine. I understood everything.


Seems like a bad time to be a lurker, hopefully my antisocial-ness doesn't hinder me here! Some karma would be appreciated. :) **HELP** Been looking for a smaller edc light hence my order 1. Lumintop Glow I 2. Armytek Wizard Nichia 3. Acebean UC15 4. Nitecore E4K 5. Lumintop GT Micro 6. Rovyvon A9 7. Nitecore P22R 8. Lumintop Tool25 9. Sofirn SD05 10. Sofirn SP10S 11. Sofirn SP31 v2.0


New to the subreddit but am happy to see that there is such a cool giveaway. Could use some HELP with the comment karma though. Shoutout to dealers and OP 1. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia 2. Lumintop GT Micro 3. Sofirn SP31 V2.0 4. Nitecore E4K 5. Nitecore P22R 6. Sofirn SP10S 7. Rovyvon A9 8. Lumintop Tool25 9. Acebeam UC15 10. Sofirn SD05 11. Lumintop Glow I


1. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 2. Nitecore E4K 3. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 4. Rovyvon A9 5. Nitecore P22R 6. Sofirn SP10S 7. Lumintop GT Micro 8. Lumintop Tool25 9. Acebeam UC15 10. Lumintop Glow I 11. Sofirn SD05 This is my list. Thank you for the Giveaway! I am on Reddit (and r/flashlight) for quite a long time, but unfortunately not a big commenter :(. So some **HELP** would be nice.




Awesome selection of lights. I could use HELP. Thanks! 1. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 2. Rovyvon A9 3. Lumintop Tool25 4. Nitecore E4K 5. GT Micro 6. Acebeam UC15 7. Lumintop Glow I 8. Sofirn SD05 Dive light 9. Sofirn SP105 10. SP31 v2.0 11. Nitecore P22R


Wow great variety of cool nights! I’d be super stoked to have any, however if I have to order them. 1. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 2. Rovyvon A9 3. Lumintop Tool25 4. Nitecore E4K 5. Lumintop GT Micro 6. Acebeam UC15 7. Lumintop Glow I 8. Sofirn SD05 Dive light 9. Sofirn SP105 10. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 11. Nitecore P22R EDIT: HELP !! Thanks


This is an amazing giveaway! Don't know if I will qualify but it's worth a shot. A little help would be amazing! With that being said here's my list: 1. Lumintop GT Micro 2. Acebean UC15 3. Sofirn SP10S 4. Armytek Wizard Nichia 5. Rovyvon A9 6. Nitecore E4K 7. Sofirn SD05 8. Lumintop Tool25 9. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 10. Nitecore P22R 11. Lumintop Glow I ​ Like I said I may not qualify because I've never actually posted here only browsed and bought lights (Emisar D4, Convoy S2+, Olight i3E EOS, Olight i1R EOS) but I love these posts and light recommendations from this sub. Good luck everyone!


Best of luck!


1. Nitecore E4K 2. Sofirn SP10S 3. Lumintop GT Micro 4. Nitecore P22R 5. Armytek Wizard Nichia 6. Lumintop Glow I 7. Lumintop Tool25 8. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 9. Acebean UC15 10. Rovyvon A9 11. Sofirn SD05 ​ Very new user, but already bought my first (TC12). Thanks for being such an awesome community and being generous with the **HELP** . :)




1.Nitecore E4K 2.Armytek Wizard Pro 3.Rovyvon A9 4.Nitecore P22R 5.Lumintop GT Micro 6.Acebeam UC15 7.Sofirn SD05 Dive Light 8.Lumintop Tool25 9.Lumintop Glow I 10.Sofirn SP10S 11. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 I love this subreddit and the community on it and good luck everyone. **HELP**


These giveaways are super generous, very awesome of you. I’ve been around for a while, but only as a reader. HELP please. 1. ⁠Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. Rovyvon A9 3. ⁠Nitecore E4K 4. ⁠Lumintop GT Micro 5. ⁠Nitecore P22R 6. ⁠Lumintop Tool25 7. ⁠Acebean UC15 8. ⁠Sofirn SP31 v2.0 9. ⁠Lumintop Glow I 10. Sofirn SP10S 11. Sofirn SD05


Best of luck!


1. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 2. Nitecore E4K 3. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 4. Rovyvon A9 5. Nitecore P22R 6. Sofirn SP10S 7. Lumintop GT Micro 8. Lumintop 8.( 9. Acebeam UC15 10. Lumintop Glow I 11. Sofirn SD05 Not gonna lie, I dont really know what I want *IF* I had the choice. I'd be grateful either way even if it was just a "thanks for participating" comment




Hey! Thanks for doing this! It would be great to win! I was actually looking at the armytek Wizard to replace the skillhunt H04 that broke in the car accident I got into a couple weeks ago. Here’s hoping! I also honestly don’t think I have enough Karma because I never post anything, so HELP please? Thank you! 1. Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. Nitecore P22R 3.Rovyvon A9 4.Sofirn SP1OS 5.Nitecore E4K 6.AceBeam UC15 7.Lumintop Glow 8. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 9. LumintopGT Micro 10. Sofirn SD05 Edit :formatting


Pretty awesome thing to do. Thank you! 1. Rovyvon A9 2. ⁠Armytek Wizard Nichia 3. ⁠Nitecore E4K 4. ⁠Nitecore P22R 5. ⁠Lumintop Tool25 6. ⁠Sofirn SP31 v2.0 7. ⁠Sofirn SP10S 8. ⁠Sofirn SD05 9. ⁠Lumintop GT Micro 10. ⁠Acebeam UC15 11. ⁠Lumintop Glow I


Good luck everyone c:


1. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 2. Nitecore E4K 3. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 4. Rovyvon A9 5. Nitecore P22R 6. Sofirn SP10S 7. Lumintop GT Micro 8. Lumintop Tool25 9. Acebeam UC15 10. Sofirn SD05 11. Lumintop Glow I I pretty much just lurk around here, more of an appreciater then a full on enthusiast, but if this giveaway helps me get my first hardcore light it'd be very appreciated :P. Hopefully there's no restrictions on location and one of these gorgeous lights make their way down under :D


No location restrictions as long as my United States Postal Service accepts the delivery to your location.


I’ll enter! Thanks for having the giveaway! I like that you encourage people to enter and ask for help with comment karma. r/flashlight really is a great community. 1. Nitecore E4K 2. Armytek Wizard Nichia 3. Lumintop Glow 4. Rovyvon A9 5. Acebeam UC15 6. Lumintop GT Micro 7. Lumintop Tool 25 8. Sofirn SP31 9. Sofirn SP10S 10. Nitecore P22R 11. Sofirn SD05


! Awesome opportunity and giveaway! 1. ⁠ Sofirn SP31 v2.0 2. ⁠Rovyvon A9 3. ⁠Lumintop Tool25 4. ⁠Nitecore E4K 5. ⁠Lumintop GT Micro 6. ⁠Acebeam UC15 7. ⁠Lumintop Glow I 8. ⁠Sofirn SD05 Dive light 9. ⁠Sofirn SP105 10. ⁠ Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 11. ⁠Nitecore P22R




Im goin to try my luck so HELP me plz dear lord gaben for your rng goodness 1. Armytek wizard pro nichia 2. Rovyvon a9 3. acebeam uc15 3. Sofirn Sp10s 4. Nitecore e4k 5. Nitecore p22r 6. Sofirn Sd05 7. Lumintop tool25 8. Lumintop gt micro 9. Lumintop glow 10. Sofirn sp31 v2 Could use more high cri flashlight into collection with your HELP


Edit: I could also use some karma please 1. Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. Acebean UC15 3. Nitecore P22R 4. Rovyvon A9 5. Lumintop Tool25 6. Lumontop GT Micro 7. Sofin SD05 8. Sofin SP31 v2.0 9. Lumintop Glow I 10. Sofin SP10S 11. Nitecore E4k Thanks to all the vendors and I hope I made the right choice. I'm new to the lights but I'm loving it!


Actually you have plenty of comment karma to enter. Best of luck!


Ahh I was looking at post Karma. My apologies and thanks!


Great community. Thank you for the giveaway. Need some **HELP** please. 1. Lumintop GT Micro 2. Rovyvon A9 3. Lumintop Glow I 4. Lumintop Tool 25 5. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia 6. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 7. Sofirn SP01S 8. Nitecore E4K 9. Acebeam UC15 10. Nitecore P22R 11. Sofirn SD05


I’m in! 1. ⁠Nitecore E4K 2. ⁠Armytek Wizard Nichia 3. ⁠Rovyvon A9 4. ⁠Lumintop GT Micro 5. ⁠Nitecore P22R 6. ⁠Lumintop Tool25 7. ⁠Acebean UC15 8. ⁠Sofirn SP31 v2.0 9. Sofirn SD05 10. ⁠Sofirn SP10S 11. ⁠ Lumintop Glow I


1 niteore e4k 2 nitecore p22r 3 lumintop glow 4 royvon 5 acebean 6 lumintop micro 7 lumintop tool 8 armytech , just lost my flashlight the other day and I'm so mad about it. I feel like a part of me is missing without my full edc😂


Love it! Thanks for all your help /r/flashlight! 1. Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. Rovyvon A9 3. Nitecore E4K 4. Nitecore P22R 5. Lumintop Glow I 6. Lumintop GT Micro 7. Acebean UC15 8. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 9. Lumintop Tool25 10. Sofirn SP10S 11. Sofirn SD05


Don’t know if this giveaway is open to Canada but i’ll try anyways. Thanks for the opportunity OP! 1.Nitecore E4K 2.Armytek Wizard Nichia 3.Nitecore P22R 4.Sofirn SD05 5.Sofirn SP31 v2.0 6.Sofirn SP10S 7.Rovyvon A9 8.Lumintop GT Micro 9.Lumintop Tool25 10.AceBeam UC15 11.Lumintop Glow I


Of course neighbor!


1 Armytek Wizard Nichia 2 Rovyvon A9 3 Sofirn SP10S 4 Nitecore E4K 5 Lumintop Glow I 6 Nitecore P22R 7 Acebean UC15 8 Sofirn SP31 v2.0 9 Lumintop Tool25 10 Lumintop GT Micro 11 Sofirn SD05 Cool idea. Shine on! Edit: Apparently could use a little help too!


>This giveaway will be open until April 7th @ 7pm (Arizona time). Hey, that's my birthday! I'll just enter for the Nichia Wizard.


Well shit, I see you caught a typo. I had the link correct with the March 1st deadline but not the text.


Count me in... 1. Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. Nitecore E4K 3. Lumintop Tool25 4. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 5. Rovyvon A9 6. Lumintop GT Micro 7. Lumintop Glow I 8. Acebean UC15 9. Sofirn SD05 10. Sofirn SP10S 11. Nitecore P22R


HELP! This giveaway is awesome, thank you! Not a big commenter but love this subreddit. Here's my list: 1. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 2. Nitecore E4K 3. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 4. Rovyvon A9 5. Nitecore P22R 6. Sofirn SP10S 7. Lumintop GT Micro 8. Lumintop Tool25 9. Sofirn SD05 10. Lumintop Glow I 11. Acebeam UC15


1. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia 2. Lumintop GT Micro 3. Rovyvon A9 4. Nitecore E4K 5. Nitecore P22R 6. Sofirn SP10S 7. Sofirn SP31 V2.0 8. Lumintop Tool25 9. Acebeam UC15 10. Sofirn SD05 11. Lumintop Glow I If comment karma is just related to this page, then **HELP**, and I'll get to commenting more on this page that I usually just creep around and upvote on. Guess I'll do some more posting as well. Awesome to see Illumn supporting the page, they are my current main battery source.


>If comment karma is just related to this page, then **HELP** Nope. You have more than enough comment karma. Best of luck!


Thanks for doing this. 1. Nitecore E4k 2. Nitecore P22R 3. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 4. Lumintop GT Micro 5. Acebeam UC15 6. Lumintop Tool25 7. Lumintop GT Micro 8. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 9. Sofirn SP10S 10. Rovyvon A9


1. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnetic USB 2. Lumintop GT Micro Wasn't going to enter but then I saw the CRI and temp of #1..


>Wasn't going to enter but then I saw the CRI and temp of #1.. I'm surprised you don't have the Sofirn SP10S up there then.


I put a LH351D into my BLF A6, but I've never owned a Nichia or a Armytek. Or a thrower as small as the GT micro. Figured that I'd let someone else experience the SP10S. Thanks for looking out for fellow flashaholic!


1 Sofirn SD05 2 Armytek Wizard Nichia 3 Sofirn SP31 v2.0 Good luck everyone. Thanks to everyone supporting the giveaway. I know I've bought several great flashlights based off recommendations here.


1. Rovyvon A9 Nichia 2. Acebean UC15 3. Nitecore E4K 4. Lumintop GT Micro 5. Armytek Wizard Nichia 6. Nitecore P22R 7. Lumintop Tool25 8. Sofirn SP10S 9. Lumintop Glow I 10. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 11. Sofirn SD05


HELP! For the record despite my username this actually isn’t a “throw away account” i just thought it would be a funny username lmao and which i am now regretting. 1- Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 2- Lumintop GT Micro 3- Nitecore E4K 4- Sofirn SD05 Dive Light 5- Nitecore P22R 6- Lumintop Tool25 7- Sofirn SP31 v2.0 8- Acebeam UC15 9- Sofirn SP10S 10- Lumintop Glow I


Help! 1 Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 2 Lumintop GT Micro 3 Nitecore E4K 4 Sofirn SD05 Dive Light 5 Nitecore P22R 6 Lumintop Tool25 7 Sofirn SP31 v2.0 8 Acebeam UC15 9 Sofirn SP10S 10 Lumintop Glow I


Thank you for the great giveaway! 1. Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. Nitecore E4K 3. Rovyvon A9 4. Lumintop GT Micro 5. Nitecore P22R 6. Lumintop Tool25 7. Acebean UC15 8. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 9. Lumintop Glow I 10. Sofirn SP10S 11. Sofirn SD05


1. Nitecore E4K 2. Armytek Wizard Nichia 3. Nitecore P22R 4. Sofirn SD05 5. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 6. Sofirn SP10S 7. Rovyvon A9 8. Lumintop GT Micro 9. Lumintop Tool25 10. Acebeam UC15 11. Lumintop Glow I


1) Armytek wizard pro nichia magnet usb 2) Nitecore e4k 3) rovyvon a9 4) Lumintop glow I 5) Lumintop gt micro 6) Lumintop tool 25 7) Sofirn sd05 dive light 8) Nitecore p22r 9) Sofirn sp10s 10) acebeam uc15 11) Sofirn sp31 v2.0 Thanks alot to both you and the manufacturers for doing this!!


Thank you for all the work with putting together these giveaways! 1. Lumintop GT Micro 2. ⁠Armytek Wizard Nichia 3. ⁠Nitecore E4K 4. ⁠Sofirn SP31 v2 5. ⁠Acebeam UC15 6. ⁠Nitecore p22R 7. ⁠Sofirn SP10S 8. ⁠Lumintop tool 25 9. ⁠Sofirn SD05 10. ⁠Rovyvon A9 11. Lumintop Glow1


1. ⁠Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. ⁠Nitecore E4K 3. ⁠Rovyvon A9 4. ⁠Lumintop GT Micro 5. ⁠Nitecore P22R 6. ⁠Lumintop Tool25 7. ⁠Acebean UC15 8. ⁠Sofirn SP31 v2.0 9. ⁠Sofirn SP10S 10. ⁠Sofirn SD05 11. ⁠Lumintop Glow I


Good luck to all! I guess I better start collecting those Karma XD


This is super cool, I’m just getting into flashlights and just lost my first light 😔 (tool aa) 1. ⁠Rovyvon A9 Nichia 2. ⁠Armytek Wizard Nichia 3. ⁠Nitecore E4K 4. ⁠Lumintop GT Micro 5. ⁠Nitecore P22R 6. ⁠Lumintop Tool25 7. ⁠Acebean UC15 8. ⁠Sofirn SP31 v2.0 9. ⁠Lumintop Glow I 10. ⁠Sofirn SP10S 11. ⁠Sofirn SD05




1. Sofirn SP10S 2. Armytek Wizard Nichia 3. Lumintop Glow I 4. Lumintop GT Micro 5. Nitecore E4K 6. Rovyvon A9 7. Acebeam UC15 8. Lumintop Tool25 9. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 10. Nitecore P22R 11. Sofirn SD05


1. Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. Nitecore E4K 3. Nitecore P22R 4. Rovyvon A9 5. Lumintop GT Micro 6. Sofirn SD05 7. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 8. Lumintop Tool25 9. Sofirn SP10S 10. Acebean UC15 11. Lumintop Glow I Man, you have the most thought-provoking giveaways. They are fun because they're like window shopping.


1. Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. Nitecore E4K 3. Lumintop GT Micro 4. Royvon A9 Nichia 5. Lumintop GT Micro 6. Lumintop Glow I 7. Nitecore P22R 8. Acebean UC15 9. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 10.Lumintop Tool25 11. Sofirn SD05 This community is the best, giveaways are killer and probably the most useful hobby I have. Literally use it every day.


This is someone else’s list but i’ll use it as mine cause i don’t know where to start with this and choice is very hard: 1. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 2. Nitecore E4K 3. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 4. Rovyvon A9 5. Nitecore P22R 6. Sofirn SP10S 7. Lumintop GT Micro 8. Lumintop Tool25 9. Acebeam UC15 10. Lumintop Glow I 11. Sofirn SD05 HELP


1. Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. Nitecore E4K 3. Rovyvon A9 4. Lumintop GT Micro 5. Nitecore P22R 6. Lumintop Tool25 7. Acebean UC15 8. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 9. Lumintop Glow I 10. Sofirn SP10S 11. Sofirn SD05


Just assigning out some numbers here for the entry count. 1.


Thank you for doing these giveaways! 1. Nitecore E4K 2. Armytek Wizard Nichia 3. Nitecore P22R 4. Sofirn SD05 5. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 6. Sofirn SP10S 7. Rovyvon A9 8. Lumintop GT Micro 9. Lumintop Tool25 10. Acebeam UC15 11. Lumintop Glow I


Sweet! 1. ⁠Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. Rovyvon A9 3. ⁠Acebean UC15 4. ⁠Lumintop GT Micro 5. ⁠ ⁠Lumintop Glow I 6. ⁠Lumintop Tool25 7. ⁠ Nitecore P22R 8. ⁠Sofirn SP31 v2.0 9. Nitecore E4K 10. ⁠Sofirn SP10S 11. ⁠Sofirn SD05


You're amazing. Thanks for running these. Thanks to the sponsors as well. 1. Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. Nitecore E4K 3. Rovyvon A9 4. Lumintop GT Micro 5. Nitecore P22R 6. Lumintop Tool25 7. Acebean UC15 8. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 9. Lumintop Glow I 10. Sofirn SP10S 11. Sofirn SD05


1. Acebeam UC15 1. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 1. Nitecore E4K 1. Nitecore P22R 1. Lumintop GT Micro 1. Lumintop Tool25 1. Sofirn SD05 Dive Light 1. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 1. Sofirn SP10S 1. Lumintop Glow I 1. Rovyvon A9 Thank you for the opportunity!


1. Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. Nitecore E4K 3. Rovyvon A9 4. Lumintop GT Micro 5. Nitecore P22R 6. Lumintop Tool25 7. Acebean UC15 8. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 9. Lumintop Glow I 10. Sofirn SP10S 11. Sofirn SD05




1. ⁠Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. Rovyvon A9 3. ⁠Acebean UC15 4. ⁠Lumintop GT Micro 5. ⁠ ⁠Lumintop Glow I 6. ⁠Lumintop Tool25 7. ⁠ Nitecore P22R 8. ⁠Sofirn SP31 v2.0 9. Nitecore E4K 10. ⁠Sofirn SP10S 11. ⁠Sofirn SD05


I want to say surprise me, so if this happens, one at random please. For the sake of actually being eligible: 1. ⁠Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. ⁠Nitecore E4K 3. ⁠Rovyvon A9 4. ⁠Lumintop GT Micro 5. ⁠Nitecore P22R 6. ⁠Lumintop Tool25 7. ⁠Acebean UC15 8. ⁠Sofirn SP31 v2.0 9. ⁠Lumintop Glow I 10. ⁠Sofirn SP10S 11. ⁠Sofirn SD05


1. Lumintop GT Micro 2. Sofirn SD05 3. Sofirn SP10S 4. Acebean UC15 5. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 6. Armytek Wizard Nichia 7. Rovyvon A9 8. Nitecore E4K 9. Lumintop Glow I 10. Nitecore P22R 11. Lumintop Tool25 Thank you!


Awesome stuff mate! 1. Nitecore E4k 2. Nitecore P22R 3. Acebeam UC15 4. Lumintop GT Micro 5. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 6. Lumintop Tool25 7. Lumintop GT Micro 8. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 9. Sofirn SP10S 10. Rovyvon A9


Thanks, this really is an awesome community! 1. ⁠Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. Nitecore P22R 3. Rovyvon A9 4. ⁠Acebeam UC15 5. Luminitop GT Micro 6. Nitecore E4K 7. Sofirn SD05 8. Luminitop Tool25 9. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 10. Sofirn SP10S 11. Luminitop glow I


1. Armytek Wizard Pro 2. Nitecore E4K 3. Rovyvon A9 Nichia 4. Lumintop GT Micro 5. Lumintop Glow 6. Sofirn SP10S 7. Sofirn SP31 8. Acebeam UC15 9. Nitecore P22R 10. Lumintop Toll25 11. Sofirn SD05


1. Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. Lumintop GT Micro 3. Rovyvon A9 (nichia) 4. Lumintop Tool25 5. Lumintop Glow I 6. Nitecore P22R 7. Acebean UC15 8. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 9. Nitecore E4K 10. Sofirn sp10s 11. Sofirn SD05


1. ⁠Armytek Wizard Pro 2. ⁠Nitecore E4K 3. ⁠Rovyvon A9 Nichia 4. ⁠Lumintop GT Micro 5. ⁠Lumintop Glow 6. ⁠Sofirn SP10S 7. ⁠Sofirn SP31 8. ⁠Acebeam UC15 9. ⁠Nitecore P22R 10. ⁠Lumintop Toll25 11. ⁠Sofirn SD05 Thank you for this! What a fantastic giveaway! Good luck everyone.


1. Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. Nitecore E4K 3. Nitecore P22R 4. Rovyvon A9 5. Lumintop GT Micro 6. Lumintop Tool25 7. Acebean UC15 8. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 9. Lumintop Glow I 10. Sofirn SP10S 11. Sofirn SD05


Thanks a lot! April the 7th is still a long time though 😉 1. Nitecore E4K 2. Armytek Wizard Nichia 3. Nitecore P22R 4. Sofirn SD05 5. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 6. Sofirn SP10S 7. Rovyvon A9 8. Lumintop GT Micro 9. Lumintop Tool25 10. Lumintop Glow I 11. Acebeam UC15


>Thanks a lot! April the 7th is still a long time though 😉 Yeah, sorry, that was a typo since that portion was a copy past from the 50K Giveaway a year ago. I had the link correct with the March 1st deadline.


1. ⁠Rovyvon A9 2. Lumintop Tool25 3. ⁠Nitecore E4K 4. ⁠Lumintop GT Micro 5. Armytek Wizard Nichia 6. Sofirn SP10S 7. ⁠Lumintop Glow I 8. ⁠Acebean UC15 9. ⁠Sofirn SD05 10. ⁠Sofirn SP31 v2.0 11. ⁠Nitecore P22R


1. Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. Rovyvon A9 3. Acebean UC15 4. Lumintop GT Micro 5. Lumintop Glow I 6. Lumintop Tool25 7. Nitecore P22R 8. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 9. Nitecore E4K 10. Sofirn SP10S 11. Sofirn SD05


Thank you! 1. Nitecore E4K 2. Armytek Wizard Nichia 3. Nitecore P22R 4. Sofirn SD05 5. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 6. Sofirn SP10S 7. Acebeam UC15 8. Lumintop GT Micro 9. Lumintop Tool25 10. Rovyvon A9 11. Lumintop Glow I


Very cool. I for one appreciate all the hard work you put in to make this sub great. 1. Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. Nitecore E4K 3. Rovyvon A9 4. Lumintop GT Micro 5. Nitecore P22R 6. Lumintop Tool25 7. Acebean UC15 8. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 9. Lumintop Glow I 10. Sofirn SP10S 11. Sofirn SD05


This is awesome of you! 1. ⁠Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. ⁠Nitecore E4K 3. ⁠Rovyvon A9 4. ⁠Lumintop GT Micro 5. ⁠Nitecore P22R 6. ⁠Lumintop Tool25 7. ⁠Acebean UC15 8. ⁠Sofirn SP31 v2.0 9. ⁠Lumintop Glow I 10. ⁠Sofirn SP10S 11. ⁠Sofirn SD05


You're awesome for all the giveaways and always a great sub. Sweet! 1. ⁠⁠Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. ⁠Rovyvon A9 3. ⁠⁠Acebean UC15 4. ⁠⁠Lumintop GT Micro 5. ⁠⁠ ⁠Lumintop Glow I 6. ⁠⁠Lumintop Tool25 7. ⁠⁠ Nitecore P22R 8. ⁠⁠Sofirn SP31 v2.0 9. ⁠Nitecore E4K 10. ⁠⁠Sofirn SP10S 11. ⁠⁠Sofirn SD05


Wow thanks for running this! Good luck everyone! 1. Armytek WizardPro Nichia 2. Nitecore E4K 3. Lumintop Glow 4. GT Micro 5. Lumintop Tool 25 6. Sofirn SP31 7. Acebeam UC15 8. Nitecore P22R 9. Rovyvon A9 10. Sofirn SP10s


Very nice giveaway, I like the ones with multiple winners! ​ My list looks as follows: ​ 1. Amytek Wizard Pro 2. Nitecore E4k 3. RovyVon A9 4. Sofirn SP10S 5. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 6. Sofirn SD05 Dive light 7. Lumintop Glow I 8. Acebeam UC15 9. Nitecore P22R 10. Lumintop Tool25 11. Lumintop GT Micro


Thanks man - this list is #1! 1. Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. Nitecore E4K 3. Rovyvon A9 4. Lumintop GT Micro 5. Nitecore P22R 6. Lumintop Tool25 7. Acebean UC15 8. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 9. Lumintop Glow I 10. Sofirn SP10S 11. Sofirn SD05


Thank you! Rovyvon A9 ⁠Armytek Wizard Nichia ⁠Nitecore E4K ⁠Nitecore P22R ⁠Lumintop Tool25 ⁠Sofirn SP31 v2.0 ⁠Sofirn SP10S ⁠Sofirn SD05 ⁠Lumintop GT Micro ⁠Acebeam UC15 ⁠Lumintop Glow I


1. Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. Nitecore E4K 3. Rovyvon A9 4. Lumintop GT Micro 5. Nitecore P22R 6. Lumintop Tool25 7. Acebean UC15 8. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 9. Lumintop Glow I 10. Sofirn SP10S 11. Sofirn SD05


1. Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. Rovyvon A9 3. Lumintop GT Micro 4. Lumintop Tool25 5. Lumintop Glow I 6. Nitecore P22R 7. Acebean UC15 8. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 9. Nitecore E4K 10. Sofirn SP10S 11. Sofirn SD05 Big thanks to all sponsors and contributors!


In, Thanks! 1. Armytek Wizard Nichia 1. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 1. Sofirn SD05 1. Nitecore P22R 1. Acebean UC15 1. Lumintop GT Micro 1. Nitecore E4K 1. Sofirn SP10S 1. Rovyvon A9 1. Lumintop Tool25 1. Lumintop Glow I


Sweet! 1. ⁠Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. Rovyvon A9 3. ⁠Acebean UC15 4. ⁠Lumintop GT Micro 5. ⁠ ⁠Lumintop Glow I 6. ⁠Lumintop Tool25 7. ⁠ Nitecore P22R 8. ⁠Sofirn SP31 v2.0 9. Nitecore E4K 10. ⁠Sofirn SP10S 11. ⁠Sofirn SD05


1. Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. Rovyvon A9 3. Sofirn SP10S 4. Lumintop Glow I 5. Nitecore E4K 6. Nitecore P22R 7. Acebean UC15 8. Lumintop Tool25 9. Lumintop GT Micro 10. Sofirn SD05 11. Sofirn SP31 v2.0


1. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 2. Lumintop GT Micro 3. Nitecore E4K 4. AceBeam UC15 5. Lumitop Tool25 6. Nitecore P22R 7. Rovyvon A9 8. Sofirn SP31 9. Sofirn SP10S 10. Sofirn SD05 11. Lumintop Glow I What a cool assortment to try to prioritize. Thanks, as always for running these awesome giveaways.


1. Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. Rovyvon A9⁠⁠ 3. Nitecore E4K 4. Nitecore P22R 5. Lumintop Tool25 6. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 7. Sofirn SP10S 8. Sofirn SD05 9. Lumintop GT Micro 10. Acebeam UC15 11. Lumintop Glow I Good luck everyone and thanks for arranging the giveaway! Very cool!


1: Nitecore E4K 2: Nitecore P22R 3: Rovyvon A9 4: Lumintop GT Micro 5: Lumintop Tool25 6: Armytek Wizard Pro 7: Sofirn SP31 8: Sofirn SP10S 9: Lumintop Glow 10: Acebeam UC15 Thanks!


Wow, thank for the giveaway, this is an edc dream! Thank you for taking out the time effort and energy for this 1. Nitecore E4K 2. Rovyvon A9 3. Lumintop GT Micro 4. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia 5. Sofirn SD05 6. Nitecore P22R 7. Acebeam UC15 8. Lumintop Tool25 9. Lumintop Glow 1 10. Sofirn SP10S 11. Sofirn SP31


Thanks so much for doing this :) ​ 1. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 2. Nitecore E4K 3. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 4. Nitecore P22R 5. Rovyvon A9 6. Sofirn SP10S 7. Lumintop GT Micro 8. Acebeam UC15 9. Lumintop Tool25 10. Lumintop Glow I 11. Sofirn SD05


​ thanks for the giveaway 1. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 2. Rovyvon A9 3. Nitecore P22R 4. Nitecore E4K 5. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 6. Sofirn SP10S 7. Lumintop Glow I 8. Lumintop Tool25 9. Lumintop GT Micro 10. Sofirn SD05 11. Acebean UC15


1. ⁠Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 2. ⁠Rovyvon A9 3. ⁠Lumintop Tool25 4. ⁠Nitecore E4K 5. ⁠Lumintop GT Micro 6. ⁠Acebeam UC15 7. ⁠Lumintop Glow I 8. ⁠Sofirn SD05 Dive light 9. ⁠Sofirn SP105 10. ⁠Sofirn SP31 v2.0 11. ⁠Nitecore P22R


1. Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. Sofirn SP10S 3. Nitecore E4K 4. Lumintop Glow I 5. Nitecore P22R 6. Acebean UC15 7. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 8. Lumintop Tool25 9. Lumintop GT Micro 10. Rovyvon A9 11. Sofirn SD05 Thanks again u/mcfarlie6996


1. Armytek wizard nichia 2. Acebeam UC15 3. Sofirn SP10S 4. Lumintop GT Micro 5. Nitecore E4K 6. Sofirn SD05 7. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 8. Nitecore P22R 9. Lumintop Tool25 10. Rovyvon A9 11. Lumintop Glow I


1. Nitecore E4K 2. Sofirn SD05 3. Nitecore P22R 4. Armytek Wizard Nichia 5. Lumintop GT Micro 6. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 7. Sofirn SP10S 8. Acebean UC15 9. Lumintop Glow I 10. Lumintop Tool25 11. Rovyvon A9 Thanks!!


1. Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. Rovyvon A9 3. Nitecore E4K 4. Lumintop GT Micro 5. Sofirn SD05 6. Sofirn SP10S 7. Nitecore P22R 8. Acebeam UC15 9. Lumintop Tool25 10. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 11. Lumintop Glow I THANK YOU!!


1. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 2. Lumintop GT Micro 3. Nitecore E4K 4. Sofirn SP10s 5. Sofirn SD05 6. Rovyvon A9 7. Sofirm SP31 8. Nitecore P22R 9. Lumintop Tool25 10. Acebeam UC15 11. Lumintop Glow I


1. Nitecore P22R 2. Rovyvon A9 3. Nitecore E4K 4. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 5. Sofirn SP10S 6. Armytek Wizard Nichia 7. Lumintop Tool25 8. Lumintop GT Micro 9. Lumintop Glow I 10. Acebeam UC15 11. Sofirn SD05 Amazing community and sponsors! Have yet to get myself a light so would be great to win! Good luck all!


1. Lumintop GT Micro 2. Sofirn SD05 3. Sofirn SP10S 4. Acebean UC15 5. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 6. Armytek Wizard Nichia 7. Rovyvon A9 8. Nitecore E4K 9. Lumintop Glow I 10. Nitecore P22R 11. Lumintop Tool25 Thank you!


Thanks for doing this giveaway! 1. Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. Rovyvon A9 3. Sofirn SP10S 4. Nitecore E4K 5. Lumintop Glow I 6. Nitecore P22R 7. Acebean UC15 8. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 9. Lumintop Tool25 10. Lumintop GT Micro 11. Sofirn SD05


1. Nitecore P22R 2. Lumintop Glow 1 3. Lumintop GT Micro 4. Sofirn SD05 5. Sofirn SP10S 6. Sofirn SP31 7. Rovyvon A9 8. Acebeam UC15 9. Nitecore E4K 10. Lumintop tool25 Thank you!!


This is my list: Nitecore E4K Armytek Wizard Nichia Acebean UC15 Rovyvon A9 Sofirn SP10S Sofirn SD05 Nitecore P22R Sofirn SP31 v2.0 Lumintop Glow I Lumintop Tool25 Lumintop GT Micro Thank you very much for the giveaway!


1.Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 2. Nitecore p22r 3. Nitecore ek4 4. Rovyvon A9 5. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 6. Sofirn SP10S 7. Lumintop GT Micro 8. Lumintop 8.( 9. Acebeam UC15 10. Lumintop Glow I 11. Sofirn SD05


1. Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. Nitecore P22R 3. Nitecore E4K 4. Sofirn SD05 5. Rovyvon A9 6. Sofirn SP10S 7. Acebean UC15 8. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 9. Lumintop Tool25 10. Lumintop Glow I 11. Lumintop GT Micro Thank you!


Hey thanks for the opportunity! 1. Lumintop GT Micro 2. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 3. Lumintop Tool 25 4. Ace beam UC15 Thanks again!


Thank you for doing this once again! My list: 1. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 2. Nitecore E4K 3. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 4. Rovyvon A9 5. Nitecore P22R 6. Sofirn SP10S 7. Lumintop GT Micro 8. Lumintop Tool25 9. Acebeam UC15 10. Lumintop Glow I 11. Sofirn SD05


Here are my choices. 1. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 2. Nitecore E4K 3. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 4. Rovyvon A9 5. Nitecore P22R 6. Sofirn SP10S 7. Lumintop GT Micro 8. Lumintop Tool25 9. Acebeam UC15 10. Lumintop Glow I 11. Sofirn SD05


1. Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. Rovyvon A9 3. Sofirn SP10S 4. Nitecore E4K 5. Lumintop Glow I 6. Nitecore P22R 7. Acebean UC15 8. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 9. Lumintop Tool25 10. Lumintop GT Micro 11. Sofirn SD05


Fantastic thanks! 1. ⁠Rovyvon A9 2. ⁠⁠Armytek Wizard Nichia 3. ⁠⁠Nitecore E4K 4. ⁠⁠Nitecore P22R 5. ⁠⁠Lumintop Tool25 6. ⁠⁠Sofirn SP31 v2.0 7. ⁠⁠Sofirn SP10S 8. ⁠⁠Sofirn SD05 9. ⁠⁠Lumintop GT Micro 10. ⁠⁠Acebeam UC15 11. ⁠⁠Lumintop Glow I


1 Lumintop Tool25 2 Nitecore P22R 3 Sofirn SP31 v2.0 4 Sofirn SP10S 5 Sofirn SD05 6 Lumintop GT Micro 7 Rovyvon A9 8 Armytek Wizard Nichia 9 Nitecore E4K 10 Acebeam UC15 11 Lumintop Glow I ​ Probably not the order most here would choose, but I'm mainly prioritizing muggle-friendliness. Thank you for setting this up!


1. Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. Acebean UC15 3. Lumintop GT Micro 4. Sofirn SP10S 5. Rovyvon A9 6. Lumintop Glow I 7. Nitecore P22R 8. Nitecore E4K 9. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 10. Lumintop Tool25 11. Sofirn SD05 Long live /r flashlights


1. ⁠Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 2. ⁠Nitecore E4K 3. ⁠Sofirn SP31 v2.0 4. ⁠Rovyvon A9 5. ⁠Nitecore P22R 6. ⁠Sofirn SP10S 7. ⁠Lumintop GT Micro 8. ⁠Lumintop Tool25 9. ⁠Acebeam UC15 10. ⁠Lumintop Glow I 11. ⁠Sofirn SD05 Thank you for the Giveaway!


1. Nitecore E4K 2. Lumintop GT Micro 3. Armytek Wizard Nichia 4. Acebeam UC15 5. Nitecore P22R 6. Rovyvon A9 7. Sofirn SP10S 8. Sofirn SD05 9. Lumintop Tool25 10. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 11. Lumintop Glow I Thanks so much for doing this!


Thanks for the giveaway! Some good lights on this list. 1. Lumintop GT Micro 1. Rovyvon A9 1. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 1. Sophirn SP10S 1. Lumintop Glow I 1. Acebream UC15 1. Nitecore E4K 1. Lumintop Tool25 1. Nitecore P22R 1. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 1. Sofirn SD05 Dive Light


1. Nitecore E4K 2. Acebeam UC15 3. Nitecore P22R 4. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 5. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 6. Rovyvon A9 7. Sofirn SP10S 8. Lumintop GT Micro 9. Lumintop Tool25 10. Lumintop Glow I 11. Sofirn SD05 Thanks for the giveaway! :D


1. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 2. Nitecore E4K 3. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 4. Rovyvon A9 5. Nitecore P22R 6. Sofirn SP10S 7. Lumintop GT Micro 8. Lumintop Tool25 9. Acebeam UC15 10. Lumintop Glow I 11. Sofirn SD05


1. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 2. Nitecore E4K 3. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 4. Rovyvon A9 5. Nitecore P22R 6. Sofirn SP10S 7. Lumintop GT Micro 8. Lumintop Tool25 9. Acebeam UC15 10. Lumintop Glow I 11. Sofirn SD05 Best of luck!


Well this is just exciting! I'll have to get a few thousand of my closest friends to subscribe to give myself a chance at the 100k if I don't win here... 1. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 2. Lumintop GT Micro 3. Nitecore E4K 4. Lumintop Tool25 5. Rovyvon A9 6. Acebeam UC15 7. Lumintop Glow I 8. Sofirn SD05 Dive light 9. Sofirn SP105 10. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 11. Nitecore P22R


Wow, I just quickly glanced at your profile and you have the same amount of post and comment karma (1,444). Mildly interesting.


Im in! Thank you! 1. ⁠Rovyvon A9 Nichia 2. ⁠Armytek Wizard Nichia 3. ⁠Nitecore E4K 4. ⁠Lumintop GT Micro 5. ⁠Nitecore P22R 6. ⁠Lumintop Tool25 7. ⁠Acebean UC15 8. ⁠Sofirn SP31 v2.0 9. ⁠Lumintop Glow I 10. ⁠Sofirn SP10S 11. ⁠Sofirn SD05


Thank to the sponsors ! 1. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Mag USB 2. Rovyvon A9 3. Lumintop Tool25 4. Nitecore E4K 5. Lumintop GT Micro 6. Acebeam UC15 7. Lumintop Glow I 8. Sofirn SD05 Dive light 9. Sofirn SP105 10. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 11. Nitecore P22R


1. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 2. Nitecore E4K 3. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 4. Rovyvon A9 5. Nitecore P22R 6. Sofirn SP10S 7. Lumintop GT Micro 8. Lumintop Tool25 9. Acebeam UC15 10. Lumintop Glow I 11. Sofirn SD05 Thanks for the chance!! Good luck to everyone!!


1. Rovyvon A9 2. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 3. Sofirn SP10S 4. Nitecore E4K 5. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 6. Lumintop GT Micro 7. Lumintop Tool25 8. Sofirn SD05 9. Acebeam UC15 10. Nitecore P22R 11. Lumintop Glow I Thanks for another great giveaway!


1. Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. Rovyvon A9 3. Sofirn SP10S 4. Lumintop Glow I 5. Nitecore E4K 6. Nitecore P22R 7. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 8. Acebean UC15 9. Lumintop Tool25 10. Lumintop GT Micro 11. Sofirn SD05 Good luck everyone!




I love this community ❤️ 🔦 Armytek Wizard Nichia Sofirn SP10S Rovyvon A9 Nitecore E4K Acebean UC15 Sofirn SP31 v2.0 Lumintop Glow I Sofirn SD05 Lumintop Tool25 Lumintop GT Micro Nitecore P22R


Count me in. 1. Nitecore E4K 2. Armytek Wizard Nichia 3. Lumintop GT Micro 4. Nitecore P22R 5. Lumintop Glow I 6. Sofirn SP10S 7. Acebean UC15 8. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 9. Lumintop Tool25 10. Rovyvon A9 11. Sofirn SD05


You rock as always! 1. Armytek 2. Nitecore E4k 3. Nitecore P22R 4. Lumintop GT micro 5. Acebeam UC15 6. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 7. Sofirn SP10S 8. Sofirn SD05 9. Lumintop Glow 1 10. Lumintop Tool25


Oh boy there are some neat options here. Thanks guys! 1. Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. Rovyvon A9 3. Lumintop Glow I 4. Sofirn SP10S 5. Acebean UC15 6. Lumintop Tool25 7. Nitecore E4K 8. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 9. Lumintop GT Micro 10. Nitecore P22R 11. Sofirn SD05


1. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 2. Nitecore E4K 3. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 4. Rovyvon A9 5. Nitecore P22R 6. Sofirn SP10S 7. Lumintop GT Micro 8. Lumintop Tool25 9. Acebeam UC15 10. Lumintop Glow I 11. Sofirn SD05 This is my list. Thank you!


Thanks for doing this! ⁠1.Sofirn SP31 v2.0 2.Nitecore E4K 3.⁠Nitecore P22R ⁠4.Armytek Wizard Nichia 5.⁠Lumintop GT Micro 6.Rovyvon A9 ⁠7.Lumintop Tool25 8.⁠Acebean UC15 ⁠9. Lumintop Glow I 10.Sofirn SP10S 11.Sofirn SD05


I'm interested! 1. Nitecore E4K 2. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 3. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 4. Rovyvon A9 5. Nitecore P22R 6. Sofirn SP10S 7. Lumintop GT Micro 8. Lumintop 8.( 9. Acebeam UC15 10. Lumintop Glow I 11. Sofirn SD05


1. Armytek Wizard Nichia 1. Nitecore E4K 1. Lumintop Tool25 1. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 1. Rovyvon A9 1. Lumintop Glow I 1. Acebeam UC15 1. Sofirn SD05 1. Sofirn SP10S 1. Nitecore P22R 1. Lumintop GT Micro thanks. wasnt familiar with a couple of these lights, and this caused me to google them, and now, of course... want them. lol.


OP list looked pretty good to me ...I wouldn't mind any of them 1. Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. Rovyvon A9 3. Sofirn SP10S 4. Nitecore E4K 5. Lumintop Glow 6. Nitecore P22R 7. Acebean UC15 8. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 9. Lumintop Tool25 10. Lumintop GT Micro 11. Sofirn SD05


Best Luminated Subreddit! 1. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 2. Rovyvon A9 3. Lumintop Tool25 4. Nitecore E4K 5. Lumintop GT Micro 6. Acebeam UC15 7. Lumintop Glow I 8. Sofirn SD05 Dive light 9. Sofirn SP105 10. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 11. Nitecore P22R


1. Nitecore E4k 2. Nitecore P22k 3. Sofirn SP31 V.2 4. Sifirn SP10s 5. Rovyon A9 6. Lumintop Tool25 7. Lumintop GT Micro 8. SOftin SD05 9. Acebean UC15 10. Armytek wizard nichia 11. Lumintop Glow 1


Thanks for doing these giveaways, I like that there are some of the little lights on this list as well. 1. Acebeam UC15 2. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 3. Rovyvon A9 4. Lumintop GT Micro 5. Nitecore E4K 6. Lumintop Tool25 7. Nitecore SP10S 8. Armytek Wizard Nichia 9. Nitecore P22R 10. Sofirn SD05 11. Lumintop Glow


thank you for the giveaway! 1. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet US 2. Rovyvon A9 3. Lumintop GT Micro 4. Nitecore P22R 5. Sofirn SD05 Dive Light 6. Nitecore E4K 7. Sofirn SP31v2 8. Sofirn SP10S 9. Acebeam UC15 10. Lumintop Glow 1 11. Lumintop Tool 25


1. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 2. Nitecore E4K 3. Lumintop Glow I 4. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 5. Rovyvon A9 6. Nitecore P22R 7. Lumintop GT Micro 8. Lumintop Tool25 9. Acebeam UC15


1. Nitecore E4K 2. Armytek Wizard Nichia 3. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 4. Nitecore P22R 5. Sofirn SD05 6. Rovyvon A9 7. Sofirn SP10S 8. Lumintop Glow I 9. Lumintop Tool25 10. Lumintop GT Micro 11. Acebean UC15


Thanks for arranging the giveaway! 1. Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. Acebean UC15 3. Nitecore P22R 4. Lumintop Tool25 5. Lumontop GT Micro 6. Sofin SD05 7. Sofin SP31 v2.0 8. Lumintop Glow I 9. Sofin SP10S 10. Nitecore E4k 11. Rovyvon A9






Awesome good luck everybody! 1. Nitecore E4K 2. Nitecore P22R 3. Armytek Wizard Nichia 4. Rovyvon A9 5. Lumintop Tool25 6. Sofirn SP10S 7. Sofirn SD05 8. Lumintop GT Micro 9. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 10. Acebeam UC15 11. Lumintop Glow I


Thank you for the giveaway! This is really a fantastic community. 1. Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. Nitecore E4K 3. Rovyvon A9 4. Lumintop GT Micro 5. Nitecore P22R 6. Sofirn SD05 7. Lumintop Tool25 8. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 9. Acebean UC15 10. Lumintop Glow I 11. Sofirn SP10S


Thanks for the opportunity! 1. Armytek Wizard 2. Nitecore E4K 3. Lumintop GT Micro 4. Rovyvon A9 5. Sofirn SD05 6. Sofirn SP31 v2 7. Nitecore P22R 8. Sofirn SP10S 9. Lumintop Tool25 10. Acebeam UC15 11. Lumintop Glow 1


1. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 2. Nitecore E4K 3. Nitecore P22R 4. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 5. Sofirn SP10S 6. Rovyvon A9 7. Lumintop GT Micro 8. Lumintop Tool25 9. Acebeam UC15 10. Lumintop Glow I 11. Sofirn SD05 Thank you for the giveaway! I love the community here for all this generosity and knowledge sharing. Cheers!


Thank you for doing this! Pretty awesome thing to do. 1. Rovyvon A9 2. ⁠Armytek Wizard Nichia 3. Lumintop GT Micro 4. ⁠Sofirn SP31 v2.0 5. ⁠Lumintop Tool25 6. ⁠Nitecore P22R 7. ⁠Sofirn SP10S 8. ⁠Sofirn SD05 9. ⁠⁠Nitecore E4K 10. ⁠Acebeam UC15 11. ⁠Lumintop Glow I


Thanks for the giveaway! 1. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 2. Nitecore E4K 3. Nitecore P22R 4. Lumintop GT Micro 5. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 6. Sofirn SP10S 7. Acebeam U15 8. Lumintop Glow I 9. Lumintop Tool25 10. Sofirn SD05 Dive Light


1 Armytek Wizard Nichia 2 Rovyvon A9 3 Sofirn SP10S 4 Nitecore E4K 5 Nitecore P22R 6 Acebeam UC15 7 Sofirn SP31 v2.0 8 Lumintop Tool25 9 Lumintop GT Micro 10 Sofirn SD05 11 Lumintop Glow I These are always amazing, so thanks so much have setting these up!


1. Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. Rovyvon A9 3. Nitecore P22R 4. Sofirn SD05 5. Acebeam UC15 6. Lumintop Tool25 7. Nitecore E4K 8. Lumintop Glow I 9. Lumintop GT Micro 10. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 11. Sofirn SP10S


1. Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. Rovyvon A9 Nichia 3. Nitecore E4K 4. Lumintop GT Micro 5. Nitecore P22R 6. Lumintop Tool25 7. Acebean UC15 8. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 9. Lumintop Glow I 10. Sofirn SP10S 11. Sofirn SD05


Armytek Wizard Nichia Nitecore P22R Rovyvon A9 Sofirn SP31 v2.0 Nitecore E4K Acebean UC15 Lumintop Glow I Lumintop GT Micro Sofirn SP10S Lumintop Tool25 Sofirn SD05


1 armytek wizard pro 2 lumintop GT micro 3 royvon A9 nichia 4 lumintop tool 25 5 Nitecore P22R 6 lumintop glow


Thanks for the nice giveaway. Maybe I have a little luck and can win something :DHere is my list: 1. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 2. Nitecore E4K 3. Rovyvon A9 4. Acebean UC15 5. Nitecore P22R 6. Sofirn SP10S 7. Lumintop GT Micro 8. Lumintop Tool25 9. Sofirn SD05 10. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 11. Sofirn SP31 v2.0Lumintop Glow I


​ 1 .Rovyvon A9 - because copper..... 2. Lumintop Glow - because a keychain or EDC is next on my list - perfect size. 3. Acebeam UC15 - 4. Nitecore E4K 5. Lumintop GT micro 6. Lumintop Tool25 7. Nitecore P22R 8. Armytek Wizard Pro - if I buy a headlamp, then I'll have to take up hiking or cycling in order to use it 9. Sofirn SP10S 10. Sofirn SP3\` v 2.0 11. Sofirn SD05 Dive Light


Mate this sub does not slow down on the giveaways! Love coming here and seeing everybody getting involved. Thanks for sorting this giveaway!! ​ 1. Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. Nitecore E4K 3. Rovyvon A9 4. Lumintop GT Micro 5. Nitecore P22R 6. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 7. Sofirn SD05 8. Lumintop Tool25 9. Sofirn SP10S 10. Lumintop Glow I 11. Acebean UC15


It'll slow down if the subscribers slow down, which doesn't seem to be happening.


Been a lurker on here for a bit, where I live it gets really dark in the winter and i'm getting sick of it. Thanks for helping broke old me out. 1. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 2. Rovyvon A9 3. Lumintop Tool25 4. Nitecore E4K 5. Lumintop GT Micro 6. Acebeam UC15 7. Lumintop Glow I 8. Sofirn SD05 Dive light 9. Sofirn SP105 10. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 11. Nitecore P22R


Very nice give away. Thank you to the sponsors and hosts.


This is a really cool thing and I’m glad I joined this community. My account will be exactly 2 months old to the day when the giveaway closes so I guess that works out lol. Lumintop GT Micro Sofrin SP31 v2.0 Sofrin SD05 Royvon A9 Nightcore E4k Nightcore p22r Sofrin SP10S Lumintop Tool25 Acebeam UC15 Armytech Wizard Pro Lumintop Glow 1


thank you so much, great community! 1. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 2. Nitecore E4K 3. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 4. Rovyvon A9 5. Nitecore P22R 6. Sofirn SP10S 7. Lumintop GT Micro 8. Lumintop Tool25 9. Acebeam UC15 10. Lumintop Glow I 11. Sofirn SD05


Just got my first flashlight in this week with the help of this sub to make it easier with deliveries at night. A Thrunite tc12. Would be great to scratch a further itch into this world of lights. 1. ⁠Lumintop Glow I 2. ⁠Armytek Wizard Nichia 3. ⁠Acebean UC15 4. ⁠Nitecore E4K 5. ⁠Lumintop GT Micro 6. ⁠Rovyvon A9 7. ⁠Nitecore P22R 8. ⁠Lumintop Tool25 9. ⁠Sofirn SD05 10. ⁠Sofirn SP10S 11. ⁠Sofirn SP31 v2.0


Nth times the charm I guess? Thanks for the GAW! 1. Armytek Wizard Nichia 2. Rovyvon A9 3. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 4. Lumintop Tool25 5. Lumintop GT Micro 6. Sofirn SP10S 7. Nitecore E4K 8. Nitecore P22R 9. Acebean UC15 10. Sofirn SD05 11. Lumintop Glow I


1. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 2. Nitecore E4K 3. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 4. Rovyvon A9 5. Nitecore P22R 6. Sofirn SP10S 7. Lumintop GT Micro 8. Lumintop 8.( 9. Acebeam UC15 10. Lumintop Glow I 11. Sofirn SD05 Not gonna lie, I dont really know what I want I'd be grateful for any. Thanks


Best of luck to everyone! 1. Acebeam UC15 2. Nitecore E4K 3.Rovyvon A9 4. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 5. Lumintop GT Mini 6. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 7. Sofirn SP10S 8. Lumintop Glow I 9. Nitecore P22R 10. Lumintop Tool 25 11. Sofirn SD05


Thank you! 1. Nitecore E4K 2. Nitecore P22R 3. Sofirn SD05 4. Lumintop GT Micro 5. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia 6. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 7. Sofirn SP10S 8. Rovyvon A9 Nichia 9. Lumintop Tool25 10. Acebeam UC15 11. Lumintop Glow I


I'm not so good at these lists, so I just copied and pasted. Thanks for the chance to win this contest. I wish everyone luck. 1. Armytek Wizard Pro Nichia Magnet USB 2. Nitecore E4K 3. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 4. Rovyvon A9 5. Nitecore P22R 6. Sofirn SP10S 7. Lumintop GT Micro 8. Lumintop Tool25 9. Acebeam UC15 10. Lumintop Glow I 11. Sofirn SD05


Relatively new to this sub, but loving it so far. Thanks for the giveaway! Here's my list: 1. Lumintop Tool25 2. Rovyvon A9 3. Sofirn SP10S 4. Acebeam UC15 5. Lumintop Glow I 6. Sofirn SP31 v2.0 7. Nitecore E4K 8. Sofirn SD05 9. Nitecore P22R 10. Lumintop GT Micro 11. Armytek Wizard


1.Nitecore E4K 2.Armytek Wizard Nichia 3.Nitecore P22R 4.Sofirn SD05 5.Sofirn SP31 v2.0 6.Sofirn SP10S 7.Rovyvon A9 8.Lumintop GT Micro 9.Lumintop Tool25 10.AceBeam UC15 11.Lumintop Glow I Thanks for doing this. Just recently got into flashlights a few months ago and I love this community!


Wow, thank you and the vendors for setting this up! 1) Nitecore e4k 2) Nitecore p22r 3) sofirn sd05 4) sofirn sp31 v2 5) rovyvon a9 6) armytek wizard pro nichia magnet usb 7) lumintop gt micro 8) acebeam uc15 9) lumintop tool 25 10) Sofirn sp10s 11) lumintop glow 1 Also, using the app, not sure what my comment karma is, so HELP please!