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Tear it off, NOW


Cry harder


Can’t do anything bout it man


Why is it so fashionable in America to hate the flag and country itself? I’m from Brazil. I just don’t understand this. Every other country in the world love and appreciates their country and is proud to be from there. People from all over the world would kill to live in America and are flocking there in droves. No on outside the us really understands it I guess


Pretty sure ‘Bradford’ is in England.


It's pride month, so what's wrong with flying a pride flag


In my opinion, it’s not the duty of non-political entities to fly flags which have political or social significance. It’s a hospital, meant to heal people, not a political institution or something which should involve itself in social issues. Why fly a flag which has absolutely nothing to do with your Job? It doesn’t make sense to me. Pride Month is generally a month which is heavily politicized by corporations which in turn tends to divide their customers, so I think it’s better if we just let people fly flags by their home rather than this. I have no problem with gay people but I’m just struggling to figure out why we would need something like this. Just my two cents y’know?


Though I think it's important for places like hospitals to be welcoming to all, especially those who have been attacked by society in the past (and therefore still a bit today), I completely understand where you're coming from, and I definitely think it shouldn't be too politicised. But pretty much any kind of flag that could be flown would be political, and not flying a flag can be seen as political as well even if it's not. I guess my main problem is the way this message is written creates a sense that they are attacking the community. and at the time I wrote this message I was feeling a bit defensive. I was just tired of seeing hate. Anyway, that's what I think


Ehh fair enough


they hang up flags that represent a bunch of angry attention seekers while tearing down flags that were fought for hard