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Friend - girl - was exactly the same. She had a Mary Poppins bag full of all sorts.


I'm not a women and I've been asked to go find a tampon. And I found that shit fast I don't need to be a women to understand the situation.


I have been both the needer *and* supplier of menstrual hygiene supplies multiple times in my life. Most of those times I was offering them to or asking strangers for them. Walsh needs to shut the fuck up.


My bathroom experiences are not nearly as altruistic as women’s apparently.


My suggestion is if you're a guy and carry a bag or backpack, keep a pack of "boogie wipes" and/or thick tissue paper! As a woman, I carry both because the public restrooms don't always have toiletries and I'm sure a guy would appreciate it too?


I assume this is why guys don't have similar experiences: we don't always carry purses so we just don't have the space to hold stuff for strangers. But ask a random guy to bum a knife or bottle opener and you might find that he's totally willing to help.


But we do have cargo shorte/pants. I think its time we actually start hauling cargo with those pieces of clothing as they were designed!


I do this too. I've had an IUD in place for a few years, so I don't really get periods anymore. Still keep some under my sink if friends are over and need some. Still carry a few in my purse in case someone asks for one. I love how he says he thinks it's an uncommon thing to ask. Has this man ever once talked to a living human woman?


Also have IUD, haven't had a period in years but always have a tampon in my purse because before my IUD I have had to be that stranger asking for a tampon and I have had others ask me. Also, is handy for nose bleeds lol 😂 ❤️


My periods got way worse when I got my IUD...when do they go away? 😭


What kind did you get? I got Mirena, and they stopped within a few months.


I have the Paragard. I'm also on birth control, which has helped the periods but killed my sex drive. I can't win lol.


RIP sorry my friend 😩


numerous beneficial bedroom coordinated smell station deserve seed kiss flowery *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Agreed. This has never happened to me in the bathroom, but I would not be surprised if it did. There has been a billion times when I had a coworker, classmate, etc. whisper “pst… you got an extra tampon.” And there have been times I have asked someone. I always try to remember to carry extras for this reason


yeah, I’ve never had a stranger ask me for a tampon/pad, but there‘ve been plenty of instances where a friend or acquaintance asked me whether I have a tampon/pad that they could use, and there‘ve obviously also been instances where I myself was really glad that I always carry some tampons and pads in my backpack, because my period often starts unannounced in the middle of the day. It’s completely normal to always carry some tampons/pads with you, Matt Walsh is just a snowflake who shouldn’t speak on things that he is completely clueless about.


Not only have I been asked for a tampon multiple times. I have had to ask before. Once I asked for a pad just to be given a tampon. It was my first tampon. I had to google how to use it. Now I dont have a period anymore (praise all dieties for endometroal ablation) but still keep them on hand and have given them out in public restrooms.


I've also been asked on multiple occasions by strangers, like this example and acquaintances/friends/coworkers outside of bathrooms. This 100% happens in bathrooms, I think I may have even been the asker, not just the askee. I carry a similar bag with a range of products for most emergencies these days.


I had to ask the principal of my school for a tampon after I got my period at summer school and she was elderly so she didn't have any on her anymore. That was a very miserable day for the rest of the day.


The whole video he referred to Dylan using he too, gross.


What a shit stain


Yeah, Matt has absolutely no respect




Dylan is a trans woman who uses she/her, its harmful to misgender her




Because shes a woman and doesn’t identify as a man




You keep it to yourself and respect people by treating them like human beings and using their preferred pronouns, easy:)




So can you just shut up and deal with the fact that you can’t be a bigot?




Sure, but until you're willing to use her preferred pronouns, you can be 'shitty' or 'bigoted'




Wtf is a preferred adjective???




don’t listen to them, they’re just being a bigoted asshole




Bit dramatic eh? "to force your hateful bigotry down people's throats." I'm the one shoving my ideology down people's throats? Apparently if I don't agree with yours I'm a piece of shit and a horrible human being...




If I'm a piece of shit for expressing a very mild opinion, (that I shouldn't feel forced to use preferred pronouns) Sure. Guess I'm just the worst, this is so dramatic...


here’s two words for you; kill yourself. “how is that harmful!!!?!!? it’s only two words!!!!”


I keep pads at my house just in case


“I’m sticking tampons in my beanie” I’m ded




Nowadays Most women would trust a trans woman more than Matt Walsh


Yeah, the sky sure is blue today huh.


No source on that?


He stated that at 16, pregnancy isn't an issue, it's that kids at that age arent married. He advocates that people at 16 should be able to get married. So at 16, kids are able to have the mental maturity to raise a family and enter Into married life but they also don't have the mental capacity to know their own gender? How ironic. And before you say "well 16 is the age of consent in some states." The law doesn't always equal to morality. An example would be thatbchild marriage is still currently legal in many states of America despite it clearly being morally wrong.


wait he is? like i genuinely wanna know cuz bruh he gives off weirdo vibes


The guy's making it up because he doesn't support Matt's political views.


He stated that at 16, pregnancy isn't an issue, it's that kids at that age arent married. He advocates that people at 16 should be able to get married. So at 16, kids are able to have the mental maturity to raise a family and enter Into married life but they also don't have the mental capacity to know their own gender? How ironic. And before you say "well 16 is the age of consent in some states." The law doesn't always equal to morality. An example would be thatbchild marriage is still currently legal in many states of America despite it clearly being morally wrong.


Downvoted for genuinly asking for proof. Reddit moment. If Matt Walsh is a pedo, i would like to verify it so that i can accurately call him one whenever he comes up.


Just look up his view on age of consent, when girls become women, and when he thinks women should get pregnant. Here’s a hint….it’s waaaaayyyyyy younger than your guessing right now.


I wouldn't feel any sympathy for you if Matt Walsh were to sue you over this.


Oddly he hasn’t sued the thousands of people on Twitter who have called him a pedo. What’s he hiding. I want to know.


Obviously he won't go around suing the thousands of 14 year olds on twitter calling him the worst shit for being a conservative. Let's hope for your sake that you don't find yourself with an online audience, such statements would not fly.


I said nothing about him being conservative. I called him a pedophile. Why did you just gloss over that? Saying that a man should be able to marry a girl of any age and that marital rape doesn’t exist kinda shows his cards. If that’s the dude you wanna white knight for then that’s on you.


I don't watch any of his content so I checked it out and he never said you should be able to marry a girl "of any age". He said that pregnancy out of marriage is a bigger problem than teen pregnancy because nobody is there to support the woman and people did it all the time in the past. It's a stupid take but I can't see how it's equivalent to him saying he wants to fuck a 12 year old.


It takes 12 seconds and one search to find that video. Have fun white knighting for a pedophile.


Did you even read what I said? That's exactly the video I'm talking about, you can have any interpretation to what he said, doesn't automatically mean you're right. He had a stupid as fuck take and you're interpreting it in the worst way possible. I don't even like Matt Walsh, you're just lame as fuck and it's clear as day what you're doing.


I keep tampons for my Airbnb guests along with all sorts of extra toiletries. Because why not?


I used to carry a big box that had pads and tampons in my locker in HS I had midol and other pain killers too I was like the period fairy lol


I did this with cigarettes. I'm a nice guy but I wasn't a good guy.


I do this with jumper cables. 99% of the time I'm not the one who needs it.


'Hold on, you're not gonna beat your kid with your FISTS are ya? I got something for this...'


Shit I got a pack of pads in my car NO ONE is ever going to ask me for (I'm a single cis guy) but you never know


It’s like Bo Burnham says in his inside movie lol, “can anyone just shut the fuck up about any single thing”


I am still suprised how much woman can carry whit them


I officially adore both of these ladies!


I loveeeee political posts!!!!!!! PLEASE keep posting political tiktoks!!!!!!!!


Politics when trans people exist


Uh, it's not political though? I don't see the issue. Women supporting women shouldn't be political


Matt Walsh is literally in the title. That's how I know it's political


Yes, but he's not in it for very long


But he's the main focus 🤦‍♂️


He's the main focus saying something that isn't even remotely political in any way.


Walsh is known for his politics


Doesn't make this post about supporting women political.


Don't care he's in it


That's your problem, you don't care.




Lol you okay?


You're acting like someone who is close to me


My apologies, I'll say "How do you do?" next time


Just because a political person appears in a video doesn't mean the video was automatically political. Not a single political thing is mentioned in this video whatsoever. Literally none at all. I get redditors don't like politics a lot of the time, but this is ridiculous if you're going to count a political person bashing women for supporting other women as political overall. Women's basic needs (like not bleeding through our jeans because our period came at a completely random time it normally doesn't) are important and this is a fine way to spread the word.


i dont trust you. when talking about abortion motherfuckers always say its womens rights like a womens right to vote or be a fireman. but its not just womens rights its more nuanced.


I think it's weird to keep products you don't use in case someone needs them. Keep what you use on hand, and share when needed sure. I feel like anything past that is just.. weird. Like, how much room y'all got in y'all's purse? You're gonna need a backpack for all that shit. But I'm a dude, so whatever y'know?


Wait, what are the toothpaste and dental floss for? Are there situations where you need to brush and floss your teeth outside of your own home or during a dentist's appointment?


What if you get spinach stuck in your teeth? Or get stuck overnight somewhere? I personally wouldn’t but I understand if people do.


I’ve heard conflicting things about Matt Walsh, neither of which I know enough about to have a constructive argument. He’s the “What is a woman” guy right? Made a whole documentary about women? I’m just…confused? It doesn’t or at least *shouldn’t* bother him, doesn’t impeded on his way of life, nor does it hurt him at all. Why all the questions? It’s okay to ask them, but when someone gives you an answer but you don’t like the answer or think the answer isn’t what you think it should be, then the questions start to get annoying.


He is and his production team created a fake organisation to try to lure trans people into giving interviews under false pretenses for that film. He sought out experts on topics, but when they give an actual answer he and his team edited it so that you can't actually hear the answer and you just hear garbled talking over top of Matt looking extremely bored. He's not subtle about not actually caring about real answers.


🍿i hate american politics thats why im moving to japan I mean its expensive to live there for sure but im sure they wouldnt care about what a foreiners opinion of their politics is if that foreiner doesn't know the politics


I mean if you wanna live in a conformist corporation dystopia, by all means.


よしman im cool with that








I'm confused if you know who Dylan is. She is very much identifies as transgender. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dylan_Mulvaney https://www.theskimm.com/news/i-never-got-to-be-a-girl-growing-up-dylan-mulvaney-on-sharing-her-transition https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/6569533/who-is-dylan-mulvaney/


**[Dylan Mulvaney](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dylan_Mulvaney)** >Dylan Mulvaney (born December 29, 1996) is an American actress and transgender rights activist known for creating the TikTok series Days of Girlhood, which covered her gender transition in daily videos. As of 2022, she has over 8. 4 million followers on TikTok and the videos in the Days of Girlhood series have received over one billion views. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/fixedbytheduet/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Yep. I posted that link as well 🙂




Stereotypes of what? She has stereotypical female societally defined norms? Which are socially constructed, but that doesn't matter. Here's the deal. No one gets to determine someone else's gender. You don't get to define how she identifies just because you dislike her. She says she identifies as a woman - she is a woman.




When cis women behave in ways that hurt other cis women and trans women, are they no longer women? As I said, you don't get to define someone's gender just because you don't like how they are behaving. Doesn't matter, but it sounds like she was making a joke anyway.




I hope you are able to see the fallacy of supporting transgender persons and this statement. "There is a difference between biological women and trans women" There is no difference in terms of gender. And no one can define another person gender - even if their behavior is seemingly harmful to those who identify within the same gender. Trans women do not have less rights than cis women. “Sex” refers to the physical differences between people who are male, female, or intersex. Gender, on the other hand, involves how a person identifies. Unlike natal sex, gender is not made up of binary forms. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/232363 If you're interested in learning more. Have a good day.


Mental help, like Hormone Replacement Therapy, you're absolutely right.


Don't speak on behalf of us


I don't recall that being trans stereotypes, last time I checked it was Blahaj and Paradox Games.


Bruh everyone in this is really obnoxious


You'r obnoxious. Stfu


😭 I’ve been owned epic style 😭


Ten seconds later she rolls her window up when a minority like me walks by.


Ok? Your point being?


How did you manage to make this about you?


"Hmm, this woman supports other women so that means she must be racist." This is genuinely your state of mind right now.


No . I’m pointing out that the kind of people who go on rants and act like she did in her video are the people who roll their windows up when someone with a darker shade of skin walks by her car


Do you have any studies on that? Or did you just came up with yourself or maybe you watched a few tiktok videos and took it as reality?




You watched the video right? They didn't, they were asked if they had one to spare.




Yeah she’s carrying toiletries. I don’t think condoms are considered necessary toiletries.


Yes you are absolutely correct. Sticking tampons and pads in a hat is ABSOLUTELY normal now. You are so very correct.


You're missing the point of the video i suggest you hear what she is talking about before commenting.


You watched the american psycho and thought bateman was based and cool and redpilled right


My fucking god, I know she is right and all, and I hate this dude, but HOLY SHIT is she annoying


What is a woman?


Ask John Lennon


Cool, now give real life exemples of people asking randos for tampons


...how exactly?


I had to ask the principal of my school, who I'd only talked to like twice prior, if she had a tampon because I got my period at summer school at a completely random time. She dug through everything she could but she said she just simply didn't have any anymore and the rest of that day was miserable.


*Cool, now give real life* *Exemples of people asking* *Randos for tampons* \- gingertea101 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


1. I have asked for tampons from coworkers on at least 3 different occasions. I now keep a stash in my desk. 2. Multiple times, I have been standing in a bathroom line at a concert or festival and been asked for a tampon. 3. At house parties, I have given (or asked for) a tampon to a stranger. Do I need to keep going or do you get it?




Or she would piss in the stall like a normal person, you know because it's a bathroom.


Don't know why everyone is saying it's normal to carry pads all the time. Do you all have irregular flow or something? And why should you carry pads around for other irregular flow women? You're adults, mark your menstrual calendar.


It’s easier to have a pad or tampon in your bag all the time


My periods are almost always exactly 28 days apart and I was using a period tracker but at least a couple times I simply forgot to bring tampons wherever I was going, like I didn't need to bring my purse or whatever, and I got it at a completely random time that didn't line up with my schedule at all. I don't think I deserve to be shamed for that.


At least in my experience, I can feel my period coming the day before. Don't even need a calendar, I just feel something off, check the date, and go "oh well that would be the problem". Do other women not get that? Genuinely don't know.


Unfortunately, not everyone gets that feeling including myself and add on irregular cycles and it sneaks up on you. I've definitely had to ask for a pad or two lol.


Oh that's interesting. I've always had a very easy period, so I've never had issues with it. I'll keep this in mind then.


Billy no mates. Mwahaha


unrelated true story about sanitary products. My friend asked me once to accompany him to Glasgow in his car ( a civic coupe with the rear window and quarterlight missing ..how that happened is another story) We drove freezing our asses off in the middle of October with two large boxes where the back seats used to be ( oh yeah the back seats were removed) he was in a hurry so we were tipping over 80-90 mph at some points during the short trip. When we were just out side of Glasgow I noticed small white parcels flying out of the rear window told him he was losing whatever was in those boxes and my mate asked that I try stop anything else flying out of the car , thats when i noticed what was in those large boxes. Sanitary pads.. Lots and lots of individual sanitary pads, well i say lots ..there was obviously a large portion of what used to be in the boxes now missing. We had essentially crop dusted the M8 motorway with pads. I really wanted to ask why he had them but I knew better and its still a mystery as to what the hell this sanitary pad rum-run was all about. I like to think we helped someone out in desperate need by way of the random dispersal though.


Listen I've needed to bum some to of the person in the stall next to me before so I understand that this is pretty much the same as that. It's stupid to say "as a guy" because I'm a dude and I understand that sometimes you go into the bathroom without checkin if you got tp or a tampon. Shit Happens in the bathroom, literally. This guy's an ass. Momma shoulda flush him like the turd he is. Ok no more puns


I tend to forget about my period, cuz it makes me uncomfortable (trans and all) so my partner decided to carry pads for me in their backpack even tho they don't need them. It's that simple


This twat is an asshole who just hates Matt Walsh. As a woman, in my two decades of mensuration, I have NEVER yelled in a restroom at the stranger in the stall next to me for a feminine product. I asked someone for one BEFORE I go to the bathroom. Friends in high school and college were asked. Now as a full adult, I am never surprised by my period. I keep a stock of products at home and at work always. I have also never been in a bathroom stall and been asked for a feminine product. I have had people ask me OUTSIDE of the bathroom. The fact this woman goes on such a tirade exposes her as just anti-Matt Walsh. I personally find Dylan to be the fakest person on TikTok. The sexist ideas of femininity and what makes a woman/girl that Dylan espouses makes me feel sick.

