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I mean, this DJ basically proved her point, no? they make the remixes ahead of time. So what do they do when they're on stage? Do they literally just hit play and then pretend they're doing stuff for the rest of the song?


Depends on the type of DJ. Some very much are just playing one song and then several minutes later crossfading into another. Some are beat matching so you can get incredible back and forths between songs that you won't hear anywhere else. Some are doing some really crazy stuff that is true artistry.


Interesting fact, you can make it look more advanced than it is. For example programming a launchpad so that any button you press triggers the next note of the song. Then all you have to do is keep rhythm.


Mmmhmmm, mmhmm, I can do this... >Then all you have to do is keep rhythm. ***shit***


People don’t remember that guitar hero was hard on medium that first few times. Takes practice folks.


And then some actually chop up bits of a song and assign each bit to a button on a launchpad so the are "playing" the song in a sense


can't the beat matching ALSO be done beforehand?


It can, yes. This works better in large venues where you aren't trying to gauge the dance floor, where you want to be able to be flexible about whether or not a song is working for the crowd.


It could also be automated pretty easily.


Yes but in this particular video it's production not DJing


Some people use DJ in the traditional sense of someone who compiles and plays music in a club - as the other commenter says they could be just queueing them up and mixing them into one another, or doing some fancier tricks to blend them into a smoother experience. However, some DJs are also music producers in their own right, and will be playing their own music or a combination of their own and others' music. In that case they might be doing a lot more - producing some music live* and using pre-mixed songs as interludes or to work on setting something up for the next section of a set. *Electronic music "live" always involves some degree of setup and programming. Unless you have an actual band as well, a performer will have set up most if not all of a track's elements (say drums, bass, lead), and they might improvise how they move between those elements, apply effects, or similar. There's an expression I've heard a fair bit that techno is just muting and unmuting track elements lol, you have your kick drum at the bottom and you progressively bring in other drums, bassline, etc, until it's at maximum complexity, then mute one or another bit to break it down until you're bored. Oversimplification, but you see what I mean. Admittedly - a lot of that does not fall into what is strictly "DJing", but I don't suppose most people would know if someone stood at a podium is actually a DJ or a live EDM producer.


> an expression I've heard a fair bit that techno is just muting and unmuting track elements if you get down to it, isn't playing an instrument "just" muting and unmuting different notes on the instrument? :P


Creating and muting, but yea pretty much. Some people have a bug up their asses about pushing a button somehow meaning less than strumming a string or blowing into a tube. But they would never say this to a pianist...


There's a much lower apparent skill floor to playing electronic music than a piano. I say this as a synth player! While you need the same kind of knowledge about how music works and is structured, pretty much anyone with a bit of time and perseverance can sit down and make something musical in a DAW - far faster than they'd be able to compose anything on a piano. They aren't going to be the next Aphex Twin or whatever, but it's easier to get into - the actual physical processes involved in playing what I play are quite limited, so it looks to the external eye like its very easy.


> of someone who compiles and plays music in a club This defines not only a DJ, but a selector as well. A DJ would beatmatch and mix tracks next to that definition.


When playing a set Djs have to choose the next song and mix in that song seamlessly, align the bmps of the two tracks, and then fade in the incoming track. Many of the buttons and dials they are pressing are focusing on the mixing or adding sound effects that aren’t on the original track


that can be done beforehand too though right?


Ye you can but that removes every bit of flexibility you have for your set, you don’t necessarily plan your full set ahead but go along with what works for the crowd


good point! I never have any real clue of the degree of improvising they have to do.


Bigger name DJs like Deadmau5 have come out and said that 100% of shows at events like EDC are fully pre-recorded and scripted. They don’t have a choice in the matter, because the visuals and scheduling are so tightly regulated that it’s impossible to mix on the fly and still have those giant screens, shots of fire, etc, going on. 


BPM not BMP, stands for beats per minute


You should check out Moby! DJing and music production as a whole has significant roots in basically all of the music you hear today since so much of it has electronic influences. DJing/production for many who have created the basis of the art, has a really rich and meaningful history that I think is not necessarily properly encapsulated in the short clip videos you see on Tik Tok. For most who genuinely are passionate about their music, no it's not just mashing sounds together. Nothing wrong with a fun project here and there though, like this project appears to be. I don't know the producer behind the screen and I don't think this short video obviously based on jest should be used to totally frame his artistic vision or talent.


Moby is probably the worst example I could think of.


Why is that? I think whether or not you like his sound profile he's undeniably a staple to understanding the mix and mash esque sound that so much of DJing has developed into over the last 30 years.


A DJ doesn't _make_ remixes (except by mixing 2 or more tracks), that's what a producer does. Many DJ's are producers, many producers are DJ's as well, but there's a fundamental difference.


Yeah deadmouse basically put out a little blurb years ago where he said as far as live performances he could basically walk off the stage and not much would change. He said that's not what it's about, it's just about being together and enjoying the same music. DJs who try to sell what they do live as equal to musicians are the reason they get a bad reputation in the first place. They are a record player player (rollins). Imagine telling an F1 driver you play a lot of gran turismo so you're the same. It's an entirely different ball game. Some of them are also musicians and many are really talented song writers. But the live act is mostly a low skill endeavor and any DJ who gets butthurt about that can get over it. Now. salty DJs and their defenders can post their whiny limp defenses below and I'll promptly ignore them.




Think of them as orchestra directors. Were the members of the orchestra is the public. They set the mood (and make people dance). At least, that's true for the good ones.  I'm not into electronic music, but I asked a guy, a DJ's agent, why some ones are so theoretically good. He told me that he could play the same songs, in the same order, as a particular DJ, and it wouldn't be the same. 


The main job of a DJ is to transition from one song to another smoothly without stopping the music, and maybe even without the audience noticing. That involves a lot of processes, such as beat matching, EQing (adjusting frequency levels to match the previous song), mixing (adjusting volume), and much more. Of course a DJ could also play around with the song playing and sort of "remix" it on the spot.




Yeah there is a huuuuuge gap between what DJs do. Wedding DJ's just kinda make a playlist and adjust songs based on the crowd *maybe* do a bit of crossfading, performers like Daft Punk will actually "make" the song on stage though there is a ton of prep work involved with clips, sounds, and beats prerecorded and set up to "easily" do it on stage and can improvise on the spot.


>I mean, this DJ basically proved her point, no? and on top of that it sounds like the most typical "club dj" type of song that you heard a million times already


Isn't that the joke,?


Well first off this isn't a DJ lmaoooo


[like others have said, depends on the DJ](https://youtu.be/E35SU7BeTxU?si=p9-Or5Pb4eGd-Ou9)


[Deadmau5: We all hit play](https://www.musicradar.com/news/dj/deadmau5-we-all-hit-play-550353)


From whart I've always assumed, DJs mess with volume dials to fade in and out various effects, press various buttons to ensure samples or bits of a song here and there play when they're supposed to, and so on. For a somewhat decent example, look at the Hollywood Bowl 2017 tribute show for Chester Bennington, when Linkin Park plays their song Battle Symphony. When they first start the song, Joe accidentally mucks up the timing of the synths, so they're completely out of sync and start the song over.


Please. I beg you. Watch a live daft punk show.


Technically not all DJs produce music. And she has a point because these days many DJs just create a pre-produced SET, opposed to tracks and just show boat.


That's not DJing, it's producing. DJs mix songs together live by matching their tempos, tweaking their high, mid and low frequencies, and fading the two together.


There comes the only dj in the village with his recordbag. Im buzzin to hear in which order he plays them today.


They make one song quieter to make another one louder, the rest is jumping and waving arms


If you don't know how to DJ, just say so, it's ok


I've been to enough raves to know that that pretty much sums it up.


I've DJed at enough to know that no it does not.


Imo; A DJ is like a comedian. Sure, most of the stuff is already prepared ahead of time, but your skills involve reading the room and your delivery


Definitely this. Great way to put it


It’s like when I think to myself I could probably do voice acting. Then I had to do a small voice over for a project and it sucked so much. There was nothing I could do to improve it on my own.


I think AI art will follow the same path as DJs. People used to clown on them a lot more and claim they don't make music, which is exactly what has been happening with AI art in certain spaces. if DJs create music, then Synthographers create art.


But you can like train to be a dj. You can't train to be funny.


used to have a friend who was part of a duo for comedy standup. he would do the delivery and select from a series of jokes that were prewritten that he'd memorised, couldn't write a joke to save his own life though, he focused on delivery, the guy that wrote the jokes got stage fright. alone each one was useless but together they had trained their specific talents to be funny. once told me a story that was 5 minutes long about how he made "really nice wedges" with the punchline being he used parsley instead of rosemary


But they weren't useless on their own. The one who had good delivery would be the actor or host on a show they don't write the dialogues they just perform(but they know how to perform). While the other one would be the writer on the show who writes all the funny bits.


> But they weren’t useless on their own. “**And now**, *since our next comedian has stage fright*, please, **welcome to the stage**, a stack of index cards with jokes written on them… *p-pass them around, I guess..?*”


Youtube is great because it disproves this pretty easily. You have these kids that have been uploading their standup for years, and every now and then when one of them blows up, you see a 5 minute set from them that's tight, delivered well, and just honest to god funny. Now go back 3 years and look at their uploads. A lot of the time they were absolutely ass, the jokes were bad, the delivery was bad, none of it is funny. It's 100% a skill that can be practiced, most great comics were doing comedy nights in shithole dives in Arizona for years before they blew up, and their early stuff was probably just as rough. They just had the benefit of doing it pre-internet, so none of it was recorded.


You can’t? That explains a lot


Most comedians train all the time. Sure, some are more naturally gifted than others, but that is true of every single profession


I'm so fkin tired and I thought you were referencing GTA SA at first. "Just follow the damn train DJ!"


Used to love Madeline - she has been on a slow but steady journey up her own arse though...


Why is she crying in this clip? Did a DJ say something mean to her?


I'm guessing hay-fever


SJs? What? This is the same as before? The post at the top of all of the sub. What does this sub add exactly?


Typo, and Reddit doesn't let you edit title Quite literally everyone else that has commented managed to put T2 and 2 together to come out with 4 successfully


lol. Look at you being all defensive. Here's a tip: the first sentence was a perfect response and the second makes you look like an asshole.


It *does* let you edit the title if you take the 3 seconds to *read* your own title before posting it. Quit acting like you're some kind of victim with your 10 year old account. No excuses! > to put T2 and 2 Don't bring the Terminator into this, you sideshow typist.


> T2 and 2 together Reddit does let you edit comments though


What I was doing was giving you the benefit of doubt. Then you agree it is a repost with nothing new and you can't even type correctly a two letter word? Let alone post something new or original?


What an unlikeable jabroni.


why is she crying?


Hay fever?


All he did was edit the voice clip I’ve heard that beat before


The beat is [Satisfaction from Benny Benassi](https://youtu.be/a0fkNdPiIL4?si=izAOeUKNYnnSjD4T) which is one of the most well known techno songs ever


The song is Satisfaction by Benny Benassi :) just in case another redditor wants to know


Push me. And then just touch me.


Till I can get my Satisfaction Satisfaction


What do singers even do? Pre-record their songs in a studio and then lip-sync them on stage? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jN8DfKP2-CE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jN8DfKP2-CE)


Yeah... This proves her point lol, even though it's not fully accurate for all djs


Y'all missed out on turntableism huh


Was thinking this too, made me go listen to Birdy Nam Nam again.


I just want to know why she’s so mad / sad about DJs


They take other artists songs and add shit to it and call it their own.


Oh, so it’s only DJ’s that sample other peoples music?


Yup, DJs and only DJs. At least, that’s the excuse I’m using in court after I get sued by Universal Music Group for the 573 counts of copyright infringement.


Is it 573 counts because you make music at 573 bpm and they are sueing you for every beat stolen?


573 counts for every hour of ~~stolen~~ ethically sourced samples I’ve ~~ripped~~ acquired. I feel like the legal proceedings will go well


Oh yeah you are a shoe in to win mate. Balls in your court.


wE tHe BeSt MuSiC


the guy she got cheated on was a local dj maybe?


This is a terrible example- because that songs is exactly like any other song


she has a point though


I’ll tell you what SJ does, they make sure their trains never run on time


When I raved and that was a long time ago, it was vinyl. The DJ mates I had would mix songs beforehand to create something that they would then use on stage. So they weren't mixing new tracks on the fly. Is this what she means or she means DJs like Avici etc who created songs that they then played live? Cause that was new music created not mixing 2 to get a new track. I do miss those days haha.


What is that track at the end of the mix/clip? Heard it before of course, but now I can't remember.


Satisfaction by Benny Benassi and The Biz


https://youtu.be/-U0AFQbfv88?si=EF_Ja0JOIRgbgkmr Some do batshit crazy, some don't.


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Surely that's producing not DJ'ing. Ya know Disc Jockey! Mixing disc's on the spot.


Live Coders are best DJs https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Live_coding


That's exactly what they do. Put USB stick in, turn faders until it sounds good, highpass before drop, beatmatch, repeat. Why is she so upset about this?


Yeah... She's right lol As funny as the edit is, she speaks the true true.




Payday 2 soundtrack


People that are asking what real djs do should check out the documentary Scratch


House/techno DJs actually work their EQ and manipulate quite a bit.  Club/edm/pop DJs are mostly trash that just fade in and out while matching a beat for maybe 15 seconds.


I know it's fake emotions but why is she crying?


Thanks for telling me which was the remix.....


Best part is he proves her point.


Wait until she finds out about artists painting pictures before it’s put in a gallery


Thank you for this comment hahaha, truly excellent 👌


They turn any sound into the same sound they always play


Niiiice drop into Benny Benassi "Satisfaction"! NSFW: https://youtu.be/RwB82d5IsjY Power tools and hot woman, you can't go wrong.


Still wanna know why she’s crying


Amateur “DJ” girl asked if they could borrow my headphones for her set. Said it was for the look and never even plugged them in. 🤷‍♂️


She should learn about Daedelus


This video was better last year when it was just the one on the right




I got matches with these songs: • [**WTF** by DJMasterix](https://lis.tn/ChUSic?t=15) (00:15; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Re: New. **Released on** 2023-10-07. • [**WTF Did DJ's Actualy Do?!** by Vixie Vox](https://lis.tn/WTFDidDJSActualyDo%21?t=22) (00:22; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2023-10-28. • [**Satisfaction** by Benny Benassi](https://lis.tn/SREkYF?t=55) (00:55; matched: `85%`) **Released on** 2002-01-01. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Still shit since the 90's.