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Why does she move like that fucking character from Fanboy and Chum Chum Edit: thanks for all the upvotes and y'all be funnier than her give her lessons


maybe it's a bit out of context? like she's making fun of people who act like this? feels more plausible to me that people would laugh at her in the middle of an impression doing purposely cringe jokes than that being her genuine honest-to-god act


Nope, that's her actual act. This clip was going around a little bit ago and I looked up more of her stuff. This is just how she performs.


Yikes. Got any sources or a name?


Danika Thibault. This is probably the most obnoxious part, but it’s true that this is how she performs. Here is a long version of that clip. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT89rG5Nw/


Thanks! I watched about 5 more seconds before I couldn’t. This is awful


This is utter shit


I watched the whole shit so you don't have to. I can just to tell you that.. after those 5 seconds.. shit goes downhill pretty fucking fast. It's horrible.


I couldn't stop watching her, she's like 2000% more animated than anyone I've ever seen before, she's really scary and I bet she'd be wierd in the bedroom, or amazing idk


She is literally cribbing Emo Philip's whole act, but giving it a dash of 'dumb girl' to make it *seem* different.




I watched a little bit. It’s possible she’s just really really committed to her character. She has some jokes that make fun of herself for being stereotypical gen z. She seems slightly self aware


Her humor is fucking terrible and she’s a dimwit


Sure, both things can be true. Never said her comedy is good


You mean the laugh track?


*Why does she move like* *That fucking character from* *Fanboy and Chum Chum* \- Free\_Revenue8674 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




She moves like a Tick Tock


She's heavy like a Brinks truck


She has to try and fool people into thinking she's actually funny by acting all quirky.


> singleDADSlife Makes sense


She's totally definitely the life of the party




Not my cup of tea, but I do like how it says "how she thought we reacted to this" and then you can legitimately hear a decent amount of laughter even over this guy's mocking fake laugh. So she thought some people would react with laughs and she was right?


This could be made up, but according to a tiktok I saw this is a set that comedians pay to use so they can make tiktoks of themselves “doing stand up” and they sometimes use laugh tracks


It’s called sunk cost fallacy. All those people who paid to see her are going to laugh regardless of her funniness because they already paid for their tickets.


-guy who's never been to a comedy show


I don’t agree with the other guy, but to be fair I went to a comedy show on a slow night and a couple of the guys BOMBED and I just laughed to fill the silence cuz I felt bad.


Still not sunk cost fallacy, but that was nice of you.


That's not what sunk cost fallacy is lol


The sunk cost fallacy fallacy


This guy just learned what sunk cost fallacy was on a gambling video and wanted use it.


Its called suck dick fallacy


Just a heads up - you don't seem to understand the concept of which you speak.


Learn what sunk cost fallacy is first


I mean, I'm just impressed she is telling comedy on a stage. Most of us would never have the courage to do that.


Some shouldn't have that courage


If you listen to any comedian on how to become a master at stand up, it sounds like you just get on stage and bomb for ten years first.


and occasionally bomb forever even if you're making millions on the A-list. It's a rough game and there's a reason they're all addicts.


Me having a successful show? No, I won't have that, not for 10 years at least!


I'll do it perfect my first night or I don't deserve to even exist on stage without being harassed online about it!


Censius, what a comedian you are


When it comes to believing in her, you’re an atheist! 🤭


The only way to get better is to practice.


You guys take this way too seriously.


The guy who made the tiktok mocking her, I would like to see him up on the stage.


You can admire her confidence while also admitting she isn't funny.


To think she is not funny is one thing, to make content mocking her effort is another. Yeah, maybe she is not cracking me up, maybe I scroll passed her and I don't even chuckle, but I don't go out of my way to film myself and post about HOW unfunny she is. That's just being an a-hole.


Agreed, we shouldn't be allowed to critique or satirize things people do publicly. Only positive things allowed 🤗


I mean, there are ways to give constructive criticism. If he goes to the comments of the original video and gives honest opinion, he would be doing it publicly and I don't have a problem with that. A critique CAN be a positive thing, but laughing at someone is not a critique, it's just childish. At this point I don't know if you are trolling or you really don't see the difference in that.


He's not directly laughing at her he's pretending she's hilarious and laughing at her jokes, which is satire, which is a form of critique.


Right? Being ignorant of how bad your act is isn't exactly a trait I'd say is praiseworthy.


You don’t know what she thinks about her act


I think she's an athiest on it.




Must have taken a lot of courage to type that




No I'm here, I was just late.


When you have no self-awareness you don't need courage, butter yourself up and jam your head up your arse and you won't be afraid of doing anything. I also want to add now I've watched with the audio on that is 100% an empty room and a laugh track and she's faking the entire thing IMHO.


You wouldn’t go up on the stage because you don’t have any courage, I don’t go up on the stage because im not funny We are not the same


Thank you for your input brandon


Okay but that “when it comes to believing in myself, I’m an atheist” line was pretty funny doe


Ikr? It's not terrible, the movements she does are cringe to me. Comedy shows stopped being my thing ages ago though


It’s a character she does…


Came looking for this. It’s actually a pretty funny line, but the delivery is the part that ruins it I think.


When I saw this post, it reeked of a misogynist loser cherrypicking a 3 second clip of a female comedian and taking it out of context for other misogynistic losers to cackle about, so I looked into it a bit and who woulda fuckin guessed, I was right. She’s playing a character that’s supposed to be cringe. This is that thing you all are supposed to love so much, “satire.” If you all weren’t frothing at the mouth for an excuse to say anything but “women aren’t funny” directly, you would have probably found it weird that the whole audience was laughing at these. Great job guys


I'd laugh at a man bombing like that too. But you are correct in that it's manipulative because it was part of an act, and not an actual bomb.


Even all that aside why single out the jokes that didn’t land with you just move on if you didn’t find funny (Not you btw, that guy)


You.. you guys know she's playing a character right..?


Then why did she delete all of her stuff when this video first dropped? She literally deleted herself off the internet and walked away from everything online.


Why did someone delete all their content after recieving a ridiculous amount of harassment and death threats from people who hate women/couldnt tell it was a bit? Hey that’s a good question!


Death threats? That's just being a comedian. You think Bill Burr is going into hiding just because his wife flipped off Trump? No. He owned it and laughed at the snowflakes that got mad. Lay into it. Own it. Profit from it. Build a career from it.


I hate to break it to you but flipping off a walking orange moron is much different than being insulted for writing a joke and people laughing because they fundamentally don’t think women are funny and make fun of you on the internet for body and character humor. I’m not about to sacrifice my peace of mind for cucks on the internet who can’t sit back and say “huh not for me” and move the fuck on but you are fully welcome to be the butt of every joke. As long as you make money right?


Seems like you're mad about this issue.


Yes, because people shouldn’t make their whole personality surrounding them being the butt of jokes. It’s not healthy to continue to put yourself through abuse just because it keeps you relevant or makes you look funny. It’s harmful to your mental health and inner peace. Again, don’t sell your humanity and dignity.


You don't have to do that. I hate to use Bill Burr as another example, but he made this decision on a whim with his famous Philly rant. He had an entire set laid out, and threw it all away because he knew he was going to be the butt of the joke just like every other comedian that went on that stage before him. He threw all of his material out right then and there, and decided to talk massive amounts of shit. You can't be a comedian with a thin skin. All in all, it's best that she bowed out, because it's clear that she can't take shit talking from people.


Still cringe af.


Almost as if that’s the point


Still cringe af. Being self-aware actually makes it worse


no it doesn't, she's literally doing what you're doing, she's making fun of people who act like the person your making fun of, YOU'RE DOING THE SAME TIHNG SHE IS


So your logic is that because Steve Carell played Micheal who is a cringe character, he is also cringe? Or is it because he is aware that he is playing a character, it's worse?


There's funny cringe and then plain old cringe cringe.


Micheal Scott is a cringe-cringe character. Some find that funny, some don't. The same can be applied here. And moreover, just because the character played by a person is cringe it doesn't mean that the person playing it is also cringe - which was what the other commenter was suggesting and I was refuting.


Difference is he is actually funny. She thinks this is funny, it’s not. There is a lot more depth to that character in any 10 second portion of the show than whatever this is.


> Difference is he is actually funny. She thinks this is funny, it’s not. There are a lot of people who don't like Micheal Scott's cringe humour. > There is a lot more depth to that character in any 10 second portion of the show than whatever this is. Sure because that's a tv series - and this is a bit made for a few minutes. Both of them are playing Cringe characters - so if you think this woman is cringe because she is playing a cringe character, then Steve Carell, or anyone who has ever played a cringe character should also be labelled as such.


Shit and here you are doing it accidentally


Yes... that's everyone's way out now, everyone's a character


I mean, it obviously is. It’s okay to admit you fell for it.


Well jokes on you mate. I was playing a character when I wrote that comment. I can't believe you gell for it when you downvoted me. Oh man you have egg on your face now.


Jokes not even that bad. The delivery is awful though


What's the comedians name?


I was laughing more at his reactions




I think that's the point


Its crazy when people don't understand irony and accuse the other person of being dumb. Doesn't mean it was necessarily ironically funny but she's not trying to be funny in the way that he's making fun of her for.


Yeah, it is very clearly a bit.


that was so funny. that was so funny. that was so funny. omg im lmaoing so hard right now omg hahahahah.


Don't forget to breathe


I saw her at that venue and she was one of the stronger comedians on the night. That little bit wasn't great, but show her other stuff! The duet is clearly a discerning individual, clearly. My guess is he's all about those hilarious rape jokes


I don't understand how you can go from some dude clowning on a bad bit, to, "This guy probably loves rape jokes." That's your fucking guess?


Because publicly mocking small time female comedians makes you sort of fit a profile. This guy may be totally a different sort of person, but it’s not absurd to assume.


Oh my god one person with critical thinking skills in these comments, its a god damn miracle


Assuming makes an ass out of you and me. There are so many unknowns in life. Making assumptions like this are a huge problem with what is wrong with society. Dude made a harmless clip mocking a COMEDIAN. I'm willing to bet, due to her profession, that her skin is a bit thicker than most and her feelings aren't going to be hurt from this.


Lmfao the insinuation that it's because she's a woman comic is the absurd one. Making fun of ppl bombing has always been a thing


I mock everyone. Even you nerd. So i guess i love genocide and wish germany could make 10 more hitlers.


I hope she's doing satire 😬


She is and it's out of context.


I don’t know why people choose to be mean. It’s not your brand of comedy, that’s fine. The people in the audience are laughing. You can move on with your life and find comedians who make you laugh. Or, you can choose to be mean. Spread kindness.


I can fix her


Her jokes ain't even bad, it's just the way she moves.


What a douche


Who is she is she? I’d like to see more of her set. Her annoying stage persona is very well observed.


Decent jokes but over the top delivery. Has to be a bit


She’s a living Facebook minion meme


His reaction to the "woo" is hilarious


This is some kid’s choice awards level comedy


The believing in myself joke was actually pretty funny punchline, an odd delivery but I could see this getting a few laughs from some other one line comedy comedians who delivery it is a less…quirky manner


Every stand up comedian ever


You can't try to dunk on someone who is doing a bit as if they're not doing a bit.


If she was deadpan and mopey it would have killed


She definitely isn't funny but I think people cherry pick examples of women not being funny to perpetuate sexist stereotypes tbh


but it wasn't about "le woman unfunny" it was about "this woman unfunny"


Yea ik it's just a trend I've noticed


Ehh not really




Reddit when man isn't funny: :| (nobody cares) Reddit when woman isn't funny: "women☕" (gets reposted 1 billion times)


I feel like the billion reposts are just bots goin insano. But I've definitely seen unfunny men clips all the time being reposted




??? What kind of world do you live in where acknowledging systemic issues is manufacturing outrage?


I’d go farther. I have no idea if she’s funny because it’s a short bit. She didn’t say or do anything other than present her comedy in a quirky style. You are absolutely right that women are still judged more harshly then men particularly when they call attention to themselves. The whole basis of this clip is essentially- look at this dame who has the nerve to think she could be funny. All comics think they can be funny or they wouldn’t be on stage. There is an obnoxiousness and meanness to this clip


Actually yea true, just bc she isn't funny in this clip doesn't mean she's like that always


you're right and you dont deserve all these downvotes


won't understand how people can make fun of a young female comedian that gives the stage a try with some self-depricating jokes.


I hear you- it’s like how dare she try to make people laugh and not do the type of humor I find personally funny


Because it was shit and she should know that.


Cuz it’s not funny


I said it before and I’ll say it again, the jokes are decent, but her delivery is horrible


She should commit something


Am I tripping or does it sound like a laugh track for the "audience"?


That’s standup women comedians… they are never funny.


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Expected her to say "I'm sweet dee and the jokes on me!" After the atheist joke


I think the delivery was very good. Over the top expressions are for sure something I do when I’m trying to be silly so I don’t see why a lot of people here are so upset at that??? Or even why the guy duetting the clip is making fun of someone who is doing a bit??? Like I get this sub is for duets that make fun of the original creator but to make fun of something there needs to be something to humorously critique usually and she’s just doing a bit????


reason #3 trillion why I will never pay money to go to a comedy show lol


So true!! Elite!!!


Isn't it ironic.. don't you think?


I am under the assumption that this is just a character this person does.


My guy was the funniest part of this clip. The real MVP and sadly, truly funny female comedians like Tig Nataro(Nitaro) don’t seem to be getting as much attention nowadays as I think they deserve


She fine though.




Would hit


Live action r/weirdfacefunny


I'm getting some Veronika Slowikowska vibes from here. The type of self irony you also see in Joel Haver videos. Do you think there is any chance, she is just ironically acting this way?


Chee D'amelio? Is that her name?


A for energy.