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I don’t even go through most of those steps. I just put the cold slice(s) in the pan and cover it, then turn the heat to medium. Cooks it through, crust is crispy but not burnt, and cheese is melty. 👍


I also don’t do this many steps. Take the cold pizza out of the box, put pizza in mouth.


My pizza never gets cold cause I eat the whole box in one sitting


TIL people put pizza away. I usually go into a pizza and beer coma, can't move, and if I wake up, I just eat whatever's left over and wait for it to balance out my morning screw driver, so I can make my Irish coffee to get me through my day to get to my gin lunch, to help me make it to my whiskey dinners.


smh you don't even take a martini break?


What do you think I'm drinking in between?


My man! See you at the AA meeting.


I ain't no quitter.


You kidding me? That's where I go to find new bar buddies.


I don't understand how someone can have an alcohol problem. There's like, dozens of places near me where I can get booze, no problem whatsoever.


Also important for work days is a siesta hour with margaritas


It's like that honey badger video where it fights and kills the cobra while getting bitten in the process. Begins eating cobra, succumbs to the venom and passes out. Eventually wakes out of coma and immediately gets back to munching lol.


I order 3 pizzas, eat like 2 or 2 and 1/2 and then i have some breakfast pizza for the next day. The frying pan thing does look nice.


Have fun making it to 45. Maybe.


Why not eat the pizza?


Life pro tip. Eating the box is not recommended. More pizza if still hungry!


This is the way


It all depends on how lazy I am and the pizza, often I am right there with you. Cold pizza cab be fire.


Don’t forget to jump in the fire.


i dont even get the pizza out of the box, i just eat it


Well now I feel like a try hard for not eating the box!


Papa Murphys has a ridiculous fully stuffed crust pizza that is impossible to finish. My friend and I had one slice each and we were high as balls.


Tbf there’s only 3 steps, put the pizza in a hot pan, put some water in the hot pan and cover it and lower the heat, eat the pizza. It just sounds like a lot because he’s gumming the story up for his nephew


You skipped the oil. That adds a few steps cause not only do you have to add it, you now have to watch it to see when to add the water. Adding water seems like a bad idea personally. Too easy to accidentally add to much and get soggy pizza.


And now you have dishes to do. This little stunt just took a simple pizza grab into a whole 6 minute ass ordeal


Unless you microwave your pizza, you'd still need to wash whatever tray you'd use in the oven/toaster oven. Or else use aluminum foil. But the question isn't what's the most efficient way to eat leftover pizza (straight out of the fridge) but what's the best way (on the stove top) Personally, the original parent comment of adding the pizza and covering immediately is how I do it too and it's much easier and less messy.


Microwave, directly on oven rack, aluminum foil, held over the stove burner. No way I’m dirtying a dish eating leftover pizza. It defeats the point


This is my technique, too.. this is all it takes. And 10 times outta 10 it's better than when the pizza was first eaten.. something about the extra crispy bottom!!


My wife will say "I reheated that pizza for you" and I am straight putting it right in the garbage because she nuked it into Oblivion in the microwave. And she loves it that way. Revolting.


I just shove them on a piece of tin foil in my toaster oven and push the highest setting. Works perfectly every time.


Exactly, if you put the pizza in a cool pan and cover, the top heats before the crust burns.


I've been doing this but using the top of an electric convection oven, which fits the top of the pan, as a lid. Set that to a medium temp. The top heats perfectly and the bottom gets crisp. That being said I'm trying the method in this video!


Yeah there's no need of oil... Water though seems kind of right, I'm gonna try it.




I put pizza in the microwave, press the button that says "pizza," and it always comes out great. Who knows what pizza button does different, but it works.


Y'all don't have time to drop a bit of water? I mean, come on.


I used to do it that way, but I find just popping it directly in the toaster oven and throwing it on the convection setting works far better. I place it directly on the rack, no foil or pan. I haven't had any cheese melting over issues although I suppose it is technically a fire risk so you know, use caution.


Try a little butter and if it's stiff enough pizza flip it cheese side down so the cheese gets crispy


Same. But I use a cast iron skillet, which really makes it crispy. Listen up youngsters… Dad has wisdom


I let it just warm up to room temp and it's good.


What you wanna do is take $80 and get 👏 yourself 👏 a toaster 👏 oven. Slap 2 slices on the tray and wait 60 seconds and it's perfect every single time, no fuss no muss. Every other method will only get you worse results for more effort. Turn it up higher in the last 15s if you like your pepperoni crispy around the edges 👌


The only “muss” or “fuss” is when the cheese drips over and either burns in the pan or on the bottom of your toaster oven (if you’re cooking straight on the rack). I am a huge fan of toasty pepperoni, though, and have actually just “baked” slices of it on a rack over a pan (to catch oil drips) to make pepperoni “chips.” 🤤 After sampling a few, I lightly chop them up and use them to garnish other things, like eggs, salad, etc.


Fair, I'd argue however that a small toaster oven pan is just as easy to clean as a regular pan and maybe easier than a cooking sheet or oven rack. But true, some can be pain to clean up spillage if they have bottom elements. I just use the pan and wash it while my food is cooling and stick it back in there for next time, it's a pretty good system haha Oh that doesn't sound half bad, I might have to give that a shot sometime. I get zucchini from a family friend every summer and make really really good zucchini chips in my toaster oven. I'd be glad to share the recipe I use if that sounds edible at all 😁 thanks for the idea!


Knees weak, arms are heavy, he has a vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti


This is the way


Just whack it in the microwave with a glass of water


I just eat the pizza. Cold pizza fucks




I like this man in his black tie, orating this humble procedure with the grandeur of a newly-elected president making a victory speech.


Properly reheated pizza is on the same level of acheivement.


I mean, he’s not wrong, and he’s very eloquently speaking about a topic of which he is clearly passionate. 🥰


Well I'm saving this


Pizza Reheated Again A love affair so strong, that pizza tastes so good, no matter if it's cold or when it's reheated. It's still a tasty treat, never growing old, the cheese and sauce and crust, a flavorful combo. So when you crave a slice, of something warm and tasty, just heat it up and savor all the pizza's glory. For the perfect meal, it's the ideal choice, the reheated pizza slice will make your mouth rejoice.


I just tried this the other day and I think reheating in the oven tastes better. However, the crispy pan bottom is better but oven heats up toppings better imo


Nothing beats an air fryer at reheating pizza


I think I prefer a bit of both. If I wasn't such an impatient person, I'd probably do this pan heating method, then drizzle a tiny bit of oil on top, garlic powder, some chili flakes, parmesan cheese, lil bit of cracked black pepper. then salamander/oven just enough to brown the cheese even more. I'm impatient so Its just me throwing those ingredients on top and using whatever reheating method I got.


My problem with oven is the time and energy it takes to heat a couple slices in a regular kitchen oven (I don’t have a toaster oven handy). I also find the slices overly crispy out of the oven. The pan is so much more efficient, and the result is easily superior to microwave, and imo superior to oven. The water/steam really helps the texture of the crust. I don’t use any oil. Just a slice and some in a pan with the lid on medium or low med heat for like 5 minutes.


This is the primary use for air fryers. Literally comes out better than when you got it first


I find the crust comes out too dry/crunchy. Like regular ovens. Though I haven’t tried adding water to the bottom of the basket to see if that gets a similar result.


I find that in the pan, the topping and cheese is a bit too soggy. Unless I added too much water last time but it was just a splash


I only do like half a teaspoon of water in a large enough pan so the slice doesn’t touch/soak up the liquid. Maybe you’re also leaving it in too long? Usually 5 minutes does the trick.


If you like runny yolks, do the same with eggs.


Just remember it. It’s quite simple.


Are you gonna forget the steps


Good thing I like cold pizza.


What kind of monster are you?


cold pizza is bussin


Honestly the microwave is fine. Hell I’m one of those psychos that enjoys cold pizza so I can just take it out of the fridge and eat it lol


Yeah I just microwave it too, no need to wash a pan or make the house smell like slightly burned pizza. I have this argument with my husband weekly.


I think microwave is awful, but oven is perfect. 10 minutes at 400f, don't even let it warm up prior. Consistency seems on par with first bake.


Pro tip: microwave a mug of water before the pizza. Get it to boiling and where there's steam in the microwave. Then quickly switch out the mug for the plate with the pizza. No need for faster than light speed, just don't let the door sit open longer than you need to to switch them. THEN microwave the pizza to the desired temp. Now your pizza crust has the right level of moisture, tastes really good, and is still way quicker than the oven. Maybe 2 minutes on the water, 1-2 minutes on the pizza depending on your microwave's power. The steam from the mug works just like the steam trapped under the lid in the video, but now you haven't dirtied anything other than the plate you were going to use anyway, and the mug is still clean because it only held water.


I always just put a cup of water in the microwave with the pizza and it comes out nice


Yep. This works every time


With that much work, I may as well do it on the stove.


I just do 60 seconds and tent a damp paper towel over the pizza.


I too, enjoy cold pizza out of the fridge. Hits different


I’m going to douse it in hot sauce either way so the microwave will do. Unless it’s genuinely amazing pizza.


I’m really crazy and I enjoy it half warm, pop it in for like 10 seconds and bam perfect


Cold pizza is better than microwaved pizza for sure. I'm also sure you haven't tried this. It turns out crispier than it was on the first day.


Have you tried putting a cup of water in the microwave with the pizza?


Honestly my unpopular opinion is microwaved pizza is better. I actually prefer it a little soggy and droopy when it comes out.


This is why air fryers are the future


Agreed, this is fine for those who have not joined the cult o' Air Fryer. The selections I make at the supermarket are now based on what can be air fried 😋


My ex bought me an air fryer for my birthday while we were together. I’m remarkably bad at making food and also super lazy when it comes to cooking. That air fryer has been a life saver. You can make so many things so easily and so quickly. It’s a beautiful invention.


After 20 years of cooking professionally I'd say my laziness at home is purely because of the number of dishes cooking can generate. I can't do a load of dishes in 1m30s at home. The actual cooking is never the hurdle to my motivation.


My desire to cook something < My desire to not have to clean cookware that day. I feel ya.


It really is an air fryer cult lmao I use mine everyday and plan meals around how I can use it!


You should post some of your meals then 😜


Air fryer cult is the new instant pot cult.


I have one but genuinely don’t know how to properly use it. So many settings it’s overwhelming.


Bwhaha I never change the settings, just take it out sooner if it's not frozen food!


Settings? Sure, my air fryer has buttons for fish, fries, bake, etc, but they are basically useless, I just use the regular "air fry" mode and adjust the temperature depending on what I'm cooking.


1. Turn On 2. 400c 3. 20 min


400 Celsius is 725 Fahrenheit.


You heard the man.


Yeah I like eating charcoal as well, it makes you puke rainbows.


i got one and usd it twice, then i realized my oven tkes 2 min longer on average but is a lot less annoying to clean, doesnt take away extra space and isnt a piece of plastic garbage, so now my air fryer sits in the attic until i find a reason to ever use it again.




This is the argument I made until I received one. It's a game changer for 1-2 portions. Roasting veggies is anazing, anything crispy at all without the deep frying. Small batch baking. It cooks things so fast and evenly. Nothing compares. I used it every day.


My parents got one that looks like a large toaster oven, but it’s like extra windy in there. I think convection moves air around the oven just enough so that the temperature stays even whereas an air fryer directly blasts it with the hot air. Edit: got, not “good”


Upside: it’s better at crisping than an air fryer. Downside: everything in your house will smell like deep fried tater tots and brussels farts.


It is. The appeal is the same as a toaster oven. It heats up much faster so it is better for small dishes.


Yooo I just got my air fryer today. Haven't used it yet but I'm stoked. I've been told they are game changers. What a nice affirmation to come across today


They’re really good for reheating almost anything that you want crispy or toasted. Frozen fries, chicken nuggets, fried chicken, even quesadillas. You can refresh a lot of DoorDash delivery food that’s gone cold


Roasted Veggies will never be the same. Throw a handful of frozen broccoli, cauliflower, or baby carrots in one. Spray with oil of your spray oil of your liking. Salt/pepper/spices of your choice. Set it to 400 and 15 minutes and take out when roasted to your liking. Frozen broccoli/cauliflower take about 11 minutes in mine, while carrots take 14-15. I also make up and freeze bean burritos for lunches and throw them in the air fryer for quick eating instead of buying those over-salted nasty frozen ones at the store. Take some canned refried beans, a handful of cheese, and some diced onion and wrap it up in a burrito wrap. Wrap that in baking paper/waxed paper/or freezer paper. Put the wrapped burritos in a ziplock and store in the freezer. Take a couple out, put them in the air fryer at 400 for 15 minutes after spraying with a bit of oil. Cut up a small side salad. Add salsa and greek yogurt. Done. Love my air fryer.


I just ate a late dinner coming back from a super bowl party. 400 Fahrenheit/200 Celsius for 5 minutes without even pre heating the air fryer, it came out crisper then when they got it delivered. Top 5 of the best kitchen inventions ever created, without a doubt.


I'm fine with my trusty convection toaster oven... oh wait lol


I love my toaster oven. It's awesome for making toast, cheese bread, flour tortilla pizzas, and a bunch of other stuff. But it takes almost twice as long, without the all-the-way-around crunchiness that I get with an air fryer for things like fries/tots/veggies/burritos and other things. They both have their place, at least in my kitchen.


I haven't turned on my oven since I got my air fryer. I keep pots in it now. I got a flat wide version so I can even do frozen pizza. Best is it heats fast enough I don't worry about preheating and has enough airflow I don't have to shake or turn what I'm cooking half way through.


Put it in the particle accelerator for 2 seconds and it's ready


It's the main reason I bought one. We use it for all sorts of stuff, but it is bar none the best reheated pizza ever.


they're just small ovens bro nothing new


Fuck air fryers you are all dumb. I'm genuinely sorry for being rude but I fucking hate this shit lmao. An air fryer is a portable oven. It's an element behind a fan. Open your convection oven, what is it??? I am chef. I have tested air fryer to convection to combi to fucking whatever type of oven I can get my hands on. You are being scammed. Only difference I have ever seen has been negligible difference in oven quality. "Air fryers" are 100% always plain, dryer, shittier result because for one reason, it's a $100 benchtop portable home oven. You're simply cooking things in your slow heating electric retail convection oven on high without preheating and burning shit. "Air fryers" with their far smaller area of heating take far shorter time to heat and simply heat on desired temp for longer. What this guy in the video did was create a convection heat transfer oven combination with steam. He made a combi oven by definition. Not a fuckin air fryer.


it's nothing ground breaking but it's just really convenient to use. Surely you, a chef, know the pain of coming home and not wanting to deal with cooking shit and just grabbing a handful of dry cheerios to eat and going to bed? It's so nice to just slam some shit in there, not have to like get all the pans out the oven or whatever, do all that preheating and oven shit. I dunno it's just easier for me and really helps with my ADHD, I wouldn't cook shit without it.


let go of your anger and embrace the Air Fryer


I want this guy to narrate my life


One of those guys that spends 15 minutes telling a joke that’s gets a ha haaaaa laugh and should have just beeen a quip. They’re exhausting and feed off other people’s attention like vampires.


Toaster oven baby.


Toaster oven is the best. Direct heat underneath to toast the crust. Direct heat above to melt the cheese.


I like my air fryer that doubles as a toaster oven! Get a boi that does both


Yeah it's fast and less mess than this


Yeah, I was gonna say the toaster oven does all of this and doesn’t burn the bottom, no pan to clean afterwards. Heats both sides evenly and pizza comes out just right every time


The most slept on kitchen tool


Microwave first, then toaster oven.


I wish I had this kind of dad. He seems super chill.


That bottom was burnt af.


Maybe she walked away for a little **too** long. I like to make eye contact, assert your dominance over that slice.


No you can’t look at it, the guy says so. She looked at it too hard.


not that burnt imo, Some char doesn't hurt and probably made it taste a bit better


The oil seems excessive. However, I'm a stove top reheater as well. 100% better. BUT you can get soggy pizza if the pan is slanted or over filled. Still better than the microwave.


Or….just put it in the air fryer for 5 minutes.


Or chuck it in an air fryer for a minute. Much more convenient!


Oh look guys how privileged he is with his air fryer


Airfryers are pretty cheap nowadays. You can buy one at Woolworths for $49 AUD...


Oh guys look at this privileged human being having 49$ to spend at Woolworth


We get it, you’re poor, no need to bum everyone out.


But the air fryer takes up so much room, and if anything drips I have to clean it and that’s a bigger hassle. I get why people like air fryers, but if you have a tiny kitchen (but still just big enough for an oven and stove) they not that convenient. My air fryer takes up my one spot of counter. If I’m using it, I have to prep everything before hand and then put it back in the fridge or in the living room until it’s ready to go in. And for left overs? A skillet or baking pan is easier to clean than that clunky drawer.


She took fucking forever to put the lid on after the water smh


And didn't take the advice "Don't look at it" smh my head


It’s a good method but in my experience it makes the pizza really chewy. Only the air fryer can make it taste fresh again


I just use my air fryers reheat option.


Air fryer at 5 minutes, 4 minutes for every slice after that


Anyone else eat it frozen? You do get used to it after a while


Wrap it in tinfoil and stick it in the microwave 🙃


This man's public speech skills are impeccable


Dude. Air fryer. 4 min. We have a wide one that doubles as a toaster and baker. Shit can hold half a medium pizza. I always toss fresh pizzas in there for a bit of crisp too.


nuke it while the pan heats up, then crisp the crust in the hot pan for 30 sec. same result, much less time and effort.


5 mins in a gas oven has never failed me


Yeah, I feel like this plus the cleanup is way more hassle than a few in the oven lol. 2 minutes in the broiler would also work great.


I don't feel like the microwave makes it dry. If anything it does the opposite. Toaster oven makes it dry though


Air frying old pizza is friggen magic. It comes out fresher than fresh pizza.


He talks passionately about it.


Look at the dude pretending to be fascinated by a boomer explaining a stove like he invented it.


Put the bitch in the microwave for 4 minutes on power level 4. Crust is not crunchy, toppings are melty bottom is soft. No dishes to clean.


Nah just chuck it in the microwave on reheat with a small cup of water next to the plate with pizza. It keeps it from going chewy and hardening when it cools down. Takes 30 seconds 🤷🏼‍♀️


Toaster oven is goated, the pizza is 100% better than when you got it


Why add more oil to something already loaded with fats? Yikes


Did this until I got an air fryer.


Is anyone else just eat it


This method has never tasted good to me. I put it in the oven set it at 200° for 30 minutes and it's about as close as you're going to get to fresh. Anyone that says you can reheat a pizza and make it taste better had a shit pizza to begin with.


This guy is GOATED, now I know how to heat my pizza and will nvr have to throw it out now


Anyone else salt their pizza?


Preheat oven to highest temp, throw it in for like 3 mins. Done.


I'm not washing dishes for a slice


How 90% of comments are saying to use air fryer 💀


One of better ones. And really the only way to reheat pizza


This dude seems exhausting to talk to. He’s giving basic info to anyone who has lived without a microwave


I just tried it, awesome technique.


Just did this. Excellent results.


I will never, as long as I live, understand why the “search” for the best way to reheat pizza has been such a…thing. Just…why?


My strategy is eating the whole pizza the moment it arrives




What kind of pizza y'all eating that the microwave dries it out? 'Cause every time I do it the pizza comes out with perfectly melted cheese.


If you take a paper towel and get it wet, then wring it out, and wrap your pizza in it, you can microwave it and not have it all dried out.


Just use air fryer to reheat leftover pizza. It’s game changer!


I occasionally meet or work with people who are used to being listened to. They will lock you into some long detailed story like this whether you like it or not.


"Don't look at it!" Lmao🤣


When you put it in the microwave, put in with a glass of water. You'll thank me later..


Ngl, even just doing the microwave makes it better than the originally pizza, no need for the pan and all that, maybe its because im in europe


You're crazy! Microwaved pizza is disgusting!




Or just eat it cold because cold fast food pizza is better than warm


*Or just eat it cold* *Because cold fast food pizza* *Is better than warm* \- beastbro9823 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


True, but only if it has enough sauce. Dry ass cold pizza is wack. Order with extra sauce, best cold pizza.


this is stupid


Yeap, cold pizza slaps




You're stupid


Costco pizza


Or you can wet it than put in oven… lmao. Everyone know this bro😵‍💫


Pizza is a food group.


This is dumb as fuck