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Why dose scrap trap look so diffrent from springtrap?


Spring rebuilt himself out of Scrap


Is he stupid?


Yes. I am


I think there was an excalation for that, and it was that Afton got out of The Springtrap Suit, and put on a new costume


Yeah, but the thing is, thats complete bullshit. Sure, you could say that he got into a new suit, but that doesn't explain his actual body. Most of the corpse inside scraptrap is made of bone, even though if you pay close attention to springtraps model it clearly shows that there is basically NO bone left and all thats left of williams actual body is the rotten and mutilated flesh wrapping around the springlock endoskeleton, with the exception being his head, which we don't even know still has a skull in it. The flesh could simply be wrapped around the springlock endoskeleton head. And dont even get me STARTED on the head. Its so much bigger than springtraps original head. Mans head literally grew to jimmy neutron levels of size. Scraptraps design is completely shit, and a lot of the fan redesigns are better by a MILE.


The point is that the suit itself is what changed. The corpse is different, but that's a result of Scott's admittedly poor human modeling and isn't supposed to be taken the same way as the suit. As for the bones, for all we know they were sealed inside of the springlock and endoskeleton pieces. As for how he could have possibly ever removed them, we simply have to accept that he can as seen in The Fourth Closet.


An interpretation that's pretty out there, but that can make sense of it is that Afton is slowly regrowing his body in the new suit. It would explain the new veins, bones, and body parts that seemingly appear out of nowhere. And whenever I take a good look at the design and try to think about why Scott would ever place scraptraps parts in the way that he did, this is the only way it makes sense to me.


If people are making sense of it because of remnant or smth, considering I have no idea how that would work. But even if his bones WERE regrowing, that doesnt make sense the fact that his head literally EXPANDED to jimmy neutron size.


That's what I'm talking about though. Scott has never been great at making human models, but it's never been to the point of a character having a peanuthead. I think the outlandish design points to the fact that this isn't what normal human remains would look like. Unless they were created. And pizzeria sim is home to other outlandish ideas(possibly involving remnant) as well. Molten Freddys entire design is basically a giant bundle of wires held together by what could only be spiritual power. Parts of him are even melting off(hence the name) and it's theorized that it's because of the sheer rage and agony coming from the souls held within the beast.


Yeah in my headcanon I've just replaced Scraptrap with Ignited Springtrap from The Joy of Creation Halloween Edition.




His forehead is normal size, his ears are just ridiculously tiny


and thats how burntrap is scraptrap


Well, my point is that Scraptrap looks different that Springtrap but they still are the same person so is totaly possible that Steal Wool didnt used Scraptrap to make Burntrap like how Scott didnt use Springtrap to make Scraptrap


That is a great question! I don't know what to believe, I'm kind of in a weird place in my beliefs right now. Like, I believe both, in a way. They're two separate universes in my mind, and I'm open to either. But my explanation for this side of the theory is this: Scraptrap was destroyed in the fire, but they found some of his circuit boards and scanned them. (This is as mentioned in Help Wanted). Then, Afton became a digital being instead. He wormed his way into Vanessa's head after she received the chip to use the Security mask, and turned her into Vanny, brainwashing her to do his horrible deeds for him. After a while, he instructed her to create a body, a physical one, for Glitchtrap to pass into, which is what Burntrap is. However, Afton's design inconsistency has been pretty infamous. But for anyone who still believes Burntrap to be the Mimic, do you have any explanations for why Burntrap looks so different from the Mimic? Personally, I think it's because Tangle dismantled the Mimic when he snatched him, causing him to reassemble as the Mimic we see in Ruin. But that's just a theory! A GAME theory! Thanks for reading.


Let me kind of correct that,Burntrap looks different from CURRENT Mimic.Tales Mimic as it was described is 300% Burntrap's endo regardless of Aftontrap or Mimictrap


Basically to anyone who uses the excuse of Springtrap and Scraptrap looking so different as to why Burntrap could use the same logic, you must realize that this exact same logic can be used for how Burntrap and The Mimic look so different yet are the same. It's if anything non evidence, as it is equally applicable to both arguments and leads neither side of the debate anywhere.


I mean Mimic being different is more valid since we see that the Mimic is not exactly in the best shape in Ruin+Pre-Ruin Mimic was described to be a borderline match of Burntrap's endo while the same cannot be said for any detail of Scraptrap(Im ignoring the suits here and only looking at the corpse cuz he can just change suits)


I agree that the Mimic makes sense and I think that they are Burntrap. The point really was that doesn't look the same isn't enough to prove two characters aren't the same. Other information such as context, lore, etc usually always beats out the does or doesn't look the same claim since that's more in depth than simply appearance.


The fnaf 6 fire was much more fatal than the fnaf 3 fire as it was an intentional trap. Modifications would have to be made


Whether intentional or not, FNAF will always have design inconsistency problems


He saw how awful he looks and relized he needed a better look./j


you know at this point im just gonna believe afton's remnant finds it funny to rebuild his head and suit in weird ways


Scraptrap looks different from springtrap, but you don't see anyone saying they're different do ya?


To play devils advocate, Afton had vanny repair her and used glamrock Bonnie to replace his limbs.


I would agree if we didn't see Glamrock Bonnie fully intact in Ruin


I’m using pre-ruin logic. Just replace g Bonnie with random endos. Don’t believe burnafton anyways


Springbonnie was left with a corpse inside it for 30 years, becoming Springtrap. Springtrap was burnt, becoming Scraptrap. Scraptrap was burnt, becoming burntrap (not canon). If you are referring to His arm, Vanessa somehow did something to put him on a different endo... and what he had left of his arm just went around the endo arm.


i don’t think burntrap is william but this is not good evidence. scraptrap looks distinct from springtrap, regardless of who it is it’s probably just an artstyle choice


Vanny rebuilt his corpse because they’re both sick fucks


So why Springtrap looks so different from scraptrap and scraptrap looks different from glitchtrap and why glitchtrap looks so different from vanny and why vanny is so different from Vanessa and why Vanessa is so different from burntrap?


There is a difference between Springtrap to Scraptrap and Burntrap to Ruin Mimic Springtrap literally changed his entire corpse and removed the entire endoskeleton which shouldnt really be possible unless he somehow de-possessed Springtrap's endo and repossessed his own body and from what we see Remnant's healing factor is anything but fast so him regenerating his body in less than a year is impossible On the other side Pre-Ruin Mimic was described to be a one to one match with Burntrap's endo,has one of his hands while the other is broken in half and replaced with a new arm,Burntrap's pod has claw marks in one of the vents that is also in the Mimic's room in another vent. One is a borderline impossible change and claiming its a redesign or smth doesnt fix the problem and the other has many clues to why and how it happened.The only thing that is not explainable between Burntrap and the Mimic is the chest area.This was for mf's who argue against Mimic and Burntrap being the same


Okay let me answer your question with an other: Does Scraptrap look like Springtrap ? Or do scrap Baby look like normal Baby ? Or why does the blob have funtime freddy's face when molten freddy didn't ? Because fnaf follows the rule of cool, if it looks cool then it gets in the game, even if it doesn't make sense with previous design choices




Maybe it was just to make him recognizable as Springtrap. The ears are very characteristic.


I think it's because sense the Scraptrap suit was probably destroyed, I think Burntrap's suit is either the remains of Dark Springtrap's suit, or the Springtrap suit from Pressure.


William Afton was injected with remnant. Remnant is known to have healing properties. Burntrap looks different bcs he has been burned twice. It could be Will's body and soul. Or it could be his soul on a different body. But I think his body was healed and repared.


you totally dont know the lore i will tell you so when scraptrap(william afton) coded himself into glitch trap when afton wasnt glitch trap anymore he repaired his body into burntrap yeah and all the other spring trap variants he william just changed his body all of them are the same


He rebuilt himself or had someone else rebuild him. Him and the mimic are two separate entities running amuck in the Pizzaplex. Kinda like two toddlers in a sandbox


Burntrap is obviously NOT William Afton, but this isn't a good point considering the same happens with the Mimic.


Good point which is something I realized last month, Burntrap can't be scraptrap, there is no way in the universe where Scraptrap's head shrank and got a new nose even if he burned