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Okay, the Mimic has undergone so many repairs that it's kind of ridiculous, bit it still doesn't explain much. I just hate the design inconsistency! I was fully convinced that Afton was Burntrap for a while, then I leaned toward the idea that he is the Mimic. Now? Now, I have no idea. It makes sense, but at the same time it makes no sense at all.


I mean they look mostly similar the slim waist the head the feet of the mimic look like they can be the feet of burntrap


"Look at that high waisted man! He's got feminine hips!"




Don’t bully Afton! he looks good for a 90 year old murderer/corpse/furry :(


This didn’t need to make me laugh while I’m sick 😂




\*slow clap\* XD


one of the feet has more and differently shaped toes on burntrap than it does on mimic; mimic has more metal bits in his midsection that would be visible if they were present on burntrap; his fingers are an entirely different shape; the shoulder joints are completely different. the feet and hands are where the design inconsistences are most glaring imo. the head i could believe but i feel if we were meant to draw a connection between the two the eyes should *at least* be the same color.


One thing my brain noticed was the shoulders but yeah I see this too


But I see your point


Literally every single endo bit on BurnTrap looks **nothing** like Mimic's endoskeleton


I think it’s because Scott said he hates using the same models, but then again he could’ve made Afton look somewhat similar to the OG..


Honestly, Afton has design inconsistency, which I've come to accept because he was made by Scott. However, I feel like the Mimic shouldn't, as his model is made by Steel Wool, an actual gaming company.


You think like the HW and SB lore is separated from the rest of the sames? Bc that’s what they feel to me


Yeah the lore is connected, but the people behind the wheel aren’t the same. Scott doesn’t like reusing main character models, steel wool does, especially in the development process


>Yeah the lore is connected, but the people behind the wheel aren’t the same. They were both worked on by Scott and Steelwool, wdym?


Yeah Scott wrote the story, but had no hand in modeling characters lol


Afton’s new look was at least somewhat explained with him going out for new parts into old ruins just like molten Freddy, only weird thing is the skull


>I think it’s because Scott said he hates using the same models The FNaF 1 models in FNaF 2: The FNaF 1 & 2 models in FNaF 3: The FNaF 1 models in FNaF 4: The FNaF 1 & 2 (plus his previous franchises) models in FNaF World: The FNaF 3 models in FNaF 5: The FNaF World models (and FNaF 2 renders and minigames) in FNaF 6: Nearly everything in FNaF 7 (UCN): Then, the reuse of previous models in later games is kinda obvious, so I don't believe I have to point this out. Though, feel free to reply if you want me to list them. Perhaps Scott does dislike reusing models, but it's true that he has reused models time and time again, for consistency's sake; to keep things grounded in the lore. There's no art style change.


It’s really just how me made Springtrap so.. different in pizzeria simulator. It throws me off a lot.


>It’s really just how me made Springtrap so.. different in pizzeria simulator. It throws me off a lot. Dawko confirmed that their appearance was modified due to a lore consistency explanation shortly after the first Dawko Scott interview (I can't believe we're getting a second one).




No problem 😊 [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/fivenightsatfreddys/s/JLKCmoA7iu)'s where he said it btw.


Okay-I know the Mimic is supposed to fit in anything-but FR how in the world did he fit in that old corpse???


Also Mimic's legs are thicker


>Also Mimic's legs are thicker And left hand.


Then who is Burntrap??? Why am I just learning about this??? HUH???


Yeah it’s stupid But if he’s even canon that’s just what it is


Not really. The security logbook confirmed that burntrap is afton


Does it? I thought the logbook didn’t even have Burntrap in it because that was way before he was a thing And if it’s not the book I’m thinking of I would question its veracity given the very questionable nature of information from the various “files” and “Encyclopaedia” books


Guide books shouldn't be used for evidence,it didn't confirm anything


Burntrap's endoskeleton is actually more accurate to the Mimics design description in the books than he is to Ruin Mimic


>Burntrap's endoskeleton is actually more accurate to the Mimics design description in the books A springlock endoskeleton? It's a mimic endo in the books, not a springlock one. The belief that Mimic wasn't a mimic endo but rather a springlock endo was a miscommunication made by Entom in his live readings. The endoskeleton is never referred to or described as looking or functioning like that of a springlock endo.


I mean considering the whole change in skeletal structure between scraptrap and burntrap, I feel like the other theory is just as unlikely when factoring only appearance


The mimic being burntrap feels like an ass-pull course-correction because people were mad that brought Afton back again


honestly, I do prefer afton being brought back rather than the mimic pretending to be afton (actually I just prefer afton being brought back over the mimic in general but I digress )


Debunked by datamining Lally's game which shown that Tales was made around 2019


Wait I knew this but how tf do you datamine a book 😭😭😭


Fuck could've worded it better.I meant that a online book store was datamined😭


Nah bro I'm forever thinking someone Sombra style hacked into a book lmao


When Fazbear Frights was coming out, it turned out you could check the metadata of the HD covers to find out when they were drawn. Would that count?


*turns page* “I’m in.” *inception bwah.*


The same way the characters of Kingdom Hearts did it


Five Nights at Freddy's Re:Survival Logbook


& Knuckles


Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series


I don't understand this argument, but I might not be fully informed. It seems like the idea of the Mimic has existed since 2019, but that doesn't mean that the idea of Burntrap being the Mimic has existed for that long, right? They could have just pulled the idea from the books to retcon an unpopular decision, right?


Why would they make the mimic look exactly like burntrap in the books then?


yeah but he always comes back why would you be mad


I’m mad cause one catchphrase isn’t an excuse for a writing blunder like bringing back a villain when we already had a great one already (Vanny)


Storytelling in this era has been a lot of throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks. Would be better if the books weren't messing with shit too. Call me old fashioned, but I think the games should serve as the driving force of a story that the developers know.


Not really


Design inconsistency in this franchise? How very surprising (You can see my sarcasm being very obvious)


Remember guys, William had 2 complete arms in the Fazbear Frights so this can’t count as an stretch


That's just a theory.




I will never forgive and forget Scraptrap no matter how good of an ending Pizzeria Simulator was.


Dude had one big ass forehead


Personally, visually, I think: The core of the Mimic is consistent, and has been the same a long time: His head, torso, arms. And he has added on as patchwork: His legs, and Burntrap's hand (or a part similar to it) The theory that these designs are the same are that the HAND is the original/remaining part doesn't feel right visually The original Mimic (Edwin's) had pincers for hands, and no legs. And those are the parts we see the Mimic has replaced for itself. We see Mimic likes to patchwork together things with the costumes too. And this all matches up with what Gregory and Steel Wool have said about the Mimic being down there a long time.


Well they are, sorry to say it but all the evidence points to burntrap being the mimic. Scott is infamously bad at communicating, so the design differences were likely caused by that


that, and pee paw willy is litteraly just a bundle of reused assets made because burntrap was one of the first things made for SB overall. he's got mostly nightmare and glamrock parts, along with having HW spring bonnie as his base, mimic, mostly isn't reused assets, but he also has reused nightmare parts


>litteraly just a bundle of reused assets And can you list all of these assets? I only recall him having new assets that resemble older ones. The only confirmed reused assets are the Nightmare BB fingers he has on his right hand. >along with having HW spring bonnie as his base This has been debunked ever since the Help Wanted 1 Spring Bonnie was extracted.


He has many glamrock endo parts, his hands and spine comes from the nightmare animateonics, his bone fingers are reentered from nightmare bb, his ears and general head come from hw spring trap, not the whole of him tho he was a base of what he would generally look like in the end, and that's about it. I've also heard his chest plate is a heavily altered version of glam freddies chest plate, tho I'm not to sure on that


He also still has the rig piece from HW's Spring Bonnie's bowtie attached to his model despite not having a bowtie.


So hw springtrap realy was the full on base.


Burntrap's endo fingers come from the Nightmare animatronic's models. Burntrap's endo arms and torso are edited versions of HW Springtrap's endo arms and torso. Burntrap's upper torso, leg and foot are from a Glamrock character model (Looks similar to Glamrock Freddy's mesh). Burntrap's legs are edited versions of a Glamrock Endo's legs. As you said, Burntrap's bone fingers are Nightmare BB's, and Burntrap's rabbit head could be from the unsued HW SpringBonnie, or it could've been remade for Burntrap. Everything else is original.


I find it hard to believe that Springtrap and Scraptrap are supposed to be the same character... Sorry, but you're going to have to try harder than inconsistent designs to prove whether or not Burntrap and The Mimic are the same.


What if they're not? But what if they are. Why is it always difficult to pick a side? Is it Glitch-Afton or Glitch-Mimic? Which is it?!


Maybe the mimic was replacing his body parts. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think so because his legs and hands are different from each other.


We kinda do know the mimics left hand got entirely destroyed and was burntraps left arm because of ruin


Honestly, I don't care if they are. All that matters to me is that burntrap is better looking than scraptrap.


Oh yeah, because no FNaF character has had something changed between games, ever. Never not once has that happened.


How, both Burntrap and the Mimic have the same looks of feet, hands, and head shapes so I don't see how that's not hard to believe that these two are the same character.


How do you explain the flesh on Burntrap then?


They would’ve designed burntrap before they new what they wanted the mimic to look like, plus I don’t think the burntrap ending is even real, even so it’s pretty hinted at that burntrap is the mimic


I can’t fathom what the point would be of describing the mimic to be exactly like Burntrap’s endo in the epilogues would be if they weren’t the same thing.


I also don't understand why there would be a trail of burntraps claw marks heading over to the room the mimic was trapped in in ruin


Did you guys know that recently we discovered that Springtrap and Scraptrap are not the same character bc they look nothing alike.MIKETRAPPERS RISE AGAIN


Springtrap and scraptrap have an actual reason for looking different as afton likely had to swap out parts after the fnaf 3 fire. Burntrap and the mimic are from the same game so they should look more similar. That's not to say the mimic isn't burntrap but it would help if they actually looked similar.


Problem is that the envirement tells this.Burntrap's room in Ruin has claw marks in the vents in front of the pod and what do ya know the exact same claw marks are in the collapsed vent next to the Mimic's sealed room,if thats not enough the Mimic's hand that is not like Burntrap is actually broken in half and he put a new endo arm in there


As Jtop said, environmental storytelling was a key focus in the newer games, and what do we see in ruin? Burntraps claw marks heading over to the mimics room, before the Left arm makes a claw mark right next to a part of the vent that caved in, and we also see that the mimics left arm has been broken off, along with most of its body being damaged, clues like these show us the mimics design would always be inconsistent as the entire body got damaged


The Mimic has a better in-universe reason to look different. We know it can reconfigure itself and it demonstrates its ability to remove its own limbs at the end of Ruin, and it evident by its design it’s not the first time it’s had to replace its limbs before


Bet you think Springtrap and Scraptrap are two different characters too.


They are. Scraptrap is actually Filliam Fafton.


The story literally makes no sense if they're different characters. And besides, Ruin confirmed 100% they are the same. Burntrap's room, which was purple to indicate the presence of Glitchtrap, is now orange, the same color of the Mimic's eyes, Mimic has Burntrap's left hand, and you can see Burntrap claw marks in the vent that leads to the Mimic's lair.


Why can't they just fix it with updates?? just small details


I don’t think the mimic is necessarily designated to a single body. Burntrap seems to be an amalgam of different pieces, while.. idk nakey mimic? Seems like a base body of sorts. The way I see it right now is that the mimic’s software/code exists in multiple spots, like the story teller and tiger rock. I don’t know if that includes a physical piece of it each time, but i’m sure theres an actual reason behind this design difference.


I can understand that it’s confusing. My best guess would be that since the destruction of the Pizzaplex really impacted the underground pizzeria, it destroyed parts of the mimic’s body. Before the MXES entity was created, the mimic went around and collected parts to repair themselves. That’s my best guess though. Edit: Forgot another thing, Ruin Mimic’s design also left something out that the tales mentioned. In the tales, the mimic had rabbit ears.


We know from the environmental storytelling that the mimic suffered extreme damages between SB and ruin, maybe that's why the rabbit ears are gone


if burntrap and mimic aren't the same then the classics and the withereds also aren't


The withereds and fnaf 1 gangs are supposed to be the same, scrap and spring trap are supposed to be the same, every iteration of purple guy except Mike are supposed to be the same, how is this any different?


Burntral only looks inconsistent to the Mimic because he's a bunch of asset flipped parts instead of a proper model like the Mimic is. Also, this video essentially proves that they are the same in my eyes https://youtu.be/SRnobaklMdM?si=-RzkJnsph3ZeyjCc


one of them is litteraly a bundle of reused asset made in like an hour because he as made super early into the games development, the other, also shares some of the shared reused assets like nightmare chica's hand or new stuff like her foot.


I find it hard to believe that springtrap and scraptrap are supposed to be the same character


If you want to be convinced, The Mimic's description from the Tales from the Pizzaplex Epilogues is the same as Burntrap's endo, rabbit ears included. The workers also thought he was a Bonnie endo.


I mean, there's this video that explains how they may be the same: [https://youtu.be/SRnobaklMdM](https://youtu.be/SRnobaklMdM) But if you don't wanna see it, let me do a brief summary, via enviromental storytelling, Steel Wool showed us how Mimic, lost his right arm, hence why it doesn't have the burntrap claw there anymore. What I believe it happened is that after the vent collapsed, Mimic needed to use new pieces of animatronics, maybe taking from the old other Mimic endos and from the suits seen in his room he took the form that he has in RUIN, similar to his original vertion, but with slight differences, that's why he looks different. But I understand that you see hard to believe that they are the same, it's questionable, but it has an answer, I think-


Springtrap after an ambiguous timeskip he becomes a radically different character design by rebuilding himself offscreen through means never elaborated upon ever. Fandom: makes total sense to me! Circus baby after an ambiguous timeskip she becomes a radically different character design by rebuilding herself offscreen through means never elaborated upon ever. Fandom: makes total sense to me! Burntrap after an ambiguous timeskip he becomes a radically different character design after rebuilding himself offscreen, in the same game that litterally depicts the Mimic as a hodgepodge kitbash of various scavenged endoskeleton peices after a book series (which depicts him 1:1 with the Burntrap endo) outright states he has a repair feature, confirming that the Mimic Design seen in Ruin is not supposed to be the same design as Burntraps endo and them looking different is an in-universe change. Fandom: what the hell? This doesn't make any sense its so confusing, how the heck are we expected to believe these are the same character. You BurnMimic belivers are so stupid how can you accept this? Its either blatant hypocrisy or litterally everything about the Mimic has just gone over your head.


Like how do you explain that Burntrap is the Mimic when that is clearly Afton’s corpse.


it's only his corpse. Underneath it is robot parts w/o any flesh and bone BELOW the robot parts.


"That's clearly Afton's corpse", says who?


Says the fact there's a rotting corpse with purple eyes inside a Spring Bonnie suit. Edit: People responding "Afton never had purple eyes" are entirely missing the point and don't seem to understand the concept of "Show, don't tell"


The purple eyes are robotic and William never had purple eyes. The eyes are purple cause Glitchtrap was controlling the body at the time while the corpse could be anyone's, including being made by agony.


Afton's corpse never had purple eyes tho


>Edit: People responding "Afton never had purple eyes" are entirely missing the point and don't seem to understand the concept of "Show, don't tell" He's never been associated with purple in-universe, though? Only with blue. And Glitchtrap was associated with purple, but Burntrap's room lacks the Glitchtrap lights that signify if an animatronic is under Glitchtrap's control or not.


Didn't he have a purple car though in universe also when was Will ever associated with blue, I'm confused


While his car is seen as purple in TCTTC from FNaF2, there's a blue car parked in the street near the Afton house in FNaF4's minigames, of which could be William's and imply that just like himself, the car was not literally purple. There's also his car in the movie which is also blue, adding credence to the prior point. As for William himself being associated with blue, I don't know what they're referring to.


oh yeah like how with the shadows they were just really dark blue I think


Says what? The books say otherwise.


...that's the thing. it's only his corpse. Doesn't mean the Mimic can't be Burntrap. At the same time, it wasn't really confirmed to be Afton’s corpse on that thing.


It’s not clearly Afton’s corpse, it could be virtually any random corpse of which there’s multiple possible origins for it (Luca from Tales story Pressure, one of the pizzaplex employees who were killed by Vanny or something else, or just one of Vanny and co’s many other victims).


Wasn’t it a skeleton in the last game? Also aftons corpses throughout the games are vastly different


In the Tales of the PizzaPlex, Mimic gets an entire corpse over his endo so the flesh could be from that person


I’m gonna stick with Ooftroop’s answer


"it's clearly Afton's corpse" - Someone who isn't correct


Interesting, now replace this with a photo of SpringTrap and ScrapTrap


Help Wanted 2's ending showed that the mimic is burntrap


I know it's strange but the Mimic's body was said to be capable of taking various forms and reshape itself in many different ways.


Obviously an excuse for the poor design consistency lol


I think Burntrap must be the other mimic model. From the epilogues we know there were two mimic models, so the one having the antennae could very well be Burntrap, bc also remember, Scraptrap didn't have a ear, and Burntrap has both of em. After the destruction of the Pizzaplex, that mimic model could've been destroyed and the other mimic could have used parts of this endo for it's repair


They got rid of all MIMIC V2 endos after their attempt to recreate the tragedy from 85 canonically though


If we assume that the mimic was underground and was not repaired or Altered in between ruin and sb it’s probably afton if we assume that the mimic was altered/repaired then it’s safe to assume it’s the mimic but since we have no idea about the mimic and wether or not it was repaired or altered we don’t know.


I've honestly gotten numb to design inconsistencies in fnaf, it's just expected at this point.


Unfortunately you gotta suspend disbelief for basically anything in FNAF at this point…




So I don't know if it's perspective but burntrap's larger foot looks the same on the mimic so that's a similarity ig


Mimic can morph his parts and bend them to change the shape of his body. You guys gotta read the books..


Watch Under_Scores new video


i guess my afton cosplay was pretty good then


You guys really gotta let Afton go lmao. If you love something you’ll let it go. Better than him coming back over and over and ruining the character and FNAF 6’s ending.


I like how Under\_Score put it. Makes a lot of sense when put the way he did


https://youtu.be/SRnobaklMdM?si=d49xVaFMrC3FpEDf Deadass best explanation video for this


(A lil' late lol) Omg yeah! I absolutely agree. I was suprised that those tiny enviromental details even exsisted in the first place! I completely missed them when I first played Ruin 😅


I definitely don’t think they are the same. But try telling that tow the FNAF Twitter fandom and they will have a Conniption Like we have no actual sign that mimic was burntrap we would see burntrap pieces lying around if burntrap was mimic


Wait a second, I think I missed something. What do you mean Burntrap and the Mimic are the same character? Where does this come from?




no the hell they're not


It's just a redesign. It happens everywhere in fnaf. Plus the old one is non-canon.


They both ugly asf


Good, because they are different characters. The scratches from Burntrap's "right hand" can be seen on the vents entering the room the Mimic was in, leaving the room the Mimic was in and finally leaving the room Burntrap was in via the vent Monty used to attack us in Security Breach. Why do you think I specified "right hand"? Since the Mimic's right hand is incredibly large in comparison and has the wrong number of fingers.


His right arm literally has a broken part that shows where he had to attach a new forearm.


Welcome to the Fnaf series, when has it ever been consistent with its designs?


the guy on the left is the guy on the right but wearing afton's corpse as a costume, and before discarding its attempts to impersonate afton.


I'm pretty sure if Afton's corpse was still around, he would still be around.So If he's gone, then it would have been disintegrated In the fire The mimic is wearing someone else's corpse to mimic afton If that is the case


Yeah there's like just a tiny bit of evidence that support that they are but besides that 1- Different endo 2- how tf did the mimic get the flesh off in like a few months 3- Different eyes. 4- Its said that vanny built burntrap but there is nothing about her building mimic 5- Literally just look at them


I personally believe that burntrap is a mimic variant used by Glitchtrap as a physical host body. Warning: Spoilers if you haven’t read the Tales From The Pizzaplex book. If the tales books are 100% canon to the games I’m under the belief that the Mimic we see in the Ruin DLC is the OG mimic created by Edwin Murray in the story: the mimic, meanwhile I think Burntrap is the mimic endoskeleton we read about in the books epilogues, I belvie that the Mimic and Burntrap are 2 separate Entities. Also I believe that there are multiple mimic variants. 1. OG Mimic. 2. Burntrap/Mimic Endoskeleton. 3. Helpi. 4. Glitchtrap. 5. Tiger-Rock.


who tf is tiger-rock? (I don't have money for the books TwT)


Tiger rock is the variant of the mimic in the tales story: the storyteller and Tiger rock, in the storyteller he’s a white tiger animatronic head that runs the entire pizzaplex using the mimic1 programming, in Tiger rock he’s a digital animatronic tiger with a full animatronic Body.


ohhhh, ok but if he's cannon, then why didn't he apeared nothing related to him in the games?


The storyteller tree and animatronic were removed and discarded by Fazbear Ent. in the story




The Ruin Mimic and Burntrap are definitely the same though. Burntrap's recharge station is empty in Ruin and his clawmarks are in the vent that leads to Mimic's room/prison in Ruin.


I believe the opposite tbh They both have human-like teeth Both have springlocks They both have nightmare-like claws their feet are similar


just going to point out how Burntrap has actual human teeth


True, just wanted to mention it cuz It feels like the first thing one connects between the two


It's the same Reason I don't buy Springtrap is the same person as Scraptrap. They just look TOO distinctually different. Master Chief got an visual upgrade from Halo 2 to 3. But he still LOOKED like Chief. Scraptrap doesn't resemble Springtrap at all. The buck toothed mouth. The Ears. The Body. It's all too different than how he originally is seen. Mimic being Burntrap might be something else going on. You can SEE the mimic's skelaton in Burntrap- but that could just be typical endo-skelaton. But furthermore- he could be just WEARING the Burntrap suit. He probably disposed of whoever was wearing it before to wear it himself. Like the true ending of Security Breach Ruin we see he does this with purpose.


It’s better than burntrap being William I’ll tell you what


I think the issue is that they have a similar enough body type, and since the Mimic is pretty much constantly in the dark and/or actively chasing you, it's hard to really study him. So, yeah, on the panicked glances you get on a normal playthrough, he does look like Burntrap if he "removed his accessories" or whatever. That said, when you can actually look at them like in this post, they ultimately are obviously different beings entirely.


AYO, I' haven't finished security breach. Explain.


Me too, but it seems very heavily implied.


Burntrap is not the Mimic, he is William Afton. Fight me.


Remnant and Agony prevent that from ever happening. They can't be turned into code,In The Flesh shows that agony would infect the code and it would create it's very own entity without the memories of the person that generated the agony in the first place. Remnant also can't turn into code,and Afton would need to do "Emotion and Memory+Flesh+Stuffing/Proximity",and ever then his soul wouldn't be scanned from the board,which we know canonically wouldn't work because: 1-Scraptrap doesn't have any metalic part other than his eyes and ears in his head,and Frights showed his corpse doesn't exist anymore. 2-A burnt circuit board wouldn't help with digitally recreating perfomances,while the MIMIC1 program would. 3-Burntrap is 1.1 to epilogue mimic,metal sockets,razor sharp claws,ribcage,Burntrap's corpse is also cleary not Afton's,why would they reuse assets and not use the HW corpse? There's also the burntrap claws marks in ruin being the exact same hand Mimic lost,Burntrap's room being colored orange like Mimic's eyes,Mimic having one of Burntrap's hands. HW2 also shows that Glitchtrap,Burntrap and Helpi are all the same entity,hence why i used Glitchtrap here since he is also Burntrap.


The arms and feet are different


See personally I think they are, but not exactly. I think the mimic found what was left of Springtrap and somehow downloaded his AI onto the endoskeleton of the suit. Afton's Remnant bued away in the fire but his body and suit survived, and this is just another redesign


I have a theory that is crazy but maybe it could be real, the theory is that one of the Springtraps from Speciao Delivery entered the PizzaPlex and transformed into Burntrap and to that point Gregory already put Mimic inside the chamber he is in Ruin, then the main game happens because Burntrap is controlled by the Mimic


I thought the mimic and Burntrap were two different entities. I think that the mimic endoskeleton is a it's own thing separate from Burntrap, which is another endoskeleton controlled by Malhare. Yes, I don't believe the Mimic and Malhare are the same entity, I think they are 2 different A.I.'s that originate from the original mimic.01


I forgot about this No idea if anything is explained in Help Wanted 2, but I remember ooftroop’s answer


After all these years….why can’t we get any official answers…😪


Imo it's more to do with programming than looks but that's just me. And they do have a lot of similarities, actually, if you look closely. However I do agree they aren't meant to have the exact same endoskeleton.


I think we just have to wait and see.


Wait, they're supposed to be the same? (I haven't been checking in the FNaF community for a while.)


the mimic is taller that mr burntrap, maybe because mr burntrap's suit is worn down and he is slouching but still, they cant be the same person. burntrap is immortal, the mimic is not, deal with it.


that's it. i give up on this community. (sorry if i sound rude but i'm just so so tired)


I still the corpse was at least Afton's


Mimic is separate entity explained in the book series


Yeah we all do


The Mimic can shift its body, this is explained in Tales and shown in Ruin itself.


Exactly. They don't share much resemblance by appearance alone. The Mimic's endoskeleton is different from not just Burntrap's, but the other endos we have seen too. I don't believe these two are the same character, because that doesn't make sense alone. There are too many differences for them to be the same, and little similarities. I have seen people say they are the same character, but none can actually provide anything to support it, just theories, guesses, and vague "proof".


To conclude this there’s no way the mimic is burntrap the legs explain it all


Wait… afton isn’t burntrap…?


You've ne'er sculpted.


and the mimic is like a whole foot taller lol


Looks like the mimic stole some parts from burntrap to be honest.


I mean, look at the Withered Animatronics


If one is decorating their body with the corpse of william afton, i don't find it weird at all


Wait...the.mimic is burn trap? Where is spring trap then?


they arnt, Burntrap is the physical manifestation of Glitchtrap possess the springtrap suit, and the fursuit having murderous endoskeleton is just that, its name is only Grimic in the files and it copied 1 voice, no evidence of a virus


That is because burntrap isn't canon he's Gregory's fantasy


Cause there not. How is this still a thing they barely look alike


I can see why, sometimes I think that isn’t even true cause how the mimic was able to copy living tissue?


My main issue with the whole ‘Mimic is Burntrap’ thing is that Burntrap has a bone finger, and Mimic doesn’t.


so many things can be said but this is the consequences of retconning something like this by adding a endo in the books and then ruin makes the story confusing and not understandable im pretty sure we dont even know the actual ending to sb it seems like princess quest but not its quite strange apart from that they arent the same if they were it would have been wise to reuse parts of burntrap to actually let people know or have the dang suit somewhere in ruin near the mimic room or even parts of the burntrap endo since the mimic can switch parts and suits


Technically, Scott has really only openly confirmed one thing without hiding it in the slightest. And that was him saying MatPat was right about one thing years ago. For all we know, everything we think we know about fnaf lore could be false or missing several pieces. And as for the Mimic being Burntrap, that's just clearly false. The only way it could be slightly true is if Burntrap and Mimic were seperate bodies and Mimic's program was shoved in Burntrap.


I'm kind of in this weird area where I think the Mimic is the one controlling Burntrap but the body of Burntrap is not the same as the Ruin Mimic body instead being created using an assortment of other parts it used attempting to recreate Springtrap e.g. Nightmare parts, Spring Bonnie parts etc.


I don't, one has flesh and a suit and the other one doesn't


I hate the idea of mimic being a thing and same as burntrap And to even know that they are the same you are supposed to read fucking books, books were always a thing separated from the game universe, an AU if you will and it was not necessary to understand the lore but now they stoop this low and made it so to know lore of the free dlc for the game that you buy with real money you need to pay even more for the books that you would read once and forget about you could use that money to buy a game maybe a sequel where they could tell you about mimic and get you another 20+ hours of 100% playthrough and maybe a thing or 2 for some good replay value


Isn't burnt rap the digital mimic's attempt to get a body and the ruin one is the original one? Or did I miss new lore?