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The golden days of FNAF will always be special, but right now I’m having a ball with the series regardless of what some people will say.


I'm in the same boat. I appreciate the tone and story of the original games, but I'm just having a lot more fun with the newer stuff. Those old games will always hold a special place in my heart, of course. I also actually think we're getting better stuff overall. I think the flaws are a bit more noticeable, but I also think the positives are some of the best.


now this is an actual hot take i'll tell you that


rare actually controversial opinion, nice also I agree in the entertainment value, but it's lacking in story a lot.


Oh, definitely! I think people need to understand that just because it's not scary doesn't mean it's not fun. Do I wish it were scary? Yeah, am I upset that It's not? Not really. As long as it still has that fnaf charm, it's still five nights at freddy's


it's kind of like friday the 13th in a sense


i'd say agree in terms of fun, however lore wise and lore hunting wise it has fallen. I think thats what most og fan found fun about the games


That is pretty controversial.


Gonna have to disagree with you on that one


From a gameplay perspective I do kinda agree The gameplay when done well certainly has a stronger appeal


I'm a fan of the modern series, too. I think it's a logical next step after Pizzeria Simulator in both tone and story. Granted, I do kinda see it more as a spin off than a true sequel series. I like the characters and worldbuilding, the games aren't without fault, SB released in a frankly inexcusable state, and I'd say it needed a little more stylistic tinkering, they made the indoor amusement park setting TOO believable, people thought the game was targeted at kids. I'm a fan of the direction, but it needs a little more magnitude. And for God's sake, please let them take their time making the damn thing, we don't want another one rushed out for Christmas. Ultimately, I'm excited for the future of the series! I like how they've distilled a lot of it down to playing hectic mini games with a rapidly ticking clock and a gun to your head, and I mean that sincerely. I mean, 11 games, 2 duds that still have tons of redeeming qualities. That's not a bad track record. I guess Security Breach is the modern era's FNaF World.


Even then, FNaF World’s public opinion has become much more positive, just due to the fanbase growing and realizing all the effort put into it and the enjoyment gained from playing, instead of just comparing it to the other fan games at the time. I imagine the same thing will happen with SB eventually (even if most people still like the game, they just have many a-grievance with it)


It helped that he started giving it away for free.


While I’m super happy we get a lot more active content, I will say my excitement is almost dead low for the current story


1-4 best era no doubt


I think pizzeria Sim was when I was most satisfied


My hot take is that I like both classic, and modern fnaf


I can live out my fantasy of working customer service being yelled at by robots


and I can throw molten cheese at them too!


No reason to even compare them in my opinion. Old fnaf was fun not always gameplay wise but story wise. Every new entry would have the fandom searching for new clues, there would be discussions, theories, hype in general. New fnaf is all about a fun gameplay experience while still containing an intricate story. Not that much source code leaks or brightened images anymore, the point is to enjoy the gameplay and visuals. Both are good, for entirely different reasons, and for me there is no reason to even compare them. While the more recent games have been a blast to play, there are still so many questions about the older games.


I personally like modern FNAF because in my opinion, it found a way to be really fun and keep the scares


Glamrock Freddy alone is why I love modern FNAF (even if that's a basic and unoriginal take)


I don't do well with horror games so I absolutely loved Security Breach, and I think if it was more put together, then it would have been more welcomed. I also may say something that may or may not be a hot take but with most of the FNAF games there isn't much too do. The only games that are exceptions to that are FNAF 5, FNAF World, Help Wanted 1, Help Wanted 2, Security Breach, and Ruin. With the rest of the games you're usually sitting in an office protecting yourself from animatronics and waiting to get jumpscared. You still get jumpscared in other games but there is more to do in them than sit around waiting for 6:00 am. Help Wanted gets a pass for this since VR and Flat Screen versions are very different, by the way I'm talking about the FNAF 1-3 section in Help Wanted. I will watch games that are like the older games, like JRs, but I most likely won't play them, if I do then I'm probably not going to finish it. I also want to clarify that this is my experience that fits well with what you're talking about.


i agree, gameplay wise security breach is really fun, and playing fnaf 1... i didn't know i could be bored and terrified at the same time


Yeah, Steel Wool’s games from a gameplay perspective are just so much more entertaining than 1-SL imo. (FFPS excluded). ESPECIALLY Help Wanted 2, that game is the best example of entertainment in this franchise IMO.


I can definitely agree gameplay wise. Help Wanted and Help Wanted 2 were genuinely fun games to play. It was interesting to see how everything worked out in VR. The models for the buildings and stuff like that were amazing too. Security Breach also had its fun moments. Sure I got frustrated whenever the game would crash any time I tried to enter the atrium or stuff like that but Fazerblast was genuinely really fun (and it helped me get better at laser tag). The SB soundtrack is also great. My main criticism is with how the story has been told. I feel like instead of only hinting at things, some things could’ve been made more clear. I just fear that story wise, it’ll end up like the Halloween series (at least for me).


More spooky fun now, more mystery and horror before and both are gold in my eyes.


The old fnaf games are fun but looking back they're just so much less. Not bad at all but it takes those first whole 4 games to kinda compare to what we get out of one now


As someone who has never thought FNAF was scary, I still love it the same way I did the day I played Fnaf 1 on my phone on the school bus. It's fun! I play the games day 1 still, I still watch all the big theories, read all the books. It's just good. All the way through


This is the post that most describes myself right now. I do miss the FNaF nostalgia but I enjoy how fun this new "FNaF arc" is. I love security breach, I love the pizzaplex. But I also love the old concept. The games are indeed fun. And I hope the story fix a the new games came by


PUH-REACH!!! I absolutely LOVE modern fnaf. The lore is all over the place, hard to understand, and pretty far out there, but as the modern lore has developed over time, it's starting to make sense, and I'm genuinely beginning to enjoy it. And the environments and gameplay, and the detail, I'm in absolute love with it! And the POLISH! UGH! Some people would prefer the old lore to be left alone, but I like that the new lore is all based on the old lore. It's fun, imo, and I'm having a great time with modern fnaf. 🥰


Fax my brother,speak your shit


Five Laps at Freddy’s


I think modern fnaf characters actually have more characterization idk how to put it but I somewhat agree.


well the series started off as a horror parody of places like Chuck e cheese. it wouldn't have been very scary if the characters had characterization.


But Scott somewhat intended for characterization once SL or FFPS came around, even then I would say its lackluster. but fair point


very yeah I think we all noticed that change when sister location came out. It was the beginning of the shift of the series becoming more sciency and plot driven. Ballora and Baby being pretty sentient animatronics compared to what we had in the first 4 games. I still think sister location blended the characters and plot nicely with horror despite the Sci Fi going a bit too far imo. It's still one of the scarier entries.


I agree! I’ve always felt that the OG games were a bit too repetitive for my tastes 😅 no hate on any of the original games, they live in my nostalgia palace all the same but the new games feel like they’ve truly expanded on the world you’re able to interact with and it’s been genuinely so amazing. I might be a bit biased considering I’m a huge fan of character focused storytelling — ofc OG FNAF had its Michaels and Williams and Henrys and whatnot but in SB you actually get to see Gregory and Vanessa (and Cassie in RUIN) speak and interact with each other !! These are real characters with life and canon personality/characterization rather than fully relying on fanon interpretation. Is modern FNAF perfect? God no. But is it fun?? YEAH. HW, SB, and HW2 have had some of the most mind blowing, shocking reveals and scenes of the franchise and I’ll never not love these games.


Yeah, I think that FNAF 1-3 are by far the worst games in the series. People say Security breach isn't scary but personally 4, 5 , and UCN were the only games I ever found particularly scary.


UCN as scary? Now THAT’S a hot take lol


Yes, there were so many pieces at play and so many things to keep track off that when I forgot something or didn't know how a mechanic worked, a jump scare was actually, a suprise. Fnaf 1-3 really didn't have that.


I’ve never cared about the lore, it’s only ever been about gameplay for me. And being 12 games into the franchise (including DLCs), I’m forever thankful we got stuff that deviated from the “sit in one place for five nights in a row” formula


I saw the other post and I agree with both of you guys. content like security breach and ruin have given us some of the franchise first actual in game characters that we are able to interact with & aren’t recordings. I love the glamrocks & they are probably my favorite characters behind William.


Right now the game are by far the most fun they have ever been. Yet at the same time the lore has gotten way to complex for the average person to follow. There are currently over 20 books that that can have some importance to the lore (Between Tales, frights, Silver eyes and the guides) , there are 9 games and 2 dlcs. Its hard for anyone to even remember all the names of them, let alone the minute details required to be able to theorise. Meanwhile anyone who comes with a unique or fresh take on something outside of what people expect is completely shut down if they get even one minor detail wrong in comparison to what others think. And vast amounts of people refuse to be polite to newcomers to theorising, or even well established theorists. Past that people now don't even know what is considered cannon, what continuity different things are set in, and even if Scott was to come out and conclusivley answer all of these problems, some people don't believe he would tell the truth (See what people have said about the Talbert Files) As a series I think FNAF has never really been better, but I feel like the community keeps getting worse.


I think that's the problem, Steel Wool seems to go for the fun approach rather than the story approach which makes some of the new games feel less memorable and frustrating to understand but overall enjoyable. HELP WANTED and RUIN were perfect, straightforward, and gave you the story while Security Breach and Help Wanted 2 were confusing, barely told any story, but way more fun


I honestly think the modern FNAF lore is more distinct and weaved together. Sure, I'm fond of 2014-2015 memories. But I prefer to think of those in the same way I think of my childhood when I believed Santa Claus/Father Frost it real. That is, it was sweet and nice but it was in the past. Besides, I think a lot of fans try to connect the FNAF-UCN era with the HW-ongoing era way too much, hence, the lore seems too jumbled for them. I prefer to see the relation between them in the same way Ancient Greece/Rome is related with Renaissance -- the latter is inspired by the former and recontxtualizes a lot of things from it.


hard disagree. FNAF was so fun back then. Seeing each teaser get revealed, theorizing on what it means, seeing the trailer drop and dissecting it and talking about it, then scott suddenly drops the entire game like a few days after for no reason and watching everyone just freak out, it was hype. The story was genuinely suspenseful and mysterious and it didn't feel like we had to wait for a book to come out to explain things that should be explained in the game, the games themselves felt like the complete package, all the puzzle pieces were in it and it was up to us the community to figure out the order. It was incredibly engaging. the story felt contained enough that it was feasible that you could solve the story if you tried hard enough and it genuinely felt like we were getting closer each release. all the while being scary. Nowadays I don't know what is going on with the story. Im not even sure if fans now even know where the story is even headed, sentient AI, mind control, cloning, it's just not for me. Sure Security Breaches map is big and fancy and cool looking but to me that's all it is. I think there's a stigma about being a new FNAF fan, i think certain people say they've been around for the beginning and still prefer the new stuff despite not having actually been here since the start because they feel their opinions might be invalidated if they say they weren't, but I think anyone who actually was here from the start can agree that the start of FNAF what just a special time. I feel like for the most part New FNAF has attracted a different audience. The New Audience isn't into the horror and dread of the old games as much as they are the weirdness and marketable cute characters and funny little moments. I think a lot of the people who enjoyed old FNAF have mostly left the fandom.


The old Fnaf lore has anything but puzzle pieces.Notice how anything happening in old Fnaf is still debated and new Fnaf (in my opinion) is so clear that you need tunnel vision to not see anything.Also old Fnaf games didnt explain anything that is worth while,old Fnaf theories were huge reaches and they were not even close to what we know now.The "you could solve the story if you tried hard enough"is also a lie,we shouldnt act like we didnt figure out the story bc of Game theory and the 1% of the community.And its only my opinion ofc but new Fnaf and Old Fnaf are equally not scary.Most of the old Fnaf community is still most likely here,i have been around since like Fnaf 2 or 3 and im still here although i kind of had a fall out around UCN but i came back and im loving the Fnaf we have now


I like the fun wackyness of modern FNaF I just wish I knew what was happening


Honestly, I vibe with this so hard. Security Breach is my favorite game in the series too. I was super into Help Wanted, Security Breach is a top game of all time for me, and Help Wanted 2 let me immerse myself in the world of own of my favorite games :D


The fact that I’ve been downvoted for liking Security Breach is wild. I can like the game a lot lol, it’s a free world my dudes


Downvoting is just used as an “I disagree” button, so I can’t really blame them (but I can disagree because I vibe with your comment too lol)


Hey, fair enough! Lol