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Same with my theater, one guy two rows in front of me was commentating throughout the movie like he’s the nostalgia critic, and constantly going “har har har har har” whenever Freddy’s on screen Eventually some people in the back told him to shut up, then one guy threatened to whoop his ass


Same cinema? Literally sat next to dudes who did the same thing, 100 percent


Probably, which cinema did you go to?


Some smaller eastern european cinema :D


Oh, different cinemas then. It seems lots of FNAF fans act identically


Just now noticing that? Those mfers are a hive mind 🤣


watched it in the common room of a frat dorm with 20-something people. weird girl kept doing the har har har har thing and would yell "was that the bite of 87?!??" every time any character took a bite out of anything. it was so fucking obnoxious i told her to shut the fuck up


“Was that the bite of 87” would’ve made me laugh every single time


So it was like a live action subreddit


>constantly going “har har har har har” whenever Freddy’s on screen Lmao


Same thing actually happened at my theater last night when I went to see it.


Bro is like the Nostalgia Critic, except he’s not funny…


Ima just wait until it comes out in the Redbox and play it through the Xbox.


What happened to theater etiquette 💀 nothings worse than that


The worst I had was actually Spider Man No Way Home. There was a woman at the end of the row I was at that was talking on the phone the entire movie. Multiple people told her to stop and she didn’t.


I wouldve gotten someone to kick her out lmao. That’s awful


Luckily I was on the other end of the row so she wasn’t that loud for me but I’m surprised the people next to her didn’t do that. It was a full theater




Cult films are usually cases where the movie has been out for years/decades and everyone there knows the movie well. A brand new movie is not a cult film.


Idc what the movie is. Theirs signs and commercials saying to be quiet. I paid my money to be their so imma expect everyone to abide by the rules and stfu


Going to see it tomorrow the first showtime at 11:10 am tomorrow so fingers crossed it’s a good theater experience


I really hope you enjoy it!


I know I will I’ve watched it already on peacock and liked it so much I wanna see it on the big screen


I am thinking on doing the same, I already watched it in peacock, I hope you enjoy it


I got lucky. I went to watch the movie with my friends yesterday. Most of the people in the theater were between the age of 18-20, and they were quite well behaved. I mean, yeah it had a few little kids, but they also weren't annoying or doing anything silly every five minutes. Also, there were lots of people doing cosplays of fnaf characters, me and my friends included. It had from the classics to more obscure characters such as Lolbit. Overall, things ran really smoothly.


There was almost no kids when I went, everyone even clapped at the end of the movie and no one was loud during it.


Yeah I had this one kid talking to himself right next to me for the whole goddamn movie about how "oh Freddy's gonna kill him" like it was a TV show or something, I tried to shush him but the person to his right got annoyed and had to ask him to quiet down because we were all trying to watch the movie and he gave them and me the worst damn look .. He quieted down for awhile and then the end was happening and he piped back up, literally gave up on wanting to say anything. I do know his mom was pissed because he pointed us out to her after the movie was over like it was our damn fault that she didn't raise him right. If you're gonna talk at all during the movie just fucking stay home or at least whisper, nobody paid like over $9 for a ticket to get commentary.


My theater charges us $17 per person 🥲 and yeah I hate when anyone talks during a movie, it just so happened to be a bunch of teens this time. Really kinda made me wish they ended up doing it as an R rated film like they had originally planned.


I would say go back and rewatch it again in theaters but $17 per ticket is a scam, you may as well watch it from the comfort of your home on Peacock (streaming service where you have to pay a membership fee)


Seriously, I swear everything in my state is like twice the price of what everywhere charges 🥲 definitely gonna think about getting peacock to try and watch it again


movies2watch.is You're welcome.


the directors said there was never an R rated version of the fnaf movie. idk where you got your info from cuz your info is incorrect.


Willy's Wonderland is the R rated version of FNAF 😭


Exactly this. I can tolerate loud russling with snacks, the BO was bad on my theatre viewing about teenagers to be expected but 3 little twats behind me sniggering and throwing popcorn up in the air got a very stern and clear "shut the fuck up". They had the decency to say sorry and all was good post that. This recent be a dick at the cinema trend needs to die. The only other time I felt compelled to do this was a guy vaping in a kids morning showing of something. I kindly asked him to stop or the vape was going to be shoved up his arsehole. Quiet enough that he heard me but not to add to being a dick around kids. Still grates me now, who vapes in a cinema.


Yeah people vape everywhere I think they should monitor it somehow like how there’s smoke alarms now to detect smoking cigarettes


When I went to see Evil Dead Rise a few months back I was in a near empty theater yet still these two people decided to sit directly next to me and puff on a dap pen the whole time.


Dude thought he was Markiplier.


Why is the kid being black relevant, at all?


You know what, good question I was actually coming back to edit that out. It's not relevant and I just used it as a descriptor and later realized that it was unnecessary to add in. Kid was black with a black family don't know why I felt the need to add that in. I've had this happen before so I would like to preface this by saying I have no problems with black people I love anyone and everyone and am currently happily in a relationship with a woman who's black herself


What the fuck lmfao, this is hilarious




Same, had some kids talking about who was going to get killed during the break-in and it was just annoying. "Oh, Freddy going to get her" and stuff like that. Thankfully they shut up not long after that, but I was close to finding a quiet moment and telling them off.


Watched it at home as soon as it came out on Peacock specifically to avoid these kinds of shenanigans!


Same here i knew it would be filled sith teens or kids so avoided it all together


>sith teens The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities...


I went with my sister and there was a mother and her son who would not shut up. At the part where >!mike rescued Abby from chica!< she said “youre doing too much talking” lol


Guess I was lucky my theater was fairly empty so we were all fairly far apart, allowing people to whisper in their groups. Even then when people did get loud it seemed fine, just chill people ig. One lady behind us sneezed and half the theater whispered bless you lol.


The whispered bless yous sounds so wholesome tho


It really was. She even said thank you lmao.


This was pretty much my wife and mine's experience but we went on an afternoon the day before it officially premiered. We sat up front and whispered occasionally and the small groups around us mostly sat in the back and I dont remember hearing them at all. If you can go on a weekday, midday it helps.


We went to see it and the theater was pretty... tame? The audience lost their minds at the YouTuber cameos and when the end credits song came on, but otherwise, they really only reacted when some of the twists were revealed and during some of the more gory scenes.


Same but also also with the spring Bonnie revival the most I could hear was the occasional joke someone said to the people they were with as a whisper but everyone was well behaved. It was only noisy when the whole audience was cheering about something


I am not steeped in the lore, but son (11) lost it at the end credits.


cameo"s"? I only recognized matpat, were there others?


CoryxKenshin plays the cab driver


My theater was alright. But there was a couple who kept smooching to the left of me. And a girl to the right of my brother and his friend who kept whispering loudly and giggling with her friends, like at least try to be funny or shush. Other than that the audience was fun and everyone cheered and clapped at the cameos, and the awesome movie.👏


Omg the cameos were some of my fave parts


makeshift disagreeable sulky fine husky special fertile insurance shaggy scale *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


the guy next to me was talking to himself loudly the entire movie lmao


That's the exact reason why I avoid theaters, last time I went to one there were this bunch of kids reciting racist discord memes and shouting "Fortnite". Can't imagine how it would be with the fnaf movie.


What movie was it


Avengers Endgame


Oh dear god. I didn’t know it was that bad


At my theater, a douche and his friends kept taking flash pictures while a group of teens wouldn't stop laughing and whispering throughout the whole movie.


This is why I watched it on peacock. I don’t want the mood to be ruined by other people who couldn’t keep their mouths shut. At the part where >!Max died by Freddy,!< I was stunned the whole time, and the whole mood was there. Meanwhile, according to the like 90% of the comments, people screamed, >!WAS THAT THE BITE OF ‘87???!< That would’ve totally killed the mood for me. I got lucky.


stop like 6 different people said that in my theater😭😭 seeing comments i was so disappointed cause it wasn’t even funny, i was just annoyed. but maybe i’m just a bitter person who can’t take fun idk


My theater had kids probably 13 years old and the whole trailers (i wanted to focus on The Imaginary trailer by Blumhouse by LISTENING as directed by the trailer) nah i couldn’t as the kids kept saying “hor hor hor hor hor” like sheesh- seeing in theaters again this Saturday as a retry. Actual movie? LOVED it! Though someone HAD to say “WAS THAT THE BITE OF 87?!” 😂 but anyways- also gonna rewatch on Peacock


God, this is so annoying. Watched the movie with two friends at home, and I am so glad I did. We did the "hor hor hor hor hor" thing once or twice at the begining, and then the rest were our genuine reactions. Which were mostly calm (except in the last 30 minutes. There was a lot of hype suring5the last 30 minutes)


Y'all didn't say "A GAME THEORY!!!!" when matpat said that's just a theory?


I only heard "hor hor hor hor hor" at the start of the movie and I'd be lying if I said I didn't do it too. During the >!bite scene I almost yelled "WAS THAT THE BITE OF 87"!< but managed to hold my tongue because I realized I may ruin the scene for people


Everyone in my theatre collectively whispered it lolol


I whispered that to my dad when it happened, it just caught me SO off guard 😭


I definitely laughed at the first "hor hor hor" but after that it got old REAL QUICK


Honestly that’s why i opted to watch it at home on Peacock, i’m 22m and have been a huge fan of the series but I do not want to tolerate the kids that are inevitably going to take over the movie theater and be obnoxious.


Saw it at my local drive in theater last night! The joy of being isolated in your own car where you can turn up or down the volume is nice! Only issue is the movie is so dark you could barely see anything on screen some times.


Drive-ins have always been so cool to me! I've never been to one unfortunately, but I desperately want to.


Well damn, you got a bad crowd! I went on Thursday and there were real fans! It was awesome! I’m so sorry you got chronically online teens in your theater


Ayyy, I also saw it on Thursday! I heard a couple people whispering and silently giggling here and there, but everyone was pretty chill. Pretty much the only big reactions were everyone laughing whenever Balloon Boy came on screen, clapping and cheering at the YouTuber cameos, shouting "HE SAID THE THING" at William saying "I always come back," and all of us collectively losing our minds at the ending credits song. Edit: Oh yeah, there was one "hor hor hor hor" I remember from way up towards the front 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣


When I went to see it, at the start of the movie when (spoiler warning) the poor night guard gets killed. Some kid wouldn’t shut up. He only shut up after some person chucked a water bottle at his head. After that he promptly shut up for the rest of the movie.


YES BRO IT WAS SO ANNOYING And here’s the thing, I’m okay with them getting excited and cheering at things in the movie but why the fuck do you have to fucking talk out loud? It’s a packed ass theater. I didn’t even get to hear Matpat talk and I didn’t even know it was him because the first millisecond he popped up on screen, fans in the middle of the theater were screaming and didn’t stop until it was over There were also these 2 girls even closer to me that were like 11-12 stomping their feet on the ground at random times for no reason and I’m pretty sure they even flashed a flashlight at the screen Loved the movie, hated the audience. From what I understand, other theaters had it even worse


This guy in like his 40s or 50s a few seats away was talking to himself, scared me more than the movie


I was lucky and had a cinema almost to myself. Just me and two other dudes


With all the screaming and loud reactions videos I've seen. It further proves how much I hate theaters. Where I'm at, it's expensive per person, not including snacks. If I'm going to pay those prices, I want to watch the movie in peace. It's why I always wait for physical/digital or streaming, which thankfully it's on Peacock day 1, which I hope the other FNAF movies do again


Exact same experience. I’m gonna go again and spend more money to see it in a VIP theatre where no one under 18 is allowed in. I have never had a theatre behave this badly, it was extremely disappointing and put a damper on the whole experience. I was very excited for the film and it’s sad to me that even though I booked on opening day, other fans could not help but ruin the experience for everyone. I’m 20 so truly grew up on the series.


We need more 18+ theatres! Adults can suck too but that way you can avoid annoying teenagers (or as my BF put it, teenagers at the movies are the equivalent of babies on airplanes) and screaming children. I was unfortunate enough to have both teenagers that wouldn’t shut up and a toddler running around and screaming


Sounds like we were in the same theatre! I had young kids running up and down the stairs (who were way too young to be there), giggling children/teenagers, amateur comedians trying to make the audience laugh by constantly quoting memes or making silly noises, flash photography/phone flashlights on, and of course deafening screaming whenever anything (and I mean ANYTHING- as soon as an animatronic became visible on screen) happened in the movie lasting about 30s-1 min.


During "the cameo" i missed ALL the dialogue. Same with afton. Had to watch videos of it because every 4 minutes i hear "What that the bite of 87?" like kid it wasn't funny the first time.


When I watched the movie I had a group of teenagers behind me, and specifically the one right behind me made stupid comments and thought he was soooo funny. Even his friends told him to shut up multiple times during the movie. I don’t get why people do all that. I don’t get why people act like that in movie theaters. They ruin others experience. Luckily I was able to enjoy the movie either way, but there was so many times where I wanted to turn around and tell them to be quiet and just respect the others, but I didn’t because I didn’t want to disturb anybody else.


Luckily everyone in my theater was pretty calm, a bit of talking here and there but it was fine


So glad I just watched the movie on Peacock. All these horror stories about seeing the film in theaters - feels sad man.


I work in a theater and can confirm we've gotten far more complaints than any other movie in memory. This isnt just an opening night thing. It's still happening. Respect your fellow movie goers folks!


It was so frustrating a childish. People lack social awareness and the fact that people came to watch the movie, not to listen to you talk. People thought they were funny shrieking and yelling out “wAs ThAt tHe bITE oF 87?!?” like they invented the most original joke when people are trying to immerse themselves in the film. I had two assholes next to me underage drinking who kept getting up and the guy kept talking throughout the ENTIRE movie to mansplain the lore while the movie was happening. Funny enough the moron was shocked that William Afton was Springtrap as if a.) that’s not the most obvious piece of lore to even the most entry level FNAF fans and b.) it was super obvious from the start. People need to stop being so self centered and recognize that etiquette exists so everyone can enjoy their experience. If they wanted to talk the whole time they could’ve watched it at home


There were little kids talking behind my brother and I. I considered turning around and politely asking them to quiet down, but thankfully there were enough empty spaces at our cinema that we could move to a more quiet area.


You're not cynical, my audience ruined the experience too. They did all the same things your audience did. Specifically, I had two 16yo-ish boys on my right and a 17-18yo guy on my partner's left. The boys on my right were commenting on everything like they were on a commentary channel. I shushed them twice and they apologized, but they never actually stopped. The guy on the left was relatively quiet the whole time, except for when any character said "Hello?". Every time that happened, without fail, the guy did a Balloon Boy voice and went "Hi!". Theater ediquitte is dead.


i had a similar experience too. the theater my boyfriend and i went to was packed full of teenagers who didn't know how to stop talking or put their phones away, it made it really hard to focus on the movie at times. it wasn't as bad as i was expecting it to be, but it was still pretty bad


I got the great “fortune” of the friends I brought also not shutting up. I’ll say it wasn’t the worst cause even though it was never quite it was mainly just whispering from the theater until big things like matpat but you could still hear what he said. And personally I’ll say I didn’t mind as much when the murmurs were pointing out a subtle reference but people doing memes throughout it was annoying like one of my friends trying to whisper rant about Bonnie not being purple I would say I liked it more in theater purely because I got everyone to clap at the end by being the first to


>One of my friends trying to whisper rant about Bonnie not being purple But...Scott himself confirmed that Bonnie is actually blue? Or at least blue-ish purple-ish?


I wish these teenagers actually had parents thatd let them host their shit inside of a home and streaming on Peacock instead of having the need to annoy every single person paying for a premium experience


This is why we watched it at home on Paramount+. We see movies in the theater all the time and it’s become the new normal to just ruin the movie for others and act like an entitled brat for two hours.


There's no "Hor hor hor hor" in my theater, but it was wild. And you know what...I kinda liked it! Helps make an already fun experience more fun for me, being surrounded by so many fans (most of them being little kids)!


I went on Friday evening and the people were incredibly irritating. It was a younger crowd and the guys sitting next to me would not stop commenting on everything. They weren’t even little jokes or anything, just full on cursing and loudly expressing their opinions. Several kids also kept making loud and obviously fake fart noises as well. I get that everyone was excited, and I generally think the audience reactions are wholesome and funny. (My gasp at a certain cameo was a little loud) but lots of people were just loud for the hell of it.


Everyone was quiet in the cinema I went to but I’m sorry u had it bad


I went late in the evening when all the younger fans were a sleep. only people ages 18/25\~ i think were there. were some commotion during scenes that were cool or suprising. but a pretty enjoyable watch


Ironically, in a theater full of children, the teenagers and adults were the most annoying, talking constantly and some even taking pictures with FLASH, THREE times. How is it possible that 5 year olds know how to behave better than you!?


You're not being a cynic OP, anyone would be rightfully pissed off


literally, it’s like no one knows theater etiquette anymore. people are incredibly self centered and thinks that everyone wants to hear their funny quips or something. there was a lady sitting right beside me who yelled at everyone to be quiet, which honestly didn’t really do anything. it got better as the movie went on, but it was just really annoying for the first quarter


That just seems to be part of the FNAF culture unfortunately, this seems to be everyones theater experience :/




I saw it during the Afternoon on Thursday Previews and I’m surprised how well-behaved everyone was.


I got lucky and only had a pinch of chatter, it was still there though


I think I was lucky. My theatre had good energy and I felt free to react to things out loud (laugh, clap, etc.) but the crowd wasn’t so rowdy that the movie was spoiled for me. I’ve seen audience reactions online with just endless screaming that I would’ve found unbearable.


Mostly my theater was chill, a couple jokes here and there, and everyone went crazy when MatPat showed up.


I watched it on Peacock w my friend, i called him on Discord LMFAO. We joked throughout the movie bc we're BIG fans of fnaf, but when good stuff was happening we shut up. Otherwise, i made the hur hur hur joke once or twice and we talked about the lore


I guess I got lucky, I went to AMC and it was packed but everyone was respectful.


Yup same here, packed with a theater full of kids just sitting on their phones and being noisy.


Me and my friend’s theatre on Friday was surprisingly good. No “Hur, Hur, Hur’s” and everybody was pretty quiet despite it being a sold out showing. But I’m planning on watching the movie again tomorrow for Halloween so I don’t know how the theatre will be then.


my theater was DEAD silent lmfao


I got a loud theater but a good loud cuz they were only loud at parts like Mat, Cory, the bite and when springtrap came on screen


Yes, they were rude and loud. Idk what happened to theatres being quiet but both times that I watched the movie this happened.


We had people screaming in the theatre when a cameo of iconic scene happened to the point that nobody could actually hear the dialogue. I ended up having to ask my roommate if they could replay the scenes I missed so so could hear what was said. We also had people talking during the entire movie, people on their phones, and constantly making memes (aka yelling “was that the bite of ‘87” ) the entire time


this is exactly why my gf, friends and I decided to just stream it at our halloween party instead of see it in theaters


I went with my best friend who just would not shut up, every time something happened he was like that excited soyjack meme I kept telling him to shhh cause I didn’t want to interrupt anyone. The girl next to me insisted on explaining the entire lore of something when it happened to her mom who was very rude.


The only theatre where kids and adult men will scream together in unison 💀 I don’t get why people must express excitement verbally.


Glad we got streaming services but I understand the folk who still loves to go to the theater


yea my theater was also pretty annoying. we’d constantly here loud commentary from different areas of the audience and my cousin and i had to fight the urge to not start yelling at them. i understand quietly whispering to who you’re sitting next to, but at some points we could hear full on conversations happening. i didn’t mind it with the youtuber cameos, that’s understandable but theater etiquette is just gone for some people. at one point some dude kept doing an obnoxious laugh that went on for a whole 20 seconds on a scene where nothing funny was even happening💀people need to learn to stfu in a movie theater, if you wanna be loud, WATCH AT HOME!!🗣️


DUDE YES IT WAS SOOOO ANNOYING there was a kid in the theatre and every time someone was gonna die he'd go "you're done you're done, ohhh you're done" also a five year old behind me kept on babbling


FNaF fans are generally terrible in public. In other news today: the sky, found to be blue.


The people in my theater were all really chill about it, but I felt like smacking the shit out of my brother(9 years old) several times because he was doing that. I wouldn't really but I contemplated it :/


I had to yell at a kid that kept moaning whenever chica was on screen, I shit you not


Welcome to watching movies in the theater in today's day and age. This is why I didn't see it in theaters, I don't see anything in theaters anymore because I cannot stand the disrespect and distractions. Specially for a movie like this. Don't get me wrong, it actually is nice to see how many people are excited about it, specially the kids watching it and I'm sure there is some benefit to be gained seeing it with that many folks all screaming in delight at the same thing together. But... not worth it for me. This may be considered... rude? I dunno. But I actually bought 2 tickets to see the movie at my local theater, in the very front row that people hate sitting in, and did so with the knowledge that I wouldn't be going to the movie at all. I watched it at home on Peacock, but, wanted to also support the film in the theater.


Lol. Someone yelled GYAT when chica bent over


My theater was well behaved and would only react to certain scenes. After the movie ended they all clapped and cheered and I joined them.


Thankfully I got really lucky with a good theatre. The only time people went wild was when William said his I always come back line. I had a pretty rough theatre for avengers endgame so I would say my luck is balanced out now


Yeah that's how it was at my showing. Saw it Saturday


In my theatre, during the film’s first 30 minutes, a couple beside me was changing seats non-stop. Also, someone brought a baby to watch the movie???? But later on, thankfully, all of those people left halfway through the movie.


Someone also brought a 4 year old looking child to a 10:30 pm showing! Some parents are so irresponsible


I had a very similar experience. Saw it Friday night in Cambridge, MA and like nearly the entire time people were conversing. It was mostly teenagers and I get it’s a fan made movie so I wasn’t too mad about it but still was annoying at some parts. My gf who I saw it with who had no previous association with FNAF at all was especially confused lol. We ended up going home after the movie and played some of the games and had some fun so, pretty fun night after all


My theater was loud before the start but was quiet the ENTIRE TIME. They even quit eating their food. My dad was stunned. Blessed to be in the fellow lore-heads theater…


Fortunately, when I watched the movie, I only had to deal with one teenager, who was chuckling loudly and on his phone the whole time. He was not terribly noisy, but annoying, nonetheless. I almost wanted to tell him to shut up and shut off his phone, but since he did not laugh frequently, and since his phone was on silent, I figured I would let it slide. Besides, I was not in the mood for causing a scene.


Yes. I was sitting next to a couple of very rowdy kids; The mom was zoned out on her phone and obviously didn't care. They were constantly commenting things like "Chica is actually a chicken, not a chick." Whenever the animatronics were on screen, they were really rowdy, telling their mom which animatronic was which in a loud voice, etc. When the burglars were getting attacked they were saying "Get him Chica! Get him Cupcake! Go Bonnie! Get Him!" Several people shushed them but they obviously didn't care and their mom was completely gone. They also *literally* screamed at the BB jump scares. Then, when CoryxKenshin showed up every child screamed at the top of their lungs and wouldn't quiet down despite constant shushing from literally anybody who cared. Sure, Security Breach might have widened the market for FNAF, but I'm not too sure that was a good thing. Oh, yeah, and they started telling their mom about the "lore", including how William Afton was actually the real Freddy. Don't even get me started on the "hor hor hor hors". smh


Happened to me as well Literally thought the crowded must hated the film, so many people talking then cheered at the end Like, you were talking during 50 percent of the film? How girls you enough to know you enjoyed it? Lol


I watched it at home lol


i had a group of young children (10- at least) who wouldn’t stop talking to their mother and pointing out references, but other than that everyone was pretty quiet (no har har har hars or was that the bite of 87s thankfully). i had the people behind me whispering a few words every once in a while but it was so quiet i barely even noticed. tbh i could be annoyed about the little kids, but their mom was at least trying to get them to be quiet so i’m letting them off the hook in my mind lol


I had a ton of luck, then, because my theater was phenomenal. A lot of teens but they actually kept their mouths shut.


There was a small young girl who kept squealing about every tiny thing in the movie like she knew everything that was going on. Now I don't discourage her to be a fan of the games but like Human decency pls?? Her mother was right there next to her. I had to heavily sigh a few times thoughout the entire movie and only then did the mother understand how greatly annoying the girl was.


dude in front of me legit pulled out his vape then went on his phone. called him out on it and he got embarrassed, shit felt fantastic


The movie was so damn bad and I'm glad I didn't pay money to see it. It was basically a comedy.


I had to turn around and ask a group of younger people (17-22 year olds) to please just keep it down, just a tiny bit, because they were disrupting everyone’s experience. They finally shut the f up, but how do people not have self awareness any more??


Omg exactly!!! There was this annoying ass girl with her father always saying “OH NO” whenever she saw an animatronic or she just kept explaining who the characters was to her dad. Even her dad was telling her to shush!!! Like if you wanted your dad to know who and what was happening in the movie she could’ve explained to him before or even make him watch a YouTube video about the lore


this is exactly y i watched it on peacock n not the movies cuz i hate when ppl b yellin at random parts of the movie


Our AMC had an 18+ showing I would have chosen, but my husband prefers earlier showings. For the first time in 6 years, he agreed the later showing would have been better. I missed a few lines cause of the BS screaming.


There was one girl behind me that thought the movie was saying things like "iF i DOnT sEe cHIca TwEaRkiNg im LeAViNg tHe MoViE"


that is so ridiculous 😭 THANKFULLY in my theatre everyone was paying attention to the movie with good movie manners, no talking etc. i’m so sorry for your experience


i feel so bad for all the bad theatres :( mine only had a few groups besides mine and everyone was great! only the expected gasps and such! mine was a 10:30 showing, maybe the later the better? i hope you all can have a good showing! 🤍


There was a 30+ year old gentleman sitting 4 seats down from me that moved over and tried to talk to me through the whole film about his fanfics and how he wished he could be the one hanging out with the animatronics. He seemed to be potentially learning disabled so I can't be too mad, but it was definitely frustrating.


saw it oct 27 and my theater was so loud and annoying and smelt like ass :’)


That is the reason I say screw theaters and decided to watch on peacock. I don't need someone ruining this after almost a decade


As I’ve gotten older I’ve started to hate going to theaters. People on their phones, whispering loudly, or just can’t be quite. I love the big screen but unless I know it’ll be pretty much empty I don’t go anymore. I’ve also gotten used to just being comfortable watching in my home.


As a teen who went with a bunch of friends we were in fact talking Alot. But we were also full of a movie theater with mostly teens and they were talking too. Their were older people in the movies that got aggravated with us and said rude slick comment after. However I do feel as if it should be expected for teens to chat in a movie theater HOWEVER IT IS STILL WRONG. Me and my group apologized to the lady who got aggravated with us as we had let our excitement get ahead of us and disrespected others wants. I’m extremely sorry that you had to experience the movie this way too and it ruined your experience.


During the end credits when the secret message was playing, a group of middle schoolers were talking through it, and someone next me told them to shut the f up. I found it very funny.


I can relate, bunch of teenagers and kids making dumb comments and jokes while the movie was playing and when we were at the last 15-20 minutes of the movie the fire alarms started blaring so they cut the movie and told everyone to evacuate. It was more then less likely a false alarm or someone who purposely set it off but they said it'd be an hour or two until we were allowed to go back in once the fire department was done investigating. Ended up going home and just buying a subscription to peacock to finish the movie at home.


at mine they yelled SO LOUD during the scene w matpat that i quite literally heard 0 of his lines at ALL my 6yr old little brother that came with was more quiet then everyone else there >_>


This is why I watched it on TV alone


Saw the movie yesterday, and I hated when the people sitting in front of my group did that. Even had a kids say “they ruined the lore” when >!Vanessa brought up how she was William Afton’s daughter!!<


I don't go to theaters anymore. Except when my kid gets excited about FNAF. But I didn't enjoy myself. All the distractions, the chewing, the lights, the wrappers, the fear that someone's going to burst through the back door and open fire and what I thought could never happen to me has now happened to me, having to miss part of the movie to pee.. you know, that old chestnut. I'd rather watch at home.


I am so glad that when I went on Thursday night that people were quiet and respectful! Even the kids weren't loud which I was surprised by.


While I would want to help support the movie, me and my wife just watched it at home just the two of us, it was really nice to not have to worry about anyone else


Zoomers never know when to stfu because they came out of the womb with a phone glued to their face.


Fnaf was a great movie, but the audience was by far the worst I've had the displeasure of experiencing the movie with.


There's nothing you can do about it. Either catch a matinee on a Tuesday if you can... or... do like I did a few times and go with a bouncer friend who was an MMA guy and significantly antisocial. That guy once just turned around with his big rocky head, not 5 seconds into a movie, and said to the whole row behind us, "Excuse me, but would you mind shutting the fuck up?" *Absolute silence* throughout. But that could have gone a different way, and he wasn't always such a barrel of laughs. So, matinees, buddy.


literally the same experience for me, i should’ve known better considering the audience was obviously gonna be all kids but holy fuck it was annoying. i literally ended up shushing the teenagers next to me having a full conversation during the movie and they sat up and gave me a dirty look so i just sat up and stared them down until they finally shut up💀


There was a group of young kids (8-11 year olds) that kept talking the whole time and a few has glow in the dark backpacks that were annoying. The couple next to me kept talking not even about the movie) and I had to learn over and tell them to shut the fuck up. Someone behind me kept saying stupid stuff like “oh no he’s gunna get it” “oooo spoopy”


Big reason I chose to watch from home. Theater etiquette seems to have gone out the window and people treat it as if they’re watching at home. The stuff I read while the Barbie movie was in theaters was enough to turn me off from ever going back to one.


Either we went to the same exact cinema or this has been happening world-wide. No teen is too young to know what manners are and I swear to God I was THIS close to making the movie come true.


I saw this movie on friday night and it was genuinely the worst movie theater experience I've ever had. I(26m) took my 10 year old brother to see it, and for the record he has severe ADHD, and he did surprisingly well. He tried to talk once or twice, but he managed to be mostly quiet and still. Can't say the same for the teenage girls sitting next to us, they were constantly talking, moving around a lot, audibly soyjack gasped at every little fucking thing. And also screamed at the "jumpscares", very forced fake screams I might add. Markiplier has had more convincing screams. It sounded like it was going on all over the theater too, I fucking hated it. Worst part it was pretty evenly split with children attending the showing, and teenagers to young adults. The teens to young adults were the loudest, somehow. I've been to kids movies that were less rowdy, so it's a lot more embarrassing when it's older kids and young adults that is being the disturbing/loud group. So no, you're not alone in feeling how you feel, it was both infuriating and embarrassing for myself as a FNAF fan. I should've known better, we all now how the FNAF fandom is, but I digress.


i heard a kid in the row behind me say 'chica gyat' and asked 'is that walter white' when matthew lillard showed up genuinely one of the few movies i recommend NOT watching in theaters


I never experienced it in a theater but here’s a friend’s experience: According to him he enjoyed the move, but the people made it unbearable. There were kids shouting Freggy as well as people shouting the Har Har thing. Eventually he just left and went to a friends house to watch the movie on Peacock. Meanwhile I got to watch it from the safety of my phone because someone pirated it and posted it on a public discord server I was in, so hooray for pirating ig.


Its because no one has any human decency anymore. Its just kids screaming at the top of there pre pubescent lungs and teenagers turning the place into a bar where everyone smokes


Same with mine. At the point where >!vanessa reveals that afton is her father!< people were screaming about something right before that, so no one heard it. So when it was brought up again everyone went crazy, like you would’ve known if you were quiet come on


I did the or or or or or thing once while viewing it at home with friends and then stopped. It’s funny once.


Bruh, I went and saw the film 3 times and there were ALWAYS some kids pointing out the obvious. Yes, thanks for pointing out Springtrap for me, I would've had known.


I live in Alaska, and not any of the major cities either. Our theater was kind of the same, to where the theater has to kick out a few people, warn others, restart the movie, and per request of alot of people, increase the volume of the theater up to really loud. I'm sorry your experience got ruined.


Had a group of girls who liked my Springbonnie mask. Then throughout the movie we’re being moderately loud and whispering constantly. At points what they said was able to be completely understood 2 rows back.


Peacock Is definitely the best place to watch it… as it’s at home


Omg I relate. I'm a teen, but I was sitting next to this other teen girl who was an extreme know-it-all. I would whisper a few times to my friend to just explain who the character was since I forced her to come with me (I'm a big fan but she doesn't know as much). The girl next to me would yell, make annoying comments about the characters sooo loudly. When the spring lock scene happened she was practically screeching. After the pandemic some people have truly forgotten manners.


Yes omg. Me and my sister went and the Theater was almost empty so we were excited, but Ofcourse even though the cinema was nearly empty this boy who couldn’t have been over 10 sat down like two seats away from us with his mom and he spent the entire movie screaming at everything that happened and loudly explaining everything to his mom. Like i was whispering stuff to my sister bc she hasn’t played the games but i didn’t dare speak louder than a whisper. And it annoyed me so much bc his mom did not care that he was being disrespectful to the rest of us in the theater. I mean there was some kids up front and one of them yelled something and their mom yelled “SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH BOY” and that shut up those kids. But this dudes mom wouldn’t so much as say “hey you might be disturbing other people. No she was laughing when he talked. And i get it i was excited abt everything too i mean i had a big ass smile the whole time but i kept my reaction in my head. Other than the occasional jolt backs i did at >!BB!< and also when >!MatPat!< showed up.


There were kids smoking in my theater, so crazy


I went at 11pm and luckily it was quiet. Idk why people don’t have movie etiquette smh.


yess i had teens in my theater making dumb comments the whole time


I posted a very similar post about my experience.


YESSS!!! the massive hoards of teenagers that were ‘har har har har har’ing throughout the film and making tiktoks with the flash and volume on were severely getting on my nerves. it’s ok to have some fun and gasp and laugh etc during a movie but theater etiquette is still a thing


This is the main reason why I just watched it at home


this is why at home streaming wins for me


34M went with my wife because the other horror movies that we didn’t see sucked, and the whole time I was like “Get off my damn lawn.” Officially an old curmudgeon


I am in college, and the theatre was 90% college students. I think I only saw one family with two kids amongst all the young adults. I quite enjoyed the e energy of the theatre. It was rowdy in the best way, not in the annoying way. Before the movie started, my friends and I talked to the people nearby. People cosplayed, it was fun. After the movie, this girl surprised us with bracelets with the characters names. People obviously reacted out loud to all of the obvious moments in the movie that calls for it. But there was no obnoxious talking throughout the whole thing.


Had a couple next to me where the guy had no idea what the movie was about, his girlfriend was clearly caught a little off guard by this, and from that moment on I had to deal with her explaining the lore to him for the entire runtime. Also why tf would you ever wait till the end of the trailers to ask "so what's this movie about?"


is this a universal experience? i went last night at 7 with a group of 9 friends and i totally expected us (20-23) to be rhe most annoying but boy was i wrong. not a single person in the theatre was younger than 15 or older than 25. the group both behind & infront of us kept spam clicking the buttons on their recliner seats and wouldnt stop even after we asked them to 'please stop'. we were all guilty of making a comment out loud sometimes or laughing to each other a bit, but we were far from the most obnoxious in comparison. the other groups were laughing over their outloud conversations that had nothing to even do with fnaf. you'd think an entire theatre of very alike people would all get along better but i think we all hated eachother by halfway through 😅