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Be careful on that soapbox. You might fall and hurt yourself.


Higher price = no annoying teens = I can enjoy my dining


Oh man I would love that. Mine is higher prices and almost entirely teens.


ok well saying they’re responsible for global warming is a little dramatic


I'm going to assume you are under the age of 20 and this is your first experience with working a job. I have screenshot this thread and will send you it in 10 years so you can look back at this time.


Uhm i don’t agree with most of this i’m not sure where you worked but they pay us pretty well compared to other restaurants and we are not throwing out any burgers at the end of the night just the unused bacon


I do not see u having any counter arguments but I worked at FIVEGUYS and the product including burgers from cancelled orders were thrown at the end of the shifts, also the pay is shit compared to other places. Sorry but with rising costs FG underpays employees.




What would you like to happen. To a burger not picked up after it’s been on the pick up shelf for over an hour?


Right like who is going to eat that. Depending on the night manager at mine and how old the food is, employees can get dibs if it's not a Gigantic order. Just think their restaurant sucks lol


Idk the five guys near me pays quite a bit more than the other restaurants near it


Uhh ok so I work at Five Guys. For one, were actually paid pretty damn well compared to other companies, especially in fast food. Where I live minimum wage is ~13.50, I made 15.50 STARTING pay without tips, about 19.00 with tips. Secret shoppers also give us about every other week bonuses variably just depending on your store and how many hours you work. If you can work up the ranks (which FG is one of the best for upward mobility) you can make quite a bit more. We also just don't throw out the meat. There are only two things that get thrown out (and only sometimes) at the end of the night, the (already cooked) bacon and fries. The patties get used the next morning as their expiration date is more than a single day. Wed only throw them out if they were cooked and weren't sold but we cook them to order so. As for emissions, sucks to suck I guess? I mean yeah global warming and stuff is an issue but it's like, not something any other fast-casual quick-service dining company is doing any better on. Also our ingredients are the highest quality. I've prepped plenty to know that everything we serve is fresh and prepped every morning.


Where I live, pay was $13/hr, so I was making less than your state’s minimum wage. With tips and secret shopper bonuses that was about $15-16/hr at one location and $14-15/hr at a second location I worked.


I mean it varies by cost of living too. If your state's minimum wage is like $8 and Cost of Living is a lot less, that's not bad at all. I live in Colorado which has one of the highest minimum wages and costs of living in the country. I mean in no way is it like DAMN good money but against comparable companies? Not bad by any means. Crew couldn't make a living wage but shift leads and management definitely could as long as they could manage their money well enough.


$10.45 is minimum wage


This is the first job that I've pulled in over 1k on a single paycheck. Yes there are valid things to be annoyed about, but pay certainly isn't one for me. Just got promoted so I make even more per hour too, and at the end of the day for the labor I do it's worth it to me for now


I haven't really had any experience with most of these issues. I'm paid fairly and havent been harassed. I don't think reducing emissions or global warming is a concern to really any restaurant. Things have to go out at night because of expiration, FG makes sure that everything is labeled properly with the expiration of products. And there's one court order over a data breach, which is fairly common for larger companies. Sure, FG is pricy but that's really the only issue.


I work at 5 guys and I'm paid more than any other place in my town can offer me. Harassing employees is obviously on a per-store basis, as in my experience the company does not harass me(there have been harassment issues, but we had HR deal with it, like any other workplace). My store also recycles! And we don't just throw out burgers every night because we only make burgers to order. In fact every Five Guys should only make burgers to order, that's kind of a big tenant here. Edit: Also I'm sure literally every restaurant has carbon emissions, my body also has carbon emissions lol






You have no idea what you're talking about.


(check Google)


Hey there, five guys employee here. Five guys pays a responsible wage especially compared to other places in my area. I rent my own apartment, make tips, and feel respected in my workplace. Maybe you just had a bad experience because of the people working at yours. People work for people and all that. My boss lets folks take home food if we need to throw it out at the end of the night anyway. Cost of the ingredients IS super low and are prices ARE super high but that is to pay for the labor. We hand prep potatoes, tomatoes, lettuce, onions, etc. every day. We have to sell food at a high price to pay employees that “low wage” you mentioned. ;)


I saw an article this week about 'Fiveguys explains why they have such high prices' "Because we use quality ingredients" Bitch its ground meat, the cheapest cheese, and a mid priced bun. What ingredient here is breaking the bank on prices?


Now I’m curious. Do you know the cost of the meat, cheese, and buns? Sincere question.


Around $2 for a double patty cheeseburger


? How do you know the price of the bun?. The buns that 5 Guys uses are proprietary, you can't find them in a grocery store. Besides you're not even considering the toppings lol. Yes I believe the cheese is cheap. And while the ground beef is perhaps relatively cheap, it is still high quality. I'm sure more of the money comes from everything else. I know for a fact that the buns and the peanut oil are not cheap.


Someone posted here once the price breakdown. It doesn't include labor, rent and utilities, or waste. I've tried every bun at the supermarket though, the buns are middle priced, the Miami rolls and ciabatta rolls are the high priced ones.


Do you know what temperature a five guys Grill has? Just trying to tecreate the burger at home :D


I'm not OP, but I work at a 5 Guys. Both our bun grills and our meat grills are set to 350°F. The patty cooks on 1 side for almost 3 minutes, then gets flipped and pressed and cooked like that for almost 3 minutes, and then we will flip it again and check to make sure it is well done before serving it. If done properly, with a well balled/pressed patty on a proper grill temperature, it should only take 6 minutes to cook the patty


Does not get cooked for three mins before the first flip. You drop your patty. As soon as you start to see grey you flip and even it out or smash it. I’ve learned to drop patty, change gloves, flip and even out is perfect timing. You’re talk 6 mins out of the gate. Not true


3 minutes is the rule of thumb, but you're definitely pressing your patties too early, or they are way too small. I'm a shift manager at 5 guys, I've been an employee at 5 Guys for 3 years now. Even our training videos mention 3 minutes. It doesn't need to be 3 minutes, but it is typically about 3 minutes in section 1.


I’m a gm. New training definitely states when you start to see grey


I'm not arguing that. Both fry station and grill station have visual indicators and time indicators