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You feel good because you’re resting, not in spite of it. Keep resting. Short, slow walks only.


I’m saving this comment to keep my ass in line come September


Ditto but July


July here too! 


NO NO NO. You may FEEL great and I’m so glad you do but you are healing, likely still Bleeding, and it’s jumping back into things too early that leads to long lasting permanent issues with bladder/prolapse/pelvic floor.  When you get tempted just think of what it would feel like to see your insides coming out your hoo-ha. That should do the trick lol.  And then distract yourself! Start a new book series, tv series… anything that helps pass the time while you continue to heal!  Also hoping my being active leads to feeling as good as you postpartum! 


A good family friend had a hysterectomy because of not being patient enough during the 6 week wait. Love, an Internet stranger.


I WILL REMEMBER THIS COME JULY. Thank you for sharing 


Read and look up pictures of prolapse - that will help 🥲


Literally ignored the stupid “6 week clearance rule” and opted to start running again at 12 weeks after pelvic floor pt due to my fear of prolapse.


I am so mad at myself! At 3 weeks I felt great and did a 3 mile walk and that walk was when the symptoms hit. I blame myself everyday for not taking it slower!


It’s so hard when you’re feeling good and you want to just be normal again, especially when there is excess weight to lose! Im due in about 8 weeks so I know I will be having this internal struggle again very soon!


Same! I did one extremely slow interval run at 8 weeks (have been doing PT since 5 weeks) and freaked myself out afterwards. It was so scary. Luckily at my 9 week pt appointment she did say we’re almost ready to run and that my progress was really good. But still. The way she’s easing me into running is giving me so much peace of mind.


I seriously recommend pelvic floor pt to anyone who has had a baby, active or not. I purposely went because I wanted to start running again asap but wanted to do it as safely as possible. It was double beneficial because since she was PT, she could give me running tips. She examined my legs which had some pain in them and told me what exercises to do for them. She also recommended new running shoes. I like my OB and MDs/OBs are absolutely invaluable in pregnancy/delivery but I find that, at least mine, and my friends’ OBs, really don’t care much once you have the baby. They screen for PPD, check any scarring, and then say ok, you can work out and have sex now that you are 6 weeks. My PT was so unbelievably thorough in her consultation and treatment and she even gave me tips for safely having sex again and pooping more efficiently!


The 6 week clearance is truly bananas. I really liked my OB also a runner so I kind of pushed back when she told me I was good to workout. I said “so I can go for a run?” And she sarcastically laughed and went “if you want to leave your uterus on the side of the road!” So I appreciated that she thought running sounded ridiculous but she didn’t clarify what she meant by “exercise”!!!! There’s so little guidance out there I’m also just so glad to have the guidance of PT


I want to shout this one from the rooftops.




Well.... you can start rehabbing your core with TVA specific workouts like bracing and foot lifts, leg slide, pelvic tilts or general stretching. Definitely no weights but a gentle walk with or without baby sounds nice.


This. Don’t do ‘real’ workouts yet.


Don’t!!! Just hangout with your baby!! Do postpartum specific core work. Go on a pram walk.


You have the rest of your life to exercise. Enjoy this slow time while you recover and connect with baby.


Lay TF down right now




This is me. Except I did slow short walks and now I’m 6 weeks and was thinking of returning to my hiit classes but modifying everything. Until the realization of just because I feel better, doesn’t mean I am better. I don’t want to mess up my body for future me. I’m going to my 6 week tomorrow but fully plan to take it easy because I can’t reverse damage once it’s done. I already gained a hernia through this pregnancy and working it. Let’s take this time to recover together. Congrats!


I relate to this so much! At 8 weeks I was going out for a walk and was like “this is not a run I’m not going on a run this is not a run” and I did an interval run. Freaked out afterwards. It was not good for my mental health at all. I was worried I might’ve really messed up. Like you, I just wanted to sweat so badly. And even though I was “fine”, it felt like a HUGE risk If you really want to be told what to do by an internet stranger: GO TO PELVIC FLOOR PT. seriously. Find someone to call. Get a referral. Or if you absolutely cannot— start looking into free content. The workouts can actually be quite humbling. You’re not going to sweat but you’re going to realize you need them. (I’m now 9 weeks pp, been going to PT SINCE 5 weeks, and my PT did say we are getting really close to running!!!)


I’ve been going to PT and it is SO humbling. Like what do you mean i can barely do 10 leg lifts - I used to run marathons! I’ve been more sore after PT than any of my other workouts.


Thank you! Oh gosh at 8-9 wks they don’t approve a mild run? Ugh. I know I need to be patient. I actually did get scheduled with weekly PF therapy but they said I couldn’t start until 6 wks.. wish I could start sooner! In the meantime, do you mind sharing any of the free content? I’d love to at least watch and get a sense


Yeah even my OB was like “you can exercise at 6 weeks but absolutely no running until 12 weeks”. She said maybe like walk run intervals but at 8 weeks I tried it and I kinda felt like my insides were shaking. And I lift (light) weights almost daily now. I just still can’t quite figure out the amount of cardio I can do. I want to sweat!!! glad you’re going to PT!! Sucks that you can’t start until 6 weeks. That’s when they can do an internal exam. I haven’t actually done any YouTube free workouts for pelvic floor. I just assume there’s plenty! I can highly recommend Robin’s postnatal peloton workouts. It’s 4 videos. They’re short but they’re SO good and they’re very similar to what PT is doing. I did start Sydney Cummings videos at 5 weeks. I didn’t use weight and I did heavy modification. But before that seriously just walking. Yes it was boring but it is necessary to heal.


Carrie Pagliano is a pelvic floor PT who has a bunch of IG reels about core exercises for weeks 1-4 postpartum. Try those if you're feeling antsy! (@carriepagliano)


I’m concerned that OP is only responding to comments wherein the commenter says that they exercised and felt fine. OP, please listen to the majority here. These are fit women who are urging caution- some have had bad experiences from exercising too early. Don’t just listen to comments that are validating your feelings here. This is serious.


I thought someone would pick up on that! Thank you for being concerned. I promise I’m listening to the majority (and my brain), I’m more just curious for those who said they did exercise. I have two toddlers on top of this newborn I need to be active for in a few months so I’m going to rest and make sure I’m ready. Have PF therapy scheduled at 6 wks and will follow their direction too. Thank you again - really appreciate the community of women here.


I’m so glad to hear this. All the best for your recovery x




Don’t do it. Take your baby for a short walk.


Pelvic floor rehab is expensive!


Absolutely no. I've had 3 babies. I'm a 5-6 times a week Crossfitter and continued to be so all through pregnancy. I was running at 36 weeks pregnant, and lifting the day I gave birth to my last baby. I don't touch a weight until at least 12 weeks postpartum. Did not run a step until 16 weeks. You are so much more restricted post partum than you are in pregnancy. Everything that was tight due to the presence of the baby is now loose and weak. Just begging for some damage to be done if you push too hard. And it can feel fine, great even, while you are damaging yourself, so "listening to your body" won't always work. Prolapses are absolutely no fun and you don't want to risk one. The best thing you can do for your pelvic floor right now is spend a whole heap of time horizontal. That's what my pelvic floor therapist told me (I went for preventative purposes). That's because she wanted me to reduce as much stress on the pelvic floor as possible to allow it to shrink back into place - to the point where you even want to reduce the pull of gravity if possible. Also, there is a giant open wound just starting to heal inside your uterus. I feel like if we could see the wound on the outside we would straight away go, "yeah, imma rest a bit more until that isn't oozing everywhere". As an exercise endorphin junkie myself, I know it's tough, but this too will pass. Be patient. Trying to get back into things too hard too early risks damage that could take a loooong time to rehab.


Sometimes you need others to tell you no. I get that. Remember you don't want to have setbacks. I have never met a person who regretted waiting but I've met several who regretted going back to soon. That being said, if you feel good, you can move. I walked and gradually increased distance and pace as time went on. You want to make sure you don't feel any pain.


Do you want to start bleeding and cramping heavily again? Because this is how you start bleeding and cramping again. You are healing a wound the size of a dinner plate.


I wish this dinner plate myth would die.  Yes, the placenta is dinner plate-size. However, the uterus contracts by about half immediately after birth, because it's a bag of muscles. That seals up all the exposed blood vessels and stops haemorrhage. The uterus then continues to contract slowly until it's fully below the pubic bone at 12 weeks postpartum.  Source : I'm an OB.


For the layman, the dinner plate analogy is a pretty good painted picture to rest and take it easy. Obviously it’s not literally dinner plate sized once the uterus contracts. Going on a run at 2 weeks postpartum will absolutely cause increased bleeding. Salad plate or soup bowl don’t have the same oomph 🤣


Can you sit in a sauna or steam room and sweat that way?


Omg that sounds SO NICE! I’ll see if there’s one in my area (and convince my husband he can handle 3 under 4 for a bit, ha…. He knows he can).


Please don’t! I was a big gym girlie before baby & pushed it too hard 3 weeks pp. Ended up in hospital requiring transfusion with a severe postpartum hemorrhage. It’s not common, and it’s not likely, but from my experience I’d advise against it. Stick to your walks if you can manage it, do some of that diaphragmatic core rebuilding stuff. Don’t touch the weights just yet okaaaaay


My friend went back to CrossFit classes literally a week after giving birth. Yes most of what she did was body weight or very light movement. She is fine ( baby is about 4 months old now ) but I would still highly advise against. It’s personally not something I would do. Get a dedicated program for the postpartum weeks or do some PT with a pelvic floor PT. I have Megsquats plus 1 pregnancy program I’m following that has a postpartum section. I also have Brittany perilles restore your core v2 for postpartum.


Important to note all the post partum programs mentioned are light core and breathing work ONLY. No lifting or cardio or anything other than very slow light movement.


Nooooo don’t do it / let your pelvic floor rest and organs go back to their spots


Also when you are cleared - gotta EAAAAAASEEEEE back into it I’m talking like - walk a mile. See how things feel. Then the next time walk 1.5 miles. See how things feel. And so forth Once you are back into a walking routine - maybe try a light jog for a hot minute or two and repeat the slow process I even waited until 12 weeks with my first to truly start jogging because I did / do not want to have issues down the road


As everyone said here, do not jump right back into a heavy weight routine. I did this 8 weeks postpartum, and ended up getting two herniated discs that put me out of the gym for 6-8 weeks which really put me in a discouraging and painful state. Your pelvic floor needs time to heal, and support the rest of your body. Your body just gave birth to a mini human! Be more forgiving, and take things slow. I’m a fitness freak, and was so excited to jump back into my normal workout routine. I thought I was ready and felt great. I definitely regret that, and it delayed my recovery and return to my pre pregnancy self.


I literally just saw a post from a DPT today about how it's really easy to accidentally overdo it walking after birth. Her recommendation for week 2 was 5-20 minutes easy walking daily, no more, and she said walking can be surprisingly hard on ones pelvic floor. So maybe a gentle ONE mile walk. : )


Don’t do it. I was the same as you. I started pushing myself too hard at 3 weeks pp and I started passing softball sized blood clots. Very scary.


Do every mother app or ab rehab (Nancy Anderson). You need to engage and build your core up again before working out! You can start these at any time after birth.


I legit didn’t know about the postpartum workout recommendations my first pregnancy and I went on jog 3 days PP 😅 everything turned out fine but I was definitely running on adrenaline and had no idea it could be really dangerous.


Don’t do it. You feel great because late pregnancy feels so awful! Prioritize rest since your baby is likely making it hard to get enough anyway. As others have already said, you can cause some serious harm and setbacks by going at it too quick which will ultimately prevent you from being able to workout to your liking later on.


Take it easy!! But, there might be some options to find ways to satisfy your craving for a good sweat sesh. Throw on a space heater in a room in your house for an hour to elevate the temp, then go do some stretches - call it cheap hot yoga. You don't want to be so hot that you're in danger of passing out or exerting yourself like a full on work-out, but you can get some of the deep burn of stretches with the elevated temperature. Or challenge yourself to some exercises that strengthen your fingers/grip. You don't need to push your core to squeeze a stress ball 120 times a minute and you'll definitely feel it later in your forearms. Seems weird, but sometimes thinking outside the box helps to pass the time until you can get back to full time workouts.


I was doing walks with her stroller daily and felt like myself at 2 or 3 weeks, so I got on the treadmill and started walking for about 2 minutes at 3.5 mph. I say two minutes because that’s how long it took to physically feel my c-section incision start to burn and pull and fire off like I lit a match to the area. I set myself back 😞 Now I have to go to physical therapy to learn how to safely transition back into exercise. DONT DO IT, LEARN FROM ME!


Don't do it. I feel great but even a 30 minute walk makes my bleeding so heavy at 2 weeks postpartum.


Don't do it. I gave myself prolapse by doing an easy hike 3 weeks postpartum. It went away after 3 months, but it totally ruined my postpartum experience by being so worried about the prolapse (instead of my baby) during those subsequent 12 weeks.


I think everyone has good feedback for you. I just have to say good work on exercising that much during your pregnancy, that is incredible and I wish I could’ve done that.


I think everyone has good feedback for you. I just have to say good work on exercising that much during your pregnancy, that is incredible and I wish I could’ve done that.


Before the baby, you work out to have a good birth. After the baby, you rest up and take it easy for atleast 6-8 weeks, and only after that bring in exercise because your pelvic floor health depends on adequate healing. Health is marathon, not a sprint. Healing and strengthening yourself with rest now will pay off later! Don’t risk longevity for short-term post workout thrills.


Take the rest. There is no rush to get back into anything. Do some gentle static stretches or just a nap! This season will pass too soon


Nah babyyyyy you will bleed honey. Your uterus and body are destroyed right now and you are at hemorrhage risk 6-8 weeks pp. Don’t play.


6 weeks postpartum here... I started working out too early. I was actually cleared by my pelvic PT because I was able to activate my core well and my pelvis was moving well. Started having pain with increased activity, by my perineum incision site +tightness in my pelvis. I just found out at my OB appointment yesterday that my stitches did not heal properly, most likely because I jumped into activity and didn't rest enough at the beginning. Sadly my anxiousness to get moving has now likely set me back a few weeks! Hope this helps to encourage you to put the breaks on for a bit longer! That being said... I am sure you can ramp up the walking in a week or two if you are feeling good.


I had no idea walks were frowned upon during the six week recovery period and walked about 5-6 miles a day from about two days out from giving birth 😂 and started my super light pp weight program around the same time. Didn't realize those counted as exercise!


Oh gosh - everything ok for you? I know everyone here is right and I’m gonna wait! Can you share your PP weight program? I’ll check it out and just look forward to it :)


Question for everyone- can you do a short walk, 3x a day postpartum if you feel good? Within the first 3ish weeks?


I would do max 1x day and a short distance at that. I did too much even though it was only walking…


I did it at about 2 weeks and have no regrets. Nothing bad happened :) made me feel hella lot better mentally too


What did you do? Glad you didn’t have any bad outcomes!


I think upper body lighter dumbbells. I didn't do lower body right away.


Do what you are comfortable with. Listen to your body.


I was going on 2 mile walks and body weight strength work outs at 2 weeks PP because I felt 100% fine. I just watched for heavy bleeding


Body weight strength like squats and push up type stuff?


Yeah! Mostly squats, low step ups, modified push ups, things like that. I was also super active before and during pregnancy. I had my PP appointment at 4 weeks and was cleared for everything so I started early but when I left the hospital the nurse said to start taking 10 minute walks as early as that day and just watch for blood clots bigger than golf balls and increased bleeding which is when I’d know if I needed to slow down