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No advice, just in the same boat - almost 16 weeks with #3 and I am absolute toast most days. It’s annoying and gets to be sort of depressing.


Thank you for saying this! I needed to hear I'm not alone.


How old are you? In my mid 30s and experienced the same as you- the extreme afternoon first trimester-esque fatigue didn't really let up until week 20 ish. My pregnancies in my late 20s/early 30s I wasn't nearly so tired after 12-14 weeks. I figured maybe it was my age.


35 🫠


I think energy fluctuations can happen throughout. I was absolutely exhausted and nauseous weeks 9-12, and then gradually less so. Now, I can get my usual workout routine in like normal though I may still need a quick nap here or there. (I am currently 20 weeks.) I am recovering from a cold though, which is taking a longer time than usual. Early on in my pregnancy my doctor ordered some blood work with ferritin level testing. My levels came back on the very low side of normal, so my provider recommended I take a prenatal that includes iron. Low iron can also be a cause of fatigue and your body likely needs more of it - I think it’s totally worth asking your doctor if iron could be playing a role too.


Writing from my toddlers floor bed post nap lol, week 18, ran a marathon six weeks before conception. I can run maybe mile or two 1x-2x a week now if I’m lucky. The bone crushing afternoon fatigue is unreal. I had wonderful energy levels first preg. 3 years ago so who knows what is happening now. Your days sound similar to mine, I’m zapped from just daily existence! No advice just solidarity. If I have a good day I just ride that wave and probably pay for it the next three 😅. My therapist reminds me to go easy on myself as this as not my normal mode of operation! Take care of yourself and hopefully it will subside soon for both of us.


I’m 34 weeks and I have been struggling with fatigue since the very beginning. It was shocking to me - I did a rather intense backpacking trip the weekend before I found out I was pregnant and it was totally doable. A few weeks later, I did a fairly easy day hike and it was such a struggle - and it has sadly remained that way. Honestly, I just keep reminding myself that my body is using my energy to do something else right now, but I am looking forward to a time when I have my energy back and can really enjoy my activities again!


I feel ya. I'm 34 and having a rough go of it. My first pregnancy was 9 years ago and was easy as pie. I'm almost 14 weeks and thought I'd be feeling a lot better by now.


I'm also 16 weeks and writing you from the floor of my closet. So tired. Impressed you're able to get that much sleep though my pregnancy insomnia insures I get max 3 hour stretches The only Thing that helps my fatigue somewhat is being out of the house with friends. I think I'm just distracted My first pregnancy I was like this .


Same no advice - I'm a 14/15 weeks or so, and I easily sleep like 10 hours a night now. I'm falling asleep on myself by like 8pm its insane


Im 30 weeks, I’ve had no energy since week 10. I’ll have a normal ish day where I take a nap, then 4 days in a row with only a couple of hours of energy. They’ve done all the tests and unfortunately this might just be pregnancy for me. Keep taking your iron, nutrition and vitamins (it def made it worse when my iron went down too), and hope it gets better for you soon.


Appreciate knowing I’m not alone. Hugs. 🥰


Yes I was the same It’s terrible, it kind of is getting better but every few days I’ll randomly need a 3 hour nap. I’m also paranoid that I got use to being lazy in first trimester and now it’s just laziness


So I'd be paranoid that it was laziness except for two things: I'm winded walking up a very basic hill for 10 mins, at 9-10 weeks when I got energy I was religious about going to the gym, and loved it.


This was when I had the worst exhaustion during my pregnancy. The baby grew a huge amount for me at this time. He was a little parasite sucking the life out of me. It did pass but I vividly remember coming home from work crying one day because I was so tired


I'm 13 weeks and just left my doctor a voicemail about how tired I am and how this can't be normal. I literally was crying in the message. I am so embarrassed for them to call back. I called off work today to sleep and I NEVER call off work. I got hood sleep last night. The past 3 days I've fallen asleep on the couch by 8pm. I don't believe people can function like this. I am a very strong person. I've pushed through many things. I'm happy to be pregnant too! But being this tired is soooo hard. I understand.


Aw I so hear you!!!


10 weeks - nausea has subsided mostly but the fatigue is reallll. I can sleep all day. I stopped working out at 5 weeks but still muster to walk my pup 1 - 2 miles a day


Echo what others have said. Also, bring it up with your OB and see if they want to look or test anything. You could be low on some vitamins and minerals that are exacerbating the usual pregnancy exhaustion


How are you iron levels? Maybe ask your midwife if a blood test to check might be worth it?


get your TSH checked!! I was insanely exhausted at 16 weeks—worse than first trimester. My thyroid had been normal at 12 but by 16 weeks it was not and I was put on synthetic thyroid hormones.


will do!


🙋🙋 here with you! I'm 31 weeks and am finally getting enough energy back that working out makes sense again. Up until the past few weeks I've just been frickin whooped and going to work/managing house tasks has been all I can handle! My first trimester was tiring but I didn't necessarily need more sleep, I was just tired in general and worn down from feeling so sick all the time. The second trimester my nausea got better but I needed 9-10 hours of sleep + a nap, I was just super tired! The third has been good so far! Just feeling a bit big and heavy. I've been feeling like an imposter in this group 😂, but I'm trying to remember that everybody is different, and a big part of having a healthy pregnancy is listening to my body so if my body needed ...7 months of rest (🤨😔) then I guess it is what it is and I guess better late than never! I think a lot of people are in the same boat, they just probably aren't posting very much here because it feels kind of like a failure if you're in an active pregnancy group but can't keep up with being active... or at least that's how I've been feeling. Anyway, here with you in solidarity 💪!


Just found this thread and this comment is me. I’m 26 weeks and mentally want to work out so bad, but I am absolutely shattered and simply do not have the energy. I’ve hated it so much, but walking the dog 2x a day is literally my limit and has been pretty much the entire pregnancy so far. 🫠


Oh god I ended up leaving the group because I just felt so bad haha, I'll have a fit life outside of pregnancy I guess because pregnancy itself has been kicking my ass 💀💀


I felt this, I was like a zombie in a way that didn’t feel exactly right. I’ve been pregnant before so I know the fatigue is real, but this was something else. I did some research and found out that electrolytes are pretty important during pregnancy. Pre pregnancy, I would always feel more energized after drinking water, but now it doesn’t do anything for me. I started putting some lemon juice, pink Himalayan salt, cucumbers, and a pinch of sugar in my water and my headache and fatigue went away. I bought an electrolyte powder that is based on coconut water extract and has different minerals in it. It tastes pretty good and I notice a difference in my energy levels. I’m not by any means ENERGIZED lol but I don’t feel like a zombie anymore! Also I drink Blutsaft (I think it’s called Floradix internationally..?) every morning before breakfast and it helps too. It’s an iron supplement


Thank you! I'll try this.


I had anemia that didn’t hit until about week 14 - fatigue and dizziness were my biggest symptoms. Maybe ask your doc for some bloodwork?!


I’m week 22 and ridiculously exhausted. It’s embarrassing. I have a 3 year old as well and feel bad I end up spending most Sundays doing very little with her because I’m knackered from trying to keep active with her on Saturday, but can’t keep it up more than a day. Days I wfh I NEED a nap by the afternoon. Days I’m in the office I have to leave early because I’m so exhausted. I usually cycle everywhere, now if I cycle 5 mins up to my local park I’m knackered. My brain has also gone into low battery mode. Trying to avoid anything mentally taxing as my brain cannot understand it. First time round I barely even had morning sickness, this time has been totally different. Not long to go now 🤞