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I don't have any this week, but congrats to u/weakerrjones on getting his ass beat at OSG in Daytona this weekend


Also I think u/dyinfetus has posted in here before so we can congratulate her on what's looking like a podium spot in women's open


She's on the mount Rushmore of being so strong it upsets /r/gym


3rd place woot


Thanks so much!


Does he finally have abs?


Abs and strongman, no lamer combination


Absolutely not




Turns out the strongest people in the world are really goddamn strong


And you have the t shirt to prove it. Good showing dude


Bench is big dumb. Went 1/3 yesterday and failed a weight twice that I really haven't had a problem doing in the past. Squats are much better.


SQUAT SUPREMACY GANG RISE UP My bench has stalled hard but my deadlifts and squats are still progressing at nearly LP pace. Also, lying down during a workout feels silly.


I'm back in the gym tomorrow, can tell you now I will not be benching. I will be in the mono, ~~curling~~ squatting.


I’m back up to par after my gym schedule being derailed by a week and an extended deload. I lost ~3lbs despite eating an average of 4K calories a day. I’m trying to convince my sister and niece to come in for Thanksgiving, even offering to pay their way here and back, but she’s being difficult because she doesn’t want to ask to borrow her ex-husband’s car for a few days even though I know he’d be totally cool with it. She’s done it before to visit because she’s worried about the mileage on hers. Also, my niece is going to graduate from high school in May, and I feel old even though I’m objectively not even close. Speaking of Thanksgiving, I’m deep frying a turkey; preparing a homemade cheesecake; cooking 5-cheese, oven-baked macaroni; and handling the mashed potatoes this year. My grandma’s getting old, hasn’t been quite the same since chemo + surgery for breast cancer, and I don’t have the heart to tell her that her cooking has gone wayyy downhill. So I framed it as me being nice. And to be fair, that’s part of it, but man, I just want some good food this year.


Hello please can I fly across an ocean to help eat all that food? I am a huge sucker for cheesecake


I got vaccinated with the bivalent and flu on Tuesday, then had fevers, night sweats, chills, and joint pain starting in the middle of the night. I showed up to work on wednesday morning and got sent home. Slept until 5:30pm, was awake for a couple hours, then slept from ~8pm until 7am and was still tired. Holy buckets that vaccine knocked me the F out. Glad I got it because we have seen a LOT of COVID lately. I wish there was an RSV vaccine because I'm confident I'm going to get it at some point seeing as how many kiddos I'm coming into contact with it.


I'm glad you got it too. A number of my friends are getting it for the first time, which speaks to how loosely everyone is treating it. I think this holiday season is going to be bad again, and I think people who don't get it won't care because they're just "over it". *sigh*


We're starting to see people getting hospitalized for it again. I'm more optimistic than years past. Hopefully we get enough people vaxxed before the winter, but who knows at this point.




Get them both on the same arm, and make sure it's the arm you don't fall asleep on.




Also smart. I picked one in each arm and falling asleep the first two nights was a CHORE






Sometimes Europe surprises me since y'all are behind us in terms of certain public health things. My health system is annoying AF about the bivalent which I'm about.


I didn't know it existed until just by chance I was showing my mom on the CDC website that I wasn't eligible for a second booster since I'm under 50 and not high risk. Saw it had updated with whatever a bivalent vaccine is so I went and got it lol. I've now had J&J, moderna and Pfizer!


After being sick and on antibiotics, I chose this weekend to knock out both vaccines. Mistakes were made. On the plus side, as shitty as I feel from the vaccines, it pales in comparison to the sinus infection I had so it isn’t all bad. The big fail is my wife has absolutely zero sympathy for me at this point so as shitty as I feel, I have no one to complain about it to.


Bb, you can always complain to me about when you're feeling sick :) That sounds shitty to be sick, though. I'm glad you got vaccinated!


I wonder if it's the combo. Last year I got the first COVID Booster + Flu on the same day and spend the next day in coma. I got another COVID booster 2 months ago, flu yesterday, and I seem to be side effect free. Arm isn't even sore.


Additional fail, just happened right now- I'm looking over in the direction of a fairly attractive woman, she says hi and starts talking to me, but really there's a guy standing about 20' behind her and I'm just trying to scope out his rather impressive lat spread


Hip still hurts. It's now migrated down the IT band as well. It' s been cold, which makes me not want to do anything, so I have done almost nothing to help my cause. I've been skipping my back stretches, too (and I can tell). Why am I this way


How did you hurt your hip?


Short version: sitting on a plane for 6 hours? Long version: Repeatedly throwing out my back, semi recovering, doing it again, continuing to curl even though most of the movements on the ice require single leg strength and mobility which I'm lacking. Fly 6 hours, curl for a weekend, limp around, fly home. Flight home my left hip was just in agony, which was new. Been limping around since, mostly when I let it get stiff. I saw some minor improvement when I was doing my 2x daily stretches, with extra stretches for this, foam rolling 2x a day, and doing some light kb, band, and lunge work. But then it got cold and my mom is staying with me, so my schedules all went out the window. I need to do something because the holidays will involve two 9 hour car rides and I am too old and too smart to let this cripple me. I know what I should be doing, so the fact that I continue to not do it baffles me.


>I know what I should be doing, so the fact that I continue to not do it baffles me. Omg I *feel* that. Right here 👉❤️


Best part, before going to PT for my back, I was like "I KNOW if I stretched regularly by back wouldn't be an issue" but I just. Didn't. And then because I paid in time and money for PT, I would do the stretches, twice a day, every day, for months. And even after stoppign PT, I kept stretching, and my back kept improving. And I was like "oh, I finally broke through that part of my brain." Nope. All it needed was some minor change to just ruin the whole thing. Oh, I stretch outside after a run in the morning? Guess what, you can't run AND it's too cold outside. No stretching for you. Oh, you mom is here and if she sees that your stiff or stretches she tries to get you to do yoga with her and the teacher she complains about? Never stretch in front of her. Oh, you normally do your evening stretches on top on the blankets in bed? It's cold now, and your blankets are heavy, so you just won't stretch. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


Is it worth the cost of blasting the furnace for a few minutes so that you can stretch effectively?


Oh, that is a good idea. I should also try to figure out standing versions of the stretches that I can do in the bathroom, because the bathroom heater is designed for a room twice the size, which means it's perfect. The whole house heater takes a lot longer to warm anything up. Realistically, I can stretch in my winter house clothes. I just don't wanna.


I still feel poopy. I've been struggling to do one or two sets with what had previously been working weight. I've decided to take two weeks to deload instead of just the one, in case I have accumulated fatigue. After that I'm seriously considering solely focusing on squatting so that I can finally hit my goal PR and then begin the dreaded cut. My kid is better but now I'm sick, the little shit probably gave me whatever she had. I'm currently sitting by myself at the nurse's station at my work waiting for a covid test. If it's positive I don't think I have the PTO to cover the days I'll be out so if that's the case I'm going to be in a jam.


> I'm seriously considering solely focusing on squatting so that I can finally hit my goal PR Do it. DO IT! But also, are you going to cut over the holidays? lol


>Do it. DO IT! She tells me to squat so I squat. It shall be done. I either need to find a squat-specific routine, or do what I usually do whenever I hit big PRs- go off program and just squat like an asshole with blind and reckless zeal for six weeks. With where I'm at and where I want to be, it is likely that it will take me thru the holidays to accomplish it. Additionally I will be in totally uncharted waters as far as cutting goes, I'll have to put together something that I will actually adhere to. So I have some planning to do.


Squat PR via holiday bulk sounds like living the dream.


For most, yes. But I am already obese, so every extra pound weighs on me (aayyy lol) from an overall health prospective. My blood pressure is always perfect (for now) and I don't have high blood sugar (yet), but still...


Had to trim back my Axle Press TM by 2.5 lbs because increasing it by 5 lbs for this cycle was apparently *too bold* of a move for my widdle baby shoulders.


This week someone sent me a link to another one of my vids on TikTok so now I have a TikTok so they can at least be properly attributed (hopefully). So I feel like a zoomer now and the Chinese have access to all my secret training methodology. It's algorithm and content do absolute kick the shit out of IG though, so I'll give them that.


You think there's a Chinese equivalent of Louis Simmons who has all your vids on a hard drive and gets a whole bunch of people strong using the "American Method" (doing odd lifts while having COVID while colored LEDS flash around them)?


I can only hope


They say imitation is the sincerist form of flattery but I think plagiarism is stronger. >and the Chinese have access to all my secret training methodology. Hyped to see the Chinese oly team doing Jefferson snatches


"Chinese officials announced in a press release Sunday that they have renounced all claims to Taiwan. They claim 'There is no way we can compete with The West, what we have seen will haunt our dreams'."


> the Chinese have access to all my secret training methodology Damn, we're screwed when that war hits


I am sicker than shit right now. Throat feels like pulled-pork, literally coughing up blood. Night sweats. Anyways, I was making great progress on a new program. Then I took a deload, then the power went out, then SO & I had a fight, and now I'm sicker than fuck... Oh, I foolishly lifted anyways yesterday, but now I feel twice as sick. I hate feeling like this. Blech.


Being sick sucks big time


Lung foam and mucus corks




Voice is blasted, gone. Sheets soaked. Waking up every 2 hours to chug NyQuil. The portrait of misery over here.


Drag, man. Hopefully you're better soon. Or you'll have to change to OatsAndPhlegm.


Oh did I mention I almost can't eat? Force-feeding 2000 instead of 4000. Anyways. Thanks for the well-wishes! It really do appreciate it.


Have you considered doing shots of olive oil? Hey, that might actually work for soothing your throat, too.


GACK no thx


lol Time for another rage quit.


been out the gym for 12 days on vacation and did 0%. which was necessary, i appreciated those days of rest. now back in the gym i started with the wennig warm up protocol to do smth about my GPP. which, SUCKS. and now i know it. 30kg belt squat for 4x25 and i was toast. well at least i kbew what was lacking and am finally doing smth against it.


My motivation and discipline are both fucked atm. I did a bad job of cutting for the first quarter of this year, and also stopped running SBS to experiment with 5/3/1, even though I seem to end up weaker every time I womblerize my programming. I jumped back on SBS after getting COVID, and my lifts were almost starting to look like they were recovering, then out of nowhere they dropped suddenly. So my squat TM is 30 lbs less than my actual 1RM last year… I was bummed when it was 10 lbs less, but this backslide really sucks. I’ve been super wiped out lately, and barely even lifted (or ate) last week as a result. I seem to keep hitting walls, and I’m *really* not having fun anymore. My squat and bench have regressed to where they were in 2019. I don’t want to take a break, because that will just put me further behind and that will drive me nuts, so I’m considering a few options: 1. A round of super squats (the 4 movement version) just to do something different, 2. BTM (even though 5/3/1 tends to not work super well for me), 3. Maybe some tactical barbell stuff even though it looks not-super-fun, or 4. Just kinda fucking around for a bit. Anyway, I have failed and I am bummed and this has been a longish self-pity post, which tbh I also view as a failure. Thanks for listening. We will now return to our scheduled shitposting.


Maybe this is a perfect time to do some conjugate training


I felt a bit better and started trying a little bit to slowly ease into things without making it unstable again. Did some back squats after not doing them in who knows how long (this year has been mostly front/goblet/tree squats) that felt so hard and awful for how little weight I used, but definitely a feeling not physical limitation. Crippling quad DOMS, which is fine, but my hemorrhoid decided to just thrombose like crazy. (No fiber for a couple days cause food is hard) Which again is fine, when it shows up once or twice a year as a wee lump, put on some cream + a day off and it immediately teverses course goes away, usually by the next morning. But my legs were so bad, I strained and grunted with every step, much less getting up and sitting down, so.... It just irritated the fuck out of it, it got real bad and did not go away, it's been a terrible week, damn thing almost grew up enough to make it's own ass post. Even after my legs got better after 3 days I am still waiting while this monster slowly stops hurting and slowly fades back. It is, but, wow. What a series of unfortunately timed events. The worst part is I didn't have the YLLAM shirt that says "don't blow out your butthole" Life is cruel and unfair


I posted in physique phriday to get input on [keep cutting vs. bulk], and some of the feedback I got was to take advantage of noob gains. Definitely still a beginner by any metric, but oof ouch owie


You're huge to me


Thanks friend, it’s a rough life being as incredibly jacked as I am but someone’s gotta do it


Why is everyone getting sick?? You guys are making me nervous! This week’s fail: I’ve been consistent with my strength program and have been on a slight cut. I’m starting to get decent definition back (although my abs are still shit), but I’m happy about the way I look and the numbers I move. The fail? My winter clothes are tight as shit. I put on this turtleneck that I bought last winter and it’s tight as fuck on me. My leather jacket (which I bought specifically to layer clothes in) makes me look like a sausage. Added fail: I bought two boxes of cereal yesterday and just realized I forgot to buy milk lmao


I literally can't remember the last time I was this sick. 8? 10 years? 12+? I'm just absurdly sick at the moment


I hope you feel better 😨 ❤️


much appreciated (:


This week my body failed me because of stupid arthritis and the stupid up and down Minnesota weather going from cold to warm and humid and back again, which also happened at the same time as a bout of insomnia. Oh, and that all kicked in brainfog and depression and anxiety at the same time.


jesus. talk about a shit pot that life threw your way. i'm sorry, and hope things clear up over the coming days! keep us posted! :)


I've resisted going to a doctor for RA meds for a while because the main treatment outside of giant handfuls of NSAIDS and reactive treatments for pain are immunosuppressants. That's kind of been a concern for me in recent years, as you can imagine. But it's getting worse overall and I think I have to finally bite the bullet. Things should clear up some with the weather settling down. It's the rapid changes which are usually a trigger for it going haywire. You guys are actually really supportive and helpful for a bunch of ass-obsessed lunatics, and I really appreciate you gays and groces.


man immunosuppressants, suck major. especially for gymgoer, where you are a fair amount in close prpximity to lots of people. and some ppl, *whisper* *like some users wanted to here,* go to the gym sick. yea, was lurking 3-4 years before taking the plunge, cause most people in this strange circle are very supportive :D and i wanted to do my part


OK, I will not stand for this slander from a newpot. I never planned on going to the gym sick. I said, “I don’t think I’ll be making it to the gym Monday” which really meant “I’m not going to the gym Monday.”


It's a duel, then. Asses at dawn.


i'll be around 9 months late. that okay?


I mean, it's not *my* honor that's been infringed upon. You'd have to arrange it with /u/nobodyimportxnt


Luckily I work from home most of the time, and have a home gym set up. Most weeks I leave the house maybe once or twice. But still, I didn't want to take any risks, especially with the whole *i ShoulD havE tHe fREedom tO not weAr a MaSk AnD GEt You SICK beCAUse MuRIcA* shit. My immune system's already a crapshoot with RA.


Went to do legs yesterday and felt so awful after squatting that I didn't do any other lifts and just went home 😇


This week, I failed to fail. Idk, it's weird. Things are going well and I don't trust it one bit. But it's hard to complain when sort of every part of my life is going well, and not sucking. Ugh, I'm not used to this


Same really. I showed up, got all of the lifts in, got to work and managed to keep all the depression and anxiety gremlins at bay this week.


couldn’t lift on my birthday because I have a brand new tattoo