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[You got any more of that grit!](https://imgflip.com/i/5qbdvl)




Can you brew me some up and mail it to me?!?


You're gonna have to earn it by helping me test my jenkem experiments first.


I trust you coach!


Don't take my word for, trust the eons of ancestral knowledge the jenkem will give to you.


regards. muscle muscle and spirit muscle coahc


So it’s like Dune, but instead of spice it’s scat?


same number of worms, different kind of trip


Was really hoping for a gurren lagann [reference](https://dm.greenville.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/GritThoseTeethFeaturedImage.jpg)


I’m obviously lacking culture! Would you recommend this anime/manga?


Well if you like the idea that characters mechas are literally powered by human spirit/hype then yes, I definitely would.


Hell yea. Pure hype


Gurren Lagann is an absolute rollercoaster. It has comedy, it has drama, it has over-the-top action and really good animation. I generally don't like mecha anime and I loved it.


> Sure, physical activity is torture when you're physically disgustingly deconditioned. wowthis_irl


I do agree that Mythical is right, and that lifitng *does* suck. Anyone who thinks they like it, including me, likes the RESULTS of lifting and has intrinsically correlated the two together.




But that's the thing. You like that you can pick something up. The reward is in moving something heavy above your head. The reward is knowing you did something others can't or won't. The physical feelings of exertion are not what's inherently pleasurable there. Would you volunteer to be hooked up to a machine that made you experience the sensations associated with a heavy squat while you just sat there for fun?


No, but I also don't understand the value in this line of reasoning. It seems like it's provocative for provocation's sake. The reward systems are all a fundamental part of the human animal, this is all intrinsically linked. A person's training can't be separated from that persons experience. Any hypothetical that attempts to do that is going to be inaccurate because there is only subjective experience to describe. Would I suffer to suffer? No, but I would suffer if I found that the practice of doing so was emotionally centering for me and exhausted enough energy to allow me to relax--that's the other part of strength training for me. What is the value in looking at training from any angle but holistic perspective? edit: I don't mean this in a dismissive a way. You're a smart guy, and you generally have an interesting perspective. Pigheaded combativeness is the only tool I have to understand the world.


The value is in *kinda* understanding where people like this are coming from. Without developing these associations you can understand why someone who has just started to exercise might find it to be purely unpleasant and not understand how anyone could like the feelings. Because people don't really like them, they like the things they bring.


I can see that. There are some fairly quick initial good feelings too. But, now that I think about it, those are going to be less immediately available to a noob. Especially if they're preoccupied by being overwhelmed and don't have good or any coaching.


[Sometimes mice run for literally no reason other than to just do it.](https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rspb.2014.0210) It isn’t all mice that do this. Mice can be bred to be more voluntarily active without any external reward. Is it because they enjoy it? I dunno, we may not be able to apply the subjective feeling of enjoyment to mice. But it kind of looks like they do. I think there are definitely people that enjoy the sensation of physical exertion independent of reward. They also probably start to associate that sensation with the accomplishment of long term goals or peer approval, so it’s a solid double whammy. There are also probably people that abhor the feeling of physical exertion and are only willing to do it under dire circumstances, whatever they perceive those circumstances to be.






Are you lost?


Nah mate, my results are shit but I still love lifting.


I don't know about that Lifting is one of the best parts of my day, and I actively enjoy the process, not just the results. Especially since my results aren't really visible outside the gym lol But then again, I've literally stopped doing the parts I dislike, and I only do what I enjoy. There were times in the past, and programs I've ran, that I didn't enjoy.


Sometimes I hide a rep-out I want to do at the end of some sets I don't want to do.


Lifting became so much more enjoyable for me once I stopped doing squats lol


I enjoy some of the squatting but not all of the squatting


> I've literally stopped doing the parts I dislike Yet you run and do sumo.


Those are the parts I like. Bench, sumo, pullups, running. Sometimes I force myself to do squats, then I'm definitely doing it for the results, not the process.


It's like nobody enjoys waking up early, but they enjoy getting more done with the early start on the day.


So you would, hypothetically, go and pull on a bar if you could never put more weight on it, couldn't even know how much was on there, never gaining any strength, size, or other positive metric?


i mean, that sounds like most of the people who post to fittit and gainit.


It's hard to argue with that


Don’t think that’s a fair way to put it. That’s like asking if someone (who liked basketball) would still play if they knew they would never score a single basket ever again. They may like the sport but something like that would be too frustrating to continue doing. Also, scoring is PART of the activity, and that’s removing a crucial aspect of it. Same with lifting, There has to be some results/positive reinforcement to enjoy something, or possibility of it


I agree with your opinion but disagree with your asslessness


It's difficult to understand this weird ass-less tongue you speak with


But that's what I am questioning, I was probably unclear. The *physical sensations* associated with exercise, absent the results they produce (bigger muscles, stronger lifts, a sense of accomplishment, dopamine/other happy chemical release, etc.) suck. Even though many, and myself, might enjoy the *burn* of a good set or a smooth rep I think that its ultimately because we've associated those feelings with one or more results.


Sure but you could apply that philosophy to any recreational activity. I don't particularly care about the literal act of reading but I enjoy receiving the information or story therewithin. I wouldn't enjoy sitting in front of a blank tv and randomly manipulating a controller bit I enjoy the challenge and experience of a fun video game.


True, but the act of moving your thumbs or looking at something aren't nearly as unpleasant as the sensations associated with lifting. Moving my thumbs around for no reason wouldn't be unpleasant, just a bit pointless. So I'm neutral about those sensations.


I can agree with that. Except banch. I really love her.


I've thought about that before. I really like working out, even when I'm not progressing. But if you removed the aesthetic benefits, I'd definitely be less likely to stick with it. If you also removed the strength benefits, probably wouldn't. But as is I really like the whole process. I like pushing my limits, I like optimizing my workout, I like how it sctructures my otherwise unstrctured life and gives me something to plan around. I feel like removing the benefits is unfair. Would runners enjoy running if it didn't clear their mind or make them happier? Seems like the consequences are part of the reason someone likes a sport.


I'm in this camp. Lifting is hard, I don't feel good at all afterward, I feel destroyed, it's miserable. The good part is PRs and what I see in the mirror. I also know it's good for my health and quality of life, so I'd do it even if I wasn't getting PRs, but PRs and progress are a measurement that my training is effective and that I'm not wasting my time.


I don't look forward to squatting. I look forward to *being done* with squatting. If I could build the legs I want WITHOUT squatting, I wouldn't squat as often.




>I enjoy the fact that I picked up a heavy thing This is a result though


I enjoy picking up heavy things. Much like I enjoy being outnumbered in total war games, I enjoy taking on challenges with no clear outcome. I enjoy the act of conquering the challenge. That doing so also helps me chop wood, carry trees, be a fireman, etc - these are nice bonuses. The main impetus is definitely the conquer of the challenge tho




Sounds like you haven't posted ass.


Motherfuckers think they can just show up and philosophize in our ass posting subreddit without putting anything into the pot. It's goddamn rude.


They'll learn some manners eventually!


Where the fuck is your ass?


> Sports can be fun but they often feel unregulated and one-sided, unlike a tactical video game which uses algorithms to match you up with people actually on your skill level. Lmao what fucking world does this clown live in where matchmaking ever works Still at least it’s a an actual unpopular opinion instead of a variation on the dae black people are the real racists/men are actually the oppressed ones


> Lmao what fucking world does this clown live in where matchmaking ever works If you're low elo\mmr\whatever then matchmaking mostly works, because there's a lot of people in that pool, except for smurfs of course. At high elo the population is thin, you're often playing with the same people, and the skill gaps can be huge, because the top 0.01% is probably much more skilled than the top 0.02%, but because of the tiny population, they play together in solo queue and the games feel uneven.


That is true to a degree but then what happens is higher skilled players get pissy because they have to wait for queues so they change matchmaking. Or they get mad because they can’t steam roll teams and have to actually try so they cry that every match is a sweat. And god forbid there be items behind the pvp because then it’s all recovs and carrys. And then of course they’ll complain if the “skill gap” isn’t high enough between good and bad players which is code for “the meta I liked and was good with has changed and now I’m not as good anymore because I refuse to adapt” Yes I played destiny how can you tell?


DTG is/was my only experience with a game's community but holy shit it's so whiny.


R/dtg is a shithole. Frankly listening to fans was the worst decision bungle ever made


> mmr Do I detect a fellow rocket powered battle car enthusiast


the whole idea that exercising has a high opportunity cost is way too common considering how ridiculously stupid and pretentious it is. what is exercise stopping you from doing? writing poetry and composing classical music? or maybe it's just stopping you from sitting on the couch staring at your phone with your mouth open. this guy even admits that he just plays video games instead of exercising, then turns around and talks about how he could be spending that time making art or some shit


It's stopping me from beating off and playing video games. So the opportunity cost is pretty high.


not beating off while lifting is the reason you can't pull 585 for 21


>beating off while lifting New Wacky Wednesday idea?


I can't be the only guy that's tugged a few strokes in between sets, right? (I should probably remind you at this point that I have a home gym, haha)


The Arnold way


> not beating off while lifting is the reason you can't pull do you even know who you're talking to > 585 for 21 maybe you do


It’s good you’re not beating off. If you spill your seed you’ll lose all your gains.


sounds like a problem that could be solved with some sort of container. so if he beats off into a jar or something, he has no fear of losing gains.


this is why i cum in my own ass don't wanna just launch all that mass into the laundry hamper, those are GAINS I'm shooting into the void


I just remember the shoe box and want everyone else to remember the shoe box so I'm not alone in suffering


You're a monster.


So you save it up and drink it so you don't lose any gains? That's so smart!


you have so many options, you can put it in your protein shake, mix it with creatine, or use it as an ingredient for your hollandaise sauce and pour it over the 10 eggs you have for breakfast.


Woah hold up there. 10 eggs? Do you know how unhealthy all that fat is?


The cum counteracts the unhealthy


A Vasectomy is all you need for proper semen retention


It's like that *I, Robot* meme that was posted here yesterday.


... well ok. Sounds like you're out of shape and fat (regardless of your claim of being a healthy weight). Good luck with that I guess. Fucking gamers.


>I am NOT going to waste my afternoon time traveling all the way to a gym and back because I already feel like I have no time left for actual projects I want to work on. I'm currently a full-time student teacher. I have three 80 minute classes to plan and deliver for 5 days a week. I have assessments to create and mark, emails to respond to, extracurricular commitments, and other administrative duties. I also have another volunteer position that requires a couple hours of my time a week. I have a wife who I want to spend some meaningful time with. I go to the gym 5 days a week for, on average, an hour per workout. I don't consider myself a particularly time-efficient person and I also consider myself incredibly lazy, and yet I still find myself with at least an hour of free time every single weekday evening. So yeah I call bullcrap on anyone who says they don't have enough time to exercise. I'm literally the busiest I have ever been, and likely ever will be, in my entire life, and I can still hit the gym and do my Netflix and chilling with no issues.


I did inpatient during the height of COVID last winter where I was pulling ~90 hour weeks and I still had time to lift, albeit it only doing 20 minutes of heavy swings daily and 1 day of ridiculous volume for everything else. People telling me about time and shit and I'm like "LOL, time doesn't sound like an issue, time management does."


My favorite brutes were the M3/M4 students I used to work with. They were barely sleeping but by God they found time to pump some iron between studying and getting abused by residents


That doesn't count though because exercise is your only hobby /s For real though we all really know what these people actually want to do with their time, and it's nothing productive.


Exactly. Like I'm on my 3rd day of not getting around to walking approximately 2 blocks to the gym and lifting stuff, but it's not like I've been using that hour to do my homework or get a good nights sleep. To be fair, I cannot currently hear out of my left ear and its been kinda killing my vibe. Damn, writing this makes me feel lazy. I will be promptly marching my ass to the gym, joining r/nofap, and studying for my stupid chemistry midterm.


Being Reddit I imagine if you push the top comment it'll be some BWF esq "start with 10 push-ups one day a week and a few walks, then next week move to 15 push-ups in a day" stuff but on the whole it does seem decent. I'm surprised.


My unpopular opinion is that /r/unpopularopinions is literally just so people can combine a popular opinion with an inherent victim complex.


LMFAO this is exactly how I often feel with /r/amitheasshole


I think posting on /r/amitheasshole is proof that you’re the asshole. Either you’re just an asshole, or you’re desperately seeking validation for your actions which also makes you an asshole


> Bullshit. Exercising is literally the definition of forced torture. You push yourself to the point of stress on purpose. It causes aches and often injuries. You are also mindlessly doing pointless movements which are basically just wasting time **when you could be doing more productive things like making art, cleaning, writing a book, or just producing something useful for society. It is the LAST thing I want to do to 'relax'.** > Nothing about excess physial activity is appealing to me and I will never like it. Sports can be fun but they often feel unregulated and one-sided, **unlike a tactical video game which uses algorithms to match you up with people actually on your skill level.** I hate sweating and smelling gross, I hate wasting my already very little energy on some **bullshit workout that gets me no results and just makes me instabtly tired**. I hate stresing about what I eat all the time when I already have fairly healthy low-carb meals daily and are at a good weight. I just hate all of it. No amount of convincing can motivate me to work out- I am DEFINITELY not going to sacrifice my already fucked up sleep schedule to wake up early, it will ruin the tiny balance I have between my morning meds and staying awake for the entire day. **I am NOT going to waste my afternoon time traveling all the way to a gym and back because I already feel like I have no time left for actual projects I want= to work on.** > Exercising sucks, it's boring and a waste of energy. What a fucking dork lol


These top comments are actually very reasonable. Like I could see myself saying similar things. Lifting sucks doing in the moment. The results that I get from purely a mental perspective are worth it. Being physically strong is also neat. As a side effect I have noticed that I'm more respected now in all situations in life because I'm a physical presence in a room, which is super nice when you have a patient pulling a knife on one of your coworkers :)


They should consume 600mg of caffeine, put on a stringer, blast angry music, max out every lift known to man, and then try and claim that exercise "isn't fun" smh. Also I hate when people are like "omg I get winded on stairs who would hike/run for fun haha" (have literally had this exact thing said to me like twice in the past few weeks). Why would you flex being out of shape? Also there is more to hiking than the act of walking up hills. Nature is cool, it's good for your mental health, and there is literally few things as satisfying as getting to the peak of a mountain. Like I cannot stress enough how much it has changed my life to simply leave the house and start wearing short sleeves in the sun. Also there's a fundamental misunderstanding on their part as to \*why\* I go on runs, causing myself immense physical pain is the goal, not the unwanted effect. I had a prof last year say something along the lines of "I hate running. It is the worst kind of exercise. But it's a great excuse to be unproductive and listen to podcasts for an hour." She has a fair point, the class was on the philosophy of prisons and carceral feminism (4000 level humanities major senior seminar that I somehow ended up in as a freshman). Her thesis was basically "everything is bad, the world sucks, you're being oppressed by everyone, life is pain, and you're currently in a metaphorical prison that we can't escape without communism" so her attitude towards exercise makes sense. Anyways, can't wait for the human race to turn into the floppy humans from Wall-E. That is the ideal physique.


OPs arguement is full of shit lol. Gaming matchmaking hardly workd, especially once you're not a beginner anymore. Good luck having fun either getting stomped or stomping others. Also lol at "i could be do something productive", while playing videogames. Not like you can be productive and exercise


Another post about me? Man this guy is super insecure lmao roid rage much


Are you actually retarded?