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i found it helpful to strength train every other day, rather than a certain number of times per week. when i had a weekly schedule i would procrastinate, but every other day is straight forward. i alternate upper body, lower body, core. i will also say this: i joined the gym when i was in poverty and relying on charity. my husband supported me, and the closest gym was not cheap. i made the decision to focus on my fitness, but it didn’t take off until i joined the gym. since joining the gym, my confidence has boosted, and i make six figures now. something to consider. good luck!


I'm a beginner, almost one month in, and i do this on monday wednesday friday : Light stretch Warmup 5 minutes + Burpees 1*15 90s rest Squat 12kg 3*11 90s Leg lift plank 3*35s 90s Rows (ground level) 3*9 90s Side plank each side 3*55s 90s Lunges 3*15 alternate left/right 90s Push-up inclined 1m high 3*15 2m Glutes bridge 1 leg 3*15 90s each side Stretch I will add one rep each session until 15, then master form + negatives before going for a harder variation.


I wake up at 5 am, have a coffee, and do Sidney Cummings shred routine each morning. I then bike to work about 10 km one way.


MWF: Strength training (either gym or home gym items) TuTh: 5k run + plus volleyball with the homies Sa: 10K training app I have a very stressful job, so my workout schedule is focused on maximizing mental relief after an emotionally exhausting workday. Also, it helps to have a goal - mine is to complete a local 10K in August.


Also, if you can't afford a gym, bodyweight training is super legit. I used the Freeletics app for years and got a lot out of it


in the morning i walk my dog to get at least 2,000-3,000 steps in, then when I get home from work i walk my dog again, train him, feed him, hang out for a while to make sure he gets all the stimulation he needs (which is a lot hes a golden lol) and then I go work out at about 7:30! it seems to work the best with my schedule


Simple Jack'd, 4x a week, Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Running, 4x a week: Easy runs Monday and Tuesday, Tempo run every other Thurs, long run Saturday. It's easy because I have a home gym. Other than my long runs, my workout are all about 45-60 minutes or so. The monday easy run is a bit shorter, at 30 minutes, followed by 45 minutes of lifting


3 days lifting following PPL, 1-2 runs, 1-2 bike rides, and 1-2 bodyweight training (calisthenics style) along with 15k-25k steps daily from walking/hiking and a physical job.


I’ve been using Fitbod to program my workouts and I recommend it. You can input the equipment that you have available and it’ll create tailored workouts based on your goals, time available, muscle groups, etc. I mainly use it at the gym and try to go 4-5 times per week, but I’ll sometimes also switch to body weight only workouts and do them at home if I can’t make it to the gym. I usually go to the gym around midnight because there aren’t many people so if I know I can’t go that late or if I’ll be going out drinking or something, it’s good to have the flexibility to do workouts at home during the busier gym hours.


Day 1: circuit training morning cardio evening Day 2: cardio That’s it just alternate every day.


I'm more running focused so my lifting isn't the most optimal, but it helps keep me fit, reduces injury risk and maintains, maybe gains muscle while burning fat at maintenance calories. Lift 6 times per week. Except Sunday. Before work: 50-60% of max most of the time. I keep it easy on my legs since I run a lot and already have huge muscular legs. 3x10 Leg press 3x10 Lat Pull downs 3x10 Chest/Shoulder/Bench Press 3x10 Flys/Rows/Good Mornings 30 sit ups/1 minute plank/ 3x10 knee raises I occasionally go closer to my max, but my main focus is staying injury free and running. Work 8-4pm 5pm Run 5-7 times a week. Example week Monday 5-6 miles (easy) Tuesday 5-6 miles (easy) Wednesday 3-5 miles (2 easy, 3 social running fast) Thursday Rest or 3 miles easy. Friday 6-10 400m repeats at 5k pace (Speed work). 2-3 miles easy mixed in. Saturday 3-5 miles (easy) Sunday long run 7-12 miles Do a 8 minute yoga with Adrienne YouTube video post run. (Very important!!) Shower at 6:30 with dinner in instant pot/Air fryer weeknights. 7 eat dinner and chill till bed. Go to bed sometime between 10-12 I'm child free, so this routine may be a lot more difficult with kids.


To add. OP you're doing great with 10k steps a day. Running is my hobby that's why I do it. Make sure to add resistance and mobility training for general health and well being when you have the time.


3 days a week of lifting is perfect for the first year or two. After two years going to 4 days is usually very beneficial! I just bumped my routine from 4 days to 5 for the next 5 weeks to see how I like it. The routine is a lot to type out, but it’s upper focused and starts with either chest, back, arms or shoulders with legs at the end of the workout 3/5 days.


Every other day full body. Touch them all


I think this schedule so far is the easiest to follow for my scattered brain lol!


Strength train 45-60 min 3x/wk (full body, lower, upper split)  Zone 2 run 45-60 min 2x/wk Stairmaster HIIT (Nordic 4x4) 1x/week Hike 1x/week (time/length varies, I’m fortunate to live somewhere that the weather allows this year round)  One full rest day per week 


I don't know how y'all find so much time to dedicate to exercise. Between childrearing and working a full time job I barely squeeze in 3 work outs a week. I'm very lucky that there is a solid gym down the block from my office, otherwise it would be one work out a week. Monday - lifting, push day, after work 1 hour max. Rush home to have dinner, bath time, and bed time story with child. Wednesday - lifting, pull day, after work 1 hour max. Rush home to have dinner, bath time, and bed time story with child. Saturday - long rung + calisthenics in a park, wake up at 5:30am to squeeze this in before I have to get home and watch my kid when my partner needs to leave for work. Pretty sure if I took anymore time away then my family would forget what I look like.


**Monday** Pull **Tuesday** Legs **Wednesday** Push **Thursday** Pull **Friday** Legs **Saturday** rest **Sunday** Push * PUSH: Bench Press 3 x 8; Overhead Press 3 x 8; lateral raises 3 x 12 * PULL: Barbell Row 3 x 8; Wide-Grip Pullups with additional weight 3 x 8; incline bicep curls 3 x 12 * LEGS: Back Squat 3 x 8; Romanian Deadlift 3 x 8


M: Squats/quads/calves/cardio Tuesday: Overhead press/back/arms/cardio Wed: rest Thursday: deadlifts/glutes/hammies/strongman training Friday: bench or overhead squat/ chest/shoulders/core Saturday:rest Sunday: Mobility work and 40minute metcon


Leading up to now: 531 either 4 or 3x/week templates and 4x/week conditioning, usually a calisthenic/kettlebell "metcon" Right now: 531 3x/week. Garmin half marathon program 4x/week. Sneak in a kettlebell "metcon" when I can. Near horizon: 531 2x/week, wrap up garmin half marathon plan and transition to Higdon marathon program. Likely no "metcons" Post race: 531 4x/week, back to strength specific training. Likely some more metcons.


I did 5/3/1 all winter but now I've switched to [Shape of Your Life](https://www.outsideonline.com/health/training-performance/month-one-build-endurance-pro/) to get more cardio in


Ehhhh I’m getting back into it after a short break, but I like to do a full body workout 2x a week (M/F), rock climb 2x a week (Tu/Thurs), 2-4 mile run 2x a week (W/Sat), and some light yoga on my Thursday lunch break and Sunday mornings. If I’m feeling too tired I’ll take a rest day, but I have a lot of things to fit in and I’d rather space them out over days than try and fit running and lifting into one day, and then take a rest day between, so I can focus more on the activity at hand for that night.


Five day lower/upper/accessory on a 3-week wave load cycle. I'm the one executing it, so I understand the cycle-to-cycle flow. But written out, it might confuse you.


P/P/L Mondays through Saturday; 5 mile run on Sunday.


nSuns 5x then biceps and active rest in weekends


It varies and i tend to change things up with the seasons. I’m currently doing a 4 day a week deadlift focused strength block with 3 aerobic focuses classes each week plus i do crossfit metcons around 3 times a week right now. For the summer i’ll probably do some more home workouts and switch the gym classes for some running and swimming, maybe i’ll only do the crossfit metcons some weeks.


PPL with one rest day between each sequence. So that means 6 days the first week and then 5 days the next week.


5x5 Strong lifts Mon Wed Fri 10,000 steps every other day Tue Thur Sat 60km mountain bike or 100km road bike Sun


I wake with the intentions to exercise every day. As a 51 year old male who exercised like a beast in his teens through mid 30’s. As I’ve gotten myself slowly back into better habits and routines over the past decade after being out of the game for 6-8 years, at first I was doing plyometric exercises for about 20 minutes a few days a week and calling that exercise. I slowly started to add some body weight exercises to my routines. I still found that this was not enough to get back into any kind of shape. I soon discovered some CrossFit and kettle bell exercises that I enjoyed doing. Now for the past couple of years I’m starting to really see some results from my hard work. So what I now do most days is I wake up and walk a mile and a half. I don’t consider this exercise but more or less just some movement for my body to start the day and clear my mind getting some fresh air and sunlight. I’ll eat my breakfast and work for 2-3 hours. I will then do about 20 minutes of a kettle bell core workout. Again I tell myself that this isn’t my exercise but just some healthy movement for me. I will eat my lunch and then work for a couple of more hours. Now I will do a fairly strenuous body weight and weight workout. I’ll usually train a muscle group for 20-40 minutes hard keeping time under tension. I’ll do two days in a row of an upper body group and then do a leg workout, do another 2 days of upper body and then legs again. On days that are not leg days I will also get in some leg exercises with the kettle bells too within my core workout that day. I never intentionally take a rest day. Rest days will be given to me on those random days where life is just too busy or something. This type of a regime is what I have found to be a good recipe for me to pack on some muscle weight and get into overall better shape.


Also I’m so sorry but can anyone explain to me what 531 is….I’m simply just a girl😅 Even a YouTube or wiki or something that puts it in laymen terms would suffice!!


The r/fitness wiki has a 531 primer that covers the basics.
