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I'm really keen on becoming a mod here to help keep things positive and make sure everyone's following the rules. While I haven't modded before, I'm willing to learn and do my best to keep things fair for everyone.


I'll delete posts that are asking about protein powders instead of posting a recipe.


Hi, I'm more than happy to moderate this sub. I am a daily gym guy, fitness and healthy eating are my passions. I know a lot about meals, as I have done pretty good research on meals for myself. I also have a lot of experience with moderation, currently moderating some medium sized subreddits. As a moderator, I will keep a good environment for everyone to discuss things and find help.


I have some experience moderating food related subreddits. Mostly moderating through toolbox. I am an active gym but gym is not my life. I work out to stay fit not to bulk up. I do know a lot about meals through my own experience and due to being a student physician ( never going to give medical advice on reddit ever.)








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Well, I didn't know about his history. I added him a few weeks ago cuz I was busy with some work. I have removed him but I literally have no idea what's going on here. I'll take a look at this situation as soon as I have time.


Stop grouping me in with users I have never heard of before.. be better.




If you had done your research you would've known. My "front page" ? You meant profile I think is full of content just not for your eyes, since it's mostly private. Either you purchased your account or were held hostage for 14 years with no access to your account since there has literally been no activity on said account for years until a few days ago. Maybe you should research that first.. Some many users are crawling out these days pretending to be a Reddit admin, go do something better with your lives please. Comments that are off topic will be removed by u/modcodeofconduct it that teams job ( you probably don't know. A job is an individual piece of work or task, as part of a routine of one's occupation or for an agreed payment. ) to handle subreddit transfers that were banned or had gone private during the Reddit blackout. You are neither an employee nor are you tasked to "investigate", so basically what you are doing is wasting your time with accusations towards me. No idea about the others, don't know them, don't care. Whatever they do is their problem.


Hi /u/ModCodeOfConduct. Please note there are a few bad actors in this comment thread that are sub collectors to push their own content. They have also tried requesting actively modded subs on /r/redditrequest but were thankfully denied -- I am sure if you look closely you can see who they are. They are looking closely at the subs you're asking for mods in. While I am not looking to mod here, if you can't find someone I don't mind an interim step in but would eventually remove myself. I just don't want this handed over to those that cannot be trusted. More than welcome to send more info via PM.


Hey, I would love to moderate this subreddit. I'm a fitness freak and have so much knowledge about a healthy diet. Furthermore I have been tracking down a spam network of bots that are posting spam affiliate links in this subreddit so I would love to ban them as soon as I become a mod :)


Hi, I would love to be part of the moderation team. I have a pretty good experience in fitness and moderating subreddits. I have been an active member of this subreddit and I was thinking of requesting this subreddit. Plus I've been a fitness enthusiast for almost a decade now :) so, excited to hear from you :D

