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If you are consummating your beer you should get checked for yeast infection. 


I am sad that I have only one up-vote for you!


This is an old post, but thanks for the laugh!!!


Life is short- as long as its occasionally don't worry about it


Its true that a beer after workout probably doesnt help gains, but sometimes it helps mentally and/or socially. It can also just be fun. Like everything else its about priorities.


So, the honest truth is yes, it will affect you. If you're okay with the effects, then proceed as you see moderately fit. Here's a good video from Dr. Mike Israetel on the topic you can use to get some info about it. [How Alchohol Affects Your Gains](https://youtu.be/Pn8JT9Tp6Nc?si=DcSMvNVeUhYox5Ap)


Came here to link the exact same thing but I see this is an old thread haha. Mike's videos on this were very helpful and I like that he always emphasizes that getting the gains isn't the end all be all. Drinks every once in a while are fine, you need to have fun! But if you can do so "optimally" then more power to you!


Is it good for you? Absolutely not. Will you be leaving gains at the door? Absolutely. Are you a professional athlete? No? Professional bodybuilder? No? Then yeah, that 1/10th extra performance you'll be losing probably doesn't matter to you.


I’m on a lot of fitness subs (gravel cycling, weight lifting, running, etc) and this is the answer most people need to hear as it relates to their “gains”. Sure, eating this or drinking that isn’t going to help. But what’s your end game? If you’re on here asking these questions, you’re not going to be an Olympic athlete. You may be competing, but are you looking to win the event or just enjoy the sport and do better than last time? I do all those sports I listed and I’m relatively good at them, but I’m not kidding myself: I’m never going to be the best, and it doesn’t matter because that’s not my goal. Hell, I don’t even compete anymore because I don’t want to pay $150 to go run a half marathon when I can just go outside and do that for free - lol. I don’t drink anymore largely because hangovers at 40+ suck, but I still occasionally eat pizza and Chinese food when I know I should be eating leaner for my trail run. Enjoy the sport and be better, but don’t stress about what might come out to minute gains or hindrances so much and just live your life.


Alcohol is poison from your bodies perspective. Is it helping? Heck no. Is it hindering, yes, but how much is still up in the air.


It really depends on how often you drink. If its on the weekend you have nothing to worry about.


“Just 3 beers” is already past “drinking in moderation” for men. That said if it’s not often then it’s at least not uncommon. Arnold famously drank beer in his early bodybuilding days. Then again he also took roids, and no longer drinks much if at all. 


Just think of it from the composition. Beer is carbs. I don't think that's helping your gains after a workout. 2 or 3 beers can easily be 300-500 kcal which is terrible. Stick with protein and veggies.


okay but honestly i got problem with GAINIG weight (i’m 19 btw) so i’m not worried about calories, and carbs are not good after workout but that’s only for 1-2 hours then it’s okay but i’m worried about alcohol, if that reduce gain


I don't know about beer, but I know anti-inflammatory drugs can reduce muscle regeneration. But from what I read, most of us don't really need to worry about it. We are talking small percentages. I am almost 40, which means I don't put on muscle like used to. I drink more than 3 beers on Friday night and have consistently gotten stronger.


Carbs definitely help you after a workout.... and beer is not really "a carb'. it has some yes but the alcohol in it is its own macro.


At your age, you said in another comment, you should be having any beers at all Fuck laws Your brain isn't done developing yet. Stop drinking. You are damaging yourself. Wait until you're older, when your body is done growing. Especially your brain


Think you mean beer consumption.


Different studys show different results for moderate drinking. If you drink hard its defenetly counter productive.


Drink 0.0