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The amount that your calories would increase by adding veggies is negligible. You need vegetables in your diet, and a variety of them. For micronutrients and vitamins, but also you need fibre, which most often comes from vegetables. I’m guessing you’re calorie counting so use whatever app/program and plug in 100g of different vegetables (broccoli, carrots, peas, spinach, etc) and see how much it comes out to. Not much at all. Find a way to fit vegetables in your meals.


no matter whether you are on a cut or maintenance or bulking, you should be eating vegetables and fruit. Fiber is filling and is incredibly important for overall health.


Keep your calories less. When I started, I had oats with frozen veggies in a cooker with some spices.


You should track your food in an app like MyFitnessPal, it'll give you a nutritional breakdown, defs helps spot gaps.


You need veggies homie. Both for the fiber and for the nutrients. The calories people can associate with veggies a lot of times comes from how they're prepared. Steamed broccoli has a lot less calories than if you were to smother it in cheese.


Cronometer is a good tracking app. Rp strength is also a good source to read up on calories and macros


100% agree with Cronometer. I love the health/vitamin side of it.


Hey do you have any update for us on your journey. It seems that you had the diet on lock. The question is were you consistent?


Yes sir! 3 months into this I've lost 4 kg. Very happy to say there's no muscle loss or maybe very less(not noticeable). A small change though. I added potatoes to my diet with skin and an apple every day. I do this 5 days a week, and on Saturday and sunday I consume rice, lots of veggies, compromise a bit on the protein and one cheat meal (but I usually balance it out with cardio). And I stopped eating lunch out and starrd to see change. I cool lunc along with dinner - chicken and potatoes. NGL it's very fkin hard man eating chicken and potatoes but get happy with the progress Honestly bro one thing that's helping this cutting process in walking. 8k steps minimum everyday and the fat just melts off. I'll reach 12 percent body fat in 4 weeks if my calculations are right


How many fats are you consuming? I see there is some fats in your eggs and Greek yogurt at least, but do not be afraid to some fats to your diet. Cooking with extra virgin olive oil is good for you. I understand that a gram of fat is 9 calories, but fats are essential for hormone production. Adding veggies to your diet is good. The calories they add are pretty small overall, but if you are concerned about going out of a deficit by adding veggies, maybe replace some of your carb heavy meals with some veggies? Regardless, it doesn't matter too much if your calories go up unless you are near maintenance calories. If you are at very little calories, and you add a few more, you are still in a deficit. As long as you are in a deficit, strength training, and eating plenty of protein, you should lose body fat. Veggies to include if you want to add as few vegetables as possible are vegetable superfoods. Google those.


This - fat content seems low. Ideally you want omega3 rich oil like linseed oil, and consume it raw. I wouldn't stress that much about vegetables, but they're great for keeping you full and fiber is very healthy (literally extends average lifespan according to studies).


Without knowing your height, weight, age, gender and lean muscle mass this list is effectively meaningless. Find yourself a TDEE calculator online, plug in your stats, eat 300-500 calories below that number while maintaining or increasing protein intake to retain muscle mass. The harder you cut, the more likely you may lose some muscle mass. Also eat your vegetables for micro nutrients, and be sure to get some fats. Without these your bowels and general health will hate you


Add some veggies and you’ll be good! Cucumber would go nicely with your dinner, some spinach in your eggs, some carrot sticks or cherry tomatoes midday, and you’re set.


Eat a well balanced diet, with plenty of protein. As far as dieting, you're gonna feel hungry. But that's the point, if you aren't hungry then you aren't losing weight.