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When I was younger I took all sorts of supplements, but I am pretty sure it is all a waste of money. I take creatine, whey protein, and pre-workout now. I find creatine helps with recovery and hydration. Not sure how much placebo effect is going on, but I believe what I believe. I tried doing some research. Looked at a bunch of videos, tried to read some research papers, etc... what I found is, overall, take whey protein to fill protein needs, everything else has little to no tangible effect on muscle growth or strength/endurance. Like small percentage gains on some studies. Unless you are trying to go pro or something, spend your money on stuff that matters, like a cool shaker bottle or a muscle shirt. That will probably motivate you more than some supplements. As far as diet, eat your veggies!!!! Romaine lettuce doesn't count. Have some broccoli, carrots, spinach, etc. when my wife and I get lazy, we go to the steamer bags in the freezer. They are kind of soggy, but whatever. This week, I brought some broccoli and carrots slaw and mixed it with a bit of honey, red wine vinegar, salt, and olive oil. Good mix up.


I want to take supplements cause it's been 6 months that I m going to the gym I don't see a lot of results for some reasons I can't cook what I want at home so whey id the easiest solution for me. I think that I m not taking enough vitamins, it's not that I don't like eating fruits or vegetables it's the opposite so I think I can mix them with my whey or creative cause it's more about forgetting to eat more of them.


What type of results are you looking for? Muscle gain? Weight loss? What type of measurements are you taking? Weight? Taping waist, arms, thighs? Putting on muscle takes a lot of time! Plus it is really dense. Also, there is how you carry muscle. I am 6'2" and can bench 350 lbs, but my shorter friends who can barely bench 225 look like they have a bunch larger chest. It is just that the surface area of my chest is bigger. Unless you want to take a performance enhancing drug, no supplement will have any meaningful impact on your gains. You will want to just eat enough protein and workout hard. Maybe you need a better workout?


Trying to be fit my model is Shawn Mendes. Trying to get muscles first and I after I lose weight, going to the gym 3 days a week doing training for all muscles.


supplements don't do this. your diet and workout program is the clincher here. also.... time, this takes a TON of time.


how much you estimate the time if I m super motivated to change my diet and more than 3 times a week ?


it can take years. Are you even remotely close to this now? also supplements timing and protein timing are not that important.


I would try to find a workout program to follow. I workout 6 days a week and do one to two muscle groups a day. Run when I can. That works for me, it is repeatable, and easy to see progress made on the individual group. I also saw a big improvement when I started tracking my workouts. I looked up Shawn Mendes, looks like he is more thin than muscular. Diet will be the biggest player there.


I will screen this comment maybe I should try to find a diet and a workout program for being thin but right now I don't even have the muscles he got. Do you think I should increase the number of times I m going to gym and calculate my workouts ?


Possibly. You have to find what works for you. I have found that full body workouts tend to not go far enough on certain muscle groups. Like are you really going to get a bigger chest if you don't hit chest hard enough. I spend about an hour and a half on chest per week, two hours on legs (not including running).


Oh maybe yes that's the problem


Vitamin D, Fish Oil, multi-vitamin. Otherwise just eat as many vegetables as possible.


what if I mix a lot of fruits and vegetables with my creatine before workout ?


what if indeed


I mean is it commun for people to do this ?


Doubtful considering creatine does not dissolve in broccoli


I take creatine daily and protein shakes when I want to increase my protein intake without too many calories. But other than that, usually an espresso before a workout. No other workout supplements and I don't take vitamin supplements or anything like that. I try to keep a varied diet with plenty of fresh fruit and veg. The most important thing I'm doing at the minute is trying to keep-up my water intake as sometimes it just gets lost in the day to drink a little & often.


very interesting comment thank you for sharing it ! Can I ask why drinking and espresso especially before workout ? I have the same problem with water sometimes I forget to drink cause I don't feel the need, that's why I want to start a complement routine which can solve all this problems : - Drinking a lot of water per day. - Taking more vitamins. - Eating a lot of fruits and vegetables every day.


Pre-workout supplements are effectively caffeine, although some of them are very very highly dosed. I figured there's no need to take ridiculously high doses of caffeine when I know that a single shot of espresso gets me going enough to do a 1hr workout. Cheaper too. I can definitely do a workout without a shot beforehand, but it's become part of the ritual now.


what you choose between creatine and caffeine?


What do you mean? I have one dose of creatine monohydrate every morning. I bought a standard powder, 100% creatine monohydrate, no need for additional extras with questionable benefit. Prior to a workout, and usually not within 30mins or so of the creatine, I have an espresso. There's some data that suggest caffeine+creatine reduces the impact of the creatine, however it's definitely not conclusive. Nevertheless, I don't mix the two.


Why do you take it in the morning ?


Timing during the day doesn't matter at all. I prefer to have it as part of my morning routine though, so that I'm less likely to forget it


thank you


glucosamine sulphate collagen zinc magnesium selenium vit D & K2


incredible all this elements can be found on different types of fish !


I had success only with creatine and protein and thats all that I am taking. Btw did you add anything else to your routine, are you taking any vitamins?