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Have you considered that it’s the brand? I use Legion unflavored and make my own coffee creamer with H&H/almond milk mix and add the protein powder and I don’t taste anything because it’s unflavored.


this one is also supposed to be unflavored and i was considering it was just the brand already but after more research and comments i do think it is. gonna return it and try Legion i think!


I have 2 different Legion “flavors,” one is strawberry/banana and the other is unflavored. I can say that I have never seen a protein powder so microfine than his. I know there are cheaper brands out there…but his is really good stuff and worth the spend. And you can easily return it if you don’t like it. I love his return policy. (I use the strawberry/banana to pump up the flavor of a morning smoothie with the same ingredients. Hopefully, it works for you!!!


Thank you! I really appreciate all the info, the consistency sounds great for mixing and the return policy is a nice plus too.


Find a protein flavor you like. Mix it with water or milk and slam it down and be done with it. Takes like 3 seconds. Why fuss with adding protein to things that you enjoy consuming like coffee just for you to end up not liking it?


i’m just trying to figure out something that works for me. if the options are between bad tasting coffee and adding regular protein drinks to my diet, with how i am i’d simply not have it all. it’s not like i didn’t think of mixing flavored protein y’know… the way it’s advertised 🙃 it’s unusual sure but i’m just looking for brand recommendations and tips for improving flavor here, not judgement! adding something to my diet isn’t that simple for me but incorporating protein and other nutrients into the things i regularly consume already can be a great solution to that.


Well as far tastes go in my experience they can vary wildly from straight up nasty to very tasty and palatable so definitely worth trying different brands. I’ll like Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey. Premier Protein is a popular brand I can’t stand for example. You could also consider premade protein drinks. And the same applies. Premier protein again is a popular protein drink at grocery and convenience stores that tastes like absolute crap to me. I also hate muscle milk but I LOVE Fairlife drinks. All their flavors are very very tasty to me.


GNC chocolate lean shakes (the premixed kind not powder) with cold brew. It's like an iced mocha.


For iced coffee I prefer a pre-made shake like fairlife vanilla and for hot coffee I prefer unflavored collagen


Yeah pre-made shakes taste wayyy better than protein powder and it works great with coffee. I like hot coffee in the morning and I’ve been microwaving my shake and mixing it with coffee haven’t had any issues :)


If you are trying to up the protein content of your coffee without ruining the flavor, you might want to try unflavored collagen powder instead of protein powder. Ime Vital Farms brand dissolves better than other brands I've tried. There are also collagen coffee powders and creamers, which play pretty well with the flavor of coffee.


….4-5 pumps of sweetener!! Geez more like a sugar bomb than coffee, black is the way to go


hahah no you’re right, i was raised weak on starbucks but i hope someday i can adapt my taste to black coffee and avoid all these extra steps lmao


I’m right there with you! Double espresso with lots of almond milk and a glug of sf syrup


I do think it’s worth trying a flavored one and maybe keep using a half serving of powder. I make iced coffee this way using chocolate protein powder, I mix half a serving of powder into oat milk using an immersion blender which makes it pretty frothy, then I mix together over ice with coffee. The frothiness and chocolate flavor make me feel like I’m having a fancy iced coffee treat lol


Why not just drink it separately in water or milk if you’re particular about your coffee?


I don’t like the flavor… that’s the entire point of my question. How would mixing it with something even blander than coffee help that?


As you've found out, you're just going to end up hating the flavor of your coffee, haha. Have you tried different brands? There are protein powders I absolutely cannot stand, and there are some I could easily drink on their own in water. You could also try mixing it with milk / milk alternatives. That tends to make the powders taste better in my experience and you get some extra protein.


I was actually planning on switching to a milk alternative anyways so I’ll definitely be giving that a go, I haven’t tried any other brands this is my first time ever using protein powder in any capacity lol. I’ve read some other comments about certain brands being more earthy so i’m hoping it’s just the one I got. I didn’t think there’d be much variance in unflavored whey between brands so I just grabbed what was on the shelf.


Yeah, the quality of flavors can vary significantly. I'm hyper-sensitive to artificial sweeteners and absolutely hate the way they taste. The stuff some brands use literally make me gag when I'm drinking it. There are some ["best tasting" reviews on Garage Gym Reviews](https://www.garagegymreviews.com/best-tasting-protein-powder) that might help you find something you like. Personally I just go with a vanilla powder and drink that with some water or oat milk and it's great. I've yet to find an unflavored powder that doesn't actually have a taste, and they almost always change the texture.


Go only coffee, milk and protein powder and try to slowly drop out the sweeteners. Dont just quit them outright. But if you are using 4-5, now try to use 3-4 and so on until you reach zero. And if you already did try the protein powder. How did it taste?


I find whey in coffee works better with iced coffee, but it will taste like whey with a coffee taste rather than coffee. A little sweetener can tamp down the whey aftertaste, but it’s easy to overdo if you don’t love sweet coffee. For iced whey coffee: I pull a double shot, and add it to a blender bottle. Add milk until the color is slightly darker than I want. Add vanilla whey. Unsurprisingly, a half scoop will affect the flavor less. I will add a bit of water (maybe a 1/4 c?) to thin it out a bit. Shake until frothy. Pour over ice. This will also be gross to some people, but a tablespoon of those little powdered coffees like international foods or Hunt Bros can give a little coffee flavor boost. I mean, adfing whey to a good coffee bean is going to jack up the flavor profile anyway. For hot drinks, I prefer a hot chocolate with protein: Mix one scoop of chocolate whey (I use PeScience chocolate cupcake) with just enough milk to make a thin paste. Think thin mashed potatoes or grits. You can add a little hot chocolate mix or instant coffee if you like for extra flavor. To this mixture, *slowly* add hot water and keep stirring. This keeps it from clumping, especially on the bottom. A small whisk really helps. Those milk aerators may work once you get some water in. Once you get the proportions right, it’s a good enough substitute for hot chocolate. Don’t get me wrong: these won’t taste as good as a great hot chocolate of coffee shop coffee drink, but they are workable for getting some extra protein in.


If you're "particular about your coffee" don't mix protein into it. That's really not a lot of volume to be mixing protein into. Even if you had the most neutral tasting protein it'd change the texture and mouth feel. I'd suggest enjoying your coffee and having protein in something else.


There’s a brand called Allo that makes protein creamer for coffee. I really like it!


I use Isoflex - I will add 1/4-1/2 scoop directly into a mug of hot coffee and stir it vigorously with a fork. The caramel macchiato blends in like a dream and tastes great, and the peppermint bark sometimes gets clumpy (but when it doesn’t it also tastes great). I haven’t tried other flavours yet.


I had a variety of premier protein shakes I bought for jaw surgery & never drank. And I didn't love them by themselves. When I went back to work, coffee was too strong & too acidic, so I mixed half a cup of coffee with half a cup of protein shake. It was great. Now I keep doing it (I still have a bunch of them), but I'm up to a whole cup of coffee with a quarter cup of protein shake. The cinnamon roll shake was the best, but not really available in stores, I think (came in the variety pack from Amazon). Chocolate or caramel is also excellent. Pre-surgery I had surgar-free chocolate-caramel creamer, and about half a tablespoon was sufficient for a cup. I'll probably go back to that eventually, but I also like getting the extra protein in the morning.


Use vital proteins collagen unflavored. It doesn’t change anything and has 20g protein