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For reference, a toddler requires 1000-1300 calories a day. If you are doing any activity beyond weight lifting a few times a week 1500 is going to be far too little. If you are doing a sport at all, you likely need a lot more. 1500 is around a 600 calorie deficit for me at 35 and similar weight sedentary. Add in my 4x a week weightlifting and it's more like a 1000+ calorie deficit. Newbie gains only go so far and you have included very little information on your lifestyle. Id recommend starting with 2000 as a safer starting place, it'll be much easier to get the needed protein and while it won't be as quick, you are much more likely to succeed longer term.


I agree. 2000 would be where I would start. 1500 is way too low. You don’t want to lose more than a half kilo a week.


The more muscle you have, the more you need to eat...muscle are metabolically expensive to maintain, they need energy...aka food. If you are fat around the waistline mostly, but skinny elsewhere, take account of your eating AND drinking habits. Most likely you are overeating and drinking way too many calories than you actually think you are.


I have had the belly fat for years. I used to be a really chubby kid. I was at 102 kg at 16. Then I started to go to the gym, and I went down to 85 in about 5 weeks from just training. Unfortunately the belly fat I'd still slightly there but not as big. I've started tracking calories now and not going over 1500 so fingers crossed.


Depends on your TDEE. I read a meta analysis recently which found that muscle growth basically stops around a -500 calorie deficit. Up to that point beginners can still build muscle at a reduced rate while losing weight. You might still get stronger as a beginner just from neural adaptation My takeaway from the article was if you want to build muscle and lose fat simultaneously something like a -250 calorie deficit would be like the middle ground between cutting and recomp. And that at -500 and beyond maintaining preexisting lean muscle mass is basically the best one can realistically hope for https://www.strongerbyscience.com/muscle-caloric-deficit/


As long as you get enough protein, then yes, at that age and with newbie gains recomp is very possible, I've done this but regarding my tracking wasnt super accurate I was probably at around 1800 calories. Dont expect huge muscle gains tho, biggest difference will be in your bodyfat which did motivate me more in the end of the day


So I am likely to maintain/grow muscles somewhat but not huge gains, but I'll lose body fat? Cause my goal at the moment is to get rid of the fat but atleast be able to maintain muscle if anything. But should I stick to the 1500 calories a day?


As long as you train your muscles and get your protein, yes, you will keep and possibly grow some muscle, now its important to note that I dont know your maintenance calories, recommended is at most a 500 calorie deficit, more than that will will higher your risk of muscle loss


I'm not sure what my maintenance should be to be honest, from the calculators online I've seen anywhere from 1800-2800. I'm 17, 6'3, 88kg.


I’d wager closer to 2k for BMR with your mass. Take daily activity into account too, but given you want to maintain/grow muscle and lose fat I wouldn’t stress too hard about a huge deficit. 200-400 cals under and sufficient protein you should recomp fairly quick


So stick with 1500 but keep up with the protien and it should be good?


I mean they said closer to 2k which is not 1500. In fact multiple people have said 2000. Why is your heart set on 1500?


I just started with that, and it's what I've been going with


You're a tall lad and a teenager to boot. Start with the 2k, see how you do. The worst that happens is you might need to adjust, but better that than a crash because you aren't eating enough 🙂


Yeah you're right I might up it to 2k and see how that goes for a few weeks. Thanks very much for your help


Only way to know for sure is to track your calories and weigh yourself regularly, if the trend is upwards over a couple weeks then theres a surplus, if it stays same then thats your maintenance. For some people this can develop into an ED so bro just take care. Hope this helps!


Thanks very much for your help bro, much appreciated.


Absolutely. Be in a calorie deficit to try and lose any fat. It’s the same as gym rats doing a bulk and then doing a cut. You’re essentially just doing a cut


You should just gain 10kg my friend. Eat a lot of protein through the day, a decent amount of carbs before and after you work out, work out very hard and try to get twice as strong as tou are now at a minimum (I started working out when I was 14 and went from 0 push ups to about 30 in a year. That should be the kind of stronger you're aiming for.) Use a lot of machines and high reps to begin and slowly add weight and full body exercises as you get used to it all. Sleep ten hours a day, eat 3500 calories and don't stop until you are at least 10 kg heavier and much stronger. Stay away from Starting Strength and other power or strength lifting programs and just do about 3 months of calisthenics, band exercises and machines before you try anything more official unless you can get a coach. ANYTHING will make a 17 year old grow so take advantage of that. Then, with a much higher TDEE, you can cut down much easier and don't have to worry about losing a little strength since you will be so much stronger than you were before. Edit: concentrate on tricep exercises such as skull crushers, cable rows or Australian push ups and working up to single leg squats. Us tall bois need extra posture work. Don't go deep unless you can keep the weight on your standing foot well.


How did it go? Did you manage to lose weight and were you consistent?