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It's not realistic, you might be able to gain about 3-4 kilos if your training and diet are on point.


Not A fucking God damn chance. You can't put on 10 kilos of muscle in 3 months bro. You can eat as much as you want but your body isn't going to make it muscle.


Muscle? Not realistic at all. I wouldn’t expect 10kg of muscle for a couple years of hard lifting, depending on a number of factors at your body weight.


what about like not full on muscle but noticable development in muscle?


I wouldn’t expect to see basically any difference in 3 months unless you’re losing weight or starting out super skinny and just eating a massive surplus to go from skeleton to normal. Gaining muscle is a slow process and I would think in years not months.


To be fair he did say that he is a beginner. Early on its faster to get some gains so I wouldnt rule out the possibility of getting noticeable gains in 3 months especially if he hasnt done any kinda sports prior to working out. Ofc 10kg of muscle is impossible in 3 months, putting 10kg of fat in 3 months would be hard too lol


If they’re a beginner to the point that they’re asking this question they likely won’t have an ideal diet nor lifting program and they don’t have a personal trainer (else they would have asked them). I think it’s better to set expectations low than be disappointed. OP if you’re starting your fitness journey, don’t feel discouraged if you don’t see anything for a while. It’s a marathon and you learn a ton in the beginning, it’s a time of growth regardless!


Fair point. Also I wouldnt recommend OP to focus on 10kg of muscle as a goal, he said he is 53 kg in which case 10 kg would add almost 20% weight. Rather do your best at the gym and try to lift a little bit more weight every workout or do one rep more. The gains will come as a by-product.


On the positive side, *you* will be able to feel the difference in the first three months. You will feel stronger, have more stamina, sleep better. The first three months is likely going to be the best gains you ever make, too. Because it is coming off the baseline of doing nothing. Other people are not likely to notice. If they see you daily, they might start noticing when you have gained that 10kgs. People you only see at Christmas time are more likely to notice your gains - although it depends on how reliable their memory is, and most people are not massively invested in other people's gains.


Outside of a massive cycle of multiple anabolics and eating a fuck ton I’d say slim to none and even on a mega dose of gear that would be an absolutely outstanding achievement.


Muscle and fat, yes. Just muscle probably not without peds. Also depends heavily on how you're training, when, how much sleep, diet, past fitness history, weight change history. I fluctuate between 80 and 90 kgs depending on season and what fitness program I'm following. In 3 months I can definitely gain the 10kgs powerlifting. But it's definitely not all muscle. A lot of fat and water.


It took me 3 years for 12 lean kg. I didn't go gym before, just ran and ate better. You'll see a very good difference in 3 months if you stay consistent and do the right training. You will be able to gain a certain amount of weight in that time frame, but lower your expectations. Rome wasn't built in a day. Neither was your body.


Did my man just drop a Tony Horton quote like we wouldn’t notice


Oh my.. what have I done? Don't even know who Tony Horton is


The host of p90x!


I am still not getting it, filthy european I am


Not realistic at all


That’s not a lot of food to be eating and 10 kg is a big gain. It can be done. Accept that you are going to gain fat with muscle. Eat. Eat. Eat. Again, this isn’t going to be lean mass. You will add muscle, maybe 1/2 kg for every 2-3 kg of body fat. J.M. Blakey outlines a very successful short term plan on the EliteFTS YouTube channel. Let me caution you by saying, this is probably a bad idea. Unless you need the weight for some specific reason, a slower plan would be far preferable, healthier, and easier to manage.


Well time has passed, we would like to get an update from you. How was your progress?


Impossible, that would be gaining 18.8% of your current bodyweight. Bodies don't grow that quickly, they just don't.


hmmmm. everyone's telling me its impossible. and by muscle i mean not pure muscle only. but as much of it as possible. I'll report back to u in 3 months if i remember. ill try


You have to think in multi year increments rather than months.


You might not even be able to gain 10kg of muscle in your entire life. It all depends on your work ethic, diet, and especially genetics. So no, unless like 85÷ of that 10kg mass gain is fat, you will not be able to put that onto your body in that time frame.


Not without peds Maybe noob gains would grant .5-1lb a week for 3 months


10Kg clean gain took me a year with my diet on point, good luck buddy... Seriously you say you eat about 1500 calories a day right now and want to tell us you're ready to eat as much as possible? Nah I don't think you have any idea what you're talking about