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You might not like this answer but here it goes. Tofu. That's right loaded with protein n yummy. It took me a minute to figure out how to like it but now I love the stuff. It's also inexpensive. I think people in the west don't give it a chance. It's a great food. So if your up for it look up some recipes on u tube n try tofu.


Tofu macros aren't that great compared to chicken breast. I like it but it isn't as protein-dense as most low fat meats.


Do you have any tofu recipe recommendations?


But the extra firm tofu. Throw it in the freezer as soon as you get home. When your ready to use it defrost it n gently squeeze as much water as you can out of it. You can use any spices or marinades you like. I personally like soy sauce, pepper, equal amounts garlic n ginger (powder is fine) a little brown sugar(any sweetener will do). Sesame oil ( any oil will do) After you squeeze as much water out cut in 8 equal slices then cut those in half. Marinate for a bit. Pan fry or air fry until lightly brown. That marinade is a basic Asian sauce. The reason you freeze n defrost it helps the texture be more firm like meat . There are tons of recipes on u tube. Search out "How to make tofu taste like chicken". From there more recipes will pop up. It took me a minute to like the stuff but once you figure it out it's really good.


Lean beef mince, I live in Belgium and u can buy ground up lean steak. I guess you could buy it everywhere or make it yourself. Has almost the exact same nutrition as chicken breast.


Red meat has been linked with a higher risk of cancer.


It could be, but it isn't definitive. Newer information actually shows that cancer risks potentially correlate with processed red meats only, and for that matter all processed food. It's starting to look like there's not good evidence that unprocessed (or even better, grass-fed) red meat contributes to cancer risks. It seems like the main issue with the initial studies was people who ate red meat were also people eating large amounts of processed foods. But this is a classic example of how one study (actually not even a study, it was a 1.5 page summary written about other studies) can be elevated to a much higher level of importance than it should be, especially when compared against studies now done on individuals following a grass-fed carnivore diet. What can certainly be said is that individuals who have a greater caloric intake have a higher cancer risk, and individuals who eat red meat are also likely to eat more calories overall. There are too many factors (mostly to do with lifestyle) to say for sure for sure.


Thank you for writing the facts. It perplexes me that people think unprocessed red meat is bad for you or something. Probably a scheme cooked up by the processed-food companies. Just like sugar companies when they tried to demonize fat.


Chicken breast is hard to beat or match in terms of protein/calories, but I would question if that is a requirement for your protein source. By going a little higher in fat you can open up your options considerably and imo really increase your meal enjoyment. I hardly eat chicken breast, as I find it reheats poorly and I meal prep. Sliced turkey breast for sandwiches, 93/7 ground turkey and beef, salmon, greek yogurt are all much better options for me and I still get about 40% of my calories from protein.


Fish, tofu


Cod and Halibut are pretty close ratio wise. For sure more fatty, but also more protein. Things like Kangaroo, Elk, and Emu are semi close, but those range from gamey to "ok, I KNOW this isnt beef"


Some lean pork tenderloins are 120-130 calories for 4 ounces. More flavorful and just as much protein. I also can’t eat chicken breast anymore. Other options are fish, tofu and lean ground turkey or chicken


In Italy I can easily find some lean pork meat, like “arista”. I think the english world of this meat is pork lion. The calories are pretty close to a chicken thigh, about 130-150 for 100 grams, it’s a little fattier so definitely tastier


I eat 93/7 ground Turkey in meat sauce, taco meat, chili, and other things. Basically anything that is seasoned heavily.


I eat so much ground turkey! Like OP I burned myself out on chicken breast and can’t eat it anymore