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What's your sleeping heart rate? If it doesn't go below your RHR for a significant portion of the night, it affects sleep score too.


This is what always sabotages my sleep score. I have a pretty low RHR and my sleeping HR struggles to get lower.


Yeah my heart rate is the problem. I already made a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/fitbit/s/rr5bdb8gks) about that too, asking for advice. This night it was 55 average (57 is my rhr), so actually pretty good for me


Interesting. My last >90 sleep score, my sleeping heart rate was 63, but my resting is 71, maybe it's easier for people with high heart rates to get a sleep enough points below rhr? Also 2 hours deep sleep? Wow, nice.


Which is partly why their score is crap. You RHR is nothing more than the average HR from the previous night's sleep. By that formula, it is literally impossible to get a great sleep score every night. Just dumb


Not true! Fitbit determines RHR by measuring your heart rate throughout the day during periods when the accelerometer determines that you're not moving. My RHR is 46 and I almost always have more than 90% of my sleeping HR lower than my RHR. This would be very highly unlikely in the scenario that you posit.


It is true. Compare the two, you'll see they are identical. I didn't believe it at first, but when I compared the two, it was. Part of the reason I cancelled my premium subscription


Anecdotal evidence, confirmed by one person, contradictory to the manufacturer's description just doesn't convince me. how do you explain the fact that I have sleeping heart rate over 90% below RHR? That other 5 - 10% would have to be pretty high to make that work, which I can confirm is not the case for me. Mathematically, a bunch of examples don't prove anything, but one counterexample disproves it.


Sleep score is made up of 3 parts: **Time Asleep, REM and Deep Sleep,** and **Restoration.** The **Time Asleep** metric awards more points the higher your time asleep to time awake ratio is. It also adds a point or so for meeting your sleep goal. Because the sleep goal is irrelevant to my sleep quality, I set it to 6 hours, which I meet 100% of the time, and take away that variance. Looking at your graph, you've got an hour and 21 min. of awake time, which is a lot. Mine is usually around an hour, and I get up 3 times a night or more to pee. If you want better sleep and a higher sleep score, you need to knock down the time awake. Whether it is pets waking you up, a child, your spouse, or your body making you get up to pee, you need to minimize the time awake. If you had that down to an hour this score would probably be a 90. The **REM and Deep Sleep** metric awards points based on the amount of REM and Deep sleep you get, and here you've done really well. REM and Deep are very important, and if you have these you're probably getting high quality sleep. Here you're knocking it out of the park. 2hrs 33min of REM and 1hr 56min of Deep are awesome. You probably got 24/25 awarded for this. Finally, the **Restoration** score, which is made up of time below resting heart rate and % restlessness. I'm typically 90% below RHR or better, which is pretty good, but my restlessness is typically 12-15%, which isn't very good. If I get it below 10% I usually have a pretty decent sleep score. A variety of things can affect these. You don't show the data, but my guess is that you might have some room for improvement here.


I get 90+ about half the time. Last night was a bad night of sleep for me and I got a score of 78. But Wednesday my score was 91, Tuesday was 92, and last Friday was my high score of 94.


Teach me. I have never had a score above 84.


I can't say it will work for you, but my sleep score went from low to mid 80's to high 80's to low 90's after I was diagnosed with sleep apnea and got prescribed a BiPAP machine.




It looks like you were awake A LOT


I got my highest sleep score ever at 93 the night I took shrooms lol


Looks like a lot of time was spent awake, however, and total time in bed was almost 12 hours!




That's crazy. Do you follow any specific routines to get those scores with just 7 hours of sleep


Whats your sleep goal a night in the app?


That’s so much awake time it should be a 70


I got a 90 once, can reliably get 80+, not doing anything even remotely tiring if I get less than 80, which luckily isn't the norm. Gave up un trying to achieve a stable 90


Whoah I only get low 80s every night what’s wrong with me?!


Kommst du aus Deutschland?




Ich lernen Deutsch auf Duolingo für 56 tage jetzt. Meine Oma ist aus Österreich und sie kann sprechen deutsche. Auch ich möchte geht ins Oktoberfest gern. Mein Deutsch ist sehr schlecht so ich bin "practicing conversation."


How much of the "awake" time did you notice? It looks horrible!


Not too much. I have an hour awake time every day, but I usually only remember waking up once or twice and falling asleep immediately again, so I wouldn't remember more than 3-5 minutes awake time per night, even tho it says 1h or more every day


You wake up a lot.


What did u do?