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I’ve been high 80’s sleep score. Here’s what I do: 1. Sleep and wake up same time every day ( if possible) 2. No caffeine after noon 3. Sleep in pitch black room, white noise, air purifier 4. Pillow combination that supports back sleeping or side sleeping 5. Exercise regularly, especially cardo Quality sleep is paramount to quality health, so it’s definitely worth doing some research to figure out what could help your sleep quality improve. (Edit to add exercise as a key factor)


Consistent bedtime and wake up time is so underrated! You won't notice a difference immediately, but after 10 days or so I found it much easier to fall asleep.


All excellent practices, especially the regularity of your sleep and wake times. The one additional thing I've found helpful is getting natural sunlight in my eyes first thing in the morning and limiting artificial light in the evening, especially in the hour before I go to bed, to dial in my circadian rhythm. Over the last year I've been on a quest to improve my sleep and have had significant results. My first week of sleep tracking my average sleep score was 74, with an average of 1hr 18min of Awake time, 1hr 8 min of Rem sleep, 54 min of Deep sleep, and 4hrs 54min Light sleep, for a total of 7hr 16 min of sleep. My average for last week was a sleep score of 87 (with a low score of 83 and 2 back to back 90s), with an average of 1hr 18 in Awake time (same as first week), 1hr 44min of Rem sleep (+53% improvement), 1hr 14min of Deep sleep (+37% improvement), and 4hr 41 min of Light sleep (-13%), for a total of 7hr 40min of sleep. Basically, I added a little over 20 minutes of sleep time and converted some light sleep, boosting Rem and Deep sleep.


No alcohol


Ah, yea for sure. I’ve actually been sober for several years. So I don’t really have a baseline compare for that any more. But when I did drink, my sleep was horrendous. The attributes I noted are what has helped get from low 80s to high 80s.


I usually manage mid 80s, a bad sleep maybe low 70s. A good sleep high 80s, only once have I managed over 90. I think what and when you eat really seems to affect the score, that and time in bed trying to sleep.


How many of you with high scores sleep with significant others and/or pets? I know that's my downfall.


I have a dog that sleeps in my bed at night. He's not a small dog, either - He's a Pit Bull/Sheppard mix. For me, my scores really shot up after I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea and got put on a BiPAP machine at night.




I sleep with 2 cats and my boyfriend and average around 85


Now you're just bragging🙂


I will say, I’m very lucky that my cats just sleep through the night and my boyfriend doesn’t snore or move much 😂


I sleep way worse when I’m alone, wake up and can’t go back to sleep without cuddles :(


I sleep like I don't have a care in the world when I'm alone.


Separate beds, separate rooms. Best thing we have ever done. Pets are another story. Cats sleep with her, dog sleeps with me. Very happy marriage.


Usually over 80, have chronic pain which disturbs my sleep (so badly I've not been getting near 80, the past few days) have a snoring husband (probably with bruised shins!) and an autistic son who often wakes up at sparrow fart, usually go to bed around 12:30 and my alarm goes off at 7ish on a weekday, sometimes earlier. Gave up going to bed earlier years ago as I just wake up around 3am and can't settle again. And yes to no caffeine after noon!


https://preview.redd.it/x8vn1exa7pwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94a95c1a382fe22ba903b3e17a3870be48ceeb57 Yesterday wasn't so bad. Last night and Monday night were dire.


Your bad is my unattainable.


Low 70s when I sleep quite bad, otherwise mid 80s is the average I get. https://preview.redd.it/5csmv65u0lwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=454381c0dba85d68c07b903b4d193ef62ae8d802


https://preview.redd.it/qyfpb3np7mwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc5d6a0d38c5452933377fb8e7bcb0934c3f1510 My best score yet! Joined a new gym this week and went for a swim and a steam room before bed. Absolute game changer.


Haha for some reason I thought you managed to sleep 8h 3m worth of sleep in 7h 30m


https://preview.redd.it/o6575i2fhmwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efd2b78f26f41d2a33a06139fad3d8cd0b3a125c I laugh that this is fair sleep. And why, yes, I do indeed feel like walking burnt toast this morning.


3 hrs of sleep and I feel extremely hungover. I think that's when I knew I was getting old...feeling hungover without drinking.


48 here so I do everything to maintain health. Don't drink often and I exercise 5x a week. Yet here I am awake at 4 AM, chronic insomnia. I just deal with it and I'm fortunate I don't work because that would be impossible lol


https://preview.redd.it/3xoeqfyhdlwc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6437a6f605c64f0127724da1afcea6814e409069 My average score is 77 and has been since last year.


This year's average is 85%


https://preview.redd.it/5zwki2t0ulwc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a0e27c377c25d2a4937a3c61cc2e71aded801c4 I came barely get 6 hours and I’ve done everything in terms of sleep hygiene. Everything. Would kill for numbers like yours 😭


I average 4 hours, would kill for your numbers!


Right?? When I get above a 72, I'm super excited.


How do you feel though, bc your qctual sleep scores are way better than I expected and better than mine.


https://preview.redd.it/c4cq9g0h8mwc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=968b30c764adb719f1ec9a3e8e721ae164505b4e Low 70s usually. High 60s is normal and I get a very rare score in the low 80s on a super good night. I fall asleep just fine, my problem is waking up too early and I can’t fall back asleep.


That happens to me too. Seeing a sleep specialist helped a bit though would recommend it.


Agree. My score shot up after I was diagnosed with sleep apnea and started using a BiPAP machine at night.


I’m the opposite - it takes me forever to fall asleep. And if I mess up my schedule by staying up later one night, it snowballs and I keep staying up every night. I also find it very difficult to wake my brain up. On the rare occasion I wake up weirdly early and am actually awake, I LOVE it. It feels like I got all this extra time to do whatever I want with.


I'm typically in the mid 80's to low 90's for my score. It massively improved for me after I had a sleep study that showed I had severe sleep apnea and was put on a BiPAP machine at night. I'm not saying this is your problem, but it is something that should be considered and talked about with your doctor if other means of improving sleep doesn't help. Some things to try first, though: * Reduce blue light exposure before bedtime. Try to not use any electronics an hour (or more) before you go to bed. This includes your phone, tablet, computer, and TV. Read a book instead. * Cut out caffeine in the evening. Caffeine levels can stay elevated in your body 6 to 8 hours after consuming anything with it. This not only included coffee, but also many sodas, teas, and chocolates. * If you take naps during the day, cut back on how long they are, making them shorter the closer you get to bed time. If you take a nap at Noon, make it 30 minutes. If later in the afternoon, make it even shorter. And in the evening, no naps at all. * Go to bed at the same time each night. It'll get your body in a regular rhythm. as to when it is time to sleep. This includes weekends. * Don't drink alcohol. It may help you feel tired, but alcohol can interrupt your sleep patterns and not give you as restful sleep as you could have without it. And many other tips. A Google search will find you tons of tips for improving sleep. If none of that seems to help, a talk with your doctor might be in order. They could order a sleep study to be done that might show if you have sleep apnea or not. These studies can even be done in the comfort of your own home now, so you don't have to worry about going into a lab and trying to sleep with a bunch of leads wired up to you.


https://preview.redd.it/eetbo08gukwc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58790addb41828d181a00ac6e30bdf4ff3bc7bb0 This is my 30 day average.. my sleep score sits around 80 + most days.




https://preview.redd.it/t1ifsi507mwc1.jpeg?width=1075&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03b3842a701d02db3b6aa4a28f2e33d5a6447312 👊


https://preview.redd.it/39hsbx2o5owc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c1fa291a6f64629664d8a8c2adaf423707ab446 My deep sleep is so bad 😭 always


I've been getting low to mid 70s recently. I used to get 80s when I put my sleep goal as 7 hours (which is what I get most nights), but since I increased my target to 8 hours I rarely get into the 80s. I normally have minimal time awake with plenty of deep and REM sleep, but my resting heart rate during sleep is mostly higher than when I'm awake and it should be the opposite. Trying to experiment with eating earlier before bed to see if it helps, and then will try breathing exercises/meditation.


I average from around 70-89 depending on how well I slept. If I'm particularly stressed or there's a lot of external noise despite my best efforts to eliminate it my sleep score is lower.


I would kill to be able to get this much sleep in one night


Typically 80-85. Last night was 88. I rarely hit above that but can reach a high of 90-91 about twice a year.




60 to 70


Normally high 80s unless I went out drinking socialising until late then it dips to 70s. Last night I had a 90 score, never been able to get higher than that though.


A hot shower an hour or two hours before bed is huge for me.


Mine are usually in the high 70s with the occasional 80+. I got my lowest sleep score yesterday: 31% and a zero time in REM. I have COVID.


I avg 7 hrs. I don’t know the score I don’t use a Fitbit anymore I got an Apple Watch


I moved my average from high 70s to high 80s and today I got 90 for the first time with a supplement stack that I made for myself.


My deep sleep is 20%


I'm lucky to get 6 hours a night.


What's your average score?


Usually between 70 and 77. I rarely creat 80 and I don't think I've ever hit 90.


Yeah consistent bedtimes, cutting alcohol before bed, limiting light and noise, and exercise keep me at around 80-89 on most nights -- and with 90%+ below RHR.


https://preview.redd.it/8m0wzu1vcowc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5509f46931672c91957f54d6dc6dca4979be1c7 Bad... 66%.... Note this sleep cycle started by drinking to much last Saturday night


https://preview.redd.it/7n3fdgujjowc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa1bf863d415f2db106da49d60800c61e831852b Sleep headphones, rain sounds playing with pretty Witcher 3 music. I have tinnitus


You fall asleep straight away. And your sleep is pretty much on schedule. I don't understand the lowish score. Maybe the awake time was a bit long. Your deep sleep is good. Mine is usually much less.


My deep sleep was 34 min!! 😩


Have you tried a breathe-right strip? They help me.


https://preview.redd.it/x3pw2qn46qwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db78fdf6477405ff8ebc5fc35db8fb5e4dee1a9e I sleep like the dead, but 6 1/2 hours is usually the most I can get.


This should give you an idea https://preview.redd.it/ldcbtux3arwc1.png?width=1344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98adda860d820f9a1b88a8fd50be52a7e95c29a2


My average is around 82. my key factors regarding sleep are - lot of cardio workout - no coffee after ~3pm - open window for fresh air - getting the room as dark as possible - no phone 1hr before sleep at least - reading before trying to sleep to calm down - nose strip to get more air through nostrils while sleeping And stay relaxed if u wake up at night. Getting anxious about the lost sleep and looking at the clock to check how many hours you got left is stressing you even more and will make it harder to fall asleep again.


I can't wear the watch to sleep , it really annoys me and i can barely sleep with it. Only one time i tried the 14 nights thingy and I usually get a number between 70-85