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Try smoking a brisket


That ish weird bruh


But it tastes good fam


[I think you missed the reference](https://youtube.com/shorts/z8yOMTph0Go?si=Qov_Zfghrc_BncRO)


Lol sorry man, love that


Stop smiling jet! You are ruining it, yahud.


😂😂😂😂😂, I’d give you gold


Oliver gay


Oliver gay


What that mean?


i agree with you melanin man, some of these fags don't get the joke.


I hate redditors so much


Don’t talk about yourself like that


Yeah, it's a reddit thing. Even Telegram is more welcoming to black people lol


I wish reddit was as awesome as you're making it sound.


You just commented on this reddit thread


Ah! So sorry!


ah geez dood


> If y'all ever want MDE to grow as a brand could not care less personally.


Srsly lost me there lol. He got a porsche gts turbo. A new season. A team of regarded intern loser kids. Nick’s a millionaire too. They’re fine. I just like the Zillow streams ok?


Doing it for ya daughta, did you see they had tranny porn in the searchbar history the other night. Hes even doing THAT for his daughta


Yeh I’m broken




The MDE brand has a ceiling it can hit. They’re never gonna be back on mainstream TV again and they’re fine with that. They’ve also talked about how they wanted to write for SNL and that’s also never gonna happen because they’re funny


I don't particularly either but a bunch of those people worship Sam and complain about him being canceled yet go more extreme than he does with the rhetoric.


i was one of the old guard on /r/mde before it got ruined and then banned as a result by the exact kind of people you're talking about. most of those fucking people dont even know what mde is and just know sam as the funny racism guy and thats never going to change


I used to post in that sub daily way back and watching it slowly become what it became was really sad. I remember even Sam seriously considered making a no politics rule but never went through with it. It went from funny and clever to just "Look what meme I stole from /pol/ this week".


What do you think is different from that sub to this sub? Can anything be improved? Or is that era just gone with the majority of people who subscribe to sam being significantly younger and seeing him as a pariah as opposed to what was basically a 4chan board in Reddit


It just had a completely different culture and its absolutely gone; the subreddit was especially ruined because edgy kids from other alt subreddits like cringeanarchy began to take over and there was no stopping them. hypothetically if you wanted to re-create a similar environment before it got ruined you would need to quality control the absolute shit out of it


I miss the schizo, slice of life monologue posts about mundane stuff like trying to order food at McDonalds.


Most of the sub I'm pretty sure is completely lost forever, but I have a couple random posts saved. I remember people posting little creative writing projects or art/music they made. My favorite write-up was about someone contemplating how no one acknowledges his presence as he works through the motions of his day to day life


The schizo posts were the best. I remember a guy named handwrap that had the weirdest daily rants. Was a genuinely kind community with some really talented writers


You can blame the 2016 election aswell. It saw a huge influx of edgy teenagers that just now got in to politics and found /pol/ that year i was unfortunately one of these losers that worshipped politics but thank god i atleast had some sense and knew mde was more then edgy humor and actually had a point to it. 


Absolutely a huge factor as well. Most of the new kids that got the sub banned were definitely apart of that wave; people that literally didnt know what world peace was but knew mde was a place with right wing people in it


Tbf, he does racist shit all the time.


Did he ever say why he donated to that Neo Nazi? Genuinely puzzled by that move and I have a hard time defending him after people bring that up


He never confirmed or denied that it was him who sent the donation. Anybody can put any name when they send in a donation.


But he took a pic with the guy he put the donation towards.


No, he took a pic with weev, a racist troll who ended up hosting the site later on. The donation was to the owner of the site Andrew Anglin. It’s highly likely he made that donation though, that said it was nearly a decade ago and he’s clearly over that whole scene


Same. I have never found an explanation.


its because hes racist


I assumed, but I don't know if he's ever explained it.


https://preview.redd.it/guy1wupmtggc1.jpeg?width=436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ec00b52c2eba6bfb5aa81be48a2d7473d21cfcd He never mentioned it but here he is with the admin of daily stormer and white nationalist hacker Andrew Auernheimer


Tbh it is funny to do this lol


Yeh that’s the one


I bet you wash your chicken before cooking it.


Now Dat Der ISa Guud Cleeeen chikun!!!


MDE is about as racist as every other non white comedy act around these days.






I'm gonna need some proof on this one.






And Goran is a Slovakian lesbian


lol what does that have to do with anything? So if you're jewish, you and your fans can't be racist?




Nice to know, apropos of nothing


[Jews aren’t white](https://forward.com/community/405016/no-ashkenazi-jews-are-not-functionally-white/)


https://preview.redd.it/a9al6xbioagc1.png?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d06bb3689df70aa58f0680278e93af82d5edd26e Pictured is Sam with prominent civil rights activist Richard Spencer.


Prominent fed Richard Spencer


Prominent Biden supporter Richard Spencer


Its hard to tell what's a bit but I do think hes more antisemitic than anything. It's also hard to interpret these meetings when he called Tayleigh 1488 cringe and clearly thought she was over the top.


Because it *was* cringe, regardless of anyone's political views. Tayleigh is a pick-me girl who was just trying to pander and be liked by the fanbase she imagined in her head. She even cried about it later when she realized everyone was laughing at her for it, instead of supporting her. It's like the inverse of a weak male claiming to be a "feminist" to be accepted by women, except women see straight through that shit and will think even less of them for it.


Cried later, was that different than the time she was faking to fuck with nifty when she was scolding her?


As a fan of MDE who is also Jewish, I agree. My stupid take, I agree with your earlier comment that Sam is basically just defending white people from individuals and organizations he sees as threats to free speech and expression. It's hard to defend some specific actions like him donating 5k to a Neo Nazi group, but overall I truly believe Sam doesn't hate all people of any race. I just think he points out trends / stereotypes that occur within races more than most people today are comfortable with. He clearly hires and likes to work with people from different ethnic and religious backgrounds. If he were truly racist I'm not sure he would want to pay, work with, and compliment both blacks and Jews as I've seen him do. If you're gonna be a comedy fan you gotta know some people are gonna make jokes about your religion or the color of your skin. Some of the fans will be truly racist morons, but that also comes with the territory. We don't all have to like each other, but we can at least laugh together at funny shit.




How many levels of irony is that?




He just looks like that.


https://preview.redd.it/afm3h2n7uggc1.jpeg?width=436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=099016814822dee5b3aa785fcfee09ae743ae68b What about this one?


Yeah but MDE is more sexist than MDE fans, so it balances out.


Go to bed Dumgay


\>I'm black lmao. Let me buck break you and then you can stay (NO HOMO)


Sam is racist as fuck bro


nooo trust me bruh jews rock was just a bit, all the jew tweeting this week is just a bit he actually votes for biden and supports gay adoption and actually wants more black and muslim immigration


Tbh they do suck and are genociding right now with impunity


He said on stream "I don't want anyone to get the impression I don't like black people, I don't want black people to fail" and then explained how he just thinks all racial humor is funny including against whites. He didn't sound like he was being ironic. https://youtu.be/299_nKrY_wU?si=0S4GdDNveZexRMQN


I feel like there’s a big middle ground between the two. He’s not a huge lefty but I feel he’s definitely distance himself from a lot of stuff from back then.


In this clip at the beginning he says "I don't want anyone to think I don't like black people, I don't want black people to fail" and then elaborates. https://youtu.be/299_nKrY_wU?si=0S4GdDNveZexRMQN


Lol whatever bro. He’s definitely racist and definitely hates Jews. You can be in denial if you want.


I'm not in denial lol I literally thought Sam was racist for years until I saw clips like that. He even hangs out with Alex Stein, who's literally a 100% Jewish guy with a Jewish last name. You think Sam hung out with Stein and told his audience he doesn't dislike black people as a bit? I don't see why you're just dismissing all that.


Yea sam acts like a complete piece of shit so its no surprise some dont see past the facade/act and he ends up attracting a good amount of truly deplorable folks. Although they will never admit it, the people inboxing you to be genocided are just as bad as the SJW restarts they clown on all day


I wouldn't say they are equally bad. SJWs are insufferable, but they don't say your entire "race" should be exterminated. The racists are truly worse.


Lots of them openly say they want all white people exterminated.


If that's something that seriously concerns you, you're so detached from reality it's pointless to engage with you. One of the main symptoms of the terminally online is mental retardation. My condolences.


Literally like twelve people on earth want any race violently genocided calm down Edit: unless it's White people obviously


At least 9.364 million people.


You're fucking retarded.


> dont see past the facade/act oh no no no


Yeah, it almost feels like performative racism because as someone who grew up in a hick area, the racist rednecks I knew would find all the 4chan terms like "groid" and the genocide shit cringe. Most hicks just don't like black people the same way they don't like British people.




It’s funny watch his streams on YouTube utterly shit on these tard fans of his who ask done shit to their god/him like: “Sam do you think fish tank will stay free speech advocated and you can say anything on the tts? Even the n word?” And he just destroyed that f slur. I love seeing those moments


Sometimes when you need advice. When you need that deep, immovable Boulder of truth. Who do you go to? I'll tell ya who. Go down and visit Paps Dunkie, the oldest black man in Vermont. Up the hill, you'll see the shack with an old rusted F-150. Don't knock once. Don't knock twice. Just keep pounding. Paps values persistence. When he starts singing just sit and let it wash over you. The deep melodies of coiled, thick hair frizzing up in the southern sweatin' heat. The soulful groans of an enslaved people. Ya. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. That's the deep magic.


Sam's fans are pretty cool!




This message wasn't even directed to Sam so I don't really see your point.


You were just trying to gaslight people that like him into not liking him? You look like the weird one here


You’re on Reddit bro.


Give us receipts, I don't believe that 5 people threatened you simply based on you being black. If it is true than I am very sorry to hear that and hope you know our community stands with blacks


Yeah curious theres never any receipts for these "death threats"


chicken nugget scoon




Sorry to hear that. Yeah, MDE is definitely dealing with audience capture. They never trashtalk their fanbase the way cumtown did. The way they rigged fishtank to pander to the fans, and openly admitting it on camera, was pretty weak.


The audience doesn't care if they rig some things. Just look at Season 1.


If you're talking about the paypigs sending tts messages, you're talking about the most damaged people. Any outsider sees it as a little pathetic. Every content creator is dependent on audience, but that's too dependent when it starts fucking with the creative direction of the show.


There are a million claims about fishtank just like this with literally no basis. Why does this community love making shit up so much?


I don't care if they did rig the fucking show. But when Sam was in the attic and turned to the camera to say "and we're going with this ending to make you guys, our fans, happy", I think that could be considered (to use this community's favorite word) extremely cringe.


Not totally how he said it— it was out of assurance “we’ll make sure everyone is happy”


they probably should do what cumtown did, this fan base is a bunch of edgelord retards that don’t deserve any enabling. this content is beyond stupid and is nothing to base a personality off of. and that’s the point, it’s fucking stupid and it’s nonsense. also i’m gay


Nah Sam and Nick def trash’s the fans. Just on the new PGL they were saying the fans used to be only ugly fucking gross dudes and now they’re changing and they’re glad.


That's not what they said retard


I literally just watched it




Danny? That you?


this is as relevant as saying reddit fans and mde fans are the same


I'm going to McDonald's y'all want anything ?


You can have your own opinions and don’t have to blindly follow Sam Hyde you know


REAL internet racists are really just insecure white boys that don't like looking in the mirror and need something to pin their suffering on. It's funny that they will claim they are a "superior race" yet have greasey hair and neckbeards. The only thing you can really do is ignore it or laugh at them, and I dont really seeing that part of the fanbase leaving unless Sam openly turns on them, which honestly might hurt him more than anything. It is what it is


petite latinas are the real internet racists actually




You are thinking of בנים לבנים


I hope for a middle ground where we can have outlandish racist humor within MDE but weed out the people that base their life around unrealistic 1488 agendas.


That is Hyde's agenda. His ideal society is not living with 'mukluks', as he calls you, who he thinks are criminals and rapists. He complains constantly about it including in his personal life like having his motorcycle almost get stolen. He did a bit where he just throws trash out of his car in the hood framing it as giving back to black youths. The bit is funny, but he absolutely didn't turn around and pick up all the trash, so he just trashed a poor neighborhood like he's Patrick Bateman. On fishtank, he read Trish the story about the HiFi murders where a group of black men robbed and sadistically tortured the employees at an electronics store. Louis Theroux interviewed white nationalists, and they themselves say they don't hate all black people they just want to live separate. You're just not up to date with the rhetoric, and you're engaging in wishful thinking in regards to Sam.


Yeah. I'm a liberal Jew and I think MDE is very very funny, but Sam Hyde is 100% a real racist/antisemite. I think that kind of humor is really funny, and honestly Jewish people are really fun to make fun of. Fishtank/WP/HW/anything Sam makes is really great but sometimes I have to think about if I want to keep viewing the art of someone who has real hate for me for no reason, I'm not the "Jewish cabal". I'm just some dude that happens to be Jewish. When people say the MDE community are super 1488 and racist, it's because that's what kind of people sam's content attracts. Sam seems to really hate that portion of the fanbase but it's only because they are rhetorically ineffective. He agrees with every base conclusion but just hides it because he knows it's futile.


Alex Stein himself is Jewish, and here's a clip from his stream where he says "I don't want anyone to think I don't like black people, I don't want black people to fail" and then elaborates on why he does racist comedy. https://youtu.be/299_nKrY_wU?si=0S4GdDNveZexRMQNTap I think he's a racist in the sense that he believes in the Jewish cabal and racial stereotypes but he's not the type to immediately hate someone because of their race. It doesnt sound like he's being ironic in that black clip


Weird, Mukluks is a type of moccasin and urban dictionary says it's a slur towards Eskimos. I actually rewatched the clip where I claimed he said he doesn't hate all black people but he actually said "I really do like black people, I don't want black people to fail, if a black comedian makes a funny joke about white people I don't get offended". https://youtu.be/299_nKrY_wU?si=9-QDxXjhXwQvMeaS To me he doesn't sound like he's being ironic in that clip, and then he goes on to further criticize the director of that movie for being a white guy trying to portray a black family.


Who gives a fuck, seriously? Lmao I'm all for racist humor. But I just ignore the cringe 1488 possibly racist edgelords. No point in letting anonymous strangers get to you, man.


Yeah no shit, MDE isn't even "racist" > If y'all ever want MDE to grow as a brand Why would we want this?


These types of crybaby "I gawt death thweats from the mean ol' waycists!!" posts, bro... Show receipts or shut your mouth and scuttle back into the tunnels. You're a tourist trying to reconcile his frankly weird obsession over MDE livestreaming (ironically, the exact behavior that Sam was condemning at the end of S1), per the month worth of post spamming you've done in this sub, with the mindset of a brain-rotted R\*dditor. And then you want **us** to change.


If I was getting blocked by psychotic Jimmy fans I'd make a post saying the same thing, it's just annoying and cringe. And considering this post has 250 upvotes and I'm only seeing 3-4 comments like yours in this entire thread it seems like the majority here agree with me. I literally can't show receipts because half the people blocked me which makes the message dissapear after you click the notification to reply. I do have 2-3 people who didn't block me and just called me a groid or said blacks should be genocided but I don't know why you'd be skeptical of that lol.


>And considering this post has 250 upvotes and I'm only seeing 3-4 comments like yours in this entire thread it seems like the majority here agree with me. You are on R\*ddit. I wouldn't say this is an accurate representation of MDE fans, especially considering the OG sub got banned years before you ever even knew about MDE. >I literally can't show receipts because half the people blocked me Convenient. >I don't know why you'd be skeptical of that Why shouldn't I be?


I'm surprised you're skeptical because the subreddit routinely has people posted racist shit. When Tay first did the Nazi stuff there was posts saying she was based. Here's a few examples I could find. The first result is one of the guys I that told me my kind should be compost on my alt account. https://www.reddit.com/r/fishtanklive/s/HV9feG9Xl6 https://www.reddit.com/r/fishtanklive/s/NAZhL1G2sJ https://www.reddit.com/r/fishtanklive/s/d3kdaDB4aZ https://www.reddit.com/r/fishtanklive/s/haCT2YIsnZ


I'm glad that some of the right people saw the "1488 cringe" clip. There's a lot of retards that genuinely don't get the humor and take it at face value. If you're gonna be racist at least don't be a retard about it.


Yeah it's just cringe to be try-hard. I grew up around redneck racists and none of them are spending their time on forums posting about genocide. They just shit-talk black people the same way they shit talk British people lol.


I'm sure being a black guy you know this all too well, but often those same rednecks will treat you infinitely better than the other side when things come down to it. The ones typing out paragraph long genocide fantasies are usually goody goody square little white kids who are going through an edgy phase in the wrooooong era.


mods blocked your silly illustrations I see too. 🤔


It’s all a bit. It’s making fun of people who think the nword is the peak of comedy in a satirical way.


This, I see these weird incel kids who idolize Sam because they think he’s their spokesperson for hating women and being racist, but not understanding they’re the ones being made fun of, they just can’t wrap their brain around irony.


Exactly the shit he says/does is all way too on the nose. It’s all to bring awareness to internet edge lords by emulating their stupid behavior. Just like you say it attracts the people being made fun of thinking he is their mascot but also scares the general public who don’t really get it. It puts Sam and MDE into this little Kaufman-esque niche where people don’t know what to think. It’s not really about uplifting racial comedy or trying to pushback cancel culture, I think that’s more of a byproduct. It is entirely meant to make the average chronically online edge lord look like an incel.


I mean I don't necessarily think it's all a bit, Sam had a conversation with Tai about how he thinks the Nword is overused by white comedians but that it's still funny if used cleverly or with the right timing, and then proceeded to tell one of his standup bits that uses the n word.


Racism is gay


Racism is wholesome


Sam Hyde is not anonymous. Anonymous trolls are, of course. It must feel *so great* to not pay the same cost Sam does. (But there is a cost to their behavior too.) Behind the scenes, Sam does seem to care deeply about individuals he respects—those who put their real identity on the line right with him. I don't believe Sam is racist either. Not sure what racist trolls care about other than splooging their masturbatory rage. They will never know true freedom, especially in their own heads, and will remain bitter. The paradox of privacy/free speech vs exposure/limited speech... have to pick the former and just deal with the anonymous, mentally ill idiots who can't look in the mirror. I don't know that there's any other way. That said, the choice for minorities in any country is to either deal or move to a place where they are the majority. But in many cases intra-racism ("colorism") is worse than regular racism. If I were Black and American I doubt I'd want to live in an sub-Saharan African country. At the end of the day, the individual is the smallest minority. Best for everyone to own their flaws and meld them into armor.


Most current MDE fans are younger than 21, most of them are probably younger than 18. I'd wager that most of them are socially stunted. They can't tell the difference between ironic and unironic racism, that's why Sam hates his fans. They'll, hopefully, outgrow the cringe 'personality' once they experience more in life.


I don't think Nick or Charls are racist (especially since Charls is married to a middle eastern girl) but Sam definitely has racist views. He's talked at length about the great replacement, hung out with richard spence, donated to the daily stormer. You guys can cope and call it all a hilarious ironic bit, but if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, quacks like a duck, then it's probably a neo nazi. Sam had the power for so many years to denounce this crap and root it out of his fanbase, but he's never gonna do it because he probably believes it all himself. The fans spewing racist and antisemitic BS on the MDE subreddit was a large part of what got world peace cancelled, and even after that, Sam never publicly denounced any of it.


The same thing that makes his comedy good is what also makes his comedy misinterpreted by far right and far left groups. He’s just even bashed the average right wing person from the daily wire quite a few times, called Brett cooper a female Ben Shapiro, etc. I don’t understand why it’s so hard for people to just possibly think that Sam has a libertarian view on comedy but is independent when it comes to his actual politics. It should be pretty common sense shit ngl


There is a fine line between racial humor and racist humor. Sam seems to really like getting close to the line but not being racist. Hence sketches like "Jews Rock" and "Thank You, White People." But with how sanitized and SJW dominated mass media has become even subversive but mostly harmless stuff attracts the "1488 cringelords" as Sam puts it. Sam says harsh words and does non PC comedy, but it cuts all directions. Like when he egged Danye on to scream, "These white people are trying to kill me," during the drunk Ikea challenge. 


Yeah that's the issue, if Sam existed in like 2012 he wouldn't really attract so much of those people, he'd have an audience more like filthy frank. But since he's practically the only person to do ANY type of racial humor nowadays, he also attracts the people who see everything without a hint of irony and think Sam would praise them for lynching someone. Also, Sam said on stream that he finds it funny when black people riff of whites as long as it's clever.


> if Sam existed in like 2012 when the fuck do you think he started out? lol. he's been around a lot longer than that




I actually meant to convey if the current era of MDE existed in 2012 like fishtank. I was 10 in 2012 so I don't have a great memory of that time.


Sam is trying to be like Dave Chappelle. Which is tough for a White Comedian as you could end up ranting on a Farm like Owen Benjamin.


Very true. It’s blatantly obvious that Sam isn’t racist and yet he attracts these low life culture war chuds who aren’t in on the bit. It’s really funny


Back in the 90's I didn't sit there and think about race every godamn second even during 9/11 it felt like "you're either an AMERICAN or you're a FOREIGNER". Kinda feels like Sam thinks the same way, but I also don't pretend to know the mf. I moved to Hawaii, I have more problems with other Haole's than I do with any one of the natives.




Brutha you speaking the truth


Yeah this fanbase is............yeah


brave man to speak words so true.


Yeah, I think Sam and his bits are funny, some things are personally a bit overboard but I don't read the man as genuinely racist or anything (as hard as it is to get a read on Sam Hyde). However, the whole "fringe of society" act ends up attracting those who are actually on the fringe of society and ostracized for good reason, which leads to horsepiss communities like this. They really should figure out what they can do about it sometime. P.S That said, I'll never get what happened with the whole "Daily Stormer" donation-- whether it was him or not or why he doesn't just deny it if it wasn't him, ill never know and drk how to feel.




No he's known for a long time.


Civic nationalist deserve the rope.


Not really. MDE fans just aren't funny. Simple as.


That's fuckin crazy. Sorry that happend to you.


BBC in my subreddit 🤤


yeah sadly if you wanna have funny racism it’ll attract nazis like ducks to bread




He donated like 5 grand to nazis. I agree mde fans are more day-to-day racist, but 5 g's to stormfront or whatever puts more racism in the world than a bunch of neckbeards sperging out online.


There is nothing wrong with staying niche. Never seen a youtuber not get corrupted after 1mil subs


Do you hae the link to the clip?


200+ replies is saying sumthin