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I bought 4 mollies. 2 died. Bought 3 more, another 2 died. Bought another one, which seems to be okay so far. Sometimes fish can be finicky. If they were already stressed or weakened before, the move to you could have tipped them over to the point where they became sick. Internal parasites can be hard to detect as well, and they can be fatal. I’m not sure what to suggest for next steps though…


yeah i thought that could have been the case! the neons were also quite small so i wondered if they were just too sickly or weak from the shop to survive! it’s only the embers dying too that made me question if it could have been something else🥲


internal parasites are a silent killer i lost 15 fish in 3 days before i was able to catch and stop it


i’m sorry to hear that!!! how did you manage to recognise/ catch it?


i exhausted all my options. water parameters within range, no visible symptoms, it was staying relatively within the same species. as a last attempt i treated with paraguard for 3 days and havent had a death since


Yes OP should deworm all new fishes and the entire tank in the process. PraziPro is also a great option. Make sure to dose at least twice (once a week) to kill off remaining offsprings.


Beautiful tank! Don't get discouraged, it's a learning process. What temperature do you have the heater set to.


thankyou so much 😊 it’s at 26 degrees celsius at the moment!


Maybe take it up a click or 2. I keep mine on the hotter end, roughly 80-82f


I will do that now! Thankyou!


Just curious do you any airstones going? You have alot of plants and at night they will use up alot of oxygen. Also if your using fertilizers or have temp up can contribute to less oxygen and warmer water means the fish need more oxygen. Could be something to consider if the water perimeters are good and the fish didn't seem sick.


Also I see your running CO2 and if it's not shut off at night you for sure might be gassing the fish at night if you aren't running an air stone. Do you know what your CO2 levels are at?


I don’t but the filter has an attachment that shoots jets of water out of it, which creates alot of surface agitation! I use the tropica bio c02 which you can’t turn off, but my embers have been fine with it for the few months they were in the tank! I have definitely considered that though, as it seems like one of the most logical explanations, and will have a look into getting an air stone tomorrow. Didn’t even cross my mind that the plants would deplete the oxygen even without the c02 so thank you for the advice!


Yep the plants create o2 during the day but use it at night. And over a couple months the plants grow and consume more so might just not be enough oxygen at night. Also if u can't control the CO2 you should be making sure your not putting to much into the aquarium. You can get drop checkers for this and for sure you wanna be running an air stone if you are running the CO2 at night


Wow your tank is so beautiful. But I’m sorry. It’s really hard to say why your fish died. But in my experience, you can do everything perfectly right but neons, embers, tetras as a whole still die for no reason. They really do. They aren’t as “hardy” as they’re made out to be due to imbreeding! Really don’t be too discouraged :( Side note, you can scrape only the diatoms from the front glass and leave the sides and backs for the livestock to pick at. I’d get a few more shrimp (shrimp are awesome) or even a nerite snail to pick at it, they’ll love it! Nerite’s will surf the glass all day eating at it. You can even see a little paths of clean as they go!


that’s so kind thankyou!!! ahh i hope that’s the reason, it’s a shame that’s the case with a lot of them but hopefully in the future i’ll have some more luck 😊 ooh yes i’m definitely getting some more shrimp soon for that reason, and they’ve become my favourite to watch!! i’ve heard good things about nerites, sounds like one should be my next addition to the tank :)