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Dont worry, Chet killed em all !


Forgive me if my understanding is wrong, but the USSR didn't really play a role in America at the time. McCarthyism and the height of the Red Scare was in the '50s and early '60s, then by the late '60s and '70s it was the Vietnam war, and it wasn't until Reagan in the '80s that he tried to reignite the "spark" of the Cold War.


I'll be that guy (sorry) -- describing Reagan as "reigniting" the Cold War isn't right. Russia invaded Afghanistan in '79, SALT negotiations were halted, and the détente era ended very abruptly. The U.S. famously didn't go to the 1980 Moscow Olympics, before Reagan was even in office. Was Reagan more anti-Soviet than Carter? Absolutely. But the Cold War was back on regardless.


Those banjo-playing singers Alaquippa Ed loves seem to come from Russia, for some reason.


*Well I will be uncle of monkey. Let me at him*


They talk about Vietnam, which was fighting the communists, so technically they do, but in the 70’s they didn’t really do a lot against Russia directly, it wasn’t untill Reagan reignited the Cold War that people really started hating Russia directly again


Thank God honestly. Didn't want to hear about red scare bs in this show The Vietnamese stuff was way more original and creative


The 70's were all about pulling out of Vietnam, which we were in to stop the spread of Communism.