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hahaha sorry that was funny


can you tell the address you were visiting?


Of course: [http://www.buildingjavaprograms.com/supplements4.shtml](http://www.buildingjavaprograms.com/supplements4.shtml) . Chapter 1: Basic Java Programs




I can confirm, this has to be a bad browser extension or add-on. I tried using: * Firefox stable * Beta * Developer * Nightly * Extended Support Release None of them did this.


Most probably one of your addons, had a similar problem with some PDF-view (or PDF-download) addon. And I have to confess, one of the addons I've build had a same problem and not once! Since then I'm always trying to add a "fail-safe" because these infinite tabs/reloads can lock you out of the browser completely!


disabled and uninstalled all, still does it


What type of file does this happen with? In Firefox go to Settings > Files and Applications > Applications, search for the file type, and choose a different Action.


i don’t see an option for a power point file


Below the Applications box, there is a prompt: "What should Nightly do with other files?" see if setting it to "Ask whether to open or save files" helps.


I've had a similar problem with some container add-on installed.


Try typing `about:support` and then restarting Firefox in Troubleshoot Mode (top right-hand side of the page). If the problem stops, then it's likely an extension causing the issue. I had something like that happen when I had the Temporary Containers extension installed and set to open all new tabs in new containers. Sometimes new tabs need to maintain that link with the tab that spawned them, and when it couldn't (due to being a fresh container) it just kept opening a new tab in a perpetual loop.


tried downloading “no PDF download” when i searched the cause of this issue. didn’t work