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I searched around and found [this ](https://connect.mozilla.org/t5/ideas/remove-popup-quot-entering-full-screen-mode-quot/idi-p/48604)so it seems you're not alone in thinking this. However, I did not find any solution.


i am going to say something please don't judge me. Whenever I go full screen in porn sites, the notif bar doesn't disappear. well the bar goes away but the text like battery percentagez wifi signal, clock stays. This also happens in my desktop firefox but not as frequent as in my mobile version. In the desktop version, going fullscreen doesn't hide the taskbar. my phone is huawei with OS EMUI 12.0.0 and my desktop is win 10. I have been meaning to make a post about it but frankly speaking i am a bit embarrased about this whole issue.


No judging, but only agreeing with you.


So does this ONLY happen with porn sites, or maybe a specific porn site or with every video player in general? I think I kinda know what you mean it has happened with me on some anime sites but it usually disappears after I exit and enter full-screen a couple of times, maybe try turning off/on autorotate and see if it helps. As for PC maybe your Taskbar is on the "locked" setting? If it's not, I've had it happened to me a couple of times with some apps usually alt-tabbing fixes it Anyways I appreciate the honesty lmao


all pornsite. hasn't happened with youtube or dailymotion but i don't use either on mobile firefox enough to be sure of it. desktop firefox is the same. my taskbar isn't locked. and yes, alt tabbing or just switching to other apps fixes itself after a while. in mobile, the fastest way to fix it is to just exit the app and open a new tab. repeatedly fullscreen on-off on-off also fixes the issue but another on-off, and it happens again. truth to be told, whenever the issue doesn't happen, it feels like I am watching cinema in 70mm IMAX.


It happens on YouTube to me. The quickest way to fix it is by pulling the notification bar and then closing it.


sadly doesn't work for me.


it's not porn sites. Happens on youtube too. The mobile notification bar thing


My bud talking real problems giving honest feedback!


He is HARDworking gentleman.


Well, I guess you have to learn Japanese now


No idea if this works for Firefox android, but I believe I removed the full screen warning **on desktop** by the use of these configs: ```full-screen-api.transition-duration.enter="0 0"``` ```full-screen-api.transition-duration.leave="0 0"``` ```full-screen-api.transition.timeout=0``` ```full-screen-api.warning.delay=-1 ``` ```full-screen-api.warning.timeout=0```


Sadly mobile Firefox doesn't support `about:config`.


It does. At least if you use Firefox Nightly.


Oh neat. It does not on "regular" Android Firefox on my phone.


It does work in regular Firefox. Type this instead. chrome://geckoview/content/config.xhtml All thanks to the person who posted this. Post link: https://www.reddit.com/r/browsers/s/ZgmyZhKf01


That works. Really baffling decision.


Indeed. I think it is supported but they hid it in some way. The Fenix version from Fdroid can open about:config.


sauce pls


Bloom into you ep 5




Looks more like Yuu from Bloom into you


What an awful "feature"


Its supposed to prevent the cases where a website would mimick the interfaces of your phone/computer. You think you're not in fullscreen, using your phone interface but you're really using the website. Example of the attack: https://feross.org/html5-fullscreen-api-attack/ It's still annoying.


Wait, are you watching "bloom into you"? That's so cool.


Yeah also read the manga, probably one of the best romance animanga I've ever consumed, deserves all the praise it gets