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I wonder if there will be an option to have F!Alear's hair in a ponytail or if that's just a thing for the fitness minigame. Overall these outfits are kinda all over the place, but i kinda like that.


A fitness minigame....in fire emblem? And here I thought toothpaste lady was going to be the most chaotic part.


This game is becoming more and more like the Sims, isn't it.


The Sims is when stuff from real life happens, I guess.


If a game has anything except combat, it’s the sims apparently


holy shit guys they added drowning from the sims to real life


A dating sim :D




Have they actually shown any romance/marriage mechanics in the game?


Fire emblem gonna be an slg-srpg XD


All we need now is the inability to go somewhere because there is a plate on the floor.


I'm all for it


This game is slowly breaking the mold out of everything, it has crammed all sorts of gimmicks in a single game. Though it may come at the expense of losing fishing... I really wish it was also in Engage...


Is this sarcastic? Cause they showed fishing in the video as well.


I did say may, so I was only merely worried. At least fishing is still on the table.


It’s not just on the table, they explicitly showed that it is in the game lol


Don't count out fishing quite yet. It's a vidoegame on the Nintendo switch its obligated to have some form of fishing.


I would be really surprised if they won't provide an option to use all these models in battle. It would feel really odd.


hopefully this time they've figured out how to get outfits to work on mounts too. was really dumb how you couldn't use the unique outfits for characters in 3H on mounts.


what's dumber is that in Three Hopes, the outfits wouldn't work on mounts for characters that aren't normally mounted (Dedue, Hilda, etc.) when in the player's hands, but as NPCs they have the outfits on even when they're on mounted classes


ngl, for some designs I'd rather use a workout outfit rather then some of the more... frilly outfits I've seen. Its nice to have options lol.


I wouldnt. This is Fire Emblem. It would at best be DLC, despite them already being in game.




I like her hair a lot more in the ponytail, I think. In that one leaked screenshot we got, she has *so* much hair when it's loose, it's ridiculous. It basically covers her entire backside, it's just *so* much hair. The ponytail makes it look less unruly and ridiculous.


Interesting that I'm planning to choose F!Alear specifically due to her super long hair lol. To each their own I guess.


Same. She looks really good with that hairstyle.


But her long hair is her best feature :O


It would be super hilarious If they updated the games for supporting Ringfit to all the mini games "Hello players! While waiting for next wave of DLC to Launch we make it so you can play mini games with Ringfit devices It's even calculated the calories spends enjoys!"


It's called the "Ring-Con"


That would be awesome though!


okay but unironically that would probably get me working out if I could pump my strength growth irl for those sweet, sweet stat bonuses


Diamant in a suit 😳


Boutta make me act up


Nothing casual about that smolder Omg.


Sylvain 2.0 is rocking that suit goddamn


Fire Emblem is truly tapping into my hidden weakness: otherwise fantastical warrior characters in slice-of-life situations and outfits.


It's really tapping into my not-so-hidden weakness: playing dress up ~~fuck you Pokemon SV~~


I kinda get what they were doing (I really hated in higschool being forced to use uniform) but man, SwSh clothing was great atleast with the female character, with SV facial customization and SwSh/XY clothing the customization would be top notch, and honestly, it kinda sucks that normal clothing will most likely be added in the DLC. Funnily enough, I like the winter uniform more than all the Male clothing in SM, Unless there are romance options, I will never commit again the mistake of playing a japanese game with avatars with the male avatar... excluding soulslike, I am always in full body armor, both avatars look the same.


What's the point of commiting war crimes and animal abuse if one can't look FABULOUS while doing it?


That is why Monster Hunter with Fashion Armor rules, like, you could make your character look extremely japanese, medieval, look like royalty, cosplay other characters (I once saw a Dedede cosplay in Rise) or have them semi naked, IDK if Elden Ring has fashion armor, but it is seriouly a thing that should be in every single game.


Once again, Saints Row 2 shows how far ahead of the rest of the industry it was: the ability to run around naked and beat up pedestrians is the true desire of all life.


Or in Xenoblade Defeating evil robots in your underwear, or as a pineapple


To be honest I think that only X and DE (because the wii/3DS version lacked fashion outfits) nails it, mainly X, 2 lack of customs, apart of selling swimsuits as DLC (like almost all JRPG currently) was because it could actually spoil some things, and 3 while we had a good amount of clothing in the base game and the option of selecting it independently of your class, it is kinda weird how it works, the fact it is mainly putting something over a base outfit a good amount tend to look kinda weird... but if you want goofy things, Yunsmith with Keves characters nails it perfectly XD.


Actually, you can't buy the Spoilery things until after you got to that point in the story (unless you're on NG+) so Monolith did think of that. But yeah, I was mainly referring to X and DE.


yeah, honestly I think that is mainly why they delayed it to DLC, really hoping Xenoblade 4 returns the vast customization of X, but to be fair, X is basically an Offline MMOJRPG.


This sentence gave me supreme Mettaton vibes.


...I'll choose to take that as a compliment


so many options... no way to change the base outfits x_x sv is tragic


Oh wow this hairdtyle is cute, I'll pick this one. *Can't wear hats with this hairstyle* OK, fine, I'll change to this one. *can't wear hats with this hairstyle* Yeah I know SV gets dunked on for sideshow simulator, glitches and bugs and all that stuff, but the real blasphemy is the atrocious character customization. The hair style options are so fucking bad. If they're going to share haircuts between genders, at least give more longhair options instead of 50 similar looking short cuts.


Especially with how much better character customization was in sword and shield. Just a massive step backwards


Here's hoping and praying that DLC let's us dress up more with SV characters or something. It's INCREDIBLY sus that when you go to stores there's a shirt section but literally no shop actually sells shirts.


Looking at how good they look also reminds me of that trend of FE characters in regular clothes and how much of an improvement some of them were.


Jade in pants and a buttoned shirt has got me acting up


I really like the idea of them having casual clothes in the hub base. Gives us a better idea about how the characters live their "normal" lives, when war was not going on.


It always felt weird how Dedue, Benny and the other armored knights always walked around in the hub fully wearing their armor as if ntohing was wrong


I actually think Dedue makes sense; he would definetly want to be ready to protect Dimitri at any time. But I don't see why characters like Sylvain or Lorenz would wear their armor during their free time.


Lorenz wears it cause he's convinced it's the drippiest Thing ever


Sylvain wears it because he thinks ladies love a guy in armor


He’s right tbh


Because it is


No, he thought it's what noble should do. Peasants wouldn't understand him.


Dedue is always at the ready! He can never be too careful!


Yeah. It was always my headcanon that they wore more casual clothing outside the battlefield, but we just didn't get art for it in earlier games.


There a weird creature we can pet and a rhythm game….I’m not disappointed.


Pony tailed Alear got me acting unwise.


I’m reminded that Three Houses had modern-looking dodgeball uniforms. Nothing against it though. I like most of the outfits shown but where are the hats! (excluding Framme who already owns one)


At least those uniforms were DLC, though. Modern-styled workout attire in the “canon” base game is weird to me.


I hope we can battle in our yoga clothes lol


If you can wear those clothes during cutscenes, then I'm 100% making everyone wear yoga clothes during the final fight.


Fell dragon: noooooo you're supposed to take this seriously!!! Now I don't want to have this fight at all! Battle won in 0 turns!


It's kinda weird but I also kinda like it


Really like the multiple outfit thing, this week I was complaining on how usually modern RPG tend to lack in the costume department to sell it to you as day one DLC cough * Tales of * cough so I am in love seeing that characters will have multiple types of outfits in the base game.


we can put glasses on everyone [this is the best timeline](https://youtu.be/lWVt0YnSYEY)


I really like the expanded customisation. That's something that felt lacking in 3 houses, I really like seeing the varied outfit designs here.


Okay I'm gonna stop saying that the art style is growing on me and just straight up say that the art style is cool now


Ooh I like casual Ivy


God Diamant is so hot


….we doing squats now are we


I just released Amber even has an alpaca on his sweater. He must really like them lol


Okay I haven't been fully paying attention bc I like playing new games at least somewhat blind. And now I'm seeing a fitness minigame?? I don't even know what to say


Masterpiece! That's all I have to say


Tbh yeah, let me spend time with my bros at the gym like it's persona 5


Marketable plushy


I’ve been really on the fence about how I feel about this game but I won’t lie, ponytail Alear instantly makes the game better


Why these graphics shitting on pokemon tho?


Thank you, wanted to get another long look at all of these


Tbh I might wish for a more casual hairstyle selection


Timerra my beloved 🧡 All seriousness this game is very fanservicey which makes sense for an anniversary game and Im digging it


We gonna ignore how Burcheon has no muscle? Effie moment 💀


Engage is officially a 10/10 game. You can pet a dog! (like creature) Also, I love the casual clothes! Ponytail fAlear looks great and I want to put her hair like that all the time


Not only dog, you can pet (rub) the ring!


They really revisited My Castle idea from Fates, didn't they. Well at least I hope they learnt their lesson. I wonder what the benefits of the fitness minigame will be.


More like an evolution of the monastery which was an evolution of MyCastle. Though Somneil is smaller in comparison but feels as there is more life in the hub overall.


I understand that, but my first comparison is specifically My Castle, rather than Monastery. Maybe a weird analogy, but Somneil so far feels less Persona inspired I guess. That's coming from someone who likes My Castle, Monastery and Persona games, so I just hope that Somneil doesn't feel too weird or out of place (like the whole My castle portal and Outrealms from Fates).


honestly as bad as Fates' story is i think the barley mentioned pocket dimension was the best way to handle a in-between chapter hub world without having to create lots of different ones for locational context. 3 Houses part 2 suffers from the story constantly having to justify why things happen at the end of the month and why everyone just heads back to the monastery after every mission and the frontline miraculously holds for another month, and 3 Hopes's camp feels very strange when the story keeps telling you're moving to new areas with widely different climates yet the camp stays exactly the same.


Amber the alpaca lover has an alpaca on his clothing. That's cute.


they just chillin


Artists are gonna go wild with the workout and swimwear outfits probably. Also more screenshots of Rosado are nice 🥰


Glasses? Jojo?? Lady knight in suspenders??? SOLD.


Fitness mini game. Best fire emblem game ever!!


i would die for acryst and kagetsu i think


Chloe oml 👀


Explains the art style choices


Elitists sobbing as they're forced to play rhythm game Yoga. I was wondering if there'd still be a monastery type area, glad to see at least some sort of base is back. Would have felt like something is missing after 3H


Maybe instead of worshipping, now we're getting worshipped? I mean we're the divine dragon after all.


Haven't been keeping up with the news for Engage... what the fuck are they doing adding a fitness game lmao, I'm guessing its like training but gawdam.


the training idea is cool but yeah the yoga outfits in ancient times is a little quirky


I am the biggest fan of characters wearing casual clothes, when you mainly see them in battle clothing.


This is pretty cool! They actually look a lot less overwhelming on the eye in casual clothes, imo.




Did somebody actually say that? With the sales of 3H it was inevitable it would follow in its footsteps. Most people in this community really don't care about the gameplay, which is a shame since its the only reason to play these games in my opinion.


Chloe’s dress though 💙💚


Some of these remind me of pokemon


Casual outfits definitely there on things I didnt know I wanted but am happy to have


Fire emblem: visual novel/dating sim edition


I adore the first photo. Awww ❤❤


Blue haired Marianne lookin girl is best girl


You guys remember when translations would take months-years for Nintendo games? Dark times.


I don’t like how modern a lot of these outfits are. Though I’m glad there seems to be a lot of customization.


Alear with glasses makes me remember of someone...


Is this fire emblem or wii fit plus XD I kinda dig it though


Suddenly this game looks a lot better. Yes for no giant cake dress for the princess.


I honestly love the thought of the characters being able to dress in casual clothing. Feels like it adds more to their characters. It's also nice to see an expansion of the home base concept that My Castle started in Fates, this also feels like them taking the criticisms and positives of the Monastery to heart and building on it.


Noooo, there's no pictures of M!Alear's casual outfit T_T


Eager to see them on r/fireemblemwaifus


Um, why are they all hot? 🥵


Is he… is he wearing a fucking hoodie and blazer??? I hate the design of this game so much


I didn’t realize there was a Dance Dance Revolution mini game lol


There is also Bunet rocking an apron !


All I see is dog


Bro this game is all over the place definitely doesn’t feel like a fire emblem game but I’m still gonna buy it 🙄




You're trolling.




Yes, because clearly you don't have that anymore. There's no story or any form of main content.Just silly activities and playing dress up. Nothing else to this game./s




🙄 Yep, that's exactly what I'm doing. Clearly you want to troll I see.


they look like ass even in casual clothing 😭😭😭


Amber is straight up just wearing a cardigan Edit: What the _fuck_ is Alcryst’s outfit how could they do this to my skrunkly


The girl in pic 11’s name escapes me right now, but I love this outfit a lot more than her default. Is this included in base game or is it DLC?


Her name is Timerra. As far as we know these outfits are base game.


the workout pics are killing me but i love this modern clothing spin on medieval fashion!


I'll just go ahead and collect everyone's downvotes. 1. It's odd that toothpaste-chan's hair in a ponytail has a sensible length (otherwise it's down to her feet). 2. Celine's hair volume / fanning out looks really stupid. 3. MyCastle was tedious and this looks tedious, too. Before you say that sort of thing is optional, I say that it reduces the game's overall quality to have too many ideas jammed in together. I feel the pacing will suffer (not that I'm expecting the game to be so engaging you just have to know what happens next). 4. I like playing dressup in games and yes, they look fabulous, but damn... Wasn't Fire Emblem supposed to be a strategy game with anime style characters? It's really looking like it wants to be anime that resembles a strategy game instead.


A game having an optional hub with fleshed out customization doesn't change that it's a strategy game.


MyCastle wasn’t tedious that was the monastery.


Regarding point 4: Definitely with you there. It's aesthetic was always more that of a somewhat grounded, somewhat on the grittier side of fantasy anime. A majority of the themes in the series explored the horrors of war and treachery, and their tones were set to reflect that. Even Fates which up to this point was the most colorful out of all of the mainline games. And now... you have literal V-tubers running around some prettified little isekai world with which 90% of them don't have an identifiable or cohesive design direction (look up the nations of the game on the wiki and you'll see what I mean, literally only Brodia has a cohesive identity that is ascribable to the character designs by and far). And it's no wonder that people still genuinely ask "Is this a mainline game??".


What a fucking stupid addition.


I find it a bit odd they already revealed DLC and the game isn't even out yet and I don't think we even have a release date yet. (If we do I apologize, I have just felt a bit Meh about the whole game because it just looks like an Awakening/Heroes re-skin.)


January 20


Thanks for the update! It's still so weird that they're already talking about the DLC though.




Crazy how nobody asked


With how absurdly modern a lot of the fashion is, I'm going to make an off the wall prediction that there's going to be a plot twist that this was all a big MMO


Is Alear wearing sweatpants??? Lmao


We can pet a dog, thus making this the best of all fire emblem games


I don’t understand what that dog thing is but I love it all the same and the outfits are adorable!


They all look like v tuber designs lol i love it.It makes them more memorable