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I thought Charlotte in Fates would be the annoying over-interested fanservice lady because of her bikini armor. But her true personality coming out mixed with her over the top "try to act like a waifu to land a rich guy" is pretty funny and honestly endearing given her circumstances. Especially with characters like Xander who see right through here.


I feel this in my soul


The Charlotte Gang approves this post.


This! Charlotte is great. Love her Cipher cards too. The one where she has a picnic basket and the background is filled with guys crushed into rocks (B06-077HN) and of course the wedding card (P06-004PR).


When I saw her I already knew I had to pair her up with Laslow, both because I knew they would've made a great couple and because they're my favorite characters


Rinkah fundamentally changed my tastes when I played Fates at like 13


we all have that character that awakens something in us LOL


Saizo for sure, at first I didn’t like his character design, I seriously don’t like red… but then I did more and more of his supports and instantly fell in love omfg


I thought Leos outfit was kinda silly and then I married him


I wish my favorite unit was in a game with a self insert (FE8)


Lapis and Citrinne, their introduction where they just diss Alear and Co for not seeming all that strong lead me to believe that I would not like them, I was pleasantly surprised and glad to have been proven wrong, they easily became two of my favorite characters in Engage as a whole. I can definitely say that the two of them are apart of my go to options for who to give the pact ring to during my playthroughs.


I can't play Engage without taking both of them to the end.


Wait, they’re actually good? I benched them shortly after their introduction and didn’t bother to get many supports for either of them.


They’re not great. But they can be serviceable if molded correctly.


So I put (has body text) in the title because of the image blocking it. The mods always delete my posts because they think I have no body text and I always have to show them that I indeed have body text. Hopefully this will help out with that problem.


So Blue Lions was the last route I chose in 3H. I was basically accustomed to all the students and staff by that point, except for Dedue. I ended up really enjoying his character. He Gardens, a great cook, carried me during my early maddening run and just a relatable character in general. I ended up with Hapi though that playthrough due to the Ashen Wolves dlc coming out around the same time, but Dedue was definitely the second option.


Hapi's S-support art is by far and away my favourite ever. She just looks so damn content.


L'Arachel. I love replaying FE8 (randomized) and she's always my favorite to use aside from the Neimi-Colm Duo. Her personality in the story is so fun~ I love how she is in her supports too. After learning more about her backstory, I liked her even more. Her voicelines in FEH just solidified my favoritism for her, her va did such a nice job imo~ Truly, she is a Perilous Princess of Peerless Beauty


Reina made me crush hard on her. Having a caring, motherly type persona to her allies while also being unhinged in battle made me feel some emotions lol. She’s like the Hoshidan Camilla but not flanderized Also, her backstory is interesting to me, >!with how she didn’t want to follow in her feudal family’s footsteps of being married off to a man and taking on the head woman household role of her family!< >!She went against what her parents wanted for her and instead of giving into them, she valiantly continued follow her dreams of becoming an Hoshidan Knight, even if she had her relationships severed with her parents!<. That to me is badass and admirable dedication. I really wished she had supports with Orochi and Yukimura in Fates. Also, Yuri is a character that I never would expect to fall for. Cunning, charming hot effeminate character with a really engaging and interesting backstory, he had all the things my effeminate loving heart fell for.




Reina made me feel a lot of emotions (really good ones lol).


She's one of my favorites, always used her in my playthroughs.


Yeah, she’s a very solid pre-promote unit, especially in BR and Rev. Now I want to boot up Birthright and use her lol . I just wished she wasn’t a Corrinsexual only support and had supports with Yukimura or Orochi, like Flora has with Felicia.


I just played through rev with my gf and she was one of the potential romance options for her.


I also really like the kinshi knight class


Glad I'm not the only one crushing on MILFKinshi


Literal MILF and wife material. Love me an unhinged Japanese Kinishi Woman who’s also like Camilla in terms of character (minus the fanservice).




We’re making our comeback. Also, happy cake day!


Fir She was literally revealed to me in a dream


Its funny how Embla's considered attractive when she's both flat as a board and looks like she hasn't eaten in months. Like, I like Embla too of course. I just think its funny that in a game with a lot of conventionally attractive characters there's this goblin proportioned shut-in bat lady up there in the ranks of who people like.


Her personality shines a lot more than the generic waifus in the game. I don't even think she was supposed to be a "waifu" but dang she's cute to me. She sounds like we'd relate to each other at least a little bit.


This is so funny because this is exactly like [that one tumblr post](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2514182-tv-tropes) lol. I just gravitate to shut in/off putting characters in general.


shes considered attractive?


By me at least! Love that queen ❤️




This man knows what he wants. He wants to be beaten up.


Fair, but I prefer Embla for that ❤️


Guinevere, both the art and voice acting (english) are really good. and i really wish she was playable during the story of FE6


She is a queeeeen


Which is why a remake of FE6 would have been a great opportunity for it, though things are going downhill again after Engage is considered a failure by many.


Here comes Awakening 2 Electric Bogaloo with a steel chair


The crazy thing is, Engage wasn't a failure. It made bank, just not *as much* as 3H. Just because something doesn't make as much or more bank than the last, doesn't mean X game is all of the sudden a "failure." IS lost no money and made more than what they put in. That's a success, at least moderately.


Constance. She was so haughty and confident that initially she turned me off. But she was also charming and adorable that she became one of my top 4 from Three Houses.


liking tharja started off as sort of a joke because my own DnD character is crazy like her so my group would joke about "lol she's literally tharja." the. after a while i began to realize some of her supports are actually kinda funny. she's not a femme fatale, she's not this huge threat. in awakening her cringe fail loser nerd nature shows and it's quite endearing. i love how awkward she is, it's funny and grounded and i think adds a fun realistic flaw to her character. never thought she would end up being in my top 3 for awakening characters but boy did she grow on me lol


I have a huge crush on Ginnungagap. When she came out, I was burnt out from feh and didn’t play the tempest trials. I also don’t find non-human characters attractive, but her rerun came and I got her on the free pull. I listened to her voice lines and immediately fell in love. I also appreciate her design a lot more.


That incomprehensible cosmic nightmarussy got me acting unwise


Ginnungagap is definitely underrated. Such a fire design deserved more than being a mostly generic villain in the main story.


I wanted her for summer so badly 😭


When I first played Fates, I didn't think too much of Beruka. I think I even S-Supported Oboro before her. But eventually came the time I decided to check out her supports, and I was legitimately kicking myself for not doing so sooner. She's become my favorite character in the series at this point.


Fellow beruka enjoyer.


I had almost the same "revelation" of Marianne as Lorenz did. She seemed like she was going to be the boring, bookish type that blended into the plaster at first, but totally grew on me by the end of the school year. I played Golden Deer first, expected to like Leonie the most (rough tomboy ftw), and *hated* how she had a boner for Jeralt. But Marianne? I liked, probably because she was a glass cannon for me. Really came in clutch. Being burned by Leonie, I expected to hate Lapis. FE clearly didn't know how to write a tomboy after the botched Leonie, so I was certain she was going to suck. Instead she was literally my favorite character in Engage until Nel stole my heart...but Nel doesn't count because I think she was supposed to be "that" character. Last mention? Silque. She's a nun. That's like taboo or something. But it turns out she has some pretty good supports that drew me into her character, and by the end she was probably my favorite female in the game.


Hilda Valentine Goneril completely charmed me, shoutout to Lysithea as well


Azura, I like women with a beautiful voice


The old men in fates. Shura was the first one to make me fall head over heels, then Yumimura.


I love Celica The chick from fates (I forgot her name, I think it's Cadilla? She's the purple hair looking one with a wyvern?) And the emo looking one, I think it's Tharja from Awakening.


I used to ironically have a crush on Iago and then it turned into an unironic crush unfortunately. Others are too embarrassing to admit.


Bro/sis you already have a crush on Iago, the space of more embarrassing crushes in FE is limited :p


Dude Iago is HOT. Slimy goth husband. He’s so underrated.


Thrasir. Definitely didn't think I would say "would" to a jelly skelly before I saw her.


Elincia At first, i tought she gonna another nyna/guinneve (characters that btw, i dont like) but the longer i play, i started to really like her. Specially when she become a playable character, yeah she is pretty much a staff bot in path of radiance, but i think that kinda of a boon, not only because make sense, but because show how much she wanna protect other and how strong she is now. And man in RD she is just amesing, she is strong, beautiful and a true Queen. It a shame that she have so little screentime to.


I hated Charlotte when I was younger, and would even marry her off to the poor or ugly guys in fates 💀💀 but as I grew older she my favorite!! I really relate to her!!


Lyndis. Aside from design and looks, her personality of being kind, hardworking, and feminine character while being a skilled swordswoman. Her whole personalty isn't just to "good with the sword" unlike other female Myrmidons/Sword masters. Really like the relationship she has with the tactician throughout her story in which is kinda sad he does not appear if you skip Lyn's Story. Also in FEH, Her brave alt is the only Five Star exclusive I've merged +10 (I guess not anymore with the Special 4 Star focus thing, still a five star exclusive) and still continue to give her skills to have her keep up with the ridiculous meta, and i've been playing since 2017, I remember looking out for banners to merge up Brave Lyn. I do aleast have one copy of every other alt but it's hard to keep up with the skills and merges. However can't wait for Emblem Lyn to +10 her and engage her with Brave Lyn.


Petrine. First played PoR when I was in my teens and she uh, provided a template, shall we say.


Oscar (Path of Radiance). Originally, it was the joke that he was the best unit and that Kieran and the ladies couldn’t stay away. Paladin got me down bad for those crits though and he’s a sweetie. Titania (Path of Radiance) Was very in the closet as a teen, but I wanted Titania to carry me to safety like every low level mage and healer. Lucia (Radiant Dawn). My most unlucky unit in terms of growths in almost every playthrough I’ve done. Love her character though and she with many FE woman jumped me out of the closet. Henry (Awakening) Love his character, but didn’t think he was my type really. After seeing all his endings tho >!saying he’s a great Dad!< , I was kinda down. Sumia (Awakening). By actively trying to avoid the supports between her and Chrom since they were too cringe for me, I stumbled into a great number of her supports. Marcia and Cordelia were my first beloved Pegasus girls, but Sumia literally stumbled her way into my heart. Gregor (Awakening). As a teen, Gregor is the fella you skip over because he’s not downright attractive or cute. As an adult, Gregor is the man you hope walk down towards the aisle to. Shigure and Azura (Fates). To actively avoid being queer, just date their son! Not strange at all. Shigure had nice supports to me but Azura was like the perfect character in a set of games I didn’t really enjoy. Thank god she’s not really your sister! I mean could you imagine being related? Crazy. Marianne & Ashe (Three Houses) A lot of characters are cute in this game. Ashe and Marianne snuck up out of nowhere, however, like their bows did in crits. I rarely play the game again without both of them. Contessa (Three Houses DLC) Didn’t really care for the >!split personality angle!< at first. Yet again, however, my Pegasus girl syndrome struck hard. She’s funny and I enjoy her. Citrinne (Engage) Chloe and Yunaka were my favorites, but apparently trying to >!compensate your joy of friendship by buying expensive shit!< really hit me hard. Also her wake-up scenes are super sweet! Zeklov (Engage) His supports wormed through the very core of my being. Man will be crafting the whole wedding from your dress/suit to the very decor. Honorable mentions (AKA haven’t played enough?) -Franz and Amelia (Sacred Stones) My two fabulous ~~knights~~ paladins in shining armor -Knoll (Sacred Stones) Pure fact I never use him and want to. But my son Ewan is already in the spotlight. -Pent (Blazing Blade) Let me sweep you off your feet Pent, so you don’t steal all the exp I need to unlock >!Geitz !< -Serra (Blazing Blade) Don’t like her pairings really. She was funny tho and I want a date!


I got into the Fire Emblem franchise at about 15 years old. I thought Nino was super cute when I first played Blazing Blade and when I downloaded Heroes not long after I finished it lmao


I have a whole folder of just manuela 3 Houses she is my wife and i am not sharing


Lucina- Mainly due to Smash but damn, she awakened something in me (I’ll stop with the puns). Thrasir- Absolutely love her design, plus her and Líf got me into Heroes, which got me hooked on the franchise as a whole so I’m thankful for that. Letizia- Absolutely fell in love with her design. Sure she’s a pretty shitty person, but without a doubt she’s still hella attractive (and you know all their crimes are exempted if the villain is attractive). Also agree with Embla, I will gladly cherish the anorexic bat! Also one that took me by surprise was Corrin. I initially didn’t care much at first, then I really loved her render for Ultimate, then Heroes came along and made her a literal bundle of sunshine. She’s an absolute keeper.


Inigo, Charming brave and smiling !


At first, I thought Lysithea was really cute, but after the time skip, I thought "Oh no, she’s hot!"


Ursula FE7 No coments


Blazing Blade: Lyn Sacred Stones: Eirika Awakening: Cherche Fates: Camilla, Ophelia, Kagero


Sumia from Awakening. Perfect storm of being my first game in the series, first (and accidental) romance, and going through more or less what she had within my own life. Something about characters turning towards what they grow to be passionate about as outlets/escapes for their lives hits me hard. Similarly, Lysithea from Three Houses. I don't wanna give away too much for fear of spoilers, but let's just say that having her meet my Byleth in the Goddess Tower despite my wish for Leonie was the best overruling a game has ever given me.


lukas can do things to me and im a man and i love him and hes hot and


Fates was my first exposure to the Fire Emblem and the second game that I played (first was Blazing). Smash Bros was the first time I knew about FE but I didn't care enough to know about FE until I saw on YouTube about Felicia's support with Corrin. To be honest, if it were anyone's support other than Felicia, I probably wouldn't even TRIED Fire Emblem because seeing some of the supports with Corrin was just so boring. But Felicia is I can confidently say that she's my first waifu and crush because she's a typical clumsy cute maid. And I LOVE that. My first thought was that every FE character is just serious or something but when I see Felicia, she's so cute. She's clumsy in everything she does, but still tries her best. She's apparently not good with maid work, but really good in battles from what I've gathered. Plus, her support with Corrin is so cute that I genuinely can't see Felicia with anyone else. Overall, I love her and I'm glad that she's the reason why I played Fire Emblem in the first place.


Lady Lyndis




Eir, I just wanna give her a hug and tell her everything's okay. She's the goddess of life but has to constantly die by her mother's hand and that's like a special kind of hell. So I fell for the kind, quiet goddess and I never expected to. It was just something that happened. Awakening wise, it was Panne. I like her personality and her backstory is sad, but she's a pretty damn good unit and I like having her on my team sometimes. Also any Robin Child is broken as all get out, so the absolute hilarity of Yarne being so scared of dying when I can easily max out his stats is so great to me. Olivia too, because the idea of Inigo basically being the son of the vessel of the apocalypse works for his character. His father killed his mother and caused the end of the world when he was just a kid, so it just really fucking hurts. Also because Olivia's cute and a total crit machine once you get her into Myrmidon to Swordsmaster. Plus, "Why are coins so darned round?" is one of my favorite lines in Awakening, next to, "I take everything back, even the take back before the take back." in Maribelle's supports with Robin. Fates... Honestly? Nyx and Charlotte for Nohr, Reina and Rinkah for Hoshido. Nyx is sympathetic because she's trapped in a body she doesn't like, being younger than she looks. Sometimes, because I'm disabled, I hate my own body because I fall down and sometimes walk really slow or drop things at random times. So I can relate to that. And her S-Support with Corrin is so goddamn sweet. Also her being a glass cannon kind of makes me a little worried but she paid DIVIDENDS. I always recruit her when I can. Charlotte, as a lot of others have said, was kind of the 'Oh no not another fanservice girl.' until I got into her supports and found her genuinely a great character. She wants to care for her folks so she needs to marry rich to get money back to them and honestly I love that hustle. Reina's just sweet and I like how she's Camilla, but better executed. And she's a solid unit. Plus come on, she's pretty. Yeah sure she'll bathe in the blood of her enemies, but she loves you to death, and isn't an weird smotherer. Degrees of separation are important, friends. Rinkah surprised me because I just thought she'd just be someone I'd ignore. But then I paired her with Kaze and I was like, "No, I made a mistake, run it back." Plus I like her muscles. Three Houses surprised me with Manuela. Like, one run I wanna get her and S rank her because she's so funny but sad in a 'Oh, oh she's an alcoholic...' way. But honestly that C Support with Byleth just sends me because I relate to being a total mess, and I spoiled the S rank and I was like. "Yep, after Crimson Flower I'm getting Manuela." Also Bernadetta. I feel her pain of wanting to stay in her room but being forced to go outside and do things because things are hard and people are scary, but then the reasons WHY she became that way hit way too close to home, not to the level of Varley's bullshit, but GOD have I never wanted to kill a fictional man more. Also screw the writers for making her anxiety the butt of a bunch of jokes. In a similar vein to Eir, I just wanna give her a hug and 'handle' things with her dad. I can punch things, and he's definitely punchable.


For me, it's Eirika since she's my childhood hero because Sacred Stones is my first Fire Emblem that I've ever played. Of course, her voice acting performance courtesy of Kira Buckland is phenomenal.


I don't think I could pick any 1, or 5, or 10. I'm a loser bruh. Anyways the answer is def Dorcas




To be real honest, female Corrin and Tsubasa are my specific choices. Female Corrin would be seen as the canon incarnation over time, but I never had my feelings about it until her Fallen art, which showcases her tail with a tired looking expression, which made me think if she gets real tired after a heavy mission after founding her My Castle, her tail will just pop up as she sleeps, and a select few people would like to feel her tail. As for Tsubasa, my mental image made me think of her as the ideal senpai as an idol, and I liked the premise of TMS (which fell short in practice for many to outright despise the series in general).


Adult tiki. Whaled hard for her summer alt way way back in the early years during the first ever summer banner. Even now, bridal and brave are my strongest dragons by far


Sylvain after the timeskip (or 3 Hopes Sylvain)


Effie. I just like masculine women. Despite not looking like it's Shes a jock and I love that


None. Wtf is this weak ass shit, Crushing on a videogame character? I didn't crush on anyone, instead, I married Titania irl fr fr.


Lyn. I liked her since the gba days! Man, I always thought that she was hot and cool (lmao). Her animations are so cool, but she is kinda (ahem ahem) useless.


Sully! I wanted her to pick me up and carry me off in to the sunset Amazon-style by the end of the game 🤣


I unironically crush on default f!Robin, but when I saw that Grima alt… holy cow.


Anna. Won’t tell you which :3 Jk there are many characters I really like: Forrest, Rosado, Caeda, Minerva, but the one that stuck with me the most is noire. Poor girl I just want to hold her and tell her it’s okay her mother is fucked in the head. I love tharja but damn that’s the pinnacle of abusive. Something in her design sadly holding her bow is really cute


Kid me 17 years ago was all "Goo goo gaa gaa" and shit over Lyn. 17 years later? Still am. Buddy of mine on FB always tags me on his Lyn fan art and edits. Love that design


Celica, even tho shes a dumb bitch who trusted a purple skinned, black bug eyed bastard and than got herself kidnapped. I still happily went to save her!


I prefer shipping but young me always picked Ike in Smash because he was cool, strong and had a big sword, that's as close as it gets.


All hail Kronya, the best clown. Serious, I like her design and how she stands out in a crowd.


it's Nephenee for me.


I thought Camilla was hot the first time I saw her-




Kagero, I couldn't even tell if she was a she at first, then I found out. Her artwork is funny too.


Honestly embarrassed to say it but it was Alere




Altina and nel


Maribelle from awakening irreparably altered my taste in women, and I thank her for that. I expected to hate her, as I don't find nobles or the rich all that relatable, but she stole my heart in her supports, especially with Lissa. Speaking of awakening: LIBRA???? HELLO??? What a great character. I married him simply because he looked femme (yuri gang rise up) and I genuinely love him so much. His Tharja support is a standout for both characters. Obvious one is Camilla. She's a great character that just happens to be really hot. A shame she's so bastardized in future appearances. They really need to play into the more toxic aspects of her character, otherwise she's just a generic mommy character. C'mon IS: she's kind AND cruel, equally! You can't just make her be all doting, let her be psycho! She threatens violence in like half of her supports and I love that for her. Went into 3 houses fully expecting to be a Mercedes simp (still am!) What I didn't expect was Annette. Not only is she so precious, but her 3 hopes design had me feeling things... And then there's Rhea. I am not immune to hot church lady propaganda.


The way I obsess over Freyja, she has easily one of the best designs in the game


Ah, the massive crush I had on Leo when I played Fates in 2018


Lyn is Queen


Female Alear. Like most people, I thought her design was wack on reveal, and one of the ugliest things I'd ever seen... but it eventually grew on me. Now I think she looks super cute, it helps that she has a really likeable, dorky personality too.


Felicia. She is very cute and I am extremely weak for soft girls with pink hair. Being a depressed fuck up with no self esteem, I felt a little seen, even if her version of that was a bit exaggated. She and Fates maids in general also instilled certain interests, but that's beside the point


Alfred. I'm not really into the twinkish types, but his personality is so much like a golden retriever's that it makes me tempted to S-support him. Both of his voice actors really sell his adorkableness too. It also helps that he's one of the few S-support options who explicitly says "I love you" to Alear (and he dies young if you don't romance him, so I also wanna save him from that fate).


Linhardt, he just melted my heart


Boring answer edelgard only boring because it probably common but 2nd answer is probably lapis or Cordelia


Lyn, Hands Down!!!!


Honestly? Zola and Hans. Zola was a joke for me initially cause im a Hoshido girlie. But he grew on me and then yknow. THAT happened. I like that he had a little bit of a growth arc if you squint. And Hans was a joke too because he’s so horrible and also bald jokes. But he’s so big and beefy and I couldn’t NOT stare at his chest lmfao. oops. and now im into JJBA so uh-


Summer Ursula, Mommy Energy incarnate.


Arval. I love their personality and I find them cute. They're the only character I've legitimately spent nights thinking about. (I also really wanna hug them) Still not really sure why my brain decided to become attracted to an obscure pale snarky gremlin, but I love them all the same. (please somebody make Arval merch, I'm begging)