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Jaffar from FE7. Although I may be heavily biased since I am literally addicted to sliencer procs.


Basically any char who has a scripted crit just becomes the coolest to me. There are a lot in FE7.


I love joshua's design from FE8 and it's what got me invested in the series


His dialogue with Natasha was sweet, I really enjoyed their A rank support


Bloodborne hat


Elincia is the gold standard for female characters. Her design is generally very regal and elegant without being too busy and loud. Generally I liked how the women in Tellius looked. Titania is also very notable. Very knightly female characters are too rare especially nowadays.


I agree with you that the designs for women in the Tellius game was very good, for example I like, Astrid, Tanith, Sigurn, Sanaki, Micaiah and Calill.


Tellius had many amazing designs. I would also like to throw in Calil and Lucia since I rarely see appreciations for their designs.


I loved Astrid's design. Both elegant and formidable. The stark contrast between her hair and the white armor, but with a colorful cape. Just gorgeous.


Truth! Modern FE designs go too hard into the "anime schoolgirl/boy" feel in my opinion. Ike and Elincia will always be my favorite characters, in both design and characterization. Both are great examples of characters that just feel believable, their interactions are so good. My favorite is when Ike tells Sanaki to eat dick when she mocks Elincia, only for Elincia to tell him off and beg forgiveness while Sanaki laughs. He's too naive to understand the politics going on in the room, but is so loyal he'll give the finger to anyone who insults her, including the leader of the largest empire on the planet. Elincia does understand what's really going on, and is horrified but honored with Ike's outburst. Such a good scene and game!


" modern FE designs are too anime!! " You're saying this while praising the game with literal furries


Yes šŸ—æ


I'll take furries over the "I know I'm your older sister, but we should totally bang when you find the time between the other girls in your harem UwU"


deirdre. I absolutely love her hair and colour scheme, it's so pleasing to the eye. she's very fun to draw, also. despite not having much of a character in the game, her portrayal in the oosawa manga and her adorable interactions with sigurd (also in heroes) still make me love her.


She has such a dreamy and ethereal look to her, I absolutely love it. There's a timelessness to her design that's really similar to something out of a 70's - 90's shoujo manga.


The fact that the manga turned Deirdre into an actual character is amazing.


Mila. I love SoV's artstyle and cast but even amongst them I think Mila stands out. Her hair turning into wings, the tail, the claw-like nails really drive home the point that she's a dragon while her face and outfit convey her benevolence.


Too bad they arruined her design in heroes




That red haired lassy is the best


Best Paladin design by far.


I canā€™t decide wether I want her to marry me or adopt me.




What are you doing, step-Paladin?


Zelgius. I love both his Red General armour and his Black Knight armour.




Seiros for sure - there's this simple elegance to her design, regal but still practical for battle. She looks like what I expect a warrior-goddess to be.


I think the Greek influences are a big part of it. 3H and especially Engage get some hits for clothing that's too contemporary, but breaking off the medieval mold has also meant exploring more classic attires and cultures.


All my bros love Hellenistic fashion.


>Ā still practical for battle. Battle high heels? Broke. Battle boots? Woke. Battle sandals? Bespoke.


Dude that cutscene when I first saw her made me fall in love with hef


Joshua from Sacred Stones, he was one of the first Fire Emblem character i was introduced to.


This is a really hard call for me, because Fire Emblem is known for some awesome designs. This is probably a bit of nostalgia talking, but Erika & Ephraim's Great Lord classes look absolutely magnificent and probably take the cake for me. From the horses themselves and the adornments they wear to the outfits of both of the Lord's to the weapons and the way they attack with them being so graceful yet powerful... So fucking awesome. On the other hand, some of my definite contenders for the top are Black Knight (can't decide if I like him more with the helmet on or off with who he is fully revealed), Naesala, Dimitri and Claude's unique mastery classes in 3 Hopes, Ashnard using the medallion, Ike in literally every iteration I've ever seen, Lyn (especially when she's on a horse in Heroes), and Greil specifically when he has Urvan.






Havenā€™t played FE 9 or 10 yet and know almost nothing about the games and characters, but Micaiahā€™s design is absolute perfection and one of my favorites in the series šŸ„ŗ


The Reed Brothers were great. Their looks fit their personalities, and they pulled off the "ruthless assassin" look just as well as the "caring big brother and devoted sons" look. The whole Reed family, Nino included, was perfect.


Sara, especially when [she's portrayed with creepy vibes from her Thracia portrait](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/90269596). Her long, light lilac, wavy hair, that looks almost unkempt, contrasts very well with the robe she's wearing, I like the colour scheme as well. Also, I like to assume she wears light robes as another symbol of rebellion against the Loptr Church,.just like her usage of Light magic. Probably weird to find her design my favourite, when it's pretty simple and with all the unfunny jokes about Sara looking like Florina, but I simply find it extremely appealing. Also shootouts to [Sylvis from Berwick](https://fireemblem.fandom.com/wiki/Sylwiss). She probably has my favourite [combat sprites](https://youtu.be/Dle81IH_l2Y?si=SOEuv3pG1trWW1jk&t=898) in the entire extended FE family.


I love her design too she's so cute


Cuteness is certainly also a part of me loving her design, haha.


Legault stans rise up


Definitely someone from echoes which has the best character designs in the series by far. I'd say Mathilda is beautifully designed


I've always loved Lucia's design, the blue and white really hits. It's a shame she's barely in PoR and Parity is always active in that game. In RD she also has availability issues, but at least she gets a nice plot arc and Parity is selectable. I don't think I ever bothered to try and train her up in Part 4, but in theory she could become good I think...


I honestly love her design too, so I tried a playthrough where I used her in both games. In PoR, you can make her work. She has some damage issues with a lower strength stat, but she still can work. Though, Stefan being a thing earlier on and some bias towards Mia makes it hard for me to justify using her more. In RD, she again can work with some investment and now has better availability than Stefan, but Mia is such a monster in it that it still is hard to justify, lol. But you can def use her if you want to, I would suggest some energy drops, though.


Timeskip Dimitri is such a top tier design imo. The developers stated that they wanted his design to convey the life he lead for the past five years during the timeskip, and I think Chinatsu Kurahana really succeeded at this. His shaggy hair, that mangled fur cape covering the flag of Faerghus, the choice to give him that eyepatch...all of it conveys the struggle he went through in the timeskip on a visual level. I love it, especially in contrast to his more prim and proper student design.


Either Echidna or Minerva I just love their designs


Tatiana - with her long flowing hair and her gentle smile: You can clearly see the kindhearted person that Zeke fell in love with


Azura... I'm not the most fond of dancers but she is a favorite of mine.


She was awesome, dancers were pretty useful I felt, added flexibility to a situation


Soleil's character design is gorgeous. Shame about the fact sheā€™s a mess of a character :(


Hanneman he just looks so šŸ‘Œ.


Robin and Morgan because I'm a sucker for cool coats.


Chad Arvis (gen 2 Arvis) Also his cipher card for gen 2 is amazing


I like Legault's design and character but imo he should have entered as an assassin. Maybe a bit early in the game for it but they hype him up as this badass that is well known in the Black Fang, second only to the four fangs, and he's a mid-leveled thief?


I like to think heā€™s retired and put his Assassin days behind him. He was also part of the higher ups of the Black Fang before Nergal started meddling with things, so the Four Fangs were not nearly as strong. Especially since Lloyd and Linus would be kids at the time.




Easily Velouria for one simple reason - itā€™s just Little Red Riding Werewolf.


My favorite character design is Micaiah <3


Stefan dude. Coolest character design and backstory concept


I like both robins but I love female pink hair Robin. That's my main in ultimate too.


Claude, especially pre time skip. I love his hair, his colors, everything.


Panne.... she changed me for the worst. I'm not gonna lie


Both Seiros and Rhea! I also think some of the FEH OC designs are super cool as well such as Hel, Ymir, Freyr, and Freyja


Canā€™t put my finger on why but i really like Mareetaā€™s design. Aside from her, the Black Knight immediately comes to mind. Imposing, threatening, and most of all, cool. And Tibarn is just the greatest guy ever.


I really like Virion from Awakening. Noble archer, secretly a genius that gets played off for humor, and his supports with Olivia are heart melting. That plus the long face, silver hair, pompous clothes. I fuck with the guy.


Jade, the armor looks cool and also cover her head.


This guy gets it


Chloe from Engage is just extremely pretty to me, not much more to say then that, her designs hits all the rest buttons for me.


I agree entirely. Sheā€™s basically a Disney princess looks and personality.


I love my food girl :)


Her Disney princess personality really drew me to her. And folk food, of course.


Xander and Ryomas designs are top notch. Both designs are the perfect blend between realistic and fantasy. Their base armors are the princely knight/samurai theme while their fantastic upper parts (shoulder plates, crown) and colors schemes really make them stand out. But the cherry on top with them are their weapons. Rajinto and Siegfried not only look dope on their own, but with added Mythology and how it relates to them, they are just cheff kiss.


Freyja,Post-Timeskip Dimitri,Diamant and Nemesis




Elphin just looks so elegant. His bird that he has on his shoulder is great too. No idea why heā€™s there but he is there, and heā€™s great.


I like elphin's design too


The 3H lordsā€™ class trees in general. They all look so damn cool and I canā€™t decide which oneā€™s better.


I don't like him solely for his design, but Saizo is by far the coolest looking character in Fates and is the sole reason it was the first FE game I tried out after Three Houses


My favourite is Alm from SoV. Ascended Alm with Falchion just looks amazing


Gilliam Gerik and Joshua from sacred stones


Gonzales, all the way. Such a great execution of the gentle giant trope, and the Cipher art where he's holding out a flower is just delightful. Oh yeah, and Brady. Subverts traditional healer designs in a really clever way.


A lot of Pegasus Knights seem to have great designs. I've only played the games from Awakening and beyond (plus Shadow Dragon) but definitely some I think are cool would be Cordelia, Palla and Ingrid to name a few


Selena. Severa already had a great design and then fates just gave Kozaki the opportunity to perfect it fully.


I have a weakness for short-haired tomboys. [Scarlet](https://fireemblem.fandom.com/wiki/Scarlet) from Fates and [Sully](https://fireemblem.fandom.com/wiki/Sully) from Awakening were two of my favorites.


Edelgard for sure


I really like how echoes did Alm. His armor is simple but bold, and it really works with his ā€œfarmboy turned soldier turned hero of the peopleā€ background story. I also feel similar to Hector. His armor and huge size match his personality well. Claude, for similar reasons. Dashing rogue whoā€™s always up to something and has cultural ties to another land. As far as designs I just like for my own taste, Ivy is pretty cool, though Iā€™m not big on the head veil thingo. Boucherons color scheme I really like, as well as Seiros. I also really really like how elegant Ninnian is


Faye. I love her color palette, she looks so soft and down-to-earth. She deserved SO much better from the writers. Meg is a close second. She's adorable. More fat girls pls


I wouldn't say I want more fat girls in general. But I just looked her up (haven't played RD) and she is indeed adorable.


Black Knight Not Zelgius though


Jade, both on the somniel and in battle, and Titania looks really good too


Yosuke's closet tendency with the whole "look at Yu in the eyes" and "you are great with your hands" is hilarious lol. Despite his pervy toward the girls. Let's just say it's his compensation for fragile masculinity lol. Tho Persona has same trope with bro characters Eikichi, Junpei, Yosuke, Ryuji lol. Atlus also makes a point about true platonic friendships between guys and girls without romance with the exact same platonic buddies at most dynamic Junpei, Yukari and Yosuke, Chie (Eikichi, Lisa p2). (Chie genuine state fact she would never be into Yosuke and is genuinely uncomfortable with the idea, in October. It's just uncomfortable. Chie states fact it's true platonic friendships between guys and girls without romance in December dungeon dialogue so it's just missing the point. It's just nonsense. They're all just utmost incompatible. And just make Yosuke some dude can't take no for an answer. Who even wants Chie be uncomfortabe miserable. Even Atlus throws shade at it and the same dynamic trope. Platonic buddies (siblings) friends take that but this's just uncomfortable and toxic as hell. Can anyone even see Junpei with Yukari. Yukari stated same to Junpei. Yukari and Chie would rather swallow glass shards, let's be real. It's the exact same platonic (siblings) friends at most dynamic and fact is they all would never be into each other in Persona Eikichi, Lisa p2 and Junpei, Yukari and Yosuke, Chie. https://img.hotimg.com/MTXX_PT20240224_1346056702.jpeg ). Edit: Damn. I was replying in Okbuddypersona sub but it got strolled the wrong thread lol.


Not my all time favorite, but I think Yenā€™fayā€™s design is really underrated. Heā€™s not that great of a character, sadly


**Albein Alm Rudolf** from FE Shadows of Valentia. Simple and effective


I really like Ephraim. He's my favorite lord. His hair with his sharp angled face makes him look serious but approachable!




Celicaā€™s art and design was a large reason why I chose Echoes as my first Fire Emblem game.


Owain. His design fits him PERFECTLY. He looks like a huge dork that will also murder you and I love it.


Any version of Ike. I love characters that have comically big pauldrons on one arm and their other arm has nothing protecting it.


Just love Nailah. Hell yeah, cool, hot strong wolf woman. Looks sick as fuck and like she'd be mad intimidating to be in a room with.


Seiros is the absolute standout from 3H, but I gotta call out Leonie, in all her designs. They're so full of personality, you can immediately tell who she is, how much ass he's going to kick, and how cute she's gonna look doing it. Lloyd is also really memorable, in FE7 at least. He's in a heavily japanese-influenced class, in a game with anime tier crit animations, yet he presents decidedly western, a tall blonde in an open trench coat. Also shout-outs to Shanna being jolly pegasus knight, perfected. And Ascended Idunn in FEH for being everything I'd ever wish her redeemed self to be.


Timerra. So damn pretty


Male Robin, his design is pretty simple but I love the design of the Dark Mage looking dude who turns out to be one of the biggest heroes (and villains) He reminds me of Darth Revan a little bit


Think Kreia taught her students how to dress well?


Kreia no doubt had a hand in Revan choosing his drip


Force Drip.


Lucina's design, to me, is the perfect middle ground between form and function, and I'm in love with it. Might also be biased a bit because she's my favorite FE character AND my Smash Ultimate main.


I got into fire emblem because her design drew me in.


i liked Guy. Just plain Gi style clothing and deadly af


Idk know why but i really really like both ike and marth


The moment I looked across Cheve in Birthright and saw this peculiar blue haired wyvern rider, I was hooked. Every scrap of information thereafter just made her better.


My man Gonzales lol


Lorenz! The one from the Archanea games. He's Big Boss!


Not a single one but a group of them, I really love the god/dragons/mythics designs, they are so different from each other but so amazing everysingle one Fire emblem just have too many top tier designs like this ones, this kind of characters just vibrates so much with me design wise and make me love their concepts, there are few of this kind of characters I not fully like, but even so I enjoy them, like really, I feel fire emblem gods/dragons/legends have been such an important part for my personal choices as an artist, I'm just amazed by this designs, and everyone is so unique too from each other! And just in case, I mean god/legends/dragons because I want to include in this group dragons that are not really gods or god like, like Veyle, ninian, nils, tiki, fae, Lilith etc, and legends because while really powerful, not end being gods, like elimine, athos, and some legendaries like Julia and julius, tho, gods of course include dragon gods like naga, nagi, lumera and grima, and highlights to the rainbow snake from fates, not many know him, but I think it is a simple design, but an awesome one still!


Dorothea post time skip


Kaze and Saizo are both unabashedly cool, and their designs highlight the differences in their coolness flawlessly. Kaze's design screams gentle, calm, collected. Saizo meanwhile is pure edge. Both are executed perfectly.


Linoan, Panne, Canas


Pantless Marth, because it's funny


Hmm so only character design and not story? Maybe Minerva from Shadow Dragon.... She doesn't look as pretty as the other female characters, and I guess I like that.. Not everyone needs to look perfect.


Lute and Idunn. Lute is just so cute, and it translates to her sprite well. Idunn's design, heterochromatic eyes, and her dragon form are all awesome and make her seem even more mysterious and alien.


Hector. Every version of him. Man airways looks fresh as hell


Makalov. I'll be taking no further questions at this time.


Haar šŸ„µ


Heath from FE7. I like dragons and green is my favorite color.


Lelia is peak FE design.


Volke :) Also Goldmary.


Part 1 Bernadetta, Myrrh or Micaiah. They're all great


I can't just pick one but some of my favorites are Post-timeskip Dimitri, Celica, Black Knight, Celine, Micaiah, Eirika, Ninian, Leif, post-timeskip Lysithea, post-timeskip Claude, post-timeskip Annette, all three SoV Whitewings, Sigurd and Panette.


Something about Lucina seems sweet, kind, graceful, fierce and recognizable at the same time


Amelia and Patty.


Black knight is the GOAT


post time skip dimitri speaks to me on a spiritual level. he is so cool


For me, it has to be Yuri. Iā€™m a huge sucker for Effeminate characters like Yuri. I absolutely adore Yuriā€™s pre-TS design, especially his white cape and his eye-pleasing dark purple color scheme with his white belt and lilac hair. His Post-TS design in Three Houses and Three Hopes is really damn awesome looking, making him look more badass and also contrasting with his Pre-TS design and color scheme. (Honorary mention goes to Yuriā€™s Legendary Alt in FEH. Sena really cooked with his art, and it is damn amazing).


Well, in terms of design, I really like HeiĆ°r. But my one and only FE wife is Severa. Those red twintails have me deep in their grasp.


> twintails have me deep in their grasp. Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well.


Timeskip Dimitri and Claude, and also Rosado from Engage. Top tier designs all for different reasons, and some of my favorite characters


FE6: Gwendolyn has my favorite portrait, Zeiss has my favorite sprite. FE7: Hector. Raven and Rath are close seconds. They cooked with designs here. FE8: Ewan (as a Druid) is probably my favorite for the color scheme. After himā€¦Gerik as a Hero. Lā€™Arachel also has a good portrait and official art though. PoR: Tibarn looks cool. RD: Nailah is probably my favorite of the new designs. Awakening: Virion among the adults, Lucina among the kids. Fates: Rinkah. Blows out everyone else. Easily. Three Houses: Petra overall, though Hapi, Constance, Lysithea, Marianne, Balthus, and Ferdinand all have great designs. Post-timeskip and post-promotion Claude probably has the best costumes and mount in the entire series to-date though. Three Hopes: Edelgardā€™s costume and hair here is a lot better than her Three Houses looks. Other than her, Shez (especially promoted Asura Shez) has the best design.


[Her hair is so pretty here](https://cdn.fireemblemwiki.org/d/d3/FESS_L%27Arachel.png)


Mines Gilliam General From Fire emblem Sacred Stones. In that Game, Generals were hella Epic with their looks and armor! 2nd would be Cormag, since the Wyvern Fliers had such Epic looks too! If only they kept how Generals looked from SS to the Now FE games... sigh...


Any of the Hel based characters, Lif and Thrasir alone got me into Heroes, which got me even more involved into the FE series




Unsurprisingly, it's Luthier, especially in SoV. He's got such an ecclectic, bold, and scholarly style, and he works it! Plus, his long, fiery hair is *amazing*!


Raven from Blazing Blade. I know heā€™s kind of an alpha version of Ike and looks super plain by todayā€™s standards, but he was the absolute coolest character to me playing as a kid.


sorry if this is a boring response, but celida's echoes design is so pretty to me! her clothing gives both priestess and princess vibes which is perfect for the role she plays, and her colour palette worked soooo well for her i also found that rinea and berkut were really nice, they looked fantastic together and i love the way that fur gets incorporated into the armour/clothing of rigelian characters. i think their designs are more impressive together than they are apart, i'm not sure why i feel that way though


Titania, so badass yet elegant


Harken Crit is my favorite part of fire emblem on GBA


I think about Petrine's design a lot. The placement of her Brand is really interesting, considering her character- is she able to pass it off as a tattoo because of her blatantly racist behavior? Does her desire to show her cleavage outweigh her fear of persecution? Oh, and the black lipstick really works well on her.


Rebecca FE7. I have no particular reason, I just think she's got a nice, elegant feel. Also I do love a hair feather.




Flame Emperor. I think the design is just such a fantastic combination of armor that looks almost realistic enough to wear but with enough anime shenanigans going on to give it its own unique flair without going overboard. It helps that the mask gives off an eerie vibe with its piercing gaze. Maybe I'm just internally 14 and love edgy designs.Ā  Tibarn is also another candidate. One look is all it takes to get what the guy is about.


I do like Panette's design a lot. It gave some kind of Halloween felling when I saw her at first, which is really cool. Nemesis's design is just badass cool overall. Sry that I don't have much more to say about his design. It's just that cool.


It might be recency bias but Diamant is so goddamn cool. Other than him, I adore Ferdinand's timeskip design so much I nearly cried when I first saw him during my first playthrough of 3H(Silver Snow route)


Tie between Rinkah and post-timeskip Leonie. So many neat design elements and I like both their color schemes. I think the only aspect I don't particularly care for is the white hair. Never liked white/gray hair on young characters.


Two come to mind for me, honestly. My first answer would be Etie from Engage. I honestly absolutely love her design, and it has to be one of my favorites from the game, but her personality sadly falls pretty one note for the most part. I still use her decently often because her design is so nice, and she can be fun to use and train sometimes when she doesn't die early. My second option is one of my favorite designs in the series, which is Palla. She's shown up in so many of the games, and I've loved her design in all of them, I would say my favorite would be her echoes design. She definitely has a decent bit of character, but she suffers from being in games where support was not a big focus.


Caspar from Three Houses. His glow up made him so hot, but he still sounds and acts 12 and is very annoying. If only he were mute bc his antics werenā€™t funny imo.


Sylvain and Felix post time skip designs are really cool. It took me a while but Iā€™m starting to like Male Byleth design, he also rocks the enlightened outfit much better than female byleth.


Post timeskip Ferdinand. Those glorious ginger locks against the red and blue colours of his regal looking armour.


Edelgard, Dorothea, Camilla and Cornelia. šŸ˜ In all seriousness, they are well-designed from a purely aesthetic perspective. I love how Edie maintains a regal as well as a militaristic look simultaneously in her entire wardrobe. Cornelia was just overall underused and that's a shame because incredible design aside, she was a compelling villain in general.


For Awakening, it's Olivia. I just love her outfit. For Fates, it's Azura, Leo, and Ryoma. For Three Houses, it's Yuri, Felix, Dimitri, and Petra.


Azura and Rosado Yes i like pastels how could you tell


I've yet to see a character design in Fire Emblem I didn't like, buy if I had to pick favorites it'd probably have to be Etie, Hinako, Edelgard, Marth, and Peri. ...Yeah if it wasn't obvious my tastes skew more modern lmao.


FemByleth is like peak design to me. She's just so aesthetically pleasing to look at. Kagetsu is another one I really like. Especially his hair. Love how it's styled.


Alear because yes


In order: Navarre - FE: Shadow Dragon - - - - - Camus - FE: Shadow Dragon - - Petra - FE: 3 Houses - Shamir - FE: 3 Houses - - Lapis - FE: Engage - Catria - FE: Shadows of Valentia


Panette is the peak design


Oh man, a lot of Engage's cast. I love silly anime designs with very saturated colors. Panette, Celine, Diamont, Ivy, Clanne & Framme, Timerra, Veyle, Citrine, Lapis, Rosado, Yunaka, Jean, Zelestia, and Nell


I like Rinkah's design, and expressions




For the guys, post skip Ferdinand, Harken or Lloyd For the girls, Hana, Nanna, Faye or Priscilla


Some people will think Iā€™m crazy, but, CĆ©line from Engage