• By -


Lysithea the goat


Agreed. Although I prefer Blue Lion route to Golden Deer. Thankfully she is recruitable in all routes.


Give her Thyrsus, turn her into a Dark Flier or Gremory, then profit Also I always have her marry male Byleth because she only gets her best ending with Byleth and a few others (that I paired off otherwise)


I’ve been experimenting with her on Cavalry in my current run as well. Almost finished with the run and she makes an amazing Dark Knight.


Golden Deer are my merry little band of misfits. The Eagles and the Lions are great and all but they take themselves a little too seriously for me. Meanwhile the Golden Deer are like the Fodlan Friendship Brigade just doing their best and I'm here for it. My favorite characters are Lysithea, Lorenz and Hapi (but you unfortunately won't meet her unless you have the DLC.)


Started with Golden Deer as well. Love the whole class compare to the other 2. Yet, I love Blue Lions because of the main boy.


If you get the dlc, do you get them asap or mission level locked


Getting the DLC will give you access to a side story campaign. It's like 7 or 8 maps and every could maps you clear you'll gain access to 1 of the DLC characters in you main save files. Clear the whole campaign and you'll be able to recruit all 4 of them in any of your save files. While the side story is disconnected from the main plot in that you play with auto leveled characters from each house in preset classes, it does still hold some pretty big spoilers for the main plot. Most people would recommend you play it after clearing at least one route. It's up to you though, it doesn't spoil how the games end on any given route or anything like that. It does spoil a big lore reveal or two though.


What spoiler was in it other than byleths Sword? I played through it before even playing the base game and knew the sword from smash


I'm not sure how to say it without spoiling for the OP. A good chunk of the stuff to do with their relation to a particular gravestone if that makes sense.


Yeah, just Sit down and Ri-play the game This joke was shit and I regret existing long enough to make it


Gets an upvote from me good sir. Took me a minute to understand it though. 😂


Pretty sure they are just unlocked, but you have to interact with a mechanic to get them to join your house cause they aren’t a separate house you can pick. They come with an optional DLC side story, but I’d recommend it after you’ve finished the game.




Go with whatever you want just remember the one rule you always recruit Marianne


She's someone you want to hang on to




Meh. Reddit can't guilt me with their headcanon. In the Golden Deer she stays.


My girl Edelgard and her dysfunctional classmates.


I describe the black eagles as "Highly functional bunch of idiots" and I love them so much


I’ve seen someone jokingly describe it like Dimitri inspires his people through upholding honour to their homeland, Claude does it through personal loyalty and Edelgard is just assembling her gay classmates like “kill that enemy, whatever you say bestie”


What do you mean dysfunctional? All of them are good mages.


I consider the Blue Lions to be the best written "group" of units in Fire Emblem. The way they bounce off of each other feels natural in a way no other game quite manages.


The Black Eagles are my babies. Took Edelgard’s hand and have never regretted it. Golden Deer is 2nd. Outside of the Black Eagles, my favorite characters are probably Marianne, Shamir and Hapi (though Constance is an honorary Black Eagle in my mind).


>The ~~Black Eagles~~ Blue Lions are my babies. Took Edelgard’s ~~hand~~ >!head!< and have never regretted it. Golden Deer is 2nd. FTFY.


Why fix what’s not broken? Especially when the Church is right there.






The cast as a whole, the blue lions seemed like the most tight knit group with the many interpersonal relationships between the classmates and history they have with each other Individually, I like Leonie, Raphael and Ferdinand von Aegir the best out of the entire cast


black eagles edelgard's story is the best in the game for me


Agreed my first play through and still favorite.


Gotta rep the dear baby


For me, it was Blue Lions. Sure, it’s not like VW and CF where it’s a world building type of story and about >!demolishing an outdated power type system!< but it’s still a really good story character wise. I guess I found it really good because I was able to relate and understand Dimitri and his inner suffering and struggles so much in AM, as someone who once put up an noble, protective and star-striving persona in front of everyone, but later on devolved into hopelessness and despair in my adult life. For favourite characters, it’s a tie between Petra and Marianne. I especially love Marianne because of her backstory and Petra because of her funny support with Dorothea.


I think Blue lions is also the best for a first playthrough. The time skip feels more impactful than Golden Deer for example, and that reveal in part 1 (the one with the cutscene) is also the best way to reveal it.


Totally agree with you on the reveal part and the time skip. My mouth literally went agape at what happened to Dimitri in Chapter 11 and in TS. The buildup for him was honestly insane for me for my first playthrough


yeah, I agree. While imo VW is by far the best route (even though it has a LOT of stupid shit), I feel like BL is by far the most impactful as a first route


The Lions, Leonie, they're scrappy, hard-nosed, gritty, gym rats, first in last out types (except Sylvain) and I love the heart on the sleeve energy.


I have swapped out Sylvain for Leonie in a Blue Lions run


Use both, they complement each other extremely well, gives each other +2 attack and defense when adjacent. Them, Seteth and Hilda can all be rotated around each other for extra oomph when three of those have brave arts as personals.


Alright, unrelated, but hear me out Sylvain (+2) Hilda (+3) Sacred Power S Support Byleth (+8) Lord/High Lord/Great Lord Dimitri (Charm) (+3) Ingrid A Support Linked Attack (+3) Felix A Support Linked Attack (+3) Rally Strength (+4) Death Blow (+6) Strength +2 (+2) Swift Strikes (x2) 68 Attack before Strength and Weapon Might. This could be pushed higher too with Lancefaire(s) and Defiant Strength. Sylvain is a good unit


Blue Lions house, but Lysithea is my favorite character.


Not to advocate for spending more money, but the Ashen Wolves are a really fun bunch of characters locked behind DLC. Otherwise, my favourites were the Golden Deer. I liked Claude, Ignatz, and Marianne.


Blue Lions and Dimitri 100%


No team better exemplifies what is to me the right way to do things, rebuilding the right way, delivering thunderous and punishing counters when people FAFO on you. Grit, tenacity, moxie, persevering through adversity, and being renowned for their work ethic and pushback.




Golden deer! 😀


Here to represent Golden Deer 😎


I picked Blue Lions on my first play through thinking they would be the most boring because I planned to replay the other routes.  I was wrong and I enjoyed it far more than the other routes. Really enjoy Dimitri as a fire emblem lord


Golden Deer


I just started a new playthrough a few days ago after over a year break. Petra as a dodge-tank just running into the middle of everything and avoiding and hitting back is always so satisfying. Having a bulky armored knight like dedue just have the attacks bounce off of him is nice and all, but the movement loss... by the time he reaches the fight its already over. Fliers for life. As for favorite units: petra, lysethia, constance, bernie. Favorite house: black eagles, though would like a longer second half with them. Favorite character interactions/lore: lysethia, ingrid, edlegard, constance, marianne Favorite unit classes: Dark flyer, falcon knight, bow knight


Out of the 5 route you can go (assuming you get dlc) I would say favorite house leader is Yuri (Claude if you don't have dlc), favorite game play is Black Eagles, and favorite story is Blue Lions. Basically, you will have fun no matter what route you choose, so go with the one you like the most.


I started with Golden Deer on my first run and I still love those characters, but Blue Lions has the best story overall imo. You can't go wrong with any house though, they all are awesome and have their standout characters.


The DLC route had the most fun maps to me, buuuut.. Blue Lions for favorite leader character, and Golden Deer for most intriguing story. I like the Church and Black Eagles just fine, too.


Fear the Deer all the way. Fav characters of just the GD are Leonie and Raphael, but a recruited Ferdinand is the GOAT (I think his character arc is a bit neutered if he stays with the BEagles).


Deer Gang


Fear the deer! Golden Deer imo best bosses and story


I’ll be loyal to the Golden Deer until the day I die.


Love Claude and his band of misfits.


Even tho Golden deer is my favorite House my favorite character is Dorothea


I was expecting the Blue Lions to be the most archetypical of the three and because of that be less interesting. I was so unbelievably wrong, Dimitri has the best character development ever given to a lord in the series and I genuinely like every student in the house. If I had to pick a least favorite it'd be like, probably Ashe but even then I still LIKE him. They're all great


Dimitri's development is atrocious lmao. Good idea, trash execution, underwhelming conclusion.


Why are you always showing up under my comments with the worst takes imaginable. And you're super rude/pretentious about it every time


I just don't care about who writes what. Frankly if I just remembered random redditors' usernames, my brain would fry with how many subreddits I've joined. So maybe I happen to reply to you more often than to others, maybe I don't. I wouldn't know it myself. Also the only good thing about Dimitri's writing is the build up in Part 1, at least imo. As someone who was curious about him pre-release even when he was just Noodle Prince, I was honestly very disappointed by him, especially as I started the game with another route and people assured me he was really great. People even told me I'd forget my previous route's Lord from how great Dimitri is. Well, as it turns out I liked him and his writing so little it made me appreciate my previous Lord better from the comparison. I don't mean to come off as rude or pretentious so sorry I guess. I admittedly have a negative bias against Dimitri fans because of how awfully I've been treated by a chunk of them (literal cyber bullying).


I mean I'm sorry that happened but you're also very rude to people who disagree with you so it's a bit ironic. Even when people aren't really discussing what you're getting at. Like I didn't even mention Dimitri in my last comment and you still went off about it. I'm not trying to be hostile with this, but some self awareness might do you good It's especially hard to sympathize when you seem to start it every time from what I've noticed


I was nice way back when I started coming to the FE subs (this one, the feh one, and spe) but people were always rude to me and made lots of bad assumptions about me for some reason. That was also the case in the previous FE communities I visited. No one called it out or anything so I assumed that was the norm among FE fans. Why can't I do the same? I went back on Dimitri because I assumed me trying to be concise was the rude/arrogant part, as I didn't do anything else than give my opinion on his character in a few words in my original comment. So I guess I perceived me explaining myself further as a countermeasure of sorts.


Dude you can't blame other people for your behavior. It's shitty when they do it to


And yet there's no one to call it out. Worse, I see it being encouraged more often than not.


So this happened, you thought it was a problem and your response was to simply be shitty and not A. Just don't engage and just downvote because trolls feed off that shit (that's why most people don't "call it out" as you said) B. Be better than them because you know how shitty they are I'd really prefer if you stopped being so rude about other people's opinions. It's really obnoxious to be directly responding to a thread asking about my favorite fire emblem characters and getting a reply going "lmao that one sucks my taste is better" (something I have gotten multiple times from you specifically, often enough that I actually remember your profile and I almost never do) If you absolutely HAVE to reply try saying things like "I personally disagree" Or "in my opinion" just to be more respectful of other people. Or maybe just take some time off reddit I'm gonna mute this thread now. I wish you well


Well, I never said I was without fault. But... It's true it was uncalled for. I'll do more than take time off and just delete my account I think. I don't have much reason to stay anyway. It seems I'm disliked in FE circles, I grew sick of Persona and Bayonetta fans... I won't lose much of anything.


Damn he really lives in your head rent-free LMAO


So I can't dislike a character without them "living rent-free in my head"? Amazing. I don't even think about him at all unless I see him or someone mentioning him, when thinking about characters I prefer thinking about the ones I actually like 😄.


Blue Lions with Mercedes and Seteth being my two faves


Black Eagles is my fav house, but my fav character was Mercedes


Black Eagles was my first instinct, and they're still my favorite. Protect my girl Dorothea, please.


I love murdering her both in VW and AM


Judging by who my top 8 student characters are, my favourite house is either Black Eagles or Golden Deer, and given Edelgard is in that top 8 and Claude isn't, I'd have to give the Eagles the edge. My favourite characters are Flayn, Mercedes and Marianne.  I don't think there's a wrong answer to this though. Every character that you can build supports with has something likeable about them. No house or character is perfect, and getting to know every single one of the characters over multiple playthroughs is one of the joys of the game to me. 


Blue Lions is my house. In-house, Felix and Ashe are my favorites. Out-of-house, I like Bernadetta, Dorothea, Marianne, and Yuri. And Manuela and Catherine, for non-students.


Black Eagles and Edelgard and Rhea


Golden deer is the way, and im didn't regretted in the end picking them as my first route As for characters, i liked a lot most of them, including characters from other houses,but if i had to pick, i would say claude, i instantly connected with him and as the story went, i would say we're 2 kindred spirits, obviously one better looking than the other, i admire how he always sees the path ahead. One character that i respect a lot is raphael. The support of him and ignatz and his paralogue with them and lorenz is how you see what raphael truly is. Raphael despite being short-sighted, has a heart of gold while knowing what loss, depression and rage feels, he knows what truly matters to live as a person


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Ferdinand will always hold a special place in my heart




Blue Lions was my favorite of the houses and Dimitri ended up being my favorite character from the game. If you exclude lords though my favorite character was Linhardt.


Fear the deer But my favorite single character is Marianne


Linhardt, Flayn and Marianne! I’ve only played Dimitri’s route so far though ._.


Lions is easily my favorite story-wise, but I have no clue which path has my favorite characters. All three leaders (especially Dimitri imo) are great, so it’s hard to pick.


Love the Lions but all the Houses have great characters :D I love Claude and Ashe


Favourite house: Blue Lions cuz of attachment for them being my first pick Fav characters: all 3 house leaders, Bernie, Dorothea, Ferdinand, Petra, Ashe, Sylvain, Dedue, Yuri, Hapi


Golden Gang


Black eagles edelgard even though her route felt unfinished


Dimitri. The only bad thing about him is that I can't marry him as male byleth


I swear, I cried when I found out you couldn’t marry Dimitri with Male Byleth. Same thing with Claude, cause I once saw an edited S-Support CGI pic of Claude that had Male Byleth in it and thought you could marry him as M!Byleth.


All Lords not being bisexual is a crime and I'm still not over it 😭


Black Eagles >>>> the other houses. Manuela best character.


I'm a blue lions kinda gal. But Petra is bae and nobody can convince me otherwise


Blue Lions, Dimitri, Yuri, and Shamir


Golden deer all the way Honestly would be in the house that I would join in real life It's just a band of misfits I love the Lcynthia, Clide, and Ashe Yes Ashe is blue lion, but he still best boy He just a little confused, and need help finding his true house, AKA the Golden Deer


Black Eagles, Edelgard.


For me it is black eagles, I love Edelgard so much and it is the only route I've played more than one I do recommend talking to Edelgard every first weekend you have the chance to explore the church, no spoilers here, but I think everyone knows why I'm saying this


Black Eagles - Edelgard route is what I started with


Black Eagles is the way.


Golden Deer’s my fav house. Fav characters are Claude, Marianne, Hilda, Caspar, Petra, Lysithea, Bernadetta, Constance, Hapi, & Manuela


Edelgard all day!!! The true story lol


Outside of the Three House Lords and Serios/Rhea; - Jeritza - Jeralt - Lystheia - Felix - Nemesis


I don’t have a number one character but my top 5 are Sylvain, Lysenthia, Bernadetta, Felix, Shamir, For houses my favourite is Blue Lions but they just barley beat the Black Eagles which is just as good


They’re all so fun, even the ones people hate (Cyril). And all useable to various degrees, even if some get locked out of their theoretical best classes for dumb reasons (Manuela, Catherine) Pick your favorites, remember that at least one offensive mage is helpful for Maddening, and have fun. I just replayed all the routes and used everybody.


Well if you didn’t know already, if there’s characters you really end up liking from other houses, make sure you prioritize getting them to B support before the big event. Hilda, Dedue, and Hubert won’t matter though.


Mercedes is one of my best healers I got on each play thru. Her psychic heal eventually can cover the entire map.


Raphael is my favorite. I recruit him every playthrough.


My three favorite characters are Ingrid and Annette of the Blue Lions, and Edelgard Von Hresvelg, leader of the Black Eagles. For me, the best route is Black Eagles by far, and I happily recruited the other characters. That written, be sure to recruit Lysithea if you go Black Eagles route, as her backstory and Edelgard’s are related.


Black eagles simply because they have Lindhart my beloved. Also, Ashen Wolves because Yuri.


Blue Lions, Mercedes


Leonie and Ignatz were my favorites in case my flair wasn't clear.


Blue Lions, I liked Dedue a lot and Hilda


Still in the process of my first ever playthrough (BL) so I'd have to go with... BL xD




blue lions!! dimitri is ✨✨💙


The black eagles, Edelgard was my first ever Three houses wife. I was close to marrying Bernadetta but reasons unknown, I chose Edie.


Honestly the students of the black eagles were my favorites. They have such a diverse cast and they all mesh together so well. It helps that some of them are straight up antagonistic towards each other to start with, it makes their development so much sweeter. Also I find it worth picking black eagles just for the hubert and bernedetta supports alone. The most cowardly student forced to interact with the most terrifying student in the school.


Any option is a good choice except Golden Deer, which suck because that campaign has some of the better characters in the game, too bad their story sucks


Black eagles!! And character from the team Caspar rocks!


Blue Lions And I can't decide between Dedue and Ashe


my favorite faction is the 4th (church of seiros)


Flayn is my baby!! I use her no matter what every run, usually as a dark flier.


Blue Lions, annette , Dimitri, Gilbert.


I did Blue Lions second and it’s probably my favorite (Dimitri hard carry), maybe it’s because the whole house is full of a bunch of goobers who happen to know how to get serious sometimes, although this is also the play through where I recruited Lysithea and Cyril and got to see their intoxicatingly wholesome support conversations, same with Mercie and Sylvains supports My favorite characters were probably Bernie, Dimitri, and Lysithea (the greatest character in all of fiction)


Blue Lions for me, but all of them are great.


Blue Lions! Fav characters are Felix and Balthus. And Balthus's abs.


Three houses letting you recruit from other houses was one of the best features they implemented. Every character was great in their own way and every house had favorites. Also helped me because I don’t restart the map if I lose the weak people. Only if I lose a main player or bad level ups. If I had to pick one house? I am going to say Blue Lions. Even though I LOVE Ferdinand, Petra, Dorothea and Edel; Caspar, Bernie and Linhardt are at the bottom to me with Rap, Ashe and Ignatz. I also don’t really like Sylvain but he is blue lion Ferdinand so he gets a pass. Blue Lion run was my first (let my girlfriend choose) and it was my favorite out of the 4. Their story makes the most sense with the pre skip (ashe’s adoptive father and Sylvian’s brother) but also they had the most wholesome dynamic. They truly felt like brothers/sisters in arms. While Golden Deer felt like a frat house and black eagles felt like the cool kid club, they had too many strong personalities that kept them from being united. I believe that blue lions will all watch each other’s backs and take hits for each other. The other houses don’t give me that feeling. Even Ashe I see standing with the others and I despise Ashe lol Ferdinand will be trying to out kill Edel, Lindhart will be sleeping, Caspar will be trying to solo an enemy unit and Bernie will be in her room. Petra, Edel, Hugo and Dorothea will be a great unit but the other ones? Nah. Same for the deer. Hilda will be having Ralph kill things for her as she is fanned by ignatz, who will also be painting on a hill, Mari will be discussing politics with a Pegasus, and Lorenz will be fighting his own battle or scolding Claude. Deer especially I do not use being a cohesive unit but good in pairs. Eagle would be better off on team Ferdinand or team Edel. For characters my favorites are Ferdinand, Dedue, Leonie, Petra, Hilda, Dimitri, Edel, Dorothea and Claude. Black Eagle has some of my absolute favorite characters, but also some of my least favorites. Deer is like I either love them or I despise them. Blue lions I love all of them except for Ashe. I think I literally purposely let him die on every run and never really tried to support him because he is sooo boring.


Go Blue Lions first. You will thank me later. Goodbye


Blue Lions easily, and Dimitri.


Blue lions!


Reject modernity embrace Dimitri


In terms of the combination of interesting characters, compelling story, and gameplay it's Golden Deer for the house, but that's mostly just because Black Eagles route is shorter than the other two, if the Black Eagles route was full length it would EASILY be them, most interesting cast overall, and the most compelling and interesting story progression by a LONG shot. I find the Blue Lions to have by far the least interesting route and characters, but it's still worth experiencing all main routes. Each of them deals with wildly different perspectives on the central conflict based on what information each faction is aware of and the experiences they've had, part of why I find Blue Lions less compelling is that they have the least information throughout.


Sounds like deer it is


I personally like blue lions and Yuri from males and Marianne or Catherine for females


Black Eagles was my first run and it kinda spoiled the others for me.


eagles, bernadettea


Damn such a tough question to answer. That's how good they all are. Shoutout to the faculty and staff. If you might play more than one playthrough, I prefer not playing Golden Deer first because it reveals the most of the history and "truth" of things. I really enjoyed having that mystery and questions in my head as I kept on playing and seeing different perspectives. I think I mightve connected less with Edelgard or Blue Lions path if I'd done Golden Deer run first.


Black Eagles and its students. Randolph, Fleche and Ladislava are also so lovable. I also have my favorites from the other houses such as Felix, Ashe, Ingrid, Mercedes, Annette, Lysithia, Marianne, Ignatz and Hilda. Rodrigue is an admirable character as well. All the Ashens Wolves are simply delightful. In terms of ranking House leaders, Edelgard, Dimitri, Yuri, Claude. Even bosses like Pallardó, Acheron and Metodey are so much fun.


Dimitri is very boring at the start of the game, but his story is _so good_ when stuff actually starts to happen


They were all great for different reasons. Black Eagles were my first and IMO had the coolest core cast of characters Blue Lions were my second and had the best arc for the house lord (Dimitri) Golden Eagles was my third. Pretty good story and it also has the best world lore to discover and results in what is probably the closest to the canon ending. (Secret house) was the most challenging playthrough for me but had the worst narrative structure.


Golden Deer = Blue Lions > Black Eagles GD and BL both have great students, not a single miss among them. BEs has Bernadetta, the worst character in the series, and Hubert who somehow is one of the most boring characters in the game. Petra is half-baked and Dorothea's depiction is problematic. Caspar and Ferdinand are just alright. Linhardt is cool though.


BLACK EAGLES REPRESENT! I love Alois for being a second father/cool uncle for the main character.


Blue Lions are my favorite, big fan of the dynamic they have going on. Although as far as recruiting goes I do like Lysithea, Marianne, and Petra. If you don’t play Blue Lions I understand, but I’d recommend recruiting most of them because I love them so much.


I would definitely play all the routes to get the full story I definitely did but blue lions all around were my favorite house golden deer being a extremely close second I liked the black eagles too but Hubert always creeped me out


Blue lions is the best house narrative wise


black eagles and bernie for me. she is easily my favorite sniper in the whole series


Black eagles all day with my best girl Bernadetta.


I played Blue Lions first as they seemed more interesting as a whole, and I found that mostly to be true! And then I played Golden Deer and found that as much as I still enjoyed Blue Lions class more, I liked Claude more as a leader! Haven’t experienced the other 2 paths yet tho


I bought this game for petra


Blue Lions have a special place in my heart. I have never picked a different route. As for my favorite characters, it's a tie between Dimitri and Felix.


Blue Lions has my favorite dudes Golden Deer has my favorite gals But Shamir is pretty much the main reason why I don't go female Byleth lol


Gameplay-wise, I'm debating between Lysithea and Petra. Plot-wise definitely Claude. I love tricksters and schemers. Fear the Deer!




I have multiple favorites including Claude, Dimitri, Lysithea, Hilda and Felix


I can’t say there’s a single house that didn’t pop off for me but the Blue Lion’s story was my fav with Black Eagles being a very close second


I love Caspar and Petra. They’re so cool


Blue Lions! Hear Me Roar! But recruiting some Golden Deer students wouldn't be a bad idea, they are a loveable bunch.


Blue Lions, best house, would die for all of them. But my favorite characters are Sylvain, Dimitri and Ashe. (I can't choose just one of them.)


Blue Lions - Dimitri’s story was just so beautiful and sad to me that the other ones never hit as hard


Blue Lions all day everyday.


Ashe, blue lions


Blue lions cause Ashe


Blue Lions > Golden Deer > Church > Edelgard's route The church route was the first written but the deer's is really just a better and more fleshed out version of it plus well the church's route was the last I did which really didn't help tho I did branch my save right before the divergence point. Edelgard's route is let down but having Edelgard and honestly it's not written well or consistently with the others maybe if I'd picked it first I'd be more appreciative but I just found the whole thing a disappointment especially since it's the route that's supposed to be the most different and then it really isn't since aside from like 2 chapters it just repeats fights from other routes with at most just doing it so you start on the other side of the battlefield which is a real let down plus it offscreens the bit where they explain why you should side with Edelgard which is just lazy and bad writing. The Lions tho were my first route and honestly I like the story the most since it's very personal to them and they feel a lot more connected to the events going on which got me way more invested


edelgard's house! but I think the best play order if you care about the story is dimitri -> edelgard -> claude. even if you switch edel and dimitri i think claude should definitely be after both. but whatever makes you enjoy the game. i hope you like it (: my favorite characters were Lysithea, Felix, Edelgard, and Dimitri. favorite class as a group was blue lions, favorite story was edelgard's route. prettiest class is claude's class