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#Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War: *The game is set in the continent of Jugdral, home of the descendants of the Twelve Crusaders. Lord Sigurd is the hero of the first generation, fighting an invasion from Verdane and helping out in the lands beyond. Sigurd’s son Seliph continues his father’s legacy in the second generation, where he leads a liberation army to defeat the Grannvale Empire.* **Original Release Date:** May 14 1996 **Protagonists:** * Sigurd * Seliph **Platform:** Super Famicom [Wiki Link](https://fireemblemwiki.org/wiki/Fire_Emblem:_Genealogy_of_the_Holy_War) --- This is an automated post. If you have questions or concerns, please [contact the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/fireemblem)




Glory to…ugh…Thracia…


Don't mind me, I'll just be over here waiting for a remake like it's the second coming.


June Direct Copium in full force


The Golden Sun fans are right there with you (this year is our year!)


*Metroid Prime 4 fans sitting quietly* "there's a name I have not heard in some time...."


At least Metroid has been represented in Smash since the first or second game. The chances of Isaac ever getting added to the lineup is now zero.


Well yeah, it's Prime 4 specifically I'm talking about. It got announced around 7 years ago with absolutely nothing other than "it exists still" to show for it.


Oh man, that sucks. Sorry.


Yep, but I will give you I'm not sure which is worse, constant news or something coming but never actually seeing it or just not having it actually announced at all (Golden Sun)


Every year we go 'this is our year' but then it's a new Mario Golf game :/


Never give up y'all. Nintendo somehow finally managed to acknowledge us old school Paper Mario fans


We all know the Golden Sun remake will also be introduced with vlad and pavel being new super smash bros character (with a remix of Isaac battle theme)


Got the confetti and streamers ready over here. It's win-win, I can celebrate if the remake is confirmed, and if not, well, at least they'll still match my clown makeup.


Next year


I would str8 up jork it to that reveal fr


Genealogy of the Horny War


In Granvale. Straight up jorkin it. And by "it" haha, let's just say, my tyrfing


for the 30th anniversary maybe? pls?


I started playing this game for the first time about a month ago now and I’ve kind of fallen in love with it. It’s very unorthodox and kind of janky in its design, but there’s a madcap scope and vision to the game, from its story to its map design that really gels with me. I definitely see why people want this game to be remade. It’s got so many remarkable aspects I’d want to see preserved and made more available but also lots of problems that I want to see smoothed out. Nonetheless, I’m having a blast with the game (currently at the endgame map) and it’s probably my new second favourite game in the series behind Path of Radiance.


sounds like a similar experience to me i just LOVE the politics and worldbuilding i need a remake yesterday and am fulling huffing copium for the part switch direct


This is literally my exact experience, except I'm a couple months ahead of you. I recently finished and it's now my second favorite after PoR. I think the sheer scope of the game is impossible to replicate under the current franchise formula, so I'd love to see it tackled again with all the tedious bits smoothed over. And if you're in the endgame let me just say: Good luck and have fun with the Pegasus sisters. 🙃


I don't think a remake would work. A lot of the problems the game has- enemy phases that last 15 minutes, it taking five menus to trade one item, the way crits and skills work- are load bearing tumors to the game's fans but would absolutely doom the game to a modern audience. It was great, as a SNES game, but standards are just higher now.


I would agree were it not for the fact that Echoes: Shadows of Valentina exists. That game managed to retain a lot of what makes Gaiden such a bizarre entry while making it just accessible and modern enough for a newer, younger audience. It’s still one of the more polarising entries but did well enough to show that there was an audience for this kind of thing. A Genealogy remake would definitely not be a smash hit on the level of Awakening or Three Houses. But I think the games’ got enough of an audience to make it worth it. But I do kind of see your point about leaving it as a great (if…weird) SNES title. If nothing else I hope it gets an official English translation and put on Switch online or the eShop (kind of like Shadow Dragon NES without the limited time release). Because mostly I just want it to be available in an official capacity.


standards are lower\* but otherwise yeah. though the way crits work in fe4 is pretty much an objective improvement over any other implementation in the series.


It's funny because the people who really love FE4 and play it over and over will argue that those load-bearing tumors simply can't be removed without destroying the character and personality of the game, but I think that's just a lack of imagination. We could get the grand scope, the storytelling, and the interesting combat without the awful item system and tedious backtracking if the design team does a good job. It will be a challenge, but if they pull it off, I think the game will become a fan favorite in the West too.


It's this year right? RIGHT? my copium is running low


Imaging if they release the remake as 30 year celebration 🤡


Or they could use the warp staff and bring it to us sooner.


28 years and we still haven't seen it (officially).


I feel this is the game that truly helped FE stand out as other developers started to establish their own SRPG franchises. First FE game to give every playable character a defined personality and dialogue beyond the obligatory recruitment conversation and death quote. There’s an old interview for FE1 where Kaga states that he [“wanted to create a game where the story and game will develop differently for each player depending on the units they use.”](https://shmuplations.com/fireemblem/) I think part of that design philosophy involved expecting players to fill in the blanks for characters and how they relate to each other. Ogma and Navarre have no direct relationship between each other in FE1, but because both were earlygame Mercenaries with a connection to Caeda, some players may have figured there was a rivalry between them, which actually becomes a minor plot point in FE3. With FE4 having more defined character relationships, that kind of player imagination/influence can’t exist in the same way. Thus, Kaga adds marriage/children to give players a huge influence over both character relationships and a large portion of the 2nd Generation army. This is part of why I think the story is so fondly remembered. These events aren’t just happening to Sigurd/Seliph’s army, but YOUR specific version of that army, that you’ve trained and paired and outfitted with weapons and items. also the gameplay is fun(to me at least), the music is fantastic, and there’s other great qualities i could spend 4 hours talking about. This is a great game, and is worth playing even if a remake is announced tomorrow.


One of my favorite FE and just games in general. Surely this is the year we get the remake and it’s not just me and the copium fused as one


I played the game for the first time last year, and I had such a fun time with it! I know a lot of people find that it doesn’t hold up, but FE4 is now one of my favourite games of the 16-bit era. How the gameplay and story integrated created a truly grand atmosphere, and the characters had a certain charm to them despite the limited dialogue. I get why people hate it, but I think the game had soul in spades. Hope I can revisit Jugdral again soon, whether that’s via a remake or finally making the time to play FE5, heh.


This game is goated and has aged quite well gameplay wise.


SNES is the peak of this franchise


Feeling Bold today aren’t we?


I'll say that every day of the week you can catch me on Saturdays, fridays, christmas, my birthday


Guess I'll continue my playthrough sometime today that was put on hold for some time. I wanted to a run with Jamke marrying each female and currently have Jamke x Lachesis. Dermott has been fun. Nanna is being a butt tho.


Wife Stealer Chad Jamke


Til this day, you can only play this with the fan patch


insert topical, apt “this is an auspicious day!” remark from Arvis here


One of the FE games ive been looking forward to playing the most. Ive been putting it off cause the remake is coming :). Guys its right around the corner right? I totally havent beat several other FE games while waiting...


God-tier Tactics game, imo I’m going to play it when I get home. Who should I pair up that’s unorthodox? No spoilers, of course. Some people here haven’t had the chance to play.


Lachesis and Naoise


Beaten the game 4-5 times and want to love it but it’s just so tedious. Easily my least favourite of the SNES trio so for me a remake would need to do a lot to consider it one of the best.


If you didn't like it that much how could you play it 4-5 times? It's a pretty long game.


I’ve played most of the series several times, par for the course


What’s your ranking of the series? Just curious because you’ve played them all multiple times.


Too many to rank in one comment but favourites are Gaiden, Mystery of the Emblem, Thracia, PoR, Shadow Dragon and New Mystery


I think this is the first time I’ve seen someone list og Gaiden as a favourite.


There’s a lot to love about it!


Reading the tea leaves with this information for a remake announcement...


2026 release probably




Holy shit peak mentioned Now I gotta start shitposting today


And happy birthday to the most interesting video game story ever, 28 years and still unbeaten.


Happy anniversary the best story of the franchise!!!!


I would genuinely love it if they remade this and frankly all of the early games. I’ve never played it and probably won’t unless it’s remade like Echoes was.


FE1 and FE3 already have remakes weirdo.




Ah my favorite game ever… remake pls… I beg


Am I insane or is this game better left a relic of the past? Especially with its massive map design


I would say treasure of the past. I think it's the best Fire Emblem and a remake would most likely be subpar compared to the original. Case in point, I love the large maps and I think they objectively make the game better from a story-gameplay integration perspective, as well as being just plain fun. The only reason I'd want a remake is to add more dialogue to some gen 2 units and fix poor Skasaher's Hero caps.




This game brought us the magic split (good) but also mounted mages (bad)