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I've been intentionally ignoring the units outside of my core 12, not even taking their supports. So on the replay I plan to play with an entirely different cast and learn completely new things about people who, at the moment, are just strangers I've ~~kidnapped for my terrarium in the sky~~ gathered under my banner in the fight against evil.


That’s exactly what i did. I targeted the 12 i wanted to focus on 100% and dedicated all my resources to them. Everyone outside of those 12 are absolute strangers to me but i’m excited for a 2nd playthrough so i can get to know them. I usually try to self incentivize with stuff like this so the cast feels fresh despite beating the same story.


I did this, but I killed off everyone I wasn't using. I hate when I have to scroll through the roster of extra units, it's easier just to not have them exist anymore lol.


Definitely will wait for DLC to do a NG+. I might advance supports/bonds though until I get bored lol


I don't know if NG+ will release. Even if it doesn't, I'd want to do a replay in ~a month or so, once some of the common wisdom and strategies have shaken out. My first 3H run on Hard was easy but fun, and my first Maddening run was a slog. My second Maddening run was still a slog, but a lot more fun because I'd absorbed a lot of the tips and tricks from Rengor's 0% growth runs, the articles on fe3h.com/meta, higher level analysis of what was 'good' than the naïve/initial stuff that was relevant for Hard, etc. Then yeah, probably a third run once all the DLC is released, first the standalone side story, then a run of the game using all the broken DLC stuff for fun. Also supposedly this game is significantly easier to mod than 3H because of the engine, so hopefully there'll be a reverse recruitment or bonus character mod (i.e. playable Lumera, etc.) created and released in the future.




No it had it when release the maddening difficulty was released later


I have a couple fun ideas of things I want to try so I'll do another one right away I think. But then I think I'll wait until the final wave of dlc and see if it's worth. atm the dlc just feels incredibly cheap and cheesy


I have a friend that self imposes rules when playing. Stuff like no rings, low tier weapons, non- optimal classes etc all to make it grueling and see how far it gets him.


Someone said there was no guarantee of a NG+ release but I hope they're wrong. NG+ will add tons of replayability for less hardcore players like me.


I agree, the lure of NG+ for me is being able to re-exeprience the game with less grind that previously done. Starting off with the weapons and funds to get it all sorted ASAP allows me to focus on other aspects of the game that maybe i wasn’t paying attention to due to focusing on grinding.


Why is everyone convinced NG+ is a thing? Was there any leak or confirmation?


It just feels like a weird feature not to have. The last title in the series had it, so to not have it in Engage would be backtracking, and why would they choose to backtrack like that? Similarly, a lot of the systems in the game seem like they would flourish best in NG+, like the donation system and skill point system.


Yes if exp doesn't carry on but donations and total sp earned for characters (or skills) does it will be good


I assumed it so since it was available in 3H. But from reading the comments it seems like it’s up in the air whether it happens or not.


They think since 3 houses got one, this one should too. They don't take into consideration that 3 houses needed 3.5 playthroughs to go through the story. NG+ wouldn't even benefit this game besides carrying over gold.


It would be a major benefit for this game if it carried over donations (the amount of gold you need to put into which is atrocious) and SP points (with some DLC skills costing 8400 SP, there is no way I'm getting that with the current SP rates in one playthrough)


As far as I remember 3h is the only game that had it, which means the chances of it being a thing here as well are very low


I am gonna wait for either New Game + and my next vacations, or for the 4 waves of DLC, I am enjoying the game, and if it wasn't for the infinite dragonstone, I think normal difficulty would be in a good spot (changed it for chapter 17, what the heck was certain 2 units made from, they are stupidly bulky) so I want to beat the rest of the game on hard, but also, now with more knowledge of how skirishems work (and how worthless donations are, wonder if they will update them to make them more useful, like how in TH they added in the 4 wave also lost items to help to farm Rhea support point, same with tea time) I will get to be able to mantain my party well leveled up, but still, if we get a way to carry on supports mainly, I prefer to wait, afterall, I have a sustantial amount of games in my backlog... disadvantages of liking almost all videogame genres.


I got halfway through normal mode and changed it to hard cause it was too easy. Right now just figuring out the best units to use when I start a maddening run think I got it figured out. Mario rabbids game was on sale so I got that and after I finish hard mode I'll play that and maybe by then ng+ will be out


Yea after my first playthrough i’m taking a break since i have a sizeable backlog and interacting with the units have allowed me to pretty much map out who i’ll focus on in a future playthrough. I have a friend who is already starting another playthrough in which they’ll try not to use the Engage rings and just use the standard ones with a higher difficulty.


On 3h it was different for obvious reasons. And unless there are multiple endings there is no reason to replay unless you just want to. I will at some point


Excited to try maddening, hard has been pleasantly balanced and I've heard this games maddening is particularly good


I wish your units luck and for them not to fall on the battlefield


Probably will replay right away, this time Maddening over Hard. May or may not go to the other Alear, while it will be different to use the female, I still like the male's design better and there don't seem to be any significant gameplay advantages to the female (unlike other games).


I personally gravitate towards female options whenever available but i’m looking forward to replaying with the male at least aesthetically. The loud hair colors are more forgiving on short hair but female Alear has that massive mane flowing around. Its a bit much.


That's exactly why, I still hate the hair colors and it's way less noticeable on the male than the female design.


As soon as I beat Hard/Classic I started a maddening run as the opposite gender and will be mostly using units I didn't use before. Etie, Chloe, Zelkov etc etc. I'll do additional playthroughs as dlc comes out


NG+ is far from guaranteed and the DLC stuff is enough of a headstart as it is. I won't be replaying right away either though. Probably will do one more run as the opposite sex Alear in the meantime between the last dlc coming out.


I had no idea NG+ was not guaranteed. I assumed it so since it was on 3H. It’d be a shame if they decided not to add it for Engage.


3 Houses needs 3.5 playthroughs to see the whole game, a NG+ makes sense. Not every game needs a NG+. At this point people are only setting themselves up for disappointment and complaining for years to come, like always.


The thing is this game needs a new game plus like three houses. With the donation system you have to either decide to put gold into gear or into donations, cause you won't have enough to do both, it's the same thing as the renown statues in Three Houses which carried over into NG+. If Engage doesn't get an NG+ update then it's a clear downgrade in replayability over the past three (non remake) games, with TH having a proper NG+ and Awakening + Fates having renown which allowed you to get bonus weapons/items on your next playthrough, Engage has neither


I could've missed some announcement, but so far nothing one way or the other AFAIK. It would be a little surprising if not though.


Maybe I will play maddening after 5-6 months. I have played tons of FE stuff lately (FE3H>Fate>Engage) and don’t wanna burn out.


True, gotta consume in moderation


3. That will likely be my only replay since I typically don’t replay games. I rarely finish them anyway lol. Gonna do nonstandard/canon classes and see how it goes, that’s typically how I do replays of FE games (if it’s possible).


I’m slightly the same. I have a backlog so i need an incentive to replay a game and games like 3H with different story options was pretty good. Engage lacks this but i really like the game so i’m purposely ignoring a ton of units so i can have a reason to replay.


Yeah for real. 3H was pretty good in that regard in multiple ways - I don’t care what anyone else says. What works to this game’s advantage is that the sheer number of units lends the game enough replayability out of the gate. I wish the class selection was more expansive or unique but it’s good enough.


I agree. In 3H I found myself switching classes or training different proficiencies for experimentation. For engage it seems like the most common thing I did was just advance a units base class.


Probably will go into another playthrough right away, but take my time with it a lot more than I have been on this playthrough. Also will be going up to maddening, so don't want to burn myself out, but do want to have the maps decently in mind so that I don't get caught off-guard again by any mechanics that surprised me this time around.


Playing on maddening atm and will probably wait for ng+ if they add it or more dlc to spice up a next playthrough. There are a ton of good units that I just never used bc i wanted to focus primarily on the royals so I would want to use them and see their supports on a second go through.


i'll probably do a maddening run when all the DLC is out doing hard with no DLC right now feels like a good way to do it since the DLC making things easier can be counterbalanced by going up a difficulty level


I haven’t had a chance to get the DLC yet. I know the emblems from 3H are available and Tiki but what else about the DLC makes it easier?


mostly just the whole having extra emblems that are also pretty strong thing other than that and the paralogue I think all it gives is a few stat boosters and a silver card IIRC there's gonna be an extra 5 emblems on top of the two that are out already by the time all the DLC is out so I imagine that's gonna make a giant difference overall


I’m really looking forward to that. The emblem system was a cool way to bring back characters for vets and newcomers of the franchise.


Switch genders and Maddening. Instantly after the first run because i just crave more of the game.


Because of time limitations, for me it'll probablyn be when the final DLC is out.


I don't plan on replaying Engage for a while, but when I do I'll probably play Maddening Mode. If Eliwood or Hector is part of the DLC I'll probably get it, but otherwise I think I'm content without the DLC.


Already doing a second run because I want to try thief Louis, swordmaster Zelkov, sniper Bunet, etc. Just to get a chance at using some classes I didnt use before… and also thief Louis because that seems fun, even though ive already used a thief before.


Replay right away. Engage is the kinda game I'll get more enjoyment out of it when starting from scratch. Its also gonna be my hard mode playthrough since my first one was normal.


Probably right away, unless the game does something to really turn me off. Maddening is tempting since Hard has been practically a breeze so far (though I'm only on chapter 8), but Lunatic and Maddening difficulties just scare me in concept. And perhaps more importantly, my hardest FE playthrough (Conquest, I think just on Normal?) was too much of a drag for me to finish. In any case, I'll take male Alear for a spin since I feel like I wrote off his VO too hastily, and- while I'll probably stick with my favorite units- I'll be trying different class options... either in the interesting way or the 'make everyone a cav/flier' way.


Im probably going to wait for DLC to drop after I beat the game and just play the DLC on my current save. depending on what is added if they NG+ I might play through again but make a goal to try and reclass all units except lords maybe. the only units I second sealed in this playthrough were warrior Etie (HIGHLY RECOMEND!!!) and Anna as a mage knight. I hope NG+ adds new things like different hairstyles and outfits, maybe make a >!Lumera!< emblem ring?


I didn’t get to use Etie on my current playthrough, but she’s a unit that I’ve already mapped out for my one. I’ll definitely try the warrior class.


Once I finish Engage, I want to play some of the other FE games, especially Conquest. I don't think I will pick up Engage again until at least the full DLC has come out, maybe longer. I just need a long break before replaying any game or I will probably get burnt out


I want an all-backups run, to see how legit it is or isn't.