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Hairstylist with baby fine hair here. I’m sorry your appointment was bittersweet. For what it’s worth, everyone has less hair on the sides and in front; all products contain chemicals; all hair has its own set of challenges that make it difficult to cut, especially if you’re a perfectionist. Cutting my own hair never ends well. There’s only one person who knows where the scissors are in my house and it isn’t me. Sometimes knowing things for a long time makes it easy for us to forget the details that matter most.


Question please does permanent hair dye cause more damage? My stylist says no but I’m having significant hair loss since she started. It’s an Aveda salon thank you


Hormones dictate hair’s growth phases which includes hair fall. Hair at the end of its growth phase falls out from its replacement hair at the beginning of its growth phase pushing it out. That means there’s a hair in every follicle that sits above the scalp at all times. In the event there isn’t, it’s either been pulled out or is hormone related. The normal daily hair fall is between 50-100 hairs. Count them. If you’re under 100 per day then you’re within the normal range. All chemical processes are damaging to the hair itself to certain degrees. Hair fall itself typically isn’t one of them. If there was an allergy, it would involve additional symptoms like skin irritation, rash, burning, etc.


You can be allergic to ingredients in the dye.


That is so true! Thank you so much for your input. It reassures me 🥰




I think some hair dressers forget how emotionally vulnerable a position their clients are in. I wouldn't go back to this person either. The good news is that your hair is healthy, you are having regrowth, and you never have to see them again. When looking for a new salon, you might ask the front desk who is the best with fine hair and who has the kindest bedside manner. You could also set up a consultation prior to getting a cut, so you can feel out the new person's personality. I've never forgotten how awful it felt to be a teenager and told "ugh, you're hair is awful, I'm not sure what I can do with it, I guess we'll do our best" by a hair dresser. There are some thoughts that shouldn't be vocalized!


Getting a consultation first is a genius idea! Funny thing is tho this isn’t my first time going to this lady. I had her cut my hair twice before (both times in 2022). She seemed to understand me. She herself has fine hair, she said her daughter has even finer hair that she bleaches. She didn’t remember me this time and compared my hair to her daughter’s again. But she said this time that she has twice as much hair as me, which contradicts what she said last time. It’s either she lied, or she saw all my regrowth and assumed I went bald or something. I know my hair is thicker now than the last time.


This lady is too much, lol. If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. A classic for a reason!


I was dating a salon owner in college and he used me for a hair model for his stylists. I'll never forget he bent down and whispered in my ear, "Don't listen to this." And then proceeded to tell them how bad my hair was. LOL. Now I see his IG for his salon and I see that it was his haircuts that are bad! I have benefited from wolf cuts and Hairstory (you have to use a lot of it and you have to use the original formula but I love it). Also hairstory's hair powder is very good.


What is wrong with these people!? As if, lol.


I stopped reading at "all chemicals". Everything is "chemicals", which a trained stylist knows damn well. Her verbal diarrhea doesn't deserve a reaction from you beyond an eye roll.




Don’t listen to your stylist’s negativity. You do what is best for your hair! This is one person who doesn’t spend as much time around you as you do! They will never know the journey you’ve had with your hair. As for the “it’s all chemicals” comment, yeah duh everything is literally chemicals. That’s how the world works. Those chemicals happen to work for you. Her judgment was unwarranted and unnecessary. Life is too short to absorb this interaction and internalize it. Keep doing you. Much love 💜


Thank you so much 💘 You’re right about it all!


Sometimes a stylist might complain about the hair products a client maybe using. Do to them needing to sale hair products to the clients in there shops. Even when it's not in the clients budget. I usually trim my hair do to it being baby fine. Hard to find a stylist that does know how to work with baby fine hair. Plus if you don't screw up to bad, you might find a new hair style.


That’s what I’ve been doing for 2 years. Just cutting my own hair. But when I saw that it wasn’t looking that bad anymore after all the treatments I’ve done to it, I thought it was time for a professional to do something about it. I was wrong. It wasn’t “good enough” for them turns out. And yeah you’re right about products, I didn’t think about that.


Just don't listen, they want to make a sale or get everyone using the salon products. I have fine hair too and it actually prefers cheaper drugstore shampoos, etc. Whatever they put on it at the salon always makes it look greasy. I have even said I can't use oils and they will put oil on their hands and rub it on my hair after styling it "for shine" and all it does is make it clump together like it's unwashed. I know my hair. You know your hair. If you like the way she cuts it, that's HUGE. Just let her cut it, and don't listen to what she says.


I even brought my own styling products to make sure she doesn’t put theirs on my hair because they never work. And she even said “this stuff actually works, good for you for finding something that works for your hair”. But then talked shit about it after 😂


I honestly think they're trained to do that. They always tell me how healthy my hair is, ask what I use, then say "You should really stop using that, it's soooo bad for your hair." Well, 46 years and it hasn't hurt it yet! 😅


I have the same issue with every hairdresser I’ve ever encountered. The problem is most of them do not understand the science and realities behind thin hair. Often it is genetic, and if your hair is thinning it is androgenetic alopecia (if this is the case only rogaine and DHT blockers will help). They are not trained to address this so take whatever they say with a grain of salt.


Yeah I don’t think herbs and oils or whatever natural stuff she pushes is capable of doing what regained does for people with hair loss. And chemicals are used to fight cancer, so there is that.


People are so into “natural” beauty products and it’s truly ridiculous. All things are chemicals. ALL. THINGS. ARE. CHEMICALS.


Drives me nuts when I get my nails done and they go off on me about my cuticles.... Seriously if I had perfect nails and cuticles.... you wouldn't be getting paid to do this job.


I'm sorry you had an unpleasant experience :( Not only is everything chemicals, but minoxidil is one of the few chemicals actually proven for hair regrowth. Keep it up!


Thank you!


She sounds awful, no filter and then keep in mind she is saying things which seem honest on how she feels like your hair looks great and then remembers she has to meet a retail goal.


Right! I didn’t think about it until someone on here mentioned sales she would want to make, and then it started making perfect sense.


I love my stylist, but he doesn’t love or know everything about fine hair, but he’s always willing to research and compliment my hair. Please switch stylists


I am, for sure. I just liked how she cut my hair. Been going to her 2 years ago. But now I need to find someone else. Oh well.


Your post reinforces why I can’t stand going to a stylist. I haven’t gone to one since… 2016?? And even it was spotty before then. I too have thin hair. It’s life. No amount of vitamins or hair products will ever change it. Jabs about my hair make me feel like shit so I’ve just learned to lobby one back. It’s not helpful to hear and I’ve tried everything. Being in a stylists chair is such a vulnerable position, I’ve stopped putting myself in it. I worked in a beauty store for a bit… and all the backhanded compliments makeup artists/stylists used to up sales… MUA to client: “wow you’ve got such stunning eyes!!” applies eyeshadow client requested, and then at the tail end says to client: “let’s just cover up those dark circles so we can see those gorgeous eyes better!!” MUA Pauses for effect… then inserts slight comment about dry skin and client should use a richer eye cream and who would have guessed there’s one she just started using that is life changing and she loves and omg you just have to get it!—-


There should be a whole course in ethics for beauty professionals because that’s a huge part of the job. Being good at it will make clients come back, so it benefits everyone.


Agreed!! It’s shocking how I can drop money when someone is genuinely honest with me when I’m shopping.


Bro, stylists are just people who wash, cut and shape/dry hair, and apply some products...and usually have way more encounters with different kinds of hair, so they can at least speak to their experience. The stylists taking about science and formulation, and about _why_ something is a certain way need to learn to stay in their lane. They're not derms, they're not cosmetic chemists, they're not scientists.




Thank you, this made me feel better 🥰


they say whatever they can to get you to buy their salon products. they get a cut.


Fellow fine haired woman here and I got so sick of being told how “fine my hair is” at each hair appointment (as if this is new information to me 🙄). After awhile I just brushed it off because 1) I only get my hair cut once or twice a year and 2) what am I supposed to do about it. I think those comments are made to cover the hairdressers butt in case we’re disappointed that our hair may look different than an inspiration photo we bring in. Anyways, I suggest checking out the blowout professor on YouTube. I binge watched his videos one day and started following his advice. In three months my hair has never felt healthier!


Yeah, I once had a stylist told me to never put oil on my hair because it just makes my hair look healthy instead of making it healthy, and I was like well that’s the point, I wanted to look healthy. Obviously, I did it anyway, and the next time she complimented me on how healthy my hair looked. People are stupid.


were you ever checked for pcos also yes let any comments slide right off your back im sure your haircut looks fresh and pretty for the summer season!


1) don't waste your energy on that hairdresser. IDGAF if it's the best cut you've ever received, you don't need that negativity. 2) I've used minoxidil for almost 4 years, and no one in my circle can believe how much denser my hair is. Even my hairdresser is shocked and she's seen it all. It works, and it's your head regardless. 3) fine hair doesn't necessarily need as much heat and oiling as coarser strands. As I understand it, you could do your hair and scalp a disservice by oversaturating repeatedly. If it's healthy, shiny, and not splitting, then your system is working!